AMA: Obesity is a disease



  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    Is obesity contagious? If so, I think I caught it from my friends. Damn them!

    In all seriousness, I can see vague arguments for obesity being a disease. But I didn't get this way because I developed something or contracted it. I thought, "Hey, I really like fried chicken. Let's have some of that!" Many of our eating habits are linked with the way we think. So please explain to me why anorexia nervosa is a mental illness/eating disorder and obesity is a disease.

    ^^ nailed it.. it is very much a mental disorder. it deserves funding to get to the root of the problem. We need to figure out the WHY....
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    i don't think diet and exercise can cure aids or cancer?

    Actually, there's evidence that capsaicin (the compound in peppers that makes them hot) can destroy tumor cells. In other words, eating hot peppers may have the potential to "cure cancer".

    Also, the only treatment for Celiac is diet.
  • thinterrupted
    Being lazy and uneducated about a healthy lifestyle = Obesity.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    No personal responsibility any more. :(

    Really? After people sued the cigarette manufacturers, and the drive thru where they got the coffee they dropped on themselves, and the mall they walked into when they slipped in a bit of rain someone tracked in two minutes before them, you think the AMA decision heralds the end of personal responsibility??

    for the record, the coffee burn on that woman's lap that people like to talk about and use an example of people not taking personal responsibility... actually scalded her with 3rd degree burns on her thighs and nether-regions that required serious medical intervention, the coffee was hotter than it was supposed to be (the woman was in the hospital for days and required skin grafts), and she only sued because they refused to cover her medical treatment, which is all she asked for originally.

    Very true. Read the facts:

    That's corporate responsibility, not personal. How was she supposed to know the coffee was almost 200 degrees? I've had some pretty hot coffee, but it's never been that hot. There's a difference between this case and the "McDonald's makes me fat!" case.

    My point still stands.

    The AMA decision is hardly the end of personal responsibility that some people are making it out to be. That ship has sailed.

    Simply because it seems to be what's happened already, doesn't mean it needs to continue. Things need to be turned around.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    So I can get disability for not exercising? :drinker:


    c'mon people... obesity is not a disease! It's a symptom of something else that MAY be medical OR it may just be pure greed and laziness...

  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    No doubt that obesity is a disease and an epidemic at that. Turning things around begins with the individual. I stopped blaming myself for the situation I was in and started doing something positive about it. The medical community treats the physical symptoms of obesity but obesity also has mental health implications. I'm fortunate enough to be treating both the physical and mental side which not only makes the journey feasible, but enjoyable.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You all make me angry.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't think obesity in and of itself is a disease. BUT just like alcoholism it does have its addiction. There are chemical changes when you eat obviously to metabolize what you eat. AND the the old adage does apply for you are what you eat. Now don't get your panties in a knot. We didn't start out wanting to get overweight but the need to anesthetize, cope, pleasure,etc. just kept it going. Those of us who have had lots of weight to lose know that our psychological reasons outweigh our need to eat. So the addiction becomes our illness. No matter what it is very hard to overcome the psychological reasons for eating. It can be a best friend and our worst enemy all in one.

    Oh... it is a huge pet peeve of mine when people compare overeating to addiction. I respect your opinion, but as a recovering addict AND someone who has been in the range of morbid obesity, these two are not the same. There is a psychological aspect to the compulsion to overeat, however, addiction is a physical change in the brain. Very few chemicals found in food have the same effect. The ones that do have an insignificant effect or are completely illegal.

    I totally agree. Of course there are some people who do have food addictions but generally overeating has much to do with lack of education.

    As a kid, we were accustomed to having 2-3 servings of our dinner. Then we would have ice cream every night, not a scoop or two but a fully packed cereal bowl. I followed the lead of my parents. Naturally, my stomach adjusted to the large mass of food I put in it and unless I was painfully full, I thought I was still hungry. Now of course I have trained myself to feel full on ONE serving of dinner and ice cream is usually 2-3 small scoops that fill about half the bowl, once a month or so.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Just a quick question to those that think Obesity shouldn't be classed as a disease as it's a result of the " sufferer's " own actions.
    Just to play Devil's Advocate here.
    If a person contracts Aids due to a promiscuous lifesyle, unprotected with multiple partners - does that mean HIV / AIDS is no longer a disease?
    If a person has Heart Disease caused by a lifetime of eaing unhealthily - does tha mean the Hear Disease is no longer a disease?
    If a mother catches Measles looking after her infected child - is the measles no longer a disease?
    If a person has Liver Disease caused by too much alocohol - is it not a disease anymore?
    If 2 peope gte Lung Cancer 1. a heavy smoker and the other a non-smoker, is 2 suffering from a disease and 1 isn't?
    Whether Obesity should be classified as a disease or not is definitely arguable.
    But saying something shouldn't be classed as a disease because the sufferer caused it by their own lifestyle choices doesn't really hold any water as a logical argument.

