AMA: Obesity is a disease



  • wohlgangerc
    wohlgangerc Posts: 12 Member
    Obesity is a disease in the sense that mercury poisoning is a disease. Just like historic "let's put radium/mercury/lead in everything" epidemics of the past, obesity is an epidemic of modern wealthy nations. Manufactured foods (vs natural foods) cost less, have more calories, are more convenient, and are engineered to be addictive. Just as before, the individual cure is to stop taking what kills them (in this case, eat in moderation, count calories), and if we want there to be a global cure, we as a culture need to stop producing products that encourage the destructive behavior. However, I would expect in this case most people would rather continue the epidemic rather than eliminate the option of eating addictive, overprocessed foods.
  • megs2003
    megs2003 Posts: 90
    Personally I think it's just another way to charge more money to people with health plans, which is now going to be everybody in the USA, therefore promoting more income. Smokers and obese people, I am sure us people that are alcoholics (determined by drinks a week) will be next. :D Follow the money. ^_^

    Alcoholism is already considered a disease, however, smoking is not, but who knows, that could be next.

    I think there is potential for both good and bad outcomes.

    The Good: if classfying obesity as a disease allows more focus on preventative measures and allows for comprehensive and multi-faceted treatment include therapy, nutirtion education and physical therapy (and/or personal training) then it is great.

    The Bad: some people may feel even less accountable for their condition, because it's a disease, which implies it's outside their control. Also, as was mentioned on the news this morning, it might be just another way to give companies a the green light to keep pushing products and medication at people without actually targeting the root of the problem. Finally, if it is another reason for insurers to deny converage, that is very scary, especially since 1/3 of americans are obese (according to the stats I hear this morning).
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    I don't think it should be labelled as a disease as such... but I do think that the resulting health issues should be addressed. Someone posted this article a while back which I found very thought provoking:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    "A reason often given for making the declaration is that it would help remove the stigma that obesity is a result of eating too much or exercising too little."

    OMG, my head is going to explode.

    Obesity is almost ALWAYS a result of eating too much or exercising too little, usually a combination of both. Pretending that's not true doesn't actually make it not true. You don't have a disease (yet). You're freaking lazy!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This just makes it possible for it to be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Good I hope that's true now maybe we can start looking at preventative measures and actual solid treatment to treat a disease with such high recidivism and mortality.

    "Preventative measures and solid treatments" like what? What can possibly be done to stop someone from opening their mouth and shoving food into it? Do you think you can force someone to exercise? Force them to eat healthy? The only thing this is going to do is make the excuses easier. "Oh yeah. I need the scooter to get around on because I have a disease. It's called obesity." Or allow the government to raise taxes on certain foods and/or eliminate foods like they tried to do in NY. It's ridiculous! Fast food isn't the problem. Big Gulps isn't the problem. Junk food isn't the problem! The problem is people not taking responsibility for their own issue. I have a friend who has started going to the gym with my husband and I this week. She is up early and meets us there at 5:30 in the morning to do a 90 minute workout that I came up with for her. Why is she doing this? Because she gained weight and is unhappy with herself and is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    Yes obesity is preventative but calling it a "disease" isn't going to make any difference.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If Obesity was a disease, it would of been an issue 20-40 years ago... as technology and comfort has increased so has Obesity.. coincidence? I really doubt it.. People are getting lazier and food choices are getting worse. Also if its a disease, why does it only seem to be a problem in a few of the 1st world countries?
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Dear Ms. JustJennie1,

    It is a mistake to assume that just because something is a disease that it automatically removes so called personal responsible... At least that is the case with men... With men, there is no excuse for us being fat...

    But, you forget that having to bare children is not easy at all...

    Finally, Ms. JustJennie1, I am not putting you down or insulting you... I just have a different opinion...
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Dear Ms. JustJennie1,

    It is a mistake to assume that just because something is a disease that it automatically removes so called personal responsible... At least that is the case with men... With men, there is no excuse for us being fat...

    But, you forget that having to bare children is not easy at all...

    Finally, Ms. JustJennie1, I am not putting you down or insulting you... I just have a different opinion...

    :huh: Not quite sure what you're saying here.

