How many calories do you have a day?

Hi what is your calorie allowance?

Initial W: 182
CW: 170
GW: 154

I am currently on 1,100 a day but find myself going over to 1, 300.

Is this realistic if I want to be 154 by October? I lost 13 lbs pretty quickly, the last 6 is getting v hard to shift and I was wondering if I should drop it to 1000 a day

any help/support will be great


  • Chaosrose8
    Chaosrose8 Posts: 39
    I eat 1400 or more depending on how much I exercise and I'm still losing weight steadily. It seems to me like you are not eating enough, but what do I know.
  • seefyboy
    seefyboy Posts: 68
    Between 2200-2600, trying to bulk at the moment
  • soysauce6626
    soysauce6626 Posts: 118 Member
    It changes depends on my weight loss. But right now I'm on 2100
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Hi what is your calorie allowance?

    Initial W: 182
    CW: 170
    GW: 154

    I am currently on 1,100 a day but find myself going over to 1, 300.

    Is this realistic if I want to be 154 by October? I lost 13 lbs pretty quickly, the last 6 is getting v hard to shift and I was wondering if I should drop it to 1000 a day

    any help/support will be great

    I'm going to venture a guess here and say that 1,100 is not enough for you, so it's probably a good thing that you're going over.
  • I wouldn't do that - I thought it is recommended you never go under 1200. If you don't eat enough - you will not lose and end up gaining (this happened to me a few times). I would eat at least 1200 if not exercising and more if you are. You may have reached a mini plateau but it will drop again - Good Luck!
  • I've read many sources that say at least 1200 calories/day.
    I've been eating b/t 1400 & 1700 and am losing weight steadily.
    When I ate around 1200, I did not lose much.
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    I eat between 1600-1800 calories a day and I'm on track to be at my goal weight by that time. We have simirlar goal weight / starting weights
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    My average for the month of June, so far, is 1586. I'm working on getting to a consistent 1650-1700. Must shove move food into Mah Mouf. If I keep up with a pound a week I should hit my first goal of 135 by the end of the year, which was my initial time frame.
  • k_winder
    k_winder Posts: 65 Member
    At this point I have my account set to maintenance (1750). I then just eat under that level. That way I'm losing, but I don't feel bad if I'm not under 1200 a day or 1300 a day or whatever other number this thing would come up with for me. Typically I am eating about 1400, so a deficit of about 350 cals a day.
  • I eat 1500 a day, sometimes up to 1800 and am losing on average 1/2 a pound per week. I would try to eat more than 1300 if I were you. You may have stopped losing weight because you're not eating enough. :smile:
  • FarAway02
    FarAway02 Posts: 211
    1,100 calories = the recommended intake of a toddler (1 - 3yr old).

    I eat 1600 calories and although I'm not losing weight at any particular rate/consistency my body IS changing. I've had to punch 3 new holes in my belt for one thing!

    <3 my 1600 calories. Toying with upping it in the near future.
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    Typically I eat about 1800-1900 and I'm losing weight slow, but steady. Some days I go over, but find that I still am not gaining each week. I work out 5-6 days a week and if I ate any less than that (I have in the past), I would not be able to get through my workouts and felt so wiped out all day.

    I know everyone does things differently, but I've found this range is working for me right now. If I plateau, I'll do some adjustments. At this point, I'm trying to make it all work in my healthier lifestyle, so that when I get to my goal weight, I will be continuing my ways of exercising and eating healthy, and aware of what I'm eating without always constantly worrying about calorie counts.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    It varies from 600 to 5,000.

    I do 5:2 fasting and cycle long distances.
    2 days a week at 600 cals and 5 days at 2300 (plus exercise calories).
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    about 2400/day here .....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Let me're grossing 1300...probably netting less than 1000 after exercise right? You're suppressing your metabolism with crash dieting is what you are doing.

    I gross around 2300 to cut...2600 - 2700 to maintain. My wife is 5'2" and 38 years old and she lost all of her weight steadily netting around 1500 and grossing 1800-2000 depending on her WOD. You can in fact eat more and still lose weight and do so in a healthier manner and be more consistent...all while not blowing your metabolism out of the water.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm in maintenance and eat around 1,800-2,200 calories a day :)
  • talisamb
    talisamb Posts: 65 Member
    5'4" weight ranges from 130-135 I eat 1700-2000 daily and I dont gain any should try eating more. I ruined my metabolism eating 1300 calories while working out and not eating back exercise calories
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    5'4" weight ranges from 130-135 I eat 1700-2000 daily and I dont gain any should try eating more. I ruined my metabolism eating 1300 calories while working out and not eating back exercise calories

    We must be twins because our heights, weights are the same, as well as calorie intake. I was down at my lowest weight last summer from undereating as well and over doing it on exercise. Now my body is back to the weight it wants to be.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    1934 cal/day most of the time (I'm 5'7" and 213lb, gw 140ish). I agree with those who have said you're not netting enough calories and need to sort that out!
  • talisamb
    talisamb Posts: 65 Member
    5'4" weight ranges from 130-135 I eat 1700-2000 daily and I dont gain any should try eating more. I ruined my metabolism eating 1300 calories while working out and not eating back exercise calories

    We must be twins because our heights, weights are the same, as well as calorie intake. I was down at my lowest weight last summer from undereating as well and over doing it on exercise. Now my body is back to the weight it wants to be.

    We are! I was aiming for 125 but I think this is my happy weight. I stay in those numbers no matter what I do.