June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    L3D1 complete this morning. It flew by but I think I sweated more than I have on all the other levels!! I do like it better but she really jumps in hard right at the beginning. Whew...tired today

    It does seem to go by much faster.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Finished Level 1 Day 9. Still not getting any easier.... I can see more definition in my arms, but I don't feel any stronger. I guess I just need to be patient.
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    Day 5 of level 2 done.


    Think knowing tomorrow is my rest day made this seem doubly hard today.
    Either that or its just really really hard :grumble:

    Weirdly today I woke up feeling not toned at all anywhere on my body. I know that sounds ridiculous but it makes sense to me, my stomach seemed to stick out more today and despite eating really healthy the last two days I had put weight on when I got weighed. I am hoping it is muscle weight, especially since my clothes don't feel any tighter anywhere.

    Enough of my grumbling, hope everybody is doing OK and I'm looking forward to my rest day then starting day 6 following Natalie and getting to the end of this god forsaken level :bigsmile:

    Oops I felt the same today....I am on level 2 day 4....why is the tummy sticking out I can't understand.....have been eating clean...post today's workout I felt a little better tummy....but it's still around :(
  • MelClaire2000
    Warning, I'm about to do a proper moan. But there are two reasons 1) to get it all out and 2) to maybe help motivate you as well....

    So normally I do my Shred in the mornings but today I needed to get some serious job apps in so I figured that I would do that first. There was on particular job that I wanted to prepare for really well because it would be an incredible job, just right for my experience, great company, good pay, close location. So I have spent hours over the past several days tailoring my resume and cover letter and completing the application including several hours today. I submitted it and felt really good about it so was working on some other apps when not even an hour later I got a FORM EMAIL rejection letter. I have a Masters degree and 10 years experience and I was rejected in an hour, probably without even having been looked at is my guess. Add to that other stresses at home what with being unemployed for a year and a half and I was done. I did some other apps though and around 4 pm I said well I guess I had better do the Shred.

    But I didn't want to. I just wanted to pout and wallow.

    But I thought about you guys, and how you do it every day as well, and I didn't want to disappoint you.

    So I got up, and I did it.

    And when I wanted to quit after circuit 1 kept going....and all through wanting to quit during circuit 2.....and finally through circuit 3....just telling myself that I had to finish because I had to post and tell you all that despite being bored with L2, despite wanting nothing more than to cry after a very ****ty day....

    I finished L2, D9.

  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    sorry to hear that your day went like that, but still glad to see that you pushed through. im about to start my workout now.
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry to hear about your *kitten* day today. Well done for pushing through the workout despite it. Not sure I could have forced myself after that.


    Seemed to pass quite quickly today. Have to say my shoulders look more defined but only if I pull a pose like those in bodybuilding competitions haha, so I'm forever gawping at myself in mirrors.

    Did less squats today than yesterday no legitimate reason, I just hate them.

    At the end today I upped my weights to do some bicep curls since my arms don't look very different to me.

    One more day than a new level.
    Keep it up everyone :-)

    p.s checked my weights and turns out I am using 3lb weights to do this. Confusion occured as the weights I use are boyfriends and I use just the bar to do this then add weights to do bicep curls so he was estimating weight of bar for me. Decided I would check and weighed it.
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60

    But I thought about you guys, and how you do it every day as well, and I didn't want to disappoint you.

    So I got up, and I did it.

    And when I wanted to quit after circuit 1 kept going....and all through wanting to quit during circuit 2.....and finally through circuit 3....just telling myself that I had to finish because I had to post and tell you all that despite being bored with L2, despite wanting nothing more than to cry after a very ****ty day....

    I finished L2, D9.


    Every morning when I do it, I think of yall as well. Its a struggle everyday to get up at 430 in the morning and do it. I have to do it in the morning because that's when I have no excuses. Being "tired" or "its too early" is not an excuse. Something always comes up in the afternoon.

    I'm proud you still did it. Job hunting is never easy and when I have to do it I cry after. Keep that chin up. Think of how close we are. I honestly didn't think I would make it till the end of June but look...here we all are. I as well as others are here to push you through it because we are going through it too.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    just finished level 1 day 10, level 2 starts tomorrow, wish me luck yall, im already getting beat down, and I hear level 2 is no walk in the park.
  • LoveInNumbers
    Level 2, Day 20 complete!
    Wow, done with Level 2 already. I'm half excited, half worried about what Level 3
    will bring me. In every level there's always 1 exercise I hate the most...oh well.

    Lets pull through, everyone!

    Is everyone doing alright? :flowerforyou:
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    L3D5 finis
    Seeya tomorrow, shredders! :P
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    L1D10. I really phoned in the exercise yesterday, or so it felt. Today is my last workout for Level 1. I am going to try to be as energetic as possible because it is the last workout and I know it will be a hell of a lot easier than level 2 tomorrow.