    ^^^ that's exactly what I was thinking.

    Just because it's caused by lifestyle choices doesn't mean it's not a disease. You can cure scurvy by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and it's caused by eating a really terrible diet. Does that mean scurvy is not a disease? It's been well established for well over 100 years that a bad diet can make you ill, the British navy in the 1850s was adding lime juice to sailor's rations to prevent scurvy on long sailing trips. That's why USA people call us Brits limeys. If someone got scurvy because they adamantly refused to eat any foods that contain vitamin C, and then the doctor tells them "scurvy is a disease" - does it follow that they'll say "I can't help it if i have scurvy" and carry on with their dodgy diet... or would it be more likely that a doctor would say "you are ill, you have a disease, because you refuse to eat vitamin C. If you don't start eating fruit and veg you will die" - wouldn't this make someone take more responsibility for the lifestyle choices that have resulted in them getting ill....?

    Granted if doctors are actually saying "you poor obese thing you're ill, you can't help it" that would be a problem --- but does it really logically follow that that would happen as a result of obesity being considered an illness, as opposed to doctors saying "you have a disease that's caused by your lifestyle choices and if you don't start changing your eating and exercise habits you're going to die"

    there are potential issues with this, the main one that springs to mind is that you'll probably get doctors diagnosing extremely fit people with low body fat percentages and a high lean body mass for their height with an illness just by looking at a BMI chart. That IMO is a bigger danger, i.e. doctors pedantically diagnosing healthy people with a medical condition they don't have based on poorly thought out criteria, than people using it as an excuse. If anything, being told that your lifestyle choices have caused you to get a disease ought to wake a few people up to the severity of the issue. On the other hand, if the classification of obesity as a disease results in more specific and reliable criteria than a BMI chart then that would improve things for fit people with a high lean body mass for their height.

  • suenevico
    suenevico Posts: 8 Member
    you can't pop pills and make cancer go away either
  • Big_Bad
    Big_Bad Posts: 57
    I don't think obesity in and of itself is a disease. BUT just like alcoholism it does have its addiction. There are chemical changes when you eat obviously to metabolize what you eat. AND the the old adage does apply for you are what you eat. Now don't get your panties in a knot. We didn't start out wanting to get overweight but the need to anesthetize, cope, pleasure,etc. just kept it going. Those of us who have had lots of weight to lose know that our psychological reasons outweigh our need to eat. So the addiction becomes our illness. No matter what it is very hard to overcome the psychological reasons for eating. It can be a best friend and our worst enemy all in one.

    Oh... it is a huge pet peeve of mine when people compare overeating to addiction. I respect your opinion, but as a recovering addict AND someone who has been in the range of morbid obesity, these two are not the same. There is a psychological aspect to the compulsion to overeat, however, addiction is a physical change in the brain. Very few chemicals found in food have the same effect. The ones that do have an insignificant effect or are completely illegal.

    lol no. It's pretty basic. Dopamine and serotonin are the main two brain chemicals associated with pleasure. They can be released with eating as well as with drug use. The level to which a person is affected has to do with genetics and mental state. If a person is depressed (meaning having low levels of serotonin) they are going to enjoy that food soooooo much more! This is why it is possible to have behavioral addictions- sex, gambling, internet, love, etc. It depends on the person how they react to a certain behavior that increases happy brain chemicals.

    It is definitely possible to have a mental addiction to food. There doesn't need to be a special drug in the food for it to happen.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Perhaps they could make natural and healthy foods cheaper than the sugar and chemically based crap.

    It can be a side effect of other diseases and disorders, but as a whole laziness is not a disease. IMO
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    The financial implications of this boggle my mind.

    If obesity in and of itself is a disease, everything that is currently being sold to fight obesity (effective or not,) is going to be covered under health insurance.

    So my health insurance is now going to be used to buy my gym membership, my "it works!" wraps, my HCG, my Jenny Craig, my Nutrisystem, my Thighmaster, my Weight Watchers, my raspberry ketones, my green tea extract......the list is long.

    How much are we prepared to pay for health insurance? The insurance companies are sure to pass along their increased costs in the form of higher premiums.

    Weird, I thought the exact opposite. Some insurance companies will refuse to ensure anyone with a "pre existing" condition. If an obese person gets a new job and applies for insurance, what is preventing that new insurer from saying "Well, since obesity is classified as a disease, and you were obese before you signed up, you have a pre-existing condition. Sorry, we don't cover pre-existing conditions, therefore you're out of luck here."