    And I am saying that it will add to the excuses people now give for being obese. The "It's my genes" "I have a slow metabolism" "I'm big boned" will now turn into "Well I was just diagnosed with obesity."
  • MissMichellemybelle
    MissMichellemybelle Posts: 70 Member
    This may sound harsh...but is it neccesarily wrong that obese people be charged more for health care? Just like alcoholism, smoking, drug abuse, most of the time obesity is the result of a choice to be excessive in eating and ignoring healthy habits. If you make the choice to eat too much, maybe its acceptable that you be charged more for health care.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    You can put your boots in the oven but that doesn't make them biscuits. Obesity is no more a disease than alcoholism is a disease. Why don't they just call laziness a disease? Why not just call gluttony a disease? You can't just take anything you don't like about yourself and call it a disease.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Dear Ms. JustJennie1,

    It is a mistake to assume that just because something is a disease that it automatically removes so called personal responsible... At least that is the case with men... With men, there is no excuse for us being fat...

    But, you forget that having to bare children is not easy at all...

    Finally, Ms. JustJennie1, I am not putting you down or insulting you... I just have a different opinion...

    WTF does bearing children have to do with obesity? Carrying a child does not give you a free pass to eat for a family of 4. Then after you give birth, (within a reasonable amount of time) you watch what you eat, and work at losing the weight just like everyone else in this world. Pregnancy isn't an excuse.
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    Oh good. Another excuse for why someone can't help him/herself . . .

    We continue to build a society in which it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone else for every one of our failings, and any voicing of an observation of those failings can be labeled as bullying or hate. Here's to the burning of Rome. :drinker:

    Okay, yea, that was melodramatic but it's not that far off.

    ^^This. I am sickened by this whole thing.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Good I hope that's true now maybe we can start looking at preventative measures and actual solid treatment to treat a disease with such high recidivism and mortality.

    "Preventative measures and solid treatments" like what? What can possibly be done to stop someone from opening their mouth and shoving food into it? Do you think you can force someone to exercise? Force them to eat healthy? The only thing this is going to do is make the excuses easier. "Oh yeah. I need the scooter to get around on because I have a disease. It's called obesity." Or allow the government to raise taxes on certain foods and/or eliminate foods like they tried to do in NY. It's ridiculous! Fast food isn't the problem. Big Gulps isn't the problem. Junk food isn't the problem! The problem is people not taking responsibility for their own issue. I have a friend who has started going to the gym with my husband and I this week. She is up early and meets us there at 5:30 in the morning to do a 90 minute workout that I came up with for her. Why is she doing this? Because she gained weight and is unhappy with herself and is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    Yes obesity is preventative but calling it a "disease" isn't going to make any difference.

    I don't know if I necessarily agree here. I do agree that obesity, for the most part, is a personal responsibility. However, an action like this could lead to greater preventative initiatives in schools and places of employment. While it might not be a "disease" per se, that does not mean that the issue should not be acknowledged in some way. While you can't force people to eat better and exercise, you can urge and motivate people to make better choices.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    i would say it's a mental disease...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You can't teach people to stop eating crap any more than you can teach them to behave ethically. They either want to do it, or they don't. Let's not pretend that people don't know why they are fat.
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    This may sound harsh...but is it neccesarily wrong that obese people be charged more for health care? Just like alcoholism, smoking, drug abuse, most of the time obesity is the result of a choice to be excessive in eating and ignoring healthy habits. If you make the choice to eat too much, maybe its acceptable that you be charged more for health care.

    I can't say I don't agree.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Of course they have, this was done on purpose. If you go read the affordable care act (aka obama care), and you read the recently released regulation on health and welness programs. You will find that they did that because you will be penalized for being fat under the affordable care act. They also authorize an award for meeting fitness and health goals. But don't be fooled if you read it closely the award is your premium not going up by 50%.
  • Big_Bad
    Big_Bad Posts: 57
    nope. You cant pop pills and make obesity go away. Its not a disease.

    That's a pretty narrow definition of disease and pretty stigmatizing of mental illness. Just sayin'.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Oh goodie, now my doctors have an authoritative reason to not treat my health problems. :explode: :grumble: