Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • shimacrema
    Hey ladies!!

    Just popping in to see how everyone is doing. Im on my 3rd day of week one. Today was Burn circuit 1. I see that I definetly see Im going through TF withdrawal! I will be adding in a HIIT class in the mornings.

    Keep up the great work!!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Friday girls!!! Whew!!! Turbo Fire 55 EZ (new to class) and Abs 10 done! 818 calories gone!!! Looooove it!!!!

    My arms are really getting defined with my weighted gloves; I highly recommend it!

    Shima: That's funny because I feel like when I'm doing CE, as much as I love it, I get TF withdrawl too! lol Keep burning it up girl!

    Hope you ladies have a fantastic weekend and KPP!!!

  • mom2boys75
    mom2boys75 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been through P90X and now I really wnat to do the ChaLEAN Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid!! I have ChaLeAN Extreme already and ordered Turbo Fire yesterday. Where do I find info/details on how to do the hybrid program?? Woo hoo -- I am SO EXCITED to get this started!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have been through P90X and now I really wnat to do the ChaLEAN Extreme and Turbo Fire hybrid!! I have ChaLeAN Extreme already and ordered Turbo Fire yesterday. Where do I find info/details on how to do the hybrid program?? Woo hoo -- I am SO EXCITED to get this started!

    Hi! So that we can get to know you on here, what's your name mom2boys75? Welcome to the thread, glad to have you! You've come to the right place for support and motivation! Congrats on P90X!! You are going to absolutely LOVE Turbo Fire girl!!! When you get your program, there is the schedule for the hybrid in the back of the guide book! It's all laid out for ya! Chalene thinks of everything!

    So, get ready to burn up those calories and keep us posted!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Push 3 today...nothing lighter than 25 lbs.'s crazy how strong (and how lean) I'm getting in the hybrid.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Push 3 today...nothing lighter than 25 lbs.'s crazy how strong (and how lean) I'm getting in the hybrid.

    Way to go girl! I know, I am loving the combo of CE and TF!!! Crazy!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies! Well, I CRUSHED HIIT 30 today! Love those workouts! Now, sipping on my favorite meal of the day....Shakeology! Soooo good! If you haven't tried it yet, you need to!

    My body is definately looking forward to tomorrow's rest day for sure! Can't believe week 2 is just about over! Time flies when you're getting fit! :happy:

    Hope you girls are pushing play and sweating!!! Keep up the good work and let's continue to improve and move forward with our health & fitness!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Fire 55 EZ...600+ calories gone. Nutrition hasn't been up to par today...not necessarily bad food choices, just a lot of food so far today. I really think, though, that I've been at a deficit for too many days (I did run out of gas yesterday), so eating to my actual calorie burn today may not be bad thing.
  • pegsue50
    pegsue50 Posts: 13
    good for u
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Way go go girls!

    Hey Peggy! Welcome to the thread! Are you doing the hybrid too? Or one or the other?

  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    so back from vacation today and while it was not THAT bad, it wasn't great

    i worked out 4 of 7 days, but we were on the boardwalk quite a bit and i did succumb to some temptation... ONE piece of fudge, ONE piece of pizza, one water ice, carmel popcorn and a few bites of funnel cake (not all in the same day of course)

    i did make my own breakfast and lunch and same for the kids, we ate dinner in twice and ouit the rest of the time - i tried to be conscious and make healthy choices (shrimp instead of hamgurger, grilled chicken gyro minus sauce instead of cheesesteaK) but i definitely gaine d-- oh and let's not talk about the drinking..

    but all in all it was a great vacation, very restful and much needed and LOTS of quality time with my two babies...

    not going to beat myself up about it ... we all deserve a break

    and today i got righht back to it - healthy under calorie meals, and Fire 30 and Core 20 and ab burner for CLE and it felt great

    i missed TF!!

    my kids are off for two more weeks so consistency will be hard... but i am going to try to do the three CLE workouts and a HIIT workouts on those days and on the off days do an ab workout and a Fire 30 or 45 or 55ez, guzzle water and see if i can't drop theses extra lbs...

    night all
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good Sunday morning ladies! Today is my rest day and I have to admit, I've got TF withdrawls! LOL I may just do some stretch 40 or something at least; I could use it.

