you know you're taking your diet seriously when...



  • jenndeirdre
    jenndeirdre Posts: 23 Member
    You stop drinking a large double double (to all my Canadien brothers and Sisters out there...) because it puts your sugar through the roof for the day...

    That could possibly be the hardest thing! We drink tea though and I bring home a tea everyday for my boyfriend so sometimes I have to get a small or xsmall.
  • mish24canada
    mish24canada Posts: 152 Member
    that made me laugh i did that last night when making muffins clicked the spoon then i was worried about calories
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    A coworker offers you a slice of meat lover's pizza and instead of tearing into the slice like the Tazmanian Devil, you just grab their slice and take one tiny bite out of the crust. True willpower. :glasses:
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    when you don't share your meals anymore because you spent minutes planning your meals and choosing exactly how much you're going to have of each item so... someone else grabbing stuff from your plate really bugs you, as it means you have to re-calculate your calories. you can always choose not to, but it still bugs you because you feel someone else's cravings are ruining your hard planning work.

    yeah, i've become quite protective about my food lately. It's just the food on my plate though. This lunch hubby decided he wanted to the spinach quiche i baked last night. Why did he have to try it from the portions on MY plate?! there was enough on the tray for a whole family for god's sake! and the oven was still warm for him to heat up a small slice but no... he decided he wanted MINE!

    I didn't want to sound more nutty that I usually do so I decided to be a good girl and share my portions but i even felt offended by the request lol
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    You won't even taste the foods in the grocery store that are being prepared to give you a sample bite, because you don't know how many calories is in one bite.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    You work in fast food and not only do you ignore the desire to eat the crappiness...over time you just don't want it anymore!
  • Copywritten1988
    Copywritten1988 Posts: 6 Member
    You stay in the dressing room posing for about 30 in new clothes that you couldn't wear before.
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    You stop referring to it as a "Diet" and start referring to it as a lifestyle change :)
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    You literally body block your kids from taking a piece of something you've already counted or measured out. I know sharing is caring and all of that schlockeroo, but *kitten* gets serious when it comes to food!

    ^^ this this this... I have actually threatened my son with bodily harm (he is 18 and eats anything that doesn't bite him first).
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,648 Member
    You literally body block your kids from taking a piece of something you've already counted or measured out. I know sharing is caring and all of that schlockeroo, but *kitten* gets serious when it comes to food!

    So much this!
  • DedeeMarie
    DedeeMarie Posts: 54 Member
    You literally body block your kids from taking a piece of something you've already counted or measured out. I know sharing is caring and all of that schlockeroo, but *kitten* gets serious when it comes to food!

    Hahaha this^^^^^ and when my hubby will pick up my water bottle and start drinking from it! I'm like that water has already been logged, now I have to figure up how much you drank so I can make up for it! Or when he takes "some" of my pre prepped snacks out of the lil snack bags I already counted/measured... lol
  • jendemi
    jendemi Posts: 115
    you pass up the huge tray of donuts, danish, and muffins in the work break room and the fact that before I eat anything I know that I have to log that into my tracker and think to myself.. "Is this worth it?"
  • TiaraSeamonkey
    TiaraSeamonkey Posts: 17 Member
    instead of quitting your walking routine because it is so hot and humid in the summer (lives in MS) you join a gym so the weight doesn't creep back on!
  • I find myself doing the same thing, my husband find it so funny when we go out to dinner with our kids and I take alone with me my measuring spoons and cups to measure out everything. I also find myself asking myself if what I want to eat will it help me to reach my weight loss goal, if the answer is no...then I wont get it and look for something that will....I also tell myself each morning..."I may not be where I want to be but, with hard work I will reach my goal."
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    OMG! Some of these made me giggle so hard because they are sooooo, sooooo true!!!! I have been "gulity" of a few of them which makes me laugh even harder. You guys rock!!!!
  • Southern_Belle_LA
    Southern_Belle_LA Posts: 931 Member
    You decide to cut your hair so that your morning workouts don't kill the time you need to get ready for work! If you've seen my pics you know this is a big deal for me!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    When I weigh everything, including peanut butter, butter, mayo. etc.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You look up and journal restaurant foods the day BEFORE you're planning to eat out.

    I do this!! LOL
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You won't even taste the foods in the grocery store that are being prepared to give you a sample bite, because you don't know how many calories is in one bite.

    This is me, I hate going to Costco because of this
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    when you are happy that you dropped a big ol submarine in the evening cause tomorrow morning you can weigh in.
