Negative feedback on my food diary



  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    I'm just the opposite. For me, just like, in the real world, I want the upbeat, as well as the constructive criticism. I am one of these people who is addicted to food. I can very easily b.s. myself, that's why I got so heavy to begin with. I want the truth from people, not just the bubbles and sunshine. That being said, before, I give constructive criticism, I ask the people, do you want my feedback?

    To all the "Wow"-zers. Here is someone that is the opposite & needs the motivation. Hehe. Everyone gets motivation to lose weight differently. Everyone takes thier OWN journey to weight loss & getting healthy.

    OP- Do it how YOU want to do it. Because in the end it's YOUR journey to make! =) You can do this girl! Take it one day @ a time! <33

    There is a difference between constructive criticism that is asked for, and sticking your nose in someone else's business. The latter is what the thread is about. :smile: :flowerforyou:

    In respect of the OP, I will take heed to the nipping at my ankles & head out of the conversation here. <3 Good luck with your journey OMGitzj3551k4. Take things one day @ a time & don't let others bring you down. You can do this! & Don't let anyone tell you differently! Take care!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Well, how rude is that? Nobody has the right to chastise you about what you eat except your doctor, for medical reasons.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure if someone made an idiotic comment like that to me, they would be right OFF my friends list.
  • katemcon
    katemcon Posts: 9
    I think people only make negative comments about other people when they feel bad about themselves. Don't worry about one person's comment, you have done so well, be proud of that.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    A good day is logging everything you eat, and keeping a healthy conscious mind with food intake and exercise. Just getting off the couch and going for a walk makes it a good day. It doesn't matter if you were over on your calories. You logged it. Make today a better day than yesterday. You are allowed to eat off of your calorie plan. I do it more often than I want, and I hold myself accountable by logging it in my diary.

    A year and a half ago before I started this new chapter in my life I ate everything. I ate 3 times the portions I should have. I ate a big snack while waiting for dinner to finish cooking. I probably ate 5000 -6000 calories a day, and that was probably a light day. Now, I eat around 2200 and I burn off 1000 – 1500 calories on average with exercise. So, for me anything under 5000 calorie intake a day is a great day.

    You are logging your food and exercise. That makes it a good day. You make healthy choices every day. You are allowed to splurge. If I don't splurge every now and then I know I would have fallen off the wagon as they say a year ago. Keep doing what you are doing and delete that friend. There are plenty of good motivating people on this site that help instead of making discouraging comments. If you need a friend like that feel free to add me.
    Keep Punching! All Is Possible! It Is A Choice! No Excuses! Never Quit!!
  • Maano79
    Maano79 Posts: 4 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on loosing so much weight and healthy eating. Secondly, whoever gives negative comments on your food diary or anything else then ignore and delete. So what if you had a rest day and ate a whole bunch of calories? No big deal, you're not doing it all the time and it was a once in a while treat. The best thing is that you have balance. All the best.
  • My food diary is private because I refuse to eat diet food. lol I would rather have smaller portions of foods I enjoy and I eat three pieces of dark chocolate Doves a day. :D I don't criticize anyone because we are all in this together and we all have the right to eat what we want, and if we gain, we gain. Enjoy what you eat and continue on your path, you are doing great!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Don't worry about it. Honesty in your diary is important so you can have an accurate idea of what you are consuming. Good job for being honest and for a good run! If people on your list feel the need to make you feel crudy DELETE THEM.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I'm sorry you had that kind of experience! far from constructive criticism and there is no need to that kind of "friend" for that kind of crappy support. good job on your weight loss so far!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure if someone made an idiotic comment like that to me, they would be right OFF my friends list.


    I have never had ANY of my friends criticize anything I have eaten since I have been here. Guess I just have great friends. :)
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Don't worry about it. Honesty in your diary is important so you can have an accurate idea of what you are consuming. Good job for being honest and for a good run! If people on your list feel the need to make you feel crudy DELETE THEM.

    This is basically what I had planned to write, word for word.

