

  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Checking in and hope the weekend is going well.

    Jb, Mariah is beautiful, and I'm sending healing and positive thoughts for her.

    Day five of logging my food. Not used to doing that, but this site makes it easy! Need to drink more water. I'll need a diaper, lol...

    Question: How often do you ladies weigh yourselves? I'm trying to do it just once a week, but I cheat and do it every other day or so!

    Critter Sue ;~)
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend
    jb sending thoughts and prayers for your niece and family, she is such a cutie
    weather here has been great warm and sunny, we cut a tree down so have been busy cleaning up brush and branches
    really good exercise full body workout!
    love reading all about your exciting adventures everyone is so busy

    take care Juanita in sudbury
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    JB-prayers for your beautiful niece and family
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    brooke - thanks for keeping us updated on the fires. I like how you are looking at "the glass half full". That's the best way to look at it. What a terrible trajedgy!

    barbie - how lovely for Jake to do!

    katla - I do hope everything goes well for you with your son. I can understand your eagerness. I'm in one way excited to see Bryan next month, but in another I'm almost dreading it. He actually sent Vince an email the other day! Let's see, I last talked to him in early April, got a 3 word email for mother's day, but Vince actually got an email about hotels, etc. I'm not holding out much hope, tho. Now that the wedding is less than a month away, he's probably less stressed.

    Joyce - sounds like you made the best possible choice at Cheddars. Bet that salad was good. You are a wonderful DIL, one of the best.

    Only did 45 min of a yoga DVD, mainly because I didn't realize that there were more segments that I could have done. Oh well...live and learn....and die a fool. Tomorrow I probably won't do any formal exercise as it's supposed to be nice weather so we'll probably be working outside.

    Made these graham bars this morning for when I get my hair done on Tues. I'll probably cut them up and also give some to Jessica. Worked outside from around 12 until 3:30 when I needed to come in to get ready for church. Came home, had dinner, then made cod fillets for during the week.

    Went to the farmer's market this morning and got more golden beets. Not that I really need them, but to be honest, I want to try the beet green in my salad. Then stopped at a food store to get asparagus that was on sale. Need to steam that. Well, they're calling for thunderstorms tomorrow night, so if we can't work outside, that's what I'll do.

    Mary in TN - I'm so glad you're seeing improvement

    Kathy - sure hope your sinus headache is better. I absolutely hate when I get them. Usually a decongestant will work for me, but it does take time to kick in.

    katla - I'm giving Vince a gift card to Dunkin Donuts. He loves them, they really don't excite me at all. So that's what I'm getting him. Does your dh like any sport in particular. How about tickets to a game? Gas cards are always handy

    jb - prayers that the tumor IS benign. Not only for Mariah but also for the whole family, the doctors and nurses. She is such a cutie

    Joyce - thanks for sharing about MIL. I'm so glad to call you my friend. You are an awesome person. I truly believe that what goes around comes around...eventually.

    Meg - I'm Polish and we have a dish called gumki (I know I spelled that wrong), it's hamburger meat mixed with rice rolled in cabbage leaves and baked in tomato sauce.

    yanniejannie - how horrible!!!!

    oh, speaking of hot chocolate, I like this one with no sugar added (it only has sucralose, not that acesulfate potassium stuff which is rated pretty low for you). It was on sale, it's NEVER on sale. Sure hope the one store where I can get it doesn't stop carrying it.

    katla - have a great time with ds and DDIL

    Joyce- the Grand Ol Opry sounds really really neat. Glad you had such a good time and even better that there wasn't any temptation.

    grandmalle - doesn't it get you so mad when restaurants won't let you have kids portions? Sometimes you can get a senior portion.

    Meg - as tired as I was yesterday, this morning I was up at 4a.m.! Here it is 10pm and I'm still not real tired.

