Try exercising with a gun in your bra



  • davideickelmann
    davideickelmann Posts: 87 Member
    There's no outbreak of law-abiding concealed carry citizens shooting people. It doesn't happen.

    ... but there's been an outbreak of people attacking people out for a jog?

    I wouldn't call it an outbreak so much as a constant presence. Violent crime has always been a part of our society.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    There's no outbreak of law-abiding concealed carry citizens shooting people. It doesn't happen.

    ... but there's been an outbreak of people attacking people out for a jog?

    Haha. The first almost happened to me while I was out on a jog.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    There's no outbreak of law-abiding concealed carry citizens shooting people. It doesn't happen.

    ... but there's been an outbreak of people attacking people out for a jog?

    I wouldn't call it an outbreak so much as a constant presence. Violent crime has always been a part of our society.

    Yeah, he kind of left out the part of the quote where I was almost attacked and luckily had a gun that scared off the perp. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been an "almost." Funny how pulling out a gun makes a huge guy with a lead pipe run away.

    But you know, me actually using a gun to defend myself....that didn't fit with his agenda.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I am moving to Canada.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    the world is a very dangerous place and you shouldn't even go to church without a bowie knife, an uzi, and a flamethrower. you definietely need protection if you're going to run around in the big, bad city. everyone is evil in the city and if you don't realize this you're just being naive.

    you should upgrade your dog.


  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I like that your dog is taking a *kitten* in the background of your profile pic. Photo bombed by your pup. Nice!
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    I am thinking of the scene in "I'm gonna get you sucka", where the heavily armed to the teeth guy trips,and falls and shoots himself for 10 minutes... LMAO!

    Mine suggested carrying my 9 mm while riding the bike. No thanks! As badly as local drivers treat bike riders, I am likley to shoot some one for stupidity!

    ALso, I don't need the extra weight. I don't think I can pedal and manage a gun at the same time. Would rather run or ride like mad! OC or mace would be fine.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    There's no outbreak of law-abiding concealed carry citizens shooting people. It doesn't happen.

    ... but there's been an outbreak of people attacking people out for a jog?

    I wouldn't call it an outbreak so much as a constant presence. Violent crime has always been a part of our society.

    Yeah, he kind of left out the part of the quote where I was almost attacked and luckily had a gun that scared off the perp. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been an "almost." Funny how pulling out a gun makes a huge guy with a lead pipe run away.

    But you know, me actually using a gun to defend myself....that didn't fit with his agenda.

    Good for you for protecting yourself with what was available to you. A lot of people like to think that if bads things haven't happened to them they don't's that head in the sand attitude. I have my concealed carry (S&W air weight .38 hammerless) though I haven't figured out how to comfortably carry it while running, so I carry pepper spray. Trust me, I would use either or both to protect myself or my family.

    For the record, I live in about the safest place I can think of and yet not too long ago a woman and her daughter were abducted while coming out of a gymnastics class, girl was raped and mom was killed while trying to protect her daughter. Her death allowed her daughter to get free, but I'd bet the story would have a different ending had she been armed and ready to protect herself and her child. Bad things can happen in the best of places (yes, even in Canada)...better to be prepared than suffer the consequences.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    hmm didnt have guns when i was in India. I did major damage to a guy with a toothpick though. And this is a true story.

    That's nothing, compared to what I can do with an ear of corn...

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    There's no outbreak of law-abiding concealed carry citizens shooting people. It doesn't happen.

    ... but there's been an outbreak of people attacking people out for a jog?

    I wouldn't call it an outbreak so much as a constant presence. Violent crime has always been a part of our society.

    Yeah, he kind of left out the part of the quote where I was almost attacked and luckily had a gun that scared off the perp. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been an "almost." Funny how pulling out a gun makes a huge guy with a lead pipe run away.

    But you know, me actually using a gun to defend myself....that didn't fit with his agenda.

    Good for you for protecting yourself with what was available to you. A lot of people like to think that if bads things haven't happened to them they don't's that head in the sand attitude. I have my concealed carry (S&W air weight .38 hammerless) though I haven't figured out how to comfortably carry it while running, so I carry pepper spray. Trust me, I would use either or both to protect myself or my family.

    For the record, I live in about the safest place I can think of and yet not too long ago a woman and her daughter were abducted while coming out of a gymnastics class, girl was raped and mom was killed while trying to protect her daughter. Her death allowed her daughter to get free, but I'd bet the story would have a different ending had she been armed and ready to protect herself and her child. Bad things can happen in the best of places (yes, even in Canada)...better to be prepared than suffer the consequences.

    Wow....brb gun shopping.

