Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • shannon_miller
    Tamara, I'm so happy for you with your success! You truly are an inspiration!

    I had a lovely big salad today - my new favorite salad:

    Romaine lettuce from our garden
    Iceburg lettuce for refreshing watery crunch
    One orange, sectioned and cut into chunks
    One avocado, cut into chunks
    2 TB sunflower seeds, roasted and salted
    A good amount of diced sweet onion

    I put it all in a big bowl, stir vigorously, and enjoy! it does not even need dressing. The gooeyness of the avocado, the sweetness and juicyness of the orange, the bite of the onion, and the salty crunchiness of the sunflower seeds totally satisfies me. With the fat of the avocado and sunflower seeds, I stay full for hours.

    What are some other peoples' favorite healthy foods?


    Oh this sounds perfect to take for lunch! I could run in and take a couple bits then step back out on the floor. Thanks for sharing
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Everyone, and welcome Kenya!

    I struggled last night. My husband was gone all evening at a business dinner. At first I was going to do something special - grill up a nice fish fillet and doing something fun with someone. I grilled up the fillet & it was delicious and healthy. Then I tried to find someone, anyone, to do something fun with. There was no one. All my female friends and relatives were gone or unavailable. In fact I couldn't even reach anyone. So then the boredom and loneliness set in. I got a HUGE obsessive craving for kettle corn (salty sweet popcorn) because I had eaten it in moderation a few days ago. Can we say trigger food, lol?! So I drove to the grocery store and bought TWO bags. Brought them home and ate 1 1/2 while watching a movie. Just like the good ole days. Oh boy.

    I logged it this morning, and realized something... I only went 500 cals over my "to lose" goal. Which basicially still puts me under maintenance. Now I'm not saying it is healthy to eat 1 1/2 bags of kettle corn, but then it's not the end of the world either, and nothing to beat myself up over. So that is a side benefit of logging food like this. It shines the clear light of truth and fact on what might otherwise be a terrible dark moment.

    As I shine that light of examination on last night, I'm seeing a few things. First of all, I think I'm not getting enough cals. I have my profile set to 1200 net cals and I'm eating way more than that and still losing. So maybe I'm more active than I thought I was. I will observe this. My next thought is "what can I learn from this?" Normally I would be thinking how to problem solve so this does not happen again. For example, have a friend and activity lined up ahead of time, or have a healthy substitute for the craved food, etc. BUT I'm approaching it differently this time, thank in part to insights I'm getting from a book, "Women Food and God" by Geneen Roth, recommended by Oprah. This time I am asking myself, "What is so bad about being alone with nothing to do?" What about that situation makes me obssess over food? Why is it uncomfortable to the point I need to relieve the discomfort with food?

    Food for thought! (tee hee)

    I'm really glad I have you guys to talk to. Even though we have never met, I can tell you are sincere caring people.

  • addiograsso

    Wow! That phrase, along with the one from Tamara about not being motivated enough to do stuff with her kids REALLY hit home for me.
    Hi - I am 42 years old I am FAT - (kinda feels like AA). I, too, joined this site when I saw an excerpt on MSN of Tamara's AMAZING story on the Today show. I think this was fate for me also, as I never read the little highlights associated with MSN. I joined MFP on the 17th (a bit late - Mc Donalds for Breakfast and I won't even mention the fat I had for lunch) and truly kicked it in gear on the 18th. I'm not going to step on the scale until i've been on it a week - or at least I'm going to try... :)
    Ya know, I went home on the 17th and thought I'm not going to log my dinner - what difference does it make - and then I realized it does make a difference - that's how i ended up here...
    I look forward to working with you wonderful ladies and sharing accomplishments and thank you to Tamara for encouraging us all to be better - for our kids, our families and most importantly for ourselves.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good evening everyone I hope all is well because we are all busy.. I hit the gym this morning burned 750 calories then went to work from 8-2 as a waitress came home ate lunch then went for a 5.72 mile run, I ran it in 1 hour 1 minute.. Not my best time but it was more then I would have done at home.. Tomorrow is weigh in for me, hopefully I did alright, I am super sore from lifting weights with personal trainer tues and wed, she literally kicked my tail in a good way..My muscles are still swollen which means I can have a gain, but it will be worth it, to get ripped..

    Well everyone you know that 320 am comes mighty early.. But its ok I enjoy it its ME time and I so need it..