    Critter Sue - I take the body test on the Wii each day and it tells you your weight. However, I do see fluctuations depending on if I've gone to the bathroom, I'm retaining water, etc. My "official" weigh in is once/week

    Michele in NC
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    jb --Your grand niece Mariah is lovely; my heart goes out to you and your family.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JB: Prayers for Mariah and your whole family. She is darling.:heart:

    Joyce: When my mom was in assisted living they had musicians that played big band songs. DH and I are wondering if they’ll be playing the Grateful Dead for us. I never actually liked them as much as DH did. I liked Elvis, and Santana, and Johnny Cash. I’m hoping they play more of them than Grateful Dead.:wink::laugh:

    Barbie: Your father’s day gift idea is wonderful, but he’s getting the best ever from our son—a visit. Our son has been away for months due to work. I got him a card. (Seems too little, but I’ll find a way to make it better. Maybe breakfast out will be the right thing.):flowerforyou:

    The kids texted us and are about half an hour away. I need to go fuss in the kitchen with DH although things are mostly ready to cook. We’re having fresh grilled Coho salmon, steamed new potatoes, and asparagus. This is one of our top celebration meals.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Hi all:heart:

    Katla, hope the visit was great.. My heart aches to see my sons and grandson sometimes. Next visit #2 July 6th. Counting down the days :heart: I comfort myself with buying DGS a few new bits to play with. Just got him some horses and riders for his farm and some foam animal shapes. Bless! DS and DDIL will have some 'couple time' that weekend, which is great as the new DGD is due in September.

    Meg, the new slimming fish chowder was delish! Sorry we didn't invite you! :flowerforyou:

    JB Hope the op goes well and the prognosis is good. Lovely girl - really beautiful.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- When you are down on the floor doing your plank. - I do them on my elbows - could you fit in a few press ups? I can now do full ones, when before I could only manage knee ones. Also if you kept your weights next to your bike in front of the TV you can do bicep curls and a few tricep things while you are watching TV sitting on the sofa. I find I start off thinking I will just do a few curls and then find I can fit a few more things in. Before I know it I've done quite a bit. My dumb bells started off at 2kgs, now they are 7.5kgs so I can't do very many curls.:frown: I do floor exercises with the small ones, circuit training stuff, 30D type. I tend to do all my weight training with the TV on in the bedroom. The gym machines I do every morning with DH is done listening to BBC Radio 4. It's very educational so my brain gets some exercise along with my body! :laugh:

    For the last two days I have been meaning to do Hairy Dieters paella, but I have been too lazy.:bigsmile: I will do their Spanish Chicken tonight instead, which is my favourite dieting dish of all time as it just is so filling and delicious.:love: I will pick a few of our broad beans for veg. They are looking good out there, but you get so little for such a big pod. I know I ought to make soup with the pods, but sometimes I am just not in the mood. I was awake for a couple of hours in the night and feel a bit 'can't be bothered' .

    DH had contacted a CBT practitioner so we will watch this space. He slept really well last night! :angry:

    Love to all.

    Heather in cloudy Hampshire UK :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: Prayers and healing light for Mariah:flowerforyou: , she is gorgeous:heart: !!! Also for her family and you too:flowerforyou: !

    Katla:smile: I hope you have a wonderful visit with your son!!!

    My conference is over:bigsmile: :sad: , while I`m glad I`m not quite so busy, I`m going to miss my freinds:sad: ! It will be nice to get back to my normal routine and a better eating pattern. Although I weighed this morning and surprise I stayed the same:bigsmile: , with all the foods I don`t normally eat and way more sodium than I usually consume, I`m quite impressed:tongue::laugh: .

    I was going to spend today resting a bit:yawn: , but I got a text from one of my guy friends last night, they are expecting the Queen to still show up at the coffee shop this morning to boss them:tongue::laugh: . So now I must get myself ready. I do see a nap in my future today though:yawn: !

