Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    deneen- I absolutely hate veggies and unfortunately my son has inherited that awful trate. What really makes it worse was that my dad is the same way and so my mother just made corn with every meal (can corn I might add). I now have moved onto forzen green beans but they have to be super soft and even then I eat it with my meat and tatoes. I will admit that I dont get enough veggies or fruit in my diet and thats just because Im so picky. I love fruit but I only like fresh fruit and I hate cooking and slicing and cutting so I buy like a melon and cut it up in one day and put in a container in the fridge which is fine except after a couple days its not so fresh and I wont eat it. Im more of a simple is best kinda cook. I need a chef lol
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome to all the NEWBIES!

    Been a bad day for me personally, not diet or excercise wise. My baby sister lost her baby and this is her 4th attempt, so I'm so sad for her.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a successful weekend! I weigh in on Monday...hopefully it will be good!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Welcome Chipper! This is a great group. Jump in!

    Hi Sharon! why are you feeling invisible? Is it because you aren't posting, or are we inadvertantly ignoring you? How are you and Tony doing? You are one of the main cheerleaders on this thread, so post lots, ok?

    Deneen, another Veggie idea - take one veggie and try preparing it lots of different ways - raw, stir fried, baked, boiled, with different seasonings or dips, etc. I love veggies but can't stand canned ones. I barely tolerate frozen ones. The best I think are fresh! Either raw, or in a soup, salad, or stir fried. Don't forget dips. Nutritionists say most kids will eat any raw veggie dipped in peanut butter. I like to dip them in hummus. Try some things and report back.

    Since we are still getting new members, lets all try to sign our names. A great idea is to add your name to your signature block.
  • I am so very sorry for you and your sister. That is very tough. We'll keep you and her in our prayers.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome to all of the newcomers! I started using MFP to track my caloric intake about 9 months ago, since that time I've taken off close to 60 pounds (I lost a bit before I joined here, 270 was my highest recorded weight). I recently completed the C25K program and am currently making my way through for a second round with no walking to work on my speed. Instead I run as fast as I can for the run portions and slow to a shuffling jog for the walking portions. My doctor is thrilled at the weight loss and the huge drop in blood pressure (was 140/100 now 114/61).

    It's great to see so many new members motivated to make a life change and to get into shape. It's a difficult choice that takes dedication and self discipline but you're all more than capable. Using MFP is a great step in the right direction as keeping a food diary results in a much greater success rate at weight loss.

    When I run into someone who hasn't seen me in awhile I'm always asked "How did you do it?" "What diet are you on?" My reply is always the same. "Eat less and move more." and "I'm not on a diet, I'm on a budget. I eat pretty much whatever I want, but I count every bite of it."

    The important thing is not to feel like you're depriving yourself of something you really want. If you really want some french fries then go for it, once you see how much those fries cost you you will decide that there are much better things to eat that don't massacre your calorie budget for the day.

    At least, this has been my experience. Your mileage may vary.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Marcie, I'm so sorry about your sister losing her baby. My heart goes out to you both.

    Jrkingery, thanks for posting to our thread. You are an inspiration, and your advice is very practical and useful.
  • Hey folks, you all seem like such wonderful people! I'm a newbie on Day 6. Today's my first day on the boards!

    Marcie, thanks for welcoming newbies like me! I very much hope your family and your sister are alright and recovering.

    Chipper, I hope you feel better now that the day is done! Tomorrow the clock turns and it's a new chance for success :)

    Deneen, I grew up addicted to soda and all manner of junk food, and have spent the past, like, fifteen years trying to develop and follow healthy habits that will override my unhealthy childhood! My two cents on quitting soda: One of the things I've always noticed is that super sweet sugary soda actually floods your taste buds a lot and reduces your ability to taste more subtle flavors. The longer you "just say no" to soda, the more your taste buds will recover and you'll be able to appreciate the sweet goodness of wonderful things like carrots and peas :)

    Glad to be with you folks on this board :)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    just a quick pop in headed for 8 mile run this morning, gotta be home by 8am hubby has to work so I need to be home to get daughter!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    thanks for the welcome. today is a new day.
    i will be out showing lots of houses today. so means lunch out again. i need to choose better. i know my body doesn't handle much of certain foods now(had gallbladder out). just accepting that fact is hard. i just need to make sure i am home and near the bathroom. like my own built in Ali. it's been over a year. oh well.

    just wanted to check in before i head out for the day.