    I just got home from sons baseball meeting for middle school and all I have to say is he better get JOB like work with his daddy in our heating and air buisness to the tune of 300.00 can I say wowswer!!! That does not include the cleats and the helmet I have to buy for him,,

    Well everyone I hope your getting you water in, I am thinking of a good challange for monday.. I hope ya;ll ready I know its gonna be an exercise challange..

    Welcome all new comers we welcome everyone !!!!! NO ONE IS TURNED DOWN HERE...

    Also starting monday I want us to post one thing postitve about ourselves, I have a really hard time with this one, so with the exercise challange we will have a positive thought about our bodies to encourage the mind!!!

    Well nighty night ya'll hope everyone has a awesome friday!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Ive been seeing this thread on the boards but just now clicked on it and WOW you ladies are soo chatty which is totally what I need. I feel bad about being on the computer anyways, Like I feel like I should be doing something lol. But being here prevents me from eating from boredum espeically when my lovely husband bought carmel chcolate cups which OMG caramel is my weakness. And the kettle corn post OOOOO yea I could easily down a bag of kettle corn. Thats why i measure it out of the bag first.

    ANyways I would love to join so here abit about me. My name is Jessica and I am a sahm mom to two kids. My daughter is 5 and my son is soon to be 3. I have never been hte big girl and being only 4 foot 11 inches I was always the small kid in school. I was never super thin but I think that would be because I was always a busty girl and that adds weight and everything. When I got pregnant wtih my daughter I immediately gained over 60 lbs and just never took it off. I hit 200 lbs the summer after she was born and I was terrified. I made small changes but really as long as I didnt go over 200 I was ok. I was more worried about being a mother. WHen she was 18 months old I got pregnant again wiht my son but this time I was terrified having needing insulin shots like i did with her since i had gestational diabetes so I ate well and ended up losing 27 lbs while pregnant. Long story short my husband was laid off and the stress and lack of money I ended up gaining everything back and probably more. My birthday this year in april we had moved and everything was getting back to normal and looking up and i decided that day was it. Ive since lost 37 lbs. Im excited but I jsut dont feel as great as I should. I still feel so big and selfconcious.

    I absolutely HATE exercising and right now all I do is the stationary bike and walk everywhere with the kids. I have on demand and have shuffled thru but It seems so odd to me to watch it and do what they are doing lol I dunno seems silly huh.
    Anyways enough about me. Im gonna try and check back regularly
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Welcome to Addiograsso and Cudybug! (Jessica, but Cudybug is so cute I might just have to call you that, lol!) This thread welcomes everyone who wants to join us. Yes, we are very supportive, and overall we are doing quite well!

    Familygirl is THE Tamara from the Today Show segment. She joined our thread to help us and she is quite the inspiration, as you can see from her posts!

    I hope everyone is having a great day. Mine is only so-so food-wise, but my attitude is positive and I am looking forward to my Couch to 5k walk/jog in the morning! Can you believe I'm looking forward to exercise?!

    Take care all!
  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    Hope everyone had a great day!! Mine was so-so. I was over by 77 calories, but I'm not going to sweat over it!! I got my water in and feel good about what I did do. I made today my rest day from exercise, but plan on working out tomorrow. My son is having a sleepover at a friend's house tomorrow night and his cousins' house on Saturday night, so I'm thinking a date night is in the works with my DH. I need to figure out which night and where to go so I can plan before I go out what to have!! Eating out and the weekends is always so difficult for me!

    I did cheat and get on the scale earlier and was down about a pound. My weigh-in day is Monday. I admit, I was hoping it would be a little more, but I know I have been drinking a ton of water, plus it's that time of the month, so I'm trying not to get too discouraged.

    It's nice to see some new faces on here!! This really is a fantastic board and you all help keep me motivated!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy my Friday Fit Friends!!! Hows it goes this morning???

    I am fabulous.. I am down 2.3 pounds this week...I really need to learn how to get on maintaince and stay the same, I really dont need to lose anymore, my husband may shoot me!!

    Well Ya'll know that Friday nights is my eat what I want meal, which I didnt do until I hit goal weight, which is difficult, goal weight you still do the same hard routine without seeing any change..its hard..If Iam gonna put this much effort into something I wanna se a anyone would!!

    I jut ate my french toast but a small bowl of cherrrios as I will eat small snacks throughout the day just to keep my fuel before eating what I want tonight...I will burn about 750 calories at the gym this morning and then after I get done with dinner I will run while my son has basebll practice and burn another 500, to off set what I ate..

    I am glad to see so many new faces here, this is a great thread..