    Have a wonderful Sunday my friends!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    morning morning morning,
    didnt go to the gym this morning,but did walk 2 1/2 miles.. at a brisk pace and wasn't even winded,HA.. a beautiful thing.. made my dad 2 loaves of homemade banana nut bread for father's day. will take that up to him once it cools..
    Hope all the dad's out there have a wonderful wonderful father's day, cloudy here in Ct today but no rain till later on...
    Mariah is a cutie pie and will be in my prayer's for sure..
    enjoy the day, and will check in later :flowerforyou:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well just finished reading all the posts, everyone has been so busy. Today's breakfast was just what I needed. I made protein pancakes and I put the chocolate PB2 on them, of course I made it thinner. Thanks to who ever it was who mentioned PB2. Yummy, yummy, yummy. I have these tasty cake things in the freezer that are chocolate and peanut butter and the last couple of days I thought about eating some. I have restrained the impulse, but I wanted too. Well those pancakes were so good and they tasted just like those cakes, without blowing my new lifestyle change.:happy:
    Got lots of peppers out of the garden yesterday and one cherry tomato.:bigsmile: all the other veggies are doing great.
    I feel real bad, I got DH a Father's Day card and I hid it so he wouldn't find it before Father's Day, and now I can't find it.:sad:

    Heather- what is Hairy Dieters food?

    Vicki- when its really hot here(GA is almost always hot) and I want to walk, I wet my shirt and it keeps me cool during the walk.

    Jb- my prayers are with Mariah and her family.

    Sandy- good weight loss this week! Sorry about the migraine:cry:

    Meg- hope for the magic of salmon for you.

    Critter sue- I only weigh once a week, I used to weigh more often, but it made me crazy.

    My ex-mil made a cabbage wrapped nightmare she called peroges. I had never had them and she used to make them almost every other day. That or sausage, we lived with them for 6 months, that's is one of the reasons they are ex. Oh we'll that is another lifetime ago.:drinker:

    Hope all have a great Father's Day.

    Tigress in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Yarditigress. - I love the vision of you in your wet shirt! The Hairy Dieters are two biker guys from the north of England who are normally called the Hairy Bikers. They do cooking programmes, but they decided to diet because they were getting too fat, so they did a series and produced a cookbook called the Hairy Dieters. It is good home cooking with a lighter twist.

    My broad beans are still a bit on the small side, but it wont be long. . .

    I dug up a couple more garlics and will just use the bulbs (they look like large scallions) in my meal tonight.:sad: :sad: :sad: I so rarely have a failure with my veg, but on the internet I don't seem to be the only one with garlic troubles. In the great scheme of things it isn't much to complain about, is it.

    An old school friend of mine, that I went to Paris with, has just texted me to say she will be driving through my way tomorrow and will pop in to see me.:bigsmile: I love it when that happens. :flowerforyou:

    Bye again all . H
  • c0c0nn0r
    c0c0nn0r Posts: 70
    Jb - Praying for Mariah and your family that all goes well with surgery.

    Leaving for NC in two weeks to visit DD#1, SIL and fantastic 4 granddaughters. They just bought a house in Holly Springs and close the week before I get there. the girls are out of school the end of June which is great. My daughter is a great cook and makes all her bread, hamburger buns etc from scratch-last visit I gained 7 pounds this time determined not to. I have no idea how none of them are overweight .

    Enjoy what's left of the weekend everyone!

    Colleen (IL)
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Father's Day to all the women who have supported, developed and encouraged their fathers, husbands and sons!
    You are the power of good....

    BJ, SWOnt
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: Crittersue, I weigh myself first thing in the morning and last thing at night and record the weight on a piece of paper. I have been doing this for about four years. I watch for trends and don’t let small ups and downs affect me……I don’t get extra happy if the weight goes down or extra sad if it goes up……for example, now I know that if I have a high sodium day (restaurant meal or processed foods) my weight may go up as much as four pounds overnight and take as much as a week to get back to normal. There is research that says that people who are mindful of what they weigh are more successful at losing and maintaining. That has been true for me.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, no matter how you feel, I hope that you will come from a place of love in all your dealing with your son and his bride-to-be…..act the way you want to feel.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I’ll use some of your ideas about weight training. These last two weeks have been the ones with six line dance classes and me teaching four of them so when I do the plank, it’s at bedtime and I rush to do it because I made a commitment to do one a day no matter what……wow, going from 2kg weights to 7.5 is awesome….lifting heavy is so good for you.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, enjoy your nap…..it’s a sure fire remedy to get back to your usual energy level.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, your hubby is getting the best Fathers’ Day gift of all---a visit from his son.

