Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred commencing monday.



  • njconat
    njconat Posts: 13 Member
    Just got finished with day 1! Good job everyone for a successful workout!
  • el2122
    el2122 Posts: 17 Member
    Ok, about to start day 6 now... writing it down here because I'm not feeling very motivated and hopefull this will make me get up off my backside and do it!
  • vmart1989
    vmart1989 Posts: 6 Member
    I am super excited I am going to start the 30 day Shred in the morning. Lord help my future sore muscles. Good luck to all! Hope to see pictures.
  • el2122
    el2122 Posts: 17 Member
    Just did day 6


    *Falls over*

    Whoops.. :D
  • elvinprincess_9
    elvinprincess_9 Posts: 23 Member
    started last week and did it every other day, decided to join the gym as she annoyed me. some support might help though.
  • i am on day 15! went up to level 3 yesterday and its much harder but the most amazing feeling! definitely going to do all 30! if i can do it anyone can :) xxxx
  • Some people are wondering why people started Sunday, we're a day ahead over in New Zealand! Ie your Sunday is actually our Monday... That's why it gets complicated
  • And I've finished day 2 now! Day 3 in a few hours!
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    glad the videos are on youtube. I will be giving it a try tonight
  • wendygjc
    wendygjc Posts: 45 Member
    Great Challenge... I am doing Jillian Michaels dvd as well.. she is awesome!
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Day 2... DONE

    HRM says that I burned 297 calories this time ♥ Ahh, feels good. I'm really glad that I did that workout today. All day my muscles were like "You worked us :( you meanie!" and then working them out again... It just created that RELEASE. That thing I talked about in the stupidly long post. Mmm. Time to go have some stew.

    KPP (Keep Pushing Play!)
  • mmsl120408
    mmsl120408 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined MFP today.. will try the shred tomorrow AM.. Day 1
  • MarianneC93
    MarianneC93 Posts: 60 Member
    I'll do it with you!! I'm on Day 4 of Level 1 tomorrow and I cycle lots and do evening circuits YET it's STILL hard! Add me! I look forward to seeing your before and after photos!
  • karaeb621
    karaeb621 Posts: 24 Member
    I just purchased the dvd via amazon, so monday seems like a great day to begin with everyone supporting eachother!!
  • I did day 5 today! although with my daughters dance recital and birthday parties taking up a bunch of most weekend it's really more like day 3......
  • mustang3
    mustang3 Posts: 68 Member
    I have already started this but definitely need the support!!
  • Apple1234
    Apple1234 Posts: 20 Member
    Just did day two today and I died through it :(
    So excited to have this extra support through working out! Great job everyone lets keep on going! :)
  • el2122
    el2122 Posts: 17 Member
    I just joined MFP today.. will try the shred tomorrow AM.. Day 1

    Well done, let us know how you get on! :D
  • el2122
    el2122 Posts: 17 Member
    About to start day 7... very tired, baby was awake and feeding most of the night, and myv 3 year old is being extra demanding this week... :/

    BUT I could make excuses and still be FAT and feel horrible and uncomfortable and sweaty this time next month or I could excercise and feel good about myself.

    I don't have much control over many things in my life at the moment, no money, no job, TIRED ALL THE TIME!

    BUT I do have control over my diet and excercise and I can work to make positive changes and feel better about myself and not be embarrassed.

    Particulary when my three year old points out my fat tummy in the supermarket when I am buying biscuits. Ugh..

    I may not be able to spell excercise, but I can DO IT!

    (Peels self of couch and gets weights...)
  • el2122
    el2122 Posts: 17 Member

    Day 7 done:)

    GO Me....feelinmg a little less rubish now, have a little more energy :)