  • Good morning. Today is going to be a lazy day for me. I need some rest, but I have so much to do. I might get motivated and get it done, but if not then it will be there tomorrow.

    Marcie - I am so sorry to hear that. Let us know if we can do anything.

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Sharon, I am sorry you have been feeling invisible on the thread. I know you make a lot of effort to give personal support to people, and I'm sorry I have not done the same for you. Please stay with our group! You are such a staple and a positive presence. I really care about you. We started this together, and are of a similar age, so I feel bonded to you. I would miss you if you were to leave!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    just pooping in for a minute before lightening take my computer down by taking the lights out.\\Hope everyone is having a awesome weekend, my run was good 8 miles1 hre 23 minuites I think is what it was..

    Hope everyone has an awesome weigh in.. I have to be at work at 5 am so early post for me.. Have stayed on track today, yesterday I was having an emontional day , but got over it!!

    Today I am good!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Where is everyone???

    Well I hope all is well, they sent me home from work early..yippee, I was making good money but was ready to come home..

    Well tomorrow starts our new challange!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Here I am Tamara!! Busy, busy free weekend in Texas so have been out shopping for school, which starts tomorrow for my kiddos. I've managed to stay on track, with caloire intake, excercise and water. I completed week 1, day 3 of C25K program. Tomorrow is weigh-in for me, so I'm a bit ansy about that.

    Thank you all for your well wishes for my sister and me. I truly appreciate it.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I'm here too! Had a busy day yesterday. We had family BBQ at our house, and I unfortunately reverted to my old waysof eating. Among other things i had two burgers and a candy bar. I have not even logged my food yet, but I am going to make myself do it.

    On a positive note - I started fresh this moring. I did W2D1 of C25K (a day early!), and have been eating healthfully so far. My weigh in is tomorrow, so I'm a bit depressed. I had several days this week of exceeding my cals significantly, so I don't expect to lose. In fact, I may gain! Arrgh!

    Tamara, did you struggle at the beginning? You seem to have it so together. Did you just turn on a switch and stay on track, like a smoker going cold turkey? Or were there backslides and bad weeks?

    Two things I learned from yesterday: 1) Just because it is a special occasion, does not mean you get to go hog wild with eating. Gee, is that why they call it hog wild? lol! I must try to keep reminding myself why I am doing this. It is worth it! 2) My MIL is a challenge, I'm sorry to say. I feel very stressed and tense around her. Because of that I had an alcoholic drink, and I think that was the start of my bad eating. I need to figure out how to be around toxic people and not have them bring me down.
  • Shari -
    I think that's why we call it "Comfort" food. Although, like an alcoholic, it doesn't bring us much comfort.... I seem to find a way to "eat" when people upset me, too... I don't have excellent words of advice on that topic, but I think acknowleding is half the battle... :)

    Keep your chin up - this is a marathon, right... :)
    We'll be there for you as you are for everyone else
    Have a great Monday!
  • P.S - Excellent question of Tamara - you are an inspiration and it seemed like it came off very fast. I dont' know how you do it all - the running, etc - you truly are incredible - thanks for all your inspiration, too... :)
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Thanks Deneen! I appreciate the kind words very much! I have felt better all day today. 'That's another important lesson - if you have one bad day and stop it there, it's not the end of the world. I give myself credit for holding it to one day! It's 7:30 PM here, and I have stopped eating for the day. I'm drinking lots of water in the hopes I can pee out yesterday''s excess calories! (lol, just kidding, but maybe flush the salt?)
  • nilabhakuni
    nilabhakuni Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm new to the website this week. I am in the same boat--after 2 kids I have been stuck within 5 pounds of my baby weight but I am 43 pounds from my before I got married weight. I used to be a spinning instructor and I have lifted weights for 20 years, but I have been having a hard time managing work, kids, and life in general.
  • GLW1969
    GLW1969 Posts: 23
    Hi all ! just checking in to say hey there and wish us all a great week ! Sheri i clean my home every day i have 3 teenagers and 9 dogs and 2 cats therefore i am constantly cleaning and having to trot up and down my stairs. i do it so often i never thought it counted as moderate exercise, i enjoy keeping house .
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