    :flowerforyou: About Fathers’ Day…….there’s a song we line dance to called “A Thousand Years” from the most recent Twilight movie….there’s a line in the song that says “I’ve loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more” and I wrote that on Jake’s card……I also went to the only store I know of that has both licorice and ginger Altoids that Jake loves and bought him three tins of each.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone!

    Did some work in the yard in a flower bed this am. I had dill in a pot and when I went ot move it the root had gone through the hole in the bottom and anchored it in the ground........a first for me. Hope I haven't damaged it at all. Cleaned and refilled the hummer feeder. Dug out a bush that I allowed to grow thinking it was a Rose of Sharon
    it sure wasn't!!! We have two river birch right behind the house which I have an unending battle with............they are just the absolute dirtiest trees---peeling bark falling, leaves that sprout in April and yellow and start to fall in June...........like now . We could clean the gutters twice a week and still have them run over when it rains because of these *!@## leaves. I want them GONE!!!!!! But I love the shade, ahhhh what to do??????? This may be a repeat.......I think I grumbled about these awful trees before.

    Michele, Tigress, Meg..........I am a complete mutt as far as background goes
    mostly German, then Irish, and English, Welsh, Dutch, and maybe a bit of French. But I grew up in an area full of Polish and eastern European people in Pa. What we called "blind pidgeons" were properly called "Halupkies"---the hamburg/rice mixture wrapped in cabbage in a tomato sauce. Pierogies.....still proudly made by "Mrs. T's" in Shenandoah, Pa. when made at home were filled dough pockets that could be fried, boiled, or baked and were stuffed with seasoned mashed potatoes, cheese, or a cabbage mixture. I remember something like it common in Northern Mi. called a "Pastie" .

    Jb..........that little girl is adorable........such bright eyes and sunny smile.........I know we'll all be pulling for her and hoping for the very best outcome

    Molly........so glad your flying situation is working out!!

    sun and a little hot----mid-Atlantic
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Happy Father's Day to all the dads and granddads out there!
    Thank you all for the advice on when and how often to weigh yourself. It will be a week since I joined MFP tomorrow. I think I will weigh myself at that time. I'm nervous it will not show any positive change. If that happens I will beat myself up. I'm good at that! I've been very good about logging everything I eat, drinking lots of water, and pretty good about working out. I know I need to be patient. A week isn't that much time! Fingers crossed...
    Hope you all are having a great weekend. Thank you for being so nice to a ''newbie!''
    Critter Sue ♥
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Tigress, I wet my shirt when I walk in hot GA, too, but it is usually from the inside out! :laugh: :blushing: It sure has gotten oppressive this afternoon and we have the occasional drop or two.

    I didn't go to the gym or walk today, but I did go purchase some new walking shoes. The others were so worn and didn't support any more. We're meeting the DSons at the Marietta Diner for DH's Father's Day celebration tonight. Unfortunately DH is working until 6p, so by the time we get over there it will be near 7:30p. One thing for sure, we'll bring enough home that tomorrow and Tuesday can be YOYO nights. (YOYO = You're On Your Own) :wink:

    I found some electronic accessory things on QVC for DH's gift. One is a charger piece that is fitted for the car or a wall outlet with an extendable/retractable cable that has an assortment of connectors (USB, etc.). The second thing is a "HALO" brand device that you can charge and carry with you to provide more battery power to other devices, again with an assortment of connectors. When I saw them I also got some extras for Christmas gifts. Both can also charge other devices AND the HALO device by connecting the HALO to your wall-connected laptop and the secondary device to the HALO. Seemed pretty usable to me.... DH is one that invariably returns gifts, so not such a fun person to purchase gifts for. Alas, I no longer take it personally. The kids usually just give him gift cards.

    Prayers said for Mariah, the family and all her caregivers. From our experience with DS1's brain injury I can testify how much prayers mean and what a difference they can make. Blessings to all ...

