did los angeles make you feel ugly???

i just came back from LA and my self esteem is at rock bottom
i see why people go crazy living there..... you cant go anywhere without seeing someone who looks like a perfect 10
and theyre not even a big deal..... just another starving artist trying to get to the top
say what you want but when most of us see attractive people we go to the drawing board to see how we can better our own looks
today i got a haircut, laid out to tan, and will not take a rest day from gym for the foreseeable future
not saying looks are everything but THIS VESSEL WILL LOOK THE BEST THAT IT CAN


  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I have not been to LA, but what makes me want to go to the drawing board is when I see someone with a bigger butt than me or a woman with bulks muscles. That or the strippers who climb the pole or stay on it the whole time. I can't even lift my own weight once. They make me feel so weak.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Um... no. The people in LA are highly varied and I haven't noticed they are any more attractive or fit than elsewhere.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    Don't read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly... and wear sunscreen.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Same thing over here in New York. I saw it as motivation because I have to compete in the dating world with these women.

    Step one, get more physically fit and confident. Step two, shrink to size 8 to draw them in. Step three, tell a guy that I can squat him...I usually get a phone call the next day :)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I've been to LA twice and the people didn't appear to be any different than those here in New York? There aren't an abundance of perfect 10s from what I've seen.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I live in Orange County, CA.....fkn plastic barbie dolls everywhere!

    I just try to do me and do the best I can. I may not be as "hot" but I have a pretty rad attitude...that def. goes a long way in my book :glasses:
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Just be you :) a good personality beats good looks any day
  • xynyth
    xynyth Posts: 89 Member
    Don't read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly... and wear sunscreen.

    Nice. Now that's stuck in my head.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    When I lived in LA I was 19, insecure, fat, dating a loser and going to school for a loser occupation. Back then any pretty lady with fake boobies showing skin made me feel like crap. Hell, any Korean lady who asked my boyfriend to get something down from the shelf made me cringe (we lived in Koreatown - not being racist).

    Basically no matter what happened, where I lived or who was strutting their stuff I would have felt terrible about myself because I was not happy.

    So, yes. But if I was there now I'm pretty sure I'd be more interested in staring at all the tan blonde ladies strutting and feel happy to be surrounded by beauty - even if it is plastic, sunshine - even if it's smogged up and ocean - even though it's so dirty.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Tanning is pretty much asking for ugly. If not soon, certainly in the future.
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    I completely hate that stereotype about L.A. being fake and full of gorgeous people. I have lived here my entire life and unless you are in the touristy areas, the rest is a melting pot. L.A. is more than just a small segment of Beverly Hills. I live in Orange County and I don't really see all these Barbie Dolls either, but perhaps that's more prevalent in the beach areas of Newport and Laguna. Bottom line, if you're in a VERY touristy area of a big city, you will probably encounter a lot of attractive people. Trust me, I see many unattractive people here! :)
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Sounds like your self esteem was probably at rock bottom before you went to LA.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I completely hate that stereotype about L.A. being fake and full of gorgeous people. I have lived here my entire life and unless you are in the touristy areas, the rest is a melting pot. L.A. is more than just a small segment of Beverly Hills. I live in Orange County and I don't really see all these Barbie Dolls either, but perhaps that's more prevalent in the beach areas of Newport and Laguna. Bottom line, if you're in a VERY touristy area of a big city, you will probably encounter a lot of attractive people. Trust me, I see many unattractive people here! :)

    its not really a steroetype because it is sorta true. But ur right...depending on the area. You go to santa ana, what do you see? A lot of overweight hispanics. You go to Newport....what do you see? Barbie and Kens almost everywhere. Demographics. So he was probably in one of those "areas" where it was full of gorgeous folk.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Hell, any Korean lady who asked my boyfriend to get something down from the shelf made me cringe (we lived in Koreatown - not being racist).

    Um. Soooo, what are you sayin'? Are you calling Koreans short or something??? I think I'm feeling a little butthurt now...and short. :wink:
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    Sounds like your self esteem was probably at rock bottom before you went to LA.


    To the OP: Just let it motivate you and push you to be your *ultimate* self. I know what you mean about LA, especially in the trendier areas where you were probably visiting. I really love living near the area and use all the beauty as motivation. Yes, the stereotype of L.A. is not necessarily accurate, but just the "feel" of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, etc. can be overwhelming sometimes. Also, lay off the tanning. Fake tan is where it's at so you can still look 30 by the time you're 60 (I recommend St. Tropez bronzing mousse.)! :wink:
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    I have been to the LA area many times..... seen many ugly, average and pretty people. Didn't make me feel any uglier than normal. *shrugs*
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I used to live in Northern California and I never felt that way when visiting L.A. But, it was funny one time when I was there because I was wearing sunglasses and a sun hat and was really trying not to get sunburned because I hadn't put sunblock on (I burn so easily there). So anyway, some people thought I was a famous person trying to be incognito. There was another time when people thought I was a famous person because I accidentally parked in the parking spaces on a movie set (I did not know they were filming a movie at a hospital that had a fitness center that I was going to).
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Which part of LA did you go to?
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I LOVE LA, from San Diego mind you! Favorite stay-cation place. I love looking at the beautiful people in LA and wonder how much surgery they have had. Don't be fooled into thinking they have something you don't. Many are surrounded by shallow folks who will leach onto the next best thing as soon as it it hits the screen or papers.

