Ladies: who is 200+ pounds?



  • _mbrace
    _mbrace Posts: 48 Member
    Hello,My name is Marybeth & you can add me I just barely started it up again...
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 216.6
    Starting Weight: 246lbs
    1st Goal Weight: 200lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160lbs
  • Maribethlove
    Maribethlove Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 208
    Starting Weight: 226
    Goal Weight 160 (maybe)

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • I am in too!

    looking for friends to help on my journey. I had gastric bypass in 2008, but have gained most of it back. I am up to 285 now, would love to be in the 160's. Looking for motivational help!!

    I am 5'3" and 285. I have been struggling forever with my weight. I have a four year old son who I would love to be able to run around with and keep up with!! I also want to have more children soon!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Sadly, I am. My picture is from about 4 years ago, just before my last divorce when I started gaining the weight.

    Age: 39
    Height: 5'8"

    SW: 262
    CW: 235 ish
    Goal: 155

    I have an almost 20 year old daughter and almost 19 year old son. I weighed between 205-210 when I went into labor with each of them and thought I was enormous. I'm an emotional eater, and I've been avoiding a lot of feelings the past few years (clearly).
  • Victanya
    Victanya Posts: 4 Member
    I am 30 and weigh 211lbs looking for some motivation and support. I have been trying to lose weight for years now. I am a emotional eater as well. I tend to binge a lot. I do take medication that does cause weight gain. I've been fighting for control over my eating habits and having some luck. Looking for supportive friends as well
  • Me too.

    Age: 25
    Height: 6' 0"
    SW: 260
    CW: 256
    Goal: 170

    Anyone feel free to add me! I'm just starting my weight loss journey (although it's a long time coming).
  • p2smommy
    p2smommy Posts: 64
    Well, for whatever reason, my earlier post didn't post..

    Age: 37 (almost 38)
    Height: 5'5.5"
    SW: 247.6
    Current Weight: 211.8
    STG: 200
    LTG: 165

    My Motivation? My 3 yr old son. I want to do everything I possibly can to have as long on this earth with him as possible. I knew traveling the road I was on that that objective was not one that I would see to fruition.

    My eye opening moment? My hubby runs ultra marathons..and at his last "regular" marathon, we went to an expo the day before the race. Walking through the building, I was the ONLY overweight person in that expo, and people were looking at me like "What the hell is she doing here?" (I kid you not.. this was not something that I imagined. Not ALL of them were looking at me like I didn't belong, but the judgemental looks were very obvious.)... My husband is 5'11" and weighs 160 at his heaviest. So it was pretty embarassing for me.. Talk about a mood killer.

    On my journey of re-finding myself, during my walks/runs, I have remembered that as recently as 10 years ago, my entire first 27 years of life, I LOVED the outdoors, camping, fishing, playing sports, hiking... just being outside. Over the last 10 years, my hubby and I have gone through infertility heartache, pregnancy, childbirth, gaming (World of Warcraft..which is NOT conducive to a healthy lifestyle when you wake up and game all day).. and over the last 3 years, he has gotten back into running, which he has always done, but I never found my way off of the couch.. until NOW.

    I started in January of this year, and have had my ups and my downs...but through it all, I have my goal in sight, and I WILL do this. Failure is not an option.. I don't want to have bariatric surgery (not that there's anything wrong with that.. but I am petrified of going under the knife), I don't want to take "fat pills" to accomplish it.. what I AM doing is getting it off healthy.

    I LOVE MFP & the accountability it gives me. I alone am responsible for journaling, and tracking my intake.. and I alone am responsible for whether I succeed or fail.

