Do you track your calories when you over-eat?



  • SlimdownMommie
    SlimdownMommie Posts: 4 Member
    I absolutely track everything I eat. Even If i know that I will go over my calories for the day. It is a great way for me to stay accountable, but it is also a great way for me to get in exercise. There are some days that I just feel like eating everything in the kitchen and not want to exercise. On those days, it also gives me a great excuse TO exercise!
  • cclarkcts
    cclarkcts Posts: 97
    I do... as much as I want to forget about the calories I consumed, I still consumed them. It's pure habit for me now as well.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I never PLAN to overeat... Sometimes it just happens. Like this past Saturday, I was at the pool with my husband and his sister. She brought all kinds of snacks; crackers and cheese, cookies, Teddy Grahams, bars... I just kept grazing all day! Next thing I know, I'd eaten like 500 calories from snacks in 2 hours! I was over my limit by almost 300 calories that day.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I track it because I feel like I'm lying even though I'm going to be over i want to know HOW much I'm over...for some reason it comforts me knowing that if i'm 400 cals over vs 1,000 the tweaks i need to make aren't as much as when i started most likely...if that makes sense.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    Yes along with a note as to WHY I ate so much. Party, PMS, just felt like it.... whatever. It lets me track trends.

    This. I usually try to make a note. Some times it is just Just Because But then when I gain 5 lbs overnight I know why.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    No, and not when I under-eat, either. I have a hard time with tracking. I'm trying to improve.
  • Gdeeaz
    Gdeeaz Posts: 60
    Yes I do. I need to start putting notes on the days that I overeat so that I can see my patterns.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    That depends.

    How much alcohol are we talking?

    Because, at some point, I just forgets all the stuffs.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Yes, I track everything now. Once I ate a bunch of different appetizers & bite-sized desserts so rather than try to figure out each thing I ate, I just "quick-added" 2500 calories. I knew I was way over for the day, but no way to know really... So now I just try to find something close to what I ate & log as much as possible. I think it keeps me from just saying "screw it" after a cheat day and not getting back on track the next day.
  • Mseleanor1
    Mseleanor1 Posts: 20 Member
    I do - I track everything I eat - no matter what! I had dinner with my daughter in SF this weekend she flew in for work and we got together for Saturday afternoon... I knew I would be eating off plan a bit cause I had no idea where she would be taking me the little stinker would not tell me. I ate till I was satisfied not full and tracked all I ate. Mexican food it was hard but I did!

    I need to start adding a note as to why when I go over - that is a great idea!
  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    I do, even when it's hard to see. It puts me into the "knock that off!" mentality. I also like to log in every day out of habit, so I might as well keep track even when I fall off the trail.
  • vals83
    vals83 Posts: 63 Member
    I feel bad if I don't track. And even on the days I' know i'm going to go over (like a cheat day) I still try to keep under 2500 calories. So I need to track no matter.
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    Of course I track when I over eat. If not, what's the point of logging at all? We're all going to have good and bad days. Honestly, I wasn't planning on over eating at all this weekend. My boyfriend and I decided to go to Red Lobster. I had 2 cheese buns. A caesar salad. Calamari and breaded vegetables. Bread crusted fettucini alfredo and a warm cookie lava cake. It was all delicious and I logged every calorie of it. Sure, it wasn't a great feeling to see in my diary. But, now I am back on track and I'll stay an extra 10 minutes at the gym each day this week. C'est la vie
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    Definitely! I feel like it helps me do less of the bad stuff if I have to see the numbers there in black and red lol.
  • StrongFitSexy
    Ooo yes I do, unfortunately... it's a shame that I can eat that much but at least im honest with myself=)
  • SACasto
    SACasto Posts: 48 Member
    ALWAYS! I helps keep me accountable and makes me realize how much crap I eat.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I usually track, even if I am over. Sometimes I'll commit to not tracking - like while away camping, or going to a pot-luck event or something. Depends...
  • JennyOne2277
    JennyOne2277 Posts: 26 Member
    Those are the answers I figured I would get. I think I need to start doing this, so I can see where little gains come from and hold myself more accountable for my results. (Even if the #'s do get

    Thanks everyone.
  • PerverseGoth
    I track it because I want to see how much over I go so I am not shocked when the scale tells me my increase.
    It also makes me a little more careful on what I choose to eat.
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