    I see it as more of a hindrance to insurance than a help. Insurance companies can deny people for a myriad of "pre existing" conditions. I know one person whose father had Huntington's Chorea. The guy I knew refused to get tested, because if it came back he had it, his insurance company would have refused to cover any costs associated, should he end up contracting it later in life. It was, in their eyes, a pre-existing condition.

    "Pre-existing condition" exclusions are severely limited under the Affordable Health Care Act in the US. If you have one, you'll possibly be in a higher risk pool (aka, will have to pay more), but as of 2014 it will almost impossible to deny insurance on the basis of pre-existing conditions.

    Which is why this is going to get very interesting, and why the AMA's decision is very interesting. It has everything to do with the AHCA.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    The financial implications of this boggle my mind.

    If obesity in and of itself is a disease, everything that is currently being sold to fight obesity (effective or not,) is going to be covered under health insurance.

    So my health insurance is now going to be used to buy my gym membership, my "it works!" wraps, my HCG, my Jenny Craig, my Nutrisystem, my Thighmaster, my Weight Watchers, my raspberry ketones, my green tea extract......the list is long.

    How much are we prepared to pay for health insurance? The insurance companies are sure to pass along their increased costs in the form of higher premiums.

    Weird, I thought the exact opposite. Some insurance companies will refuse to ensure anyone with a "pre existing" condition. If an obese person gets a new job and applies for insurance, what is preventing that new insurer from saying "Well, since obesity is classified as a disease, and you were obese before you signed up, you have a pre-existing condition. Sorry, we don't cover pre-existing conditions, therefore you're out of luck here."

    I see it as more of a hindrance to insurance than a help. Insurance companies can deny people for a myriad of "pre existing" conditions. I know one person whose father had Huntington's Chorea. The guy I knew refused to get tested, because if it came back he had it, his insurance company would have refused to cover any costs associated, should he end up contracting it later in life. It was, in their eyes, a pre-existing condition.

    Obamacare will not allow excluding anyone for a pre-existing condition. So that argument falls right apart in a few months when full implmentation occurs.

    But I don't blame you for not knowing that, even the lawmakers who passed it had to vote first and then find out what was in it.............:ohwell:
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    nope. You cant pop pills and make obesity go away. Its not a disease.

    Not that I agree with obesity being a disease, but no matter how many pills you pop, you can't get AIDS, HIV, herpes, most cancers, Alzheimers, Parkinson's, Arthritis, MS, Hepatitis C, etc to go away either.
  • MeAnTtOBeThIn
    MeAnTtOBeThIn Posts: 22 Member
    I believe Alcoholism has already been determined to be a disease
  • eustinjean
    eustinjean Posts: 13 Member
    Lung cancer is a disease that is primarily caused by smoking...agreed?
    Stigma induces shame induced more overeating...
    Shame has no place in my life.

    On the other hand, I don't want to feel like I'm in some victim role...

  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I work in Human Resources; just think of the disability cases.....
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I don't think obesity in and of itself is a disease. BUT just like alcoholism it does have its addiction. There are chemical changes when you eat obviously to metabolize what you eat. AND the the old adage does apply for you are what you eat. Now don't get your panties in a knot. We didn't start out wanting to get overweight but the need to anesthetize, cope, pleasure,etc. just kept it going. Those of us who have had lots of weight to lose know that our psychological reasons outweigh our need to eat. So the addiction becomes our illness. No matter what it is very hard to overcome the psychological reasons for eating. It can be a best friend and our worst enemy all in one.

    Oh... it is a huge pet peeve of mine when people compare overeating to addiction. I respect your opinion, but as a recovering addict AND someone who has been in the range of morbid obesity, these two are not the same. There is a psychological aspect to the compulsion to overeat, however, addiction is a physical change in the brain. Very few chemicals found in food have the same effect. The ones that do have an insignificant effect or are completely illegal.

    You might want to look into the science of how the processed junk food is made. It's actually made to trigger a reaction not unlike other addictive substances (by triggering the reward pathways in our brains, then reinforcing them with continued use). Sugar and caffeine are also addictive substances in that they create physical changes in brain and body to cause a person to feel a compulsive need to consume more of the substance. Anything that stimulates the brains reward paths has the potential to short-circuit them and become physically addicting.
  • NathanFronk
    NathanFronk Posts: 137 Member
    Obesity is a disease people.

    Like a lot of things:

    Lazy is a disease
    Ignorant is a disease
    Overeating is a disease
    Couch Potato is a disease
    Driving loops in parking lots for the best spot is a disease
    Taking the elevator instead of the stairs is a disease


    Trying to ensure that no one feels like anything is "their fault," is a disease.