    My hubby loves & supports me, and my little cheerleading 3 year old absolutely cheers me on and is the best part of my run.. because I KNOW at the end of my 80-90 minute short route, he is going to be standing at the back door cheering when I come into our driveway and he sees me. Sweat & all. :)

    I'd say the biggest thing for me to remember and the hardest thing for me to remember as I'm looking at my scale 3-4 mornings a week (Hello, my name is Missy, and I am a scale addict.. I am only supposed to weigh myself 1 time a week, but I can't help myself! I am doing so much better than I was when I was weighing in every single morning!)... anyway.. the biggest thing for me to remember is that I am a WOMAN.. which means that any given day, my weight is going to fluctuate by 2-4 lbs.. and heaven forbid the week of my period, it could go up 5 or 6! Don't get discouraged.. as long as the downs are more prominent than the ups, that's what matters.. and the weeks where my weight is up (my official recording weigh in day is Wednesday mornings).. I have to remember that I may have worked out really hard that week...muscle DOES weigh more than fat...

    Now, you can have my soapbox back.. I have to get back to work.

    Thanks for making this thread!!! :)
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight: 235
    Currently: 231
    Height: 5ft 4in
    Age: 27

    I sent you a request and any other ladies feel free to add me as my current friends on here are not very active.
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    SW: 277
    I'm 5'2" so I'm shooting for a lower weight, I've already accomplished a lot and I can taste the 100's. So close!
  • rosalindarod1
    rosalindarod1 Posts: 1 Member
    I try for 4 days. Then I stop. Then I try again three months later for another 4 days. Then I stop. I have no motivation. I find happiness in food. I have convinced myself that it is a hopeless matter for me. I would like to loose at least 50 pounds. I am 4'11" and I weigh 231 pounds. So tell me, what are some of the motivations that I might find interesting to pursue?
  • shimmer615
    shimmer615 Posts: 55
    I'll raise my hand as well...

    30 years old
    SW: 293
    CW: 293 (just started using MFP again yesterday)
    GW: I don't even know really - I want to be under 200, but I know I'll need to go lower than that.

    I was around 200 about 10 years ago - and then I met my husband, got comfortable with him loving me for me, had children, etc. Honesty those are all excuses, ones I used to make myself feel better, because I also felt like it was hopeless and that I was going to be fat forever. But I'm trying now to give myself a little more credit and hopefully I will succeed.

    Would like some friends too, if anyone wants to add me :)
  • Feel free to add me I'm new to the community (realized I could probably use some more support because my family isn't particularly health conscious and my friends- I'm also in my 20's- tend to just eat what they want and stay skinny.) I actually started at 306. Down to 249 now and goal is 150.
  • Unfortunately I have to raise my hand too :(

    CW: 266
    GW: 160

    Ugh...that's a lot!

    Please feel free to add me. I could use more support too.
  • CW:200

  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Age: 34
    SW: 288.6
    CW: 239.4
    GW: 170

    Height 5'9"

    I had been about 5 lbs lighter then stopped logging for about a month...amazing how fast it comes back! :(
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    I just started MFP yesterday (although signed up in April). I am logging all my food and trying to keep in 1200 - 1500/day. So far so good, but again it is only day 2 :) I have made up my mind to get healthy! Honestly, I watch shows like Extreme Weight Loss and Biggest Loser and wonder why I haven't started. Well, that has changed.
    About me:
    I am 37
    CW: 253
    Height: 5'3"
    GW: 150 (I will get there!!!!)
    My main motivation: My 4 year old son with enormous amounts of energy! I want to be a healthy mom that can keep up! Plus, I would like to say that I weigh less than my husband and get to buy clothes in the cute section of the store :)

    You should add me! We are basically at the same point right now..
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Age: 21
    Height: 6'0
    SW: 259
    CW: 245
    Goal Weight: 199

    Just dying to be under 200 for the first time in YEARS. Once I hit that, I may try to lose another 20.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    That would be me -

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'11"
    SW: 298.6
    CW: 270.2
    GW: 179 (180 is not considered to be in my healthy BMI range, but 179 is, so I figured I'd shoot for that lol)

    Feel free to add me!
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'2
    SW 268
    CW 247
    GW 115

    I would love to add some friends!!
  • iamlshauntay
    iamlshauntay Posts: 5 Member

    Definitely over 200.

    I've been on MFP for a while but didn't become really active about changing my lifestyle until 3 weeks ago. Feel free to add me.