    Allison: Welcome back!!!! :bigsmile: First of all, let me just give you kudos for being honest not only with yourself but the rest of us! I love that! At least you know where you slipped and now know you can kick butt and get back to it again! You're right, we all do need a break, so don't put any pressure on yourself just jump back on! :wink: Glad to hear you had some good quality time with your kids and sound like you're going to get some more, that's great! Again, welcome back and keep up the good work, we're here for ya! :flowerforyou:

    I will be going on vacation next week, be gone for 6 days and I plan on bringing TF for sure! If I'm getting withdrawls now, I will go insane without it for 6 days! I won't have access to free weights so I will probably just bring the bands and TF, mabye bring CE, we'll see. Plus, my sister and her family are coming to and she was telling all about the food they bought and she knows me; she said, I don't know what you eat, so you may want to pick up some things. LOL Just funny, as if I don't eat normal, human food! :laugh: But, I do plan on bringing "my food" along too. I will definatley allow myself a cheat, that's for sure! I am bringing the laptop, so I'll stay in touch!

    Keep up the good work ladies and keep pushing play! We can do this!!!

  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    kidless tonight - lean 1 and HIIT 15
    KILLER but amazing and helps me savor instead of lament the fact that i am here ALONE....
    Here's to a good week and getting back on track...
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    kidless tonight - lean 1 and HIIT 15
    KILLER but amazing and helps me savor instead of lament the fact that i am here ALONE....
    Here's to a good week and getting back on track...

    Right back at ya Allison! Keep up the good work!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Fire 45 today - sweating like crazy - BOOM i got your boyfirend is VERY appropriately placed - just about then i am ready to DIE and that gets me going
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Well, Burn Circuit 1 and Abs 10 done today! WOW, my delts are on fire and I love it!!!! I am just loving this combo! Later today, I'm going to walk the lake, 9 miles! Burn some more calories! :bigsmile:

    I did weigh myself this morning and only lost like 6 oz. but I'm ok with that. As long as I'm not gaining, I'm happy! I'm thinking that these days when I'm lifting and doing extra cardio, I need to increase my calorie intake a little. I've always been scared of eating more calories but I know I should trust in it.

    You girls are rocking it and love that you're pushing play everyday! Keep up the good work!

    Allison: I love that workout! And you're right, just about that part of the workout, I'm getting tired but it kicks me back in the butt! Way to go!

    Hope you ladies have a great day and make it a healthy one!

  • shimacrema
    Hey ladies!!

    Today is day 1 of week 2 and my behind is on fire but I love it. I know my butt will be nice and firm by the time Im finished with TF/CE. I love TF.

    I will not be weighing myself on a weekly basis. I think I will drive myself crazy doing that. So once or twice a month is good enough for me. I will be measuring myself on a weekly basis though. Inches are way more important to me than #.

    I'm so proud of everyone! We can all reach our goals if we keep at it. It is up to us to put in the work to get the results we want. WE ARE DOING IT!

  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Hey Deb! I don't have band but I do have weights that will work! What would be comprable to the bands? 5,7,8 or 10 lbs?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Wow! Fire 60 done today! Major calorie burner!!!

    Shima: I agree with you girl! My tush and legs are feeling it! I love it! I haven't taken measurements yet but I can see in the mirror that my middle is widdling away! Woo hoo! I try not to weigh myself that much because I know that the weight lifting will play a big roll in gaining or staying the same, so maybe I'll just do it a few times a month or something just to make sure I'm staying on track.

    Bella: Weights are good, no problem. I would start with the 5lbs, see how that works. If you feel you want to go heavier, than try it, you can always go back to the lower weights. But, the stronger you get, the more you'll increase.

    Hope everyone has a great day and keep pushing play! I leave on vacation tomorrow and will be taking my Turbo Fire for sure!!! If I don't, I'll be having major withdrawl!!! LOL So, I'll try to keep up with the posts but keep posting and motivating!

  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Hi Ladies....bumping this to read in its entirety later. Have been toying with the idea of purchasing Turbo Fire. Anxious to read about how much you all love it and what it has been able to do for your body and soul.