    Critter Sue, I weigh every morning without recording it at MFP. Our digital scale keeps the prior reading so when I start it up I see what that number was. It keeps me mindful, but I don't obsess over it. Barbie is right on point about sodium and how long it takes to dissipate. Which reminds me, I'd best behave tonight at the restaurant since I see the cardiologist tomorrow! :ohwell:

    Well, have to take care of some things before we go out to dinner.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Went to church and took hubby out for lunch.Went to a Mexican place.Ate only 1/2 of my burrito.
    Getting warm,80`s.
    Going to Violet`s today.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather and DeeDee: My son and DIL left an hour ago and I miss them already. :heart: We had a great visit. We’ll be traveling starting tomorrow and they’re leaving for their delayed honeymoon in a week. We’re hoping to have a big summer birthday party for all of us before DS is deployed and no one knows the exact date that will happen as of now.

    Barbie: Your are right that DH’s best Father’s Day gift was a visit from our son. We played Mexican Train and chatted until we were all too tired to move last night. It was a good time.:bigsmile:

    The kids left for home about an hour ago and I am busy washing clothes for our trip to Colorado. All of my (four) outfits that fit are in the wash and I’m wearing items I plan to donate soon. We took a look at my car and found a low tire on the right front. :grumble: I’m going to take it in to the tire store in the morning after I drop the dog off at the groomers. This low tire has been a chronic problem and I’m going to tell them to get the fix done right this time. :angry: We plan to pick the dog up, stop by the post office to stop our mail, and leave from there. We’re packing today and loading up tonight. I’ll likely be able to stay caught up with all of you at least until I reach my daughter’s. I’m not positive whether she has internet available. I do stay updated with Friends on my phone app almost everywhere I’ll be traveling.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    katla - grateful dead in our assisted living homes...lol Maybe Deep Purple, too? I LOVE Smoke on the Water. How do you cook your asparagus? It was on sale recently, I've always broken the asparagus and thrown away the woody part, mainly because I don't know what to do with it.

    Cut up the graham cookie bars and put them in the freezer. Put some in a plastic container for Jessica, some will go to the gal who does my hair Tuesday, and I'll give the rest away, be it at the Y or someplace.

    I don't know what it is, but something in my elbow hurts at times. Almost like when you hit your funny bone. But I won't say anything to Vince right now because he'll just want me to rest it, and I don't want him shoveling this rock. If something were to happen, I know that he'd be the one to say "I can't make a transAtlantic flight". I'm not that way, I'll go regardless. So I won't say anthing to him or to Jessica (she might say something to him) I am guessing that I mainly feel it when I'm bending my elbow. Last week the bicep curls made it hurt, I almost couldn't do all of them (which is unusual)

    Didn't do any "formal" exercise today. We went and started working outside at 9:30, finished around 4. Then I went into the pool for an hour, had dinner, made more chocolate bran muffins, steamed asparagus, have beets on boiling right now (I'm going to try the beet greens in my salad). Tomorrow I'll do some yoga in the morning and then take the extremepump class. Then I have to take the donations from the church to the soup kitchen. Newcomers is starting a stitching group, and depending on the weather I may or may not go. If it's not rainy and we can work outside, that's what I'll do.

    The guy/guys are supposed to be here tomorrow to finish the other pergola (the one over the equipment pad). Need to touch up the stain, things like that. Not sure how many will be here. Well, I have two bags of banana mini muffins in the freezer and some fudge cookies if needed. If not, I'll have them for Jessica to have when she comes here Thursday. Not sure if Kris is coming or not (Vince didn't think to ask...men!)

    Gave Vince his Dunkin Donuts gift card. He really liked it. Glad that Dunkin Donuts holds no interest for me whatsoever.

    yanniejannie - every Christmas I make pierogies from scratch. I only make the cheese ones, I like the sourkraut and mushroom ones, but I'm the only one who'll eat them. I never buy the Mrs. T's, probably because I make them myself and that just can't be compared.

    critter Sue - fingers, eyes, and anything else that can be crossed is crossed for you.

    DeeDee - wasn't today such a beautiful day? Hope you bossed those guys properly! lol

    Katla - so glad you had such a nice visit with son and dil

    Michele in NC