Miss USA too skiny? or Not? What do you guys think?



  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I don't really care for beauty pageants..it's too bad that women are still happy to put themselves up there to be judged and men (it's mostly men) are still happy to judge them....but to play devil's advocate, she DID do that..she put herself on camera in front of millions to be scrutinized...so I am sure she is secure enough in herself and doesn't need saving. And any so called hatred would not particularly bother her...so don't feel she needs protection from jealous or concerned women ;)

    She is fit, she is muscular, she is healthy looking but, as many have pointed out, her look is not to everyone's taste and maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world. Besides the fact, that putting oneself up there to be judged by looks alone is not a great standard for young girls either....

    This is beside the point, but I had to say it.
    Either ways, her body is fine. It is a little lacking in feminine curves for my taste but she obviously works very hard on it..so bravo!
    Maybe the point is that young girls don't need to see and hear women tearing each other apart because a particular woman's body isn't their personal ideal.

    Obviously, this specific woman is likely not terribly bothered by these statements, but that doesn't make it OK to say these things!

    And you seemed awfully concerned about your own physical appearance in your thread the other day, so don't pretend it doesn't matter to you now. In fact, you were complaining about having too much curve to your body, if I recall.

    It's not as if this woman can help she was born with the DNA of narrow hips instead of a pear or hourglass shape. She's done the best she can with what she has. Not everyone can say that.

    And eating right and exercising don't make people unable to function in "the real world." WTH are some of you people smoking???

    This sort of physical fitness and dedication is exactly the image I want to display to my daughter. Her body is her temple, and I want her to live her life in a very fit and healthy temple.

    This woman is an accountant. My daughter wants to be a surgeon. With a career like that, physical fitness becomes very important to stamina.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Upper body/arms look great
    Legs = horrible and could do with more muscle

    lol @ muscular. She is not muscular, she does however have a low bodyfat count.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    You dont'have to get personal..I was making general comments. We ALL care about how we look otherwise we wouldn't be on here...I don't know how you think that saying that someone looks muscular and fit but they are not EVERYONE's taste is "tearing" them apart. That is very dramatic...wow!
    I complimented the woman....you only seemed to want to see the negative in my statement. I made a few points which were to do with putting oneself on the world stage to be judged (Did I do this!?) ...and when did I say that she couldn't function in the real world..I just said that it is apparent that she works out an awful lot. I never said that she was non functioning.
    Why are there so many people on here that want to be insulting to other's points of view. I didn't say anything terribly negative if you read my post carefully...
    I would not want a daughter of mine's role model to be a woman who struts around in a bikini on the world stage regardless of her other accomplishments. This is my view...you dont have to agree but why get mean and personal, dredging up a post of mine outlining insecurites about my body while you defend a Miss World winner?? That is very unkind :(
    I don't really care for beauty pageants..it's too bad that women are still happy to put themselves up there to be judged and men (it's mostly men) are still happy to judge them....but to play devil's advocate, she DID do that..she put herself on camera in front of millions to be scrutinized...so I am sure she is secure enough in herself and doesn't need saving. And any so called hatred would not particularly bother her...so don't feel she needs protection from jealous or concerned women ;)

    She is fit, she is muscular, she is healthy looking but, as many have pointed out, her look is not to everyone's taste and maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world. Besides the fact, that putting oneself up there to be judged by looks alone is not a great standard for young girls either....

    This is beside the point, but I had to say it.
    Either ways, her body is fine. It is a little lacking in feminine curves for my taste but she obviously works very hard on it..so bravo!
    Maybe the point is that young girls don't need to see and hear women tearing each other apart because a particular woman's body isn't their personal ideal.

    Obviously, this specific woman is likely not terribly bothered by these statements, but that doesn't make it OK to say these things!

    And you seemed awfully concerned about your own physical appearance in your thread the other day, so don't pretend it doesn't matter to you now. In fact, you were complaining about having too much curve to your body, if I recall.

    It's not as if this woman can help she was born with the DNA of narrow hips instead of a pear or hourglass shape. She's done the best she can with what she has. Not everyone can say that.

    And eating right and exercising don't make people unable to function in "the real world." WTH are some of you people smoking???
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    First, you basically reprimanded people for defending her because she apparently deserves the nastiness for putting herself out there (she doesn't) and then you said:
    maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    You just like to argue.... Others liked my point...go troll some:flowerforyou: one else..thanks ;)
    First, you basically reprimanded people for defending her because she apparently deserves the nastiness for putting herself out there (she doesn't) and then you said:
    maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world.
  • jenniferfiedler
    jenniferfiedler Posts: 86 Member
    She looks great to me...look at those abs!
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    I haven't read a bunch of the other blah! blah! blah! And I think she looks wonderful!!! How fit and strong! What a model for our young women today. But I find it interesting that the ideal of the hourglass figure is gone with her as a model. Not a bad idea as I think most women do not have that structure.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    She is fit, she is muscular, she is healthy looking but, as many have pointed out, her look is not to everyone's taste and maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world. Besides the fact, that putting oneself up there to be judged by looks alone is not a great standard for young girls either....