    Welp, off to get my gym clothes on and head outta here... I hope ya'll have an awesome day and productive day and balancing day as we all know that getting on the right foot is all about balance... We gotta learn how to put everything on the same plate and bring it together to work for us..not the kids..not the hubby..not the boss..But one is gonna take care of us if we can't...Ladies put yourselfs first!!

    Have an awesome day everyone!!!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Good morning Everyone. Just a quick note to say that I will be doing my C25K walk/jog this morning even though I have a contractor coming by soon after. If today is your exercise day, just do it!

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- Ive actually had this screen name since I was about ten and I love it could never figure out a better one so it just stuck lol. It came about from my cousin who was born when I was ten and I babysat almost every weekend. His name is cody so I used to call him my cudybug lol anyways thought I would share. Sadly I am not close to this cousin anymore which is why I thought many years ago about finding a new name BUT I like this one.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning and Happy Friday! I hope everyone is off to a great start. The past two days have been an emotional roller coaster for me, but today I am feeling much better. I miss my husband tremendously, but this is the life that we chose for ourselves and I am ready for all the challenges we may face. I have to learn to let somethings go and realize that I cannot control everything. I am a planner and being a Navy wife does not allow me to plan. The motto in our household is adapt and overcome. We all face challenges in our everyday life and we have to face them head on. Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to and other times they do. Either way, you are the only one in control of your life and the decisions you make.

    I had a great weigh in today. I was down 2.5 pounds. My total loss now is 100.5 pounds. My ticker doesn't show it, but I have really lost that much. There is a picture on my profile of me at my heaviest. It is not something I am proud of, but I need to remember where I was and how far I have come. I have been getting all my water in and I managed to get my exercise in last night. Now I have to get some more exercise in today. I have 12 days before I fly to IL for the hubby's graduation and I have 3.5 pounds left to lose. I can do this. Time to buckle down, stay positive, and stay focused! I am actually feeling very skinny today. It is a very nice feeling!

    Welcome to all the new comers. This thread is awesome. Friend request any of us. We are all here for support and ecnouragement. Weight loss is hard no matter what point in the journey you are at. Together we can do this. I hope everyone has a fantastic day. Good luck this weekend. I know those are always the hardest days to stay on track.

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I finished my C25K walk/jog this morning! Yay! I always feel so good on my run days. I also did leg strength exercises and stretching. I feel like I have a nice little routine M-W-F. Now to implement my plan to something active on T & Th.

    Bobbie, congrats on going over the 100 lb loss points! Amazing! How cool that your DH lost 84 lbs to join the Navy. I'm a Navy veteran btw. It's a fun thing to do when you are young, and the college benefits are great!
  • addiograsso
    Good afternoon, all!
    You are all so very encouraging and have so many great stories to tell. It's very hard for me to disclose much about me - I am so very embarassed that I let myself get here. I have no one to blame but me truly (there was a car accident which left me wheel chair bound for a year and a half, but truly it's just bad eating habits and lack of activity...) I feel like I have no time, but I'm sure everyone does feel that way these days so you'll notice on my signature, I put no excuses! So, I am going to try REALLY hard to follow it. It's a great mantra, but very hard to follow.
    I'd love to know if there is anyone out there besides me who abhors vegetables as much as I do... :)
    I'd also like to know what the couch to 5k is?
    I made the mistake of stepping on the scale last night (day 2) and had lost nothing and was disheartened but I guess you're not going to be down 14 pounds in 2 days, eh? :)
    135 pounds seems so far away and i've always been more of a sprint runner (metaphorically speaking) - so this lack of instant gratification has me a smidge bummed out...
    Well, for now, I'll stop whining, be proud that I haven't had a soda in 3 days, did 25 situps for the first time since Elvis (:laugh: ), and took a vitamin. I'm drinking my water and I'm gonna make it through the weekend without eating myself into oblivion, so here's to little victories.
    Keep the inspiration and the motivation coming, ladies.
    Thanks to you all!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Deneen, Good for you for posting about yourself! Try to post a lot, it helps. Add a lot of people to your "friends" list so you can give/get lots of encouragement.

    NO SHAME, NO BLAME! Forgive yourself and get to work, lol! There are two people on this thread (Tamara and Bobbie) and plenty more around the boards that have successfully lost more than 100 lbs. You can do it too. It is a process. My ticker shows a 2 lb loss, but prior to joining this site I lost 13 lbs. Be ready for a journey of self-discovery. Like you already know you are an instant gratification person - well I am too. I have the excitement gene, and not much patience. I am working on little rules to live by that help create more of a structure in my life. sounds like you are too, what with quitting or reducing soda pop, adding vitamins and water, etc. You can figure it out, and everyone is here to help you!