    For a little gun that fits where my mp3 player used to fit in my running top's tiny pocket. Actually I think i'll just get a new top. DSC05808-300x225.jpg
  • Cindy679
    Cindy679 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have any problems with people - but we have bears and that's why I've considered carrying my Ruger 357 on runs (We live on a dirt road). Currently, I stick to the treadmill, but I've definitely considered the Ruger - and let's not forget my German shepherd. She'd be tickled to go for a run, but she's got a vendetta against chipmunks and I'd probably have a hard time getting her to concentrate on running in a straight line!! (Oh, and I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but don't think I'd want it in my bra.)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't have any problems with people - but we have bears and that's why I've considered carrying my Ruger 357 on runs (We live on a dirt road). Currently, I stick to the treadmill, but I've definitely considered the Ruger - and let's not forget my German shepherd. She'd be tickled to go for a run, but she'd got a vendetta against chipmunks and I'd probably have a hard time getting her to concentrate on running in a straight line!! (Oh, and I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but don't think I'd want it in my bra.)

    Yeah but I'd take chipmunk vendetta's over photobombing poopy pics any day of the week.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Oh yeah, try exercising with a cannon in your shorts!

    ^^^ this ^^^

    and two cannon balls
  • staceylcash
    I work out in my house lol. But my town is very safe, but i still get paranoid. My husband probably wouldnt want me out running cause he wouldnt want some dude trying to talk to me :-/ lol our town is just very safe.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Cars crash.
    Pianos fall on people.
    Trees fall, knock out electrical line and burn people alive.
    Planes fall out of the sky.
    People get hit by lightning.

    There - some more reasons to not go outside, that don't care about what you're packing.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Cars crash.
    Pianos fall on people.
    Trees fall, knock out electrical line and burn people alive.
    Planes fall out of the sky.
    People get hit by lightning.

    There - some more reasons to not go outside, that don't care about what you're packing.


    I wear a seat belt and insist my kids are in car seats.
    I try not to stand or jog under pianos.
    I try to stay inside during tornados and hurricanes and I have smoke alarms in my house.
    Nothing I can do here other than avoid flying Aeroflot and other such airlines
    And I don't jog, swim or surf in thunder storms (Florida is the lightening capital and we take that very seriously)

    People live in different areas of the world and have different values and ways of life. I don't judge Canadians for wanting to live close to polar bears. :wink:
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    Cars crash.
    Pianos fall on people.
    Trees fall, knock out electrical line and burn people alive.
    Planes fall out of the sky.
    People get hit by lightning.

    There - some more reasons to not go outside, that don't care about what you're packing.


    I wear a seat belt and insist my kids are in car seats.
    I try not to stand or jog under pianos.
    I try to stay inside during tornados and hurricanes and I have smoke alarms in my house.
    Nothing I can do here other than avoid flying Aeroflot and other such airlines
    And I don't jog, swim or surf in thunder storms (Florida is the lightening capital and we take that very seriously)

    People live in different areas of the world and have different values and ways of life. I don't judge Canadians for wanting to live close to polar bears. :wink:

    You said what I was thinking (or something close, lol) much more eloquently that I would have, thanks :happy: .
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I live in Canada.

    You are awesome! (So do I :wink: )
    same here ,,dont need to protect yourself,I couldn't live like that,being afraid to go outside,,without a gun,dont own one ,dont want to own weapon is my fishing rod,,slaying halibut

    I live in Canada too but I don't have a philosophical problem with law abiding (and properly trained) citizens having the means at their disposal to defend themselves.

    Guns, in and of themselves, are not the problem. If they were Switzerland would be the most dangerous place in the world to live as there is a full-auto military firearm in practically every household along with several hundred rounds of ammunition; as it is Switzerland enjoys practically the lowest rate of gun crime in the world.
  • msaprilm1
    msaprilm1 Posts: 47
    There is a limit to how much protection I (personally) should carry - in a moment of panic too many weapon options would make me hesitate or I would cause myself more harm than good. My neighborhood is decent, I realize there is bad in this world, I do protect myself and am aware of my surroundings.

    Yes, he is overprotective and I do believe he is overly paranoid, I entertain him though and carry the things he asks me too and I see that many ladies here do the same for their man and their own protection.
  • jennibear8504
    lets see, knife in the car, pepper spray on my keys, taser in my purse, and gun at the house.... as per my hubby I'm to have at least one thing at my easy access at all times. I really like my taser because its one of those compact ones with a flash light on it (and its pink lol). I find it the easiest thing for me to carry around for whatever I'm doing. It may be paranoid now, but one day it may not be... anything could happen...