    I have to disagree. To achieve anything you need to spend enough effort resembling what you call 'obsessional'. That kind of body, assuming that she has never been overweight to begin with and eating & exercising right, is achievable in about a year. She looks great, but she's not yet competitive even in the 'bikini' category of natural bodybuilding. She can most certainly achieve other things while doing this on the side.

    I believe that staying fit and healthy (which she's obviously doing) is important, about as important as learning academic knowledge. People like strong, beautiful girls. If you don't think such attributes help in the workplace, you're not paying attention to the real world.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that while she looks fabulous, it's not all THAT hard to achieve and maintain that kind of physique, especially at a young age and especially if you never had weight problems. It doesn't require one to be completely obsessed with food and exercise. Just a healthy lifestyle.

    While I'm not as lean as she is, I'm a lot older and I'm really amazed at how little time I have to spend exercising. Maybe 5 hours a week, tops.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    To me, that's not skinny. She's toned and muscular. She looks athletic, fit and healthy to me. If she was competing at the Olympics, everyone would say she looked great. People need to stop hating on bodies so much. EVERY body is picked apart so much these days. Just stop it, people! :explode:
  • lraien
    lraien Posts: 29 Member
    I don't understand why there are boycotts and backlash if someone says something against anyone relatively "thick" but it's okay to rip thin women to shreds and label them as unhealthy, etc.
    Women are seriously their own worst enemies I think.... it's not the men doing this...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You just like to argue.... Others liked my point...go troll some:flowerforyou: one else..thanks ;)
    First, you basically reprimanded people for defending her because she apparently deserves the nastiness for putting herself out there (she doesn't) and then you said:
    maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world.
    I am not trolling. I'm pointing out that you said something asinine and hurtful and incredibly ignorant.

    One other person liked your point.
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    I will commend her on her dedication and discipline because it's obvious she has put in work. Personally, she doesn't have the physique that I find ideal. I aspire more of the Serena Williams look. To me, that's perfect.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...She is fit, she is muscular, she is healthy looking but, as many have pointed out, her look is not to everyone's taste and maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world...

    Seriously? Bahahahaha! :laugh: She is a 25 year-old college-educated accountant. I don't think her fitness routines are cutting into her "knowledge of life and the world" any more than the average person's TV-watching, snack-eating, couch-potato routines cut into theirs. :tongue:
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I think she looks fit and great. If "too thin" is code for little boobs and narrow hips... I guess I'm "too thin" too. Not all women have an hourglass build, and I'm glad to see someone representin!
  • SummerNights32
    SummerNights32 Posts: 86 Member
    I think she looks great. "Thin" is not for everyone just like "big" isnt either, but I think we can all agree that she is more fit that just skin and bones. She obviously works out, and just looking at that picture makes me want to go lift some weights. Even if she was that small, but no real muscle definition, its all in the eyes of the beholder. Some guys prefer that, some dont. I am personally more of an hour glass figure (with weight to lose of course lol), and I would prefer to keep some of my curves. She is not built the same way, but who cares...she looks great and fit!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    ...She is fit, she is muscular, she is healthy looking but, as many have pointed out, her look is not to everyone's taste and maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world...

    Seriously? Bahahahaha! :laugh: She is a 25 year-old college-educated accountant. I don't think her fitness routines are cutting into her "knowledge of life and the world" any more than the average person's TV-watching, snack-eating, couch-potato routines cut into theirs. :tongue:

    I know, ridiculous. It does not take that much work to eat well and keep up with fitness and be active (especially for a young person that has always been fit, and active and is at the peak of their muscle building potential). Surprisingly people are a lot more capable of both physical and mental growth than that person realizes. It's astounding how people can create stereotypes of people just based on what they look like and they don't even realize they are doing it. Very absurd to assume that a fit person is limited in their intellect and knowledge of the world. For all you know they could have traveled the world being active and learning at the same time while doing work to help others. This kind of stereotype only reflects on what the poster believes they are capable of and how they limit themselves and the young people they influence and guide.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I think the fact she hasn't got a huge silicone chest is why people are saying she is too thin. They're used to focusing on huge breasts and not noticing the very low body fat elsewhere.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...She is fit, she is muscular, she is healthy looking but, as many have pointed out, her look is not to everyone's taste and maybe a body which dispays this level of probably obsessional fitness, is not a great role model for young girls as it is hard to achieve without dedicating a hell of a lot of time to it, perhaps to the detriment of her knowledge on life and the world...

    Seriously? Bahahahaha! :laugh: She is a 25 year-old college-educated accountant. I don't think her fitness routines are cutting into her "knowledge of life and the world" any more than the average person's TV-watching, snack-eating, couch-potato routines cut into theirs. :tongue:

    I know, ridiculous. It does not take that much work to eat well and keep up with fitness and be active (especially for a young person that has always been fit, and active and is at the peak of their muscle building potential). Surprisingly people are a lot more capable of both physical and mental growth than that person realizes. It's astounding how people can create stereotypes of people just based on what they look like and they don't even realize they are doing it. Very absurd to assume that a fit person is limited in their intellect and knowledge of the world. For all you know they could have traveled the world being active and learning at the same time while doing work to help others. This kind of stereotype only reflects on what the poster believes they are capable of and how they limit themselves and the young people they influence and guide.
