Ladies: who is 200+ pounds?



  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    Me me :(
    21 Years old

    SW: 275
    CW: 224
    GW: 130

    I have a lot to lose. So I need tons of support :)
  • lyz924
    lyz924 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too. Just recently came back to MFP at the urging of my trainer. Lost 30 pounds since having my son 10 months ago but still have along way to go. Feel free to add me!

    CW: 243
    GW: 145
  • muppetfan13
    muppetfan13 Posts: 28 Member

    I'm 36 yo
    SW: 230
    CW: 222
    GW: 180 (realistically, although I'd LOVE to get down to 170)

    I am a teacher, and I selfishly would love to have people notice a fairly significant change when I return to school in August. I'm not vain, but boy did I let stress get to me this past year. I need to show myself that I can get my life under control. Feel free to add me (but message me so i know who you are).

    ***edited to add height***
  • Lorkilee
    Lorkilee Posts: 15 Member
    Age: 29
    Nashville, TN
    CW: 240
    GW: 225

    I honestly cannot remember weighing less than 200. My main goal is to be a size 14, which is the national average.
  • Lorkilee
    Lorkilee Posts: 15 Member
    I am a teacher too, and I can definitely sympathize with the relationship between school stress and weight. I don't know about you, but in TN, there is an increasing pressure on teachers. It feels like all my self-worth is tied up in numbers - from students' test scores to a number on a scale.
  • EszterNZ
    EszterNZ Posts: 51
    I'm going to join this club.

    I am 27yrs old, from New Zealand.
    Height: 5'3
    CW: 103.4kgs / 228lb

    My first goal is to get to 187lb (85kg).. and then hopefully keep going down to somewhere around the 140lb range.

    I have been struggling with my weight since I was a teenager, and have not been under the 200lb range for at least 6-7 years. For the first time ever, since I started with MFP 3 weeks ago, I have actually lost weight! I am super excited to be part of this community.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • muppetfan13
    muppetfan13 Posts: 28 Member
    Absolutely! I'm in TX, and I actually got moved up to AP English III this year, from Pre-AP English II. I felt major stress for that test, and I didn't even have the added stress of the increased rigor of the standardized testing the lower grades had! My group of juniors was the only one left on the old testing standards.
  • pippabc
    pippabc Posts: 81 Member
    Feel free to add me, anyone! I am in it for the long haul - my weight loss is slow (but lots of people say 'slow and steady wins the race'. This is for the rest of my life, so it has to be something I can stick with).

    Age - 37
    SW 220 (100kg)
    CW 218 (99kg)
    GW 165 (75kg)

    I have two preschool aged children, work part-time and have a reno of a house and a 2 acre garden. So lots going on in life, but who isn't busy! Some of the most encouraging success stories on here are about people who you'd think would be too busy to focus on getting healthy - I love the success stories and can see myself on there one day :0)

    Best wishes, everyone.
  • Yup, I'm in your boat too! Just signed up 5 days ago and am still in the honeymoon stage of my food plan and glad to be taking charge. Feel free to add me too.

    Age 61
    CW 245
    GW 145 (I thought 100 is such a great round number :)

    I have always struggled with weight but never had quite this much trouble losing it. Having rheumatoid arthritis sometimes doesn't help the project either. But I'm excited to try to sail above the challenges. Have lost 3 lbs so far.:smile:
  • itsanatalia
    itsanatalia Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Happy to join the "club." Feel free to add me for support or to make a friend. I'm also new to the Cincinnati area, so if you're looking for local support, let me know.

    Age: 25
    HW: 224
    CW: 211.6
    GW: 145

    I plan on getting to 145 (the healthiest I was before I started college) and then seeing from there what happens.
  • danyareid
    danyareid Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in this boat too!

    goal: 170.
  • rhacha55
    rhacha55 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 55 and now weight 205 started at 220 need to do it had open heart surgery, ladies you must loose the weight or you might end up like me txs klara
  • tboothe33
    tboothe33 Posts: 14 Member
    Sigh... me too. Picky eater to top it off. I try to stay around 1500 calories a day and I walk around 7000 steps a day. I was set at sendendary and ate my exercise calories, but then I changed to slighly active and I try to not go over 1500, I have lost 6 pounds and gained back 2 of them. Blah. Feel free to add me.

    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 8"
    CW: 205.2
    GW: 165

    I really need to exercise more, but the motivation is just not there....
  • rhacha55
    rhacha55 Posts: 7 Member
    here is acsary one. you might end up like me who had open heat surgery at the ripe old age of 50. this weight is not healthy for women. please ladies we must get healthy not just for us . but tu make sure we r around for our families. hope this helps
  • CW: 360
    GW: 160
    Age: 24
    HGT: 5'8"

    I have exactly 200 pounds to lose. And I am getting no where. I need lots and lots of motivation. I am a home body, no local friends. I dont really exercise unless I have to walk to the store while my husband has the car or when I play with my kids. If anyone wants to add me thats fine. I try to remember about logging everything but not very well at it(or I just dont want to know how much I have actually eaten) probably the later. :frown:
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    That would be me too, I'm 46 and plan to lose 120 lbs. I hope I can do it in a year .

    SW 270
    CW 256
    GW 150

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I bounce between 200-215 (at 5' it isn't good).

    Not sure what I weigh right now... My goal is to phase out soda and phase in water to start. Hopefully up my energy levels! Please add me, because I know I am going to need the support/kick in the pants!

    I quite cola 19 days ago . I love coca cola love it but I will NEVER drink it again . You can do it !!

  • Kaken21
    Kaken21 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm sending you a request!
    I'm 23
    Start weight was 255
    GW is to get to about 155-165 but I want to be healthy and strong so I'm going for lean with muscles and not a specific weight :)
  • Riannea20
    Riannea20 Posts: 4
    Ugh, well I'm definitely in the same boat. Only I'm younger.

    Age: 20
    Height: 5,4 ft.
    CW: 250 lbs. (125 kilo's, I'm Dutch :P )
    GW: 160 lbs (80 kilo's)

    It's kind of depressing to realise how much weight I have to lose. But I could always use more friends for and to support :)
  • rosieee91
    rosieee91 Posts: 1
    Heya, completely on the same page as you... nice for some encouragement and to encourage others as we can do this! I've found MFP so helpful as weight watchers ect does get a little mundane when you've tried a few times in the past :):smile: