5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 5'5 and currently 147, this is the heaviest weight I've ever been, my regular weight is around 138, and I was never happy there, I the lowest I've gotten down to in the past 10 years is 133 and I still wasn't thrilled with that, mainly because I hold my weight on my midsection and my love handles are the LAST thing to leave me....

    So basically as soon as my love handles are non-existent I will be happy. Since I've been down to 133, I would guess around 125 is ideal for me. My entire life I was 115-120 until I grew up and got a desk job: ) However, 115-120 was just too skinny looking back. I like a little junk in my trunk, I have no chest (except right now thanks to the weight gain, but it will be the first to leave me, sadly). I honestly could care less if the scale said 135 and i was toned and fit with no love handles, to me its about feeling good in clothing, and naked too! :)
  • oceanturquesa
    oceanturquesa Posts: 5 Member
    5'4' started 6 weeks ago at 180.4, now 173. I would like to be around 140lbs
  • 5'5" and 130. It's within the healthy range, but I know that it's not my optimal weight. By that I don't just mean how a dress fits or how much I like the mirror. What I mean by "optimal" is the weight at which I can run the fastest, feel most energetic, and perform better mentally. I know it might seem a touch odd to make those connections, but over the course of about my adulthood (so far), I've passed back and forth over that "optimal" zone of around 115-120, and I do miss that feeling!

    Anyone else out there looking for something similar?
  • kmortensen1
    kmortensen1 Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5'5" and 172 lbs. My goal is 145. I when I get around there, it may change, it just depends on how I look and feel.
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I don't have a scale goal. I just want a flat belly & toned limbs.

    My friend is 5'8" and weighs 150lbs and she's a size zero-all muscle, no fat. Scales are not a great measurement! :smile:
  • AngelJLV83
    AngelJLV83 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 5'3" and right now am at 120. I would ideally like to drop a couple more pounds, but I am focusing more on lifting heavier weights and toning the body I have right now. If I lose more weight awesome, but I am finding myself losing inches instead, which is also absolutely fine by me!! I am starting to shift from the scale and more towards how I feel and how my clothes fit.
  • Amiedel
    Amiedel Posts: 1
    I have always been over the ideal weight for my height. I have lost 50lbs before about 7 years ago...I weighed 251 and got down to 198-in about 6+ months ( I was very determined and my mind was set). Well after getting married and enjoyed the comfort of going out to eat-I of course gained it back within 2 years and have been there since then. The whole point to this is "I AM TIRED OF THIS FAT" and I know it is tired of me. I want to feel good and look good-and I am more determined then ever. This time though I am changing my lifestyle in the way I eat-so I know I will never gain the weight back again. So here we go....WE CAN ALL DO IT!!! We have been given the strength to do so.
  • juliebondy39
    juliebondy39 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5' 5.5" and I am aiming for 148 lbs. If I can get to there, I'll fit into my wedding dress again!
  • I know this sounds extreme but I want to be 107.8. Since I am 5'4", it will place me at a BMI of 18.5. I know BMI is not a indicator of fitness for individuals and I shouldn't care about a number on the scale but I am so close to my previous goal weight and I still hate the way my body looks. That is why losing 19 more pounds will help improve that image to me.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    5'5", and 133.5 right now. 125 is my goal; I have a high bf percentage right now, and I would have been happy with myself back when I was 120-125 if I'd toned it out a bit.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I'm between 5'4 1/2 and 5'5 and my weight currently fluctuates between 120-125 but my percentage of body fat is still quite high and I have lots of flab around my waist and lower abdomen. I'm *very* small boned, so my ideal weight is probably somewhere between 110 and 115 lbs.
  • I am 5' 3" and 44. My highest was 148, and I felt uncomfortable and somewhat chubby. I was married at 108, but before 4 kids. So, with some extra womanly curves now, I think I am shooting to get down to 130, perhaps 125. I have a lot more muscle than when married, though. I have a black belt in Taekwondo from 3 years ago, and now I do Zumba at least 2-3 times a week and am trying to finish a 30 Day Shred. I have 9-10 days to go.
  • atlchc8
    atlchc8 Posts: 53 Member
    I am 5'3 and I've been overweight for most of my life except for a few years in high school where I got down to 140 lbs. Two years ago I gained 30 lbs and got up to almost 200 lbs. I am down 20 lbs which took me a year to lose and I would like to lose over 50 more and get down to 120 lbs. I've never been that small in my life and thought that I could never get to that weight but I know that if I work hard I can reach my goal of a healthy weight.
  • Eve_Eati02
    Eve_Eati02 Posts: 23
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is about 120
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    currently 193 ;(
    goal 150 ;)
  • 5' 3.5" My current weight is 124ish. My ultimate goal is 105lbs which is what I weighed when I felt my best in my 20's. Now at 35, I still want that but could probably settle for anywhere between 107lbs-112lbs. I used to be able to drop weight so easily...now its not coming off for anything!!!
  • teacuplady
    teacuplady Posts: 30 Member
    5'4.5" here. SW 180 two weeks ago. My goal is 150 (149 so I can say I'm in the 140's lol). I know that probably sounds really high and it may be but mentally it's an achievable goal and I can always shoot for more. I was down to this weight 2 years ago and although I didn't look exactly thin it wasn't too bad. My neck started looking scraggly which I didn't like. Would love to get down to high school weight (118) or pre-children weight (around 128) and at least see what it feels like again but I think it would make me look older frankly. BTW, I am 52 so it's not like this was last week or anything lol. I want to lose weight not just for looks but for health. If I can get my BP and cholesterol down I'll be happy then re-adjust goal as needed.

    I do need some more friends for motivation especially those ladies that can relate. Please add me.

    Thank you!
  • kluik
    kluik Posts: 1
    I'm 5'4". Starting at 157 and trying to work down to 125. But really I just want these thighs and tummy to slim down.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    I'm 5'5', currently at 189 (down from 229). My current goal is 150 (the top of the healthy range). Once I've reached 150, I will reassess. I can't even conceive of myself being that small, so once I get there, I'll know if I want or need to lose more.
  • hnmiller28
    hnmiller28 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I just joined this site today to help track my meals and to really know what I'm fueling my body with.

    I am 5'5'' and currently weight about 135. I'd like to get down to 125, however, I'm looking to lose fat (not just weight), and tone up. Because muscle weighs more than fat, I may end up maintaining my weight at 135, or possible even gain a bit. As long as I'm toned and muscular, I'm okay with what the scale reads.

    I've been taking body measurements once a month for the last three months. It has been a huge help. I have evidence that I've lost inches, even when the scale and mirror didn't seem to be showing that. I'm starting to take pictures every few weeks as well.

    Best to everyone as you start/continue and acheive your goals!