    Diet wise...I am having a cheat day. Not really tracking calories. I've been averaging about 900 or lower all week and have gotten a warning every day that my calories are too low. Hopefully this cheat day will prevent my body from thinking it is in starvation mode. Despite the "cheat" day- I am trying to eat as healthy as possible. Yummy fish tacos for dinner!!
  • buggybabe184
    buggybabe184 Posts: 9 Member
    Completely fell off the the wagon... I mean like nose dived. Tomorrow was suppose to be day 5 of level 2 but after a much longer break than intended... I decided that I was going to do a couple more days of level 1 to get me back into doing it again. Saturday will be day 1 of level 2 when it should be 7. I can't believe I became so unmotivated... It has really taken a toll on my mental state here lately... But I'm back in the game and ready to go at it again... One more day of level one then a weigh and measure on Saturday and we'll see how it goes. Must keep going!!
  • MelClaire2000
    Just wanted to say thanks for the kind words yesterday. It really helped me climb a little bit out of the funk - and the endorphins from working out probably helped a bit too ;)

    About to walk the dog then go do L2, Day 20 woohooo.....!!!

    Just a note for those who might need some encouragement in this area....I weighed myself again today. Since starting the Shred I had lost two pounds...but now according to the scale I have put those two pounds back on...but I feel stronger and healthier, have tons more muscle, see bones and muscle definition where they were covered with fat before and my clothes fit better (I fit into my lower size jeans now-ok so they're still a smidge too tight for true comfort but I can get them zipped up ok and my belly doesnt lap over the edge lol)

    But I've read that strength training etc builds dense muscle, AND bone density (good for people prone to osteo like me) AND your muscles when beginning training can retain extra water at first in order to speed healing as they build. So I'm figuring thats where those two pounds come from.

    So my point is, don't worry about a number on the scale, look at pics, measurements, the fit of your clothes to tell you that you are getting fitter! You are!
  • hottopicfitness
    hottopicfitness Posts: 32 Member
    L1 D5 done... Whoot whoot
  • Sailfindragon
    Sailfindragon Posts: 28 Member
    Starting L1 D1 today, plus my usual 4+ mile cycle. Wish me luck. :)
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Just a note for those who might need some encouragement in this area....I weighed myself again today. Since starting the Shred I had lost two pounds...but now according to the scale I have put those two pounds back on...but I feel stronger and healthier, have tons more muscle, see bones and muscle definition where they were covered with fat before and my clothes fit better (I fit into my lower size jeans now-ok so they're still a smidge too tight for true comfort but I can get them zipped up ok and my belly doesnt lap over the edge lol)

    Congrats on your NSV. I lost two as well and then got them back but everything is really fitting better. I'm focusing on that because I have been really down about it. I think my obsessive behavior is coming from counting the calories and getting on that d4mn scale.

    So I did L3D2 today and my inner thighs are killing me!!! Looks like I need to go to the bathroom when I walk =) But on a side note, my NSV today (I guess you can call it that) is that I can touch my toes during the warm ups, exercises, and stretching that I couldn't do five days ago.

    I also want to say that I'm really enjoying our 30DS community and support that we have going. I will be picking up RI30 as soon as I'm done on the 30th with the shred. I will take a rest day on the 1st and start right in on the 2nd. I hope others will join so that we can continue to strive and motivate each other.

    Have a kick @ss day everyone =)
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Just finished Level 1 Day 10, starting Level 2 tomorrow. So far I never felt any stronger as I did multiple days of Level 1, but today I finally feel stronger and was able to do Level 1 without sweating so much and taking a ton of breaks. So far I've lost about 4 lbs since starting the shred. I doubt I'll lose 4 lbs every level, but I'll take every victory as it comes.
  • avvalynna
    avvalynna Posts: 32
    I'm on Day 9 Level 2. Funny thing happened yesterday: So I developed some knee pain and the doc sent me to physical therapy. Guess what? I haven't been doing the squats correctly! So last night, I did them a bit slower with better form and hello quads and hamstrings! I also did the chair squats with the v lifts against the wall for stability and wow what a workout!

    I feel it today and cant wait for tonight. Best calorie burn yet! and just think...proper form. lol
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    I'm on Day 9 Level 2. Funny thing happened yesterday: So I developed some knee pain and the doc sent me to physical therapy. Guess what? I haven't been doing the squats correctly! So last night, I did them a bit slower with better form and hello quads and hamstrings! I also did the chair squats with the v lifts against the wall for stability and wow what a workout!

    I feel it today and cant wait for tonight. Best calorie burn yet! and just think...proper form. lol

    This is what is bothering me about level 2. I feel like I am still so weak that I am not doing any of the activities correctly. I am only 2 days in but I don't remember feeling that way about level 1.

    I am tempted to pause the video for each one and slow down my reps to make sure they are correct before moving one to the next one.

    I like the idea of using a wall for support - I may try that tonight.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    hello! just wanted to give my progress report:


    39...soooo close to 40
    W = 31"
    H = 41"

    current: 141.6lbs
    W= 30

    10 more days! starting Level 3 in about 30 min :)