I think I will just QUIT! This is nonsense...

So I just weighed & measured myself and decided that whatever I'm doing is unfortunately NOT working for me. There is no point in my busting my *kitten* at the gym 6 days a week doing cardio when I am seeing no results. I have GAINED weight since last week. I was given advice that I need to up my caloric intake to lose weight and so I did. I ate 1200 calories, give or take, per day and I noticed that my weight has gone up. After measuring myself, I found out I only lost 1 inch off of my *kitten* in 2 months of exercising. This eventually lead me to tears and I am re-thinking my weight loss overall. What is the point, I only lost 5 pounds in a frickin month busting my *kitten* literally EVERY day- a lot then most people do that actually lose weight. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm very disappointed as well as discouraged. It just makes me mad that I put all of this effort into this weight loss and my body isn't answering to it. I thought that it was muscle but it's not since it's only 1 fricking inch off my waist. That is ridiculous. I see no point in continuing exercising further as the results are nonsense.


  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    Have you considered incorporating some strength training into your exercising? I get quicker results (in measurements at least) when I'm not just a slave to cardio and get some weights in there.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Weight lifting, it does a body good.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You need to give it more time. It doesn't happen in a week. And since you are so close to goal, it is going to be very slow and gradual. The 1 pound is probably water weight.
  • HealthyLeeLee
    HealthyLeeLee Posts: 97 Member
    Judging by your picture, you don't look like you have too much to lose. When you are close to your goal, the weight tends to come off more slowly. Stick with it. Even if it's inch by inch, you will see results :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Is the profile pic of you? You don't really look like you have much, if anything to lose if it's at all current. Which means it will come off painfully slowly, as the last few pounds are always wont to do.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    remember it is a marathon not a sprint

    watch this it will help you

  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I would call slow progress a success, which is better than giving up.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    What is the point, I only lost 5 pounds in a frickin month busting my *kitten* literally EVERY day- a lot then most people do that actually lose weight.

    So, 2 more months and you're done!

    You have 11 pounds to lose. You are going to lose slower than people with 100 to lose.

    Unfortunate? Yes. Reality? Yes.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 825 Member
    What will you gain when you quit? Will you feel better about yourself? Or will you wish you had given it more time and put in more effort?

    I heard a great quote today. Our spin instructor said that "challenge brings change." Accept the challenge and embrace the change that comes!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Quitting won't give you the results you want. I understand your frustration, but come on now. If A isn't working for you, try B. As in, if cardio isn't working, try incorporating something else into your routine. Try lifting heavy things, try pilates. Do something different, stick with it for a month and remeasure. Also, you upped your calories to 1200? From where? 1200 is not enough for many people. Why not try upping to 1400 for a month?
  • michellechawner
    if you're working out that much, eat more than 1200.

    1200 isn't working, and most people who exercise that much eat a hell of a lot more. You are holding onto food and fat because you aren't fueling yourself at 1200.

    Second answer: you may not need to lose much weight, that's why you probably aren't losing. It's 3 times harder to lose weight the closer you are to goal. Judging by your photo from what I can see in your profile pic. you look tiny already.

    You can give up if you want - but if you were really dedicated you would put in the work and change things up to make it work.

    Also, it takes 6 weeks to see a change. I see you joined last month (approximately 4 weeks is my guess).
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    5lbs a month is an avg of 1.25lbs a week. That's a healthy time frame for weight loss. Also, since you are so close to your goal the weight will come off a little slower since now you'll be working on mainly substituting the little bit of fat you have for muscle. I know that it can be discouraging but you are losing at a healthy rate.

    That being said, get yourself a Body Fat % Scale that also measured water weight. This way, on a week by week you can see if that pound you gained was muscle, fat, or just water from working out so much. =) You got this girl, don't give up! You can get that lean, fit & healthy body YOU want for yourself. You just gotta keep pushin'. :heart:
  • lexherrera
    lexherrera Posts: 56 Member
    If you want to look like the woman in your ticker you better start picking up some heavy ****, girl.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Seems like the objective here is fitness model physique. The fitness models generally lift. All cardio all the time is doing things the hard way.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Five pounds in one month is actually really good progress. Try to be patient. You're almost there.
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    It takes a while before you start getting results for some reason it likes to up before it starts going down. Keep sticking with it and it'll start. I've been walking since mid February and watching my calories intake. I've lost about 15lbs. so far and got 9 more to go to reach my goal weight. It sucks it takes awhile when you want to see results right away but it is better to lose it slower then you won't gain it all back just as fast. And there will be times that it decides to stay at a certain weight before it starts to go down again, but just stick with it and you'll get there!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    5 pounds in a month when you have as little weight to lose as you do is AWESOME. You should be aiming for a half pound a week. An inch off your *kitten* in a month is AWESOME. What are you expecting? You can't possibly have many inches to go before you hit bone. You're not going to have massive changes.

    Weight fluctuations are normal. And feeling discouraged is normal. It's something we all go through.

    My advice: Take photos in a bathing suit or underwear from all angles. Set your weekly goal to lose .5 pounds a week. Eat your exercise calories. Get a minimum of 100g of protein a day. Add some strength training where you're really challenging your body. No itty bitty dumbbells that weigh less than a bottle of Gatorade. :wink: Try to ignore the scale. And take more photos in another month.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Focus on your health.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member