    In general LA is a fabulous and diverse city with much to offer, I feel ALIVE when I am there!

    Be happy with who you are and the progress you have made, measuring yourself against others is not a reliable tool, especially as women where clothing sizes vary by 1-2 sizes depending on the maker.
  • Which part of LA did you go to?
    i stayed in the miracle mile area
    and spent most of my time between west hollywood and santa monica
    i saw hot people wearing sports bras or no shirts at all jogging alongside heavy traffic
    usually i honk at joggers and give them the thumbs up but i wanted to yell at these people to go to a trail or park! show offs :cry:
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    When I first was considering moving to LA,I thought I needed to get fit, just to fit in. But that did not happen and it was not necessary. People here are just like everywhere else in the US. Even at the beach the fat/unfit folks come out in droves.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yes. It is true. Standards are a little higher there. I think it is a combination of being the home of the film industry, and, more importantly, being a sunny place where you can be active and outside year round -- no sitting on your butt inside three, four, or five months out of the year while it snows or rains.
    Then, being that the standards are higher, the guy who would be a 'seven' works out a bit harder and becomes a 'nine.' Women wear a bit more make-up and then, with practice, become a bit more sophisticated at it. They wear shorter skirts more often, and that means they cannot let that extra 5 pounds creep up on them. The "fives" become "eights."
    And, when you put it all together, yes, it becomes a bit intimidating for us mere mortals.
    I have lived in many cities, in a few different states, and have traveled extensively, and I can tell you it is true. Anyone who says it isn't hasn't been anywhere else or isn't looking.
    Moreover, it is not just limited to Malibu and Newport!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Tanning is a great route to premature aging, so probably not the best choice, considering your gial.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    And, actually, as someone who is fairly familiar with plastic surgery, I can tell you that there are many more cosmetic physicians in So Cal than any place else, except perhaps MIami or San Diego, with New York City a distant third or fourth.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Anyway, I like my freckles, curly red hair and hourglass figure. I don't want to look like a plaster mold of what some arbitrary group calls perfection.
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    Which part of LA did you go to?
    i stayed in the miracle mile area
    and spent most of my time between west hollywood and santa monica
    i saw hot people wearing sports bras or no shirts at all jogging alongside heavy traffic
    usually i honk at joggers and give them the thumbs up but i wanted to yell at these people to go to a trail or park! show offs :cry:

    I am a 4th generation LA native. And I can honestly tell you, absolutely it is NOT like that. Could you have been looking for that? Yes, if you look for it, it's easy to find. BUT you go a mile or two and see streets of homelessness; few blocks over, tons of hispanic mamas and their babies in the front yard; a few blocks over, Korean language written on all the buildings; a few blocks over, a black man and white woman pushing a stroller with their new baby in it; the point is, you see it ALL here. One reason I LOVE it here!

    Yes, we have the rep that everyone is beautiful (which just look at my pics and that rep goes right out the window) and we go to Disneyland/Knotts/Universal every month (can't afford it!), and we see movie stars everywhere we go - wrong LAX is the only place I have ever seen anyone.

    I honestly think we get a bad rap and we are FAR TOO over-populated. I honestly wish some folks would go back home, while I'm sitting on the freeway. I hate to see you so down on yourself just because when you came here you saw some tanned, good looking folks out jogging. I honestly think you were looking for that. Yes, there are a lot of beautiful people here, but thats true wherever you go. Look in the mirror and accept who you are. You are doing good things for yourself here. Please don't blame LA. Just know that there are truly all kinds here and we are NOT hard to find . . . I hope you will come again. Let me know and I will take you sight seeing - I can show you that there are ALL kinds here. If anything, we are known to bring out the scariest looking people! LOL!

    Take care and good luck!
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    Don't read beauty magazines they will only make you feel ugly... and wear sunscreen.

  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    We just moved to LA from Mississippi 2 mos ago so yeah... I understand... Why do you think Im here?? ;)

    ETA: Really, though, not everyone is like that. Ive seen more diversity in this area (I actually live in Santa Clarita Valley, its about 30 mins north of Hollywood) than I ever have. People of all types. Love it here! But yeah when I go to Hollywood, Bevery Hills area, I feel like a toad. LOL
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    Being from California there are ALLOT of very attractive people from all nationalities. As a whole there are allot more hotties than anywhere else in the US. Texas may be a close second. I also lived in NY however none compare to Cali. This is why people are compared to a California 10. For example a Oklahoma 10 is a California 6.

    I never felt out of place or intimidated by anyone by their good looks. While their looks were a 10, their self confidence was a 2. The ****tier you treated the 10's the more they liked you (granted that was in the 90's).

    however I miss all the Mamacitas!!!!!