    For the record, Vpinklotus is busting at the seems with good advice, ideas, and ways of seeing the world. If she says "This is how it is", that's how it is. Advice well worth following.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I think I'm going to make my food diary private. Yesterday was my rest day and cheat day, as we went to Applebees for dinner, and I had a small blizzard from DQ. Someone on my friends list commented that I "shouldn't have eaten all those calories at lunch" which was only 250 and had dinner instead. I refuse to feel guilty about what I eat and skipping meals is a big no no to me.

    After I read that post I did feel a little guilty about what I ate, even though I went running and burned about 220 calories beforehand. I keep trying to tell myself, one bad meal won't make me fat.

    Edited to say that I'm down 23 lbs.

    My diary is private for similar reasons. I got sick of people making comments about what I should and shouldnt be eating. To be honest I eat reasonably healthily but I do have a blow out every now and again. I figure the only person who needs to be satisified with what I eat is me and if I cheat on it I am only cheating myself (which would be pointless) so now I just make it private.
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    I personally love browsing food dairies because I like to see what has worked for people, and just natural curiosity (I leave mine open for the same reason). I read the forums, see someone post a success story, and think to myself "they're the same size and height as me! I wonder what they're doing!" - nothing rude though, just natural curiosity.

    I wouldn't post comments like that on just anyone's wall - but if a friend has specifically asked for "tough love" then that's a different story. They could have simply assumed you wanted tough love, too. Maybe nothing malicious behind it at all. Misunderstandings happen. Of course you know yourself, your exercise, goals and diet, better than anyone. That is all that matters.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If I'm struggling with my progress and asking, "What am I doing wrong?" then it's perfectly ok to say, "Uh... you might want to skip that lemon meringue pie."

    If I'm perfectly happy with the progress I'm having, it's just annoying to have someone say, "You shouldn't have had the lemon meringue pie."

    After my first 5k, I had a donut. A great, big jelly-filled donut. It was the first time I ate a donut in months. I was well within my calorie goals for the day. And someone commented on my diary, "Watch it with the donuts." I thought, "What the hell?!" I was under my goal. I'd not only run a 5k but also done some extra exercise after the race, burning a total of about 700 calories that day. And (looking back at my diary for that day), it's really bizarre they zeroed in on the 300 calorie donut, not the whipped cream vodka or boneless wings or loaded fries I had later that day. :laugh:

    Some folks have hard wired ideas of what's acceptable while dieting. And maybe that works for them, but it's not for everyone.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    sounds like instead of making it private, your friends list should be "updated"
    seriously? judgy mcjudgersons can take a flyin leap.
  • christylindquist
    christylindquist Posts: 32 Member
    One bad day didn't get you to where you are today and one good day won't get you to where you want to be. I agree with you 100% I have my food diary open and get some negative feedback but I refuse to explain myself to anyone! I know my cheet days or meals and I make up for it with exercise. You need to do what makes you feel good! For me, if I deprive myself I know I will bing later so I don't beprive myself of any food that I like. I just have to watch my protions. Keep up the great work and don't let anyone get you down!
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member's just constructive feedback....I doubt they meant it to offend you. I'm sure you're on here to lose weight since you mentioned that you lost 23 pounds so far, so perhaps the person was pointing out where you can improve.

    If it bugged you so much, you could have commented on her profile and explained it was your cheat day....or do what I do and ignore it and move on with my day.

    If this person would continue to pick at every little thing I do, then I would consider deleting her.

    I agree. I want constructive criticism which is why I leave mine open. Periodically, I will explain what my goals are so my friends will know what I expect from myself. For instance, they know that I believe in eating what I want as long as im under my cals. Sometimes I will get a comment on my sodium intake and I just explain that im not watching my sodium at this time. But I appreciate them caring enough to mention it. I have great friends who are very supportive and havent given up on me. And I know that if they give me a concerned opinion, that it is because they care.

    Now, if I had someone who only gave critique, then I could see where that would be a problem. There should be a balance.