    Veggies - I can't help you there. I love them. I would say just start trying different ones cooked different ways and see what you like. Also, I find that as I cut out unhealthy food, the healthier foods taste better. Do you like fruit? Hey even if you only like one veggie, say mini-carrots, you can have them 2-3 times a day. You can do it!

    The Couch to 5k program is a nine week graduated walk/jog program that takes you from couch potato to 5k runner in incremental steps each week. You can google c25k for more info, and there is a thread in the fitness and exercise section here on mfp. I just completed week 1 this morning.

    Good luck and hang in there! You can do it!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Deneed, I have an idea about the veggies... Why not start a thread asking for help learning to like veggies and see what good ideas people have? The people here are a wonderful resource!
  • shannon_miller
    Happy Friday!!! I went to the fair last night knowing I was gonna eat somehting, glanced through some of the choices and decided to indulge in the corn dog. By planning ahead I managed NOT to go over my calories, yay! Small success for me this week. It had been a rough week emotionally and stressful, but it ended ok... still down on my weigh in despite having a not so great eating week.

    Thanks for all the support! I'm looking forward to the next week and learning from the mistakes I made this week. Tamara's idea of an exercise challenge is perfect because i'm really struggling there scheduling that into my day.

    I like the veggies too, had been forgetting to bring them with me. My hubby HATES the veggies, what I found works for him is to cut them up really small and include them in soups/pasta and then he doesn't taste them really. Dunno if that helps or not.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mind if i join in? i have been struggling allot lately. old habits fighting with me.

    when is your weigh in day? are there any rules?

    a little about me: married 33+ yrs, two kids, one boy(29) one girl (32) two grandaughters 7&9. i live in the hot humdit south.I am a realtor. DH is in pest control and retired navy.

    i have had a rough day. i am really tired and cranky today. so food has been my comfort and friend. but, what friend lets you eat like this.

    need to get dinner started.

    talk to later
  • brashear_2420
    Deneen...It is all about baby steps and small victories. Giving up soda pop is awesome. That is very hard to do, especially if you love caffeine. Water is way better for you and will help you to fill up, so good job on the water. Any effort is better than none at all. Stay positive, stay withing your calorie goal, and start exercising and you will see results. You are putting your body into shock right now and sometimes it takes a little bit for it to catch up with you. Stay off the scale because if you don't see results you will want to give up. (Trust me I know because if I weigh and don't get the result I want then I want to crawl back in bed and skip the exercising. The only person that hurts is me.) Weigh once a week. It is better that way. You will see your true results each week. You also have to take into account that you are now drinking water and getting your body properly hydrated. I promise you will see results. Don't give up. It is worth it to keep fighting for yourself. You are doing this for you. You are on here for a reason and we are all here to help. Weight loss is very difficult, especially on your own. We are all here for you! You can do this! All of us can.

    Shari...Thanks! It was so cool to see him lose the weight and transform his body. I am so proud of him for doing it. The Navy was always a dream of his and he never thought he would get there. He was at 256 when I met him and the week before he left he was at 172. I hated to see him go, but it is for our future. Next year we plan on starting a family and now we are both in great shape. We have a healthy lifestyle and it is great. Before he left, we would go on 5 to 7 mile walk/runs. We were both extremely supportive of each other and that helped me so much. I can't wait to see him at his graduation and for him to see the slimmer version of me! He graduates on September 2nd and on September 3rd we will have been married for 11 months. It has been an awesome journey with him. I will keep in mind that you are a Navy vet in case I have any questions. =)

    I hope everyone is having a great Friday. I plan on joining Tamara for a run tonight. I hope she doesn't kill me in this heat.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and an even better weigh in next week.

  • addiograsso
    Shari/Bobbi -
    You guys are the best! Really, thanks! There are A LOT of things I know having been "successful" at the weight loss game in the past, it's just putting them into practice. And obviously, i wasn't successful - i just managed to "DIET" not change my lifestyle. The idea about "hiding" the vegetables like you do with your kids is a FABULOUS idea... ;)
    I do like lettuce and a few vegetables - like u said, no one says you can't eat the same ones AND who knows maybe I'll like more - as I tell my 2 year old - how do you know you don't like it - if you don't try it.
    Thanks for the inspiration - look forward to sharing/providing some as well. I've always considered myself a good sounding board - so sound away... :):flowerforyou:
    Happy Friday! Here's to a weekend full of happiness and success...
  • SharonsJetSet
    hey all

    been feeling a bit invisible here.

    wish you all the most success
