Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey All! Hope your Tuesday is on fiyah! :laugh:

    On tap today was EZ absolute favorite! Bodybugg showed 511 calorie burn. Hour walk with hubby tonight should burn another 250 - 300 calories (bodybugg reading suggests I've been burning 4.5 - 5 calories per minute during these walks). Another 1/2 lb gone this morning. Another 1.5 lbs gone and I'll be back in the 150s...YAY!!!!!!

    Deb - come to Vegas. We're still in the 90s...cooling down for us but definitely still shorts weather. Don't remind me about the holidays. Soon I'll have to deal with Thanksgiving and how many hours of walking I'll need to do to make up for my Mom's noodle pudding!

    Have a great day!

    I love EZ 55 too!!! I really want a BodyBugg!!!! Congrats on your weight loss! Woo hoo!!!! Every little pound is one pound closer to that goal! I wish my scale would budge a bit! Grrrrrrr!!!

    I'd love to come to Vegas! I miss that weather!

    So, do explain this noodle pudding!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    OMG my Mom has been making it for special occasions all my life! Egg noodles, sugar, cinnamon, ricotta cheese, butter, and a cornflake thing I've ever eaten! It's really sweet noodle kugel but she calls it pudding. Not sure why since it's baked but who cares?!?!?!:laugh:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning peeps! Unofficial weigh in this morning showed another 0.6 lbs gone for an unofficial total of 10.1 lbs! I love my Bodybugg and I really love TF!!!

    Today was HIIT 20 and Sculpt 30...BB says I only burned 263 calories but man was I a sweaty dripping mess when it was all over!

    KPP and have a great day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Wow! Today was a busy day and I literally spent the whole day in my workout gear! I had to work on some videos so I burned a good 500 calories doing some various P90X videos and then did my scheduled routine which was Push Circuit 2 and Abs 10 and burned another 500 calories on that one!

    So, now it's time to refuel the ol' body! I'm hungry!!!!

    You girls are doing great!

    Sharon: congrats on the weight loss! Again, celebrate even the smallest victories, they all add up! Keep up the good work!

    Sorry to cut it short but gotta hop in the shower and get dinner cooking! Have a great night and see you tomorrow!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm back from my long weekend trip to Phoenix and back on track with the TF/CLX hybrid! I did Fire 30 and Abs 10 yesterday... oy! My abs are still sore from that! I think adding Turbo Fire workouts into the mix have really helped with this plateau. I saw 163.4 on the scale this morning, and I've been stuck between 164.0 and 166.0 for the past 3 weeks! I'll be starting with the CLX part of things again in a few days with the Push Phase circuits. It's been almost 2 weeks since I've done the strength training workouts with this schedule, so it'll be nice for something new.

    Deb - In response to your question about the gym a while back, I have a pretty set routine. I'm on the treadmill for 35 minutes and I'm doing walk/run intervals. I'm trying to work up to be able to run the whole 30 minutes (after a 5 minute walking warmup), so I'll do something like run 10 min, walk 3, run 10, walk 2, run 5. I've gotten much better and I can tell I'm not nearly as out of breath as I used to be. I did a 15 minute interval last week when the treadmill was the first thing I did. I also do 12 minutes on the stationary bike on the hill setting (level 4-5) and 10-15 minutes on the elliptical on the hill setting (level 11 usually). It totals about an hour of working out, and usually 600-700 calories. I'll be going to the gym today, tomorrow I think is Fire 45 EZ on the schedule. Haven't done that yet, but I'm guessing that the EZ won't really mean much :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! Day before vacation and I am already mentally checked out of work!

    Had TF 30 on the schedule today but bumped it up to 45EZ and 10 min Stretch because I'm going to miss out on my evening walk to watch the Saints/Vikings game and finish packing. BB said I burned 445 calories. Figure I'll get some burn in while walking through the airport tomorrow anyway!

    Enjoy your weekend and GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tambigelow
    My daughter and I have been doing chalean extreme about three weeks. We are on our third week. The first week we did just the routines they told us too.But now we are adding cardio to the days we just do weights. We were eating good thru out the week and then on the weekend we would eat normal. We decided we needed to do this 100 percent. So we are really watching our calories. Her program says for me to stay at 1200cals but my friend who is a personal trainer says that is not enougth. I should stay at 1300 to 1500cals. What do you think? Also I do myfitnesspal for my calories and It allows me around 50 grams for protein a day. Is that right. When I do sparkpeople( another on line calorie counter) it allows me 60 to 120 grams of protein. Which on do youthink is right. We really like CE. It is alot of fun. Is it normal to gain a few pounds at first because of muscle.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I just ordered Chalean Extreme! I'm gonna join the challenge as soon as my DVD arrives.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    My daughter and I have been doing chalean extreme about three weeks. We are on our third week. The first week we did just the routines they told us too.But now we are adding cardio to the days we just do weights. We were eating good thru out the week and then on the weekend we would eat normal. We decided we needed to do this 100 percent. So we are really watching our calories. Her program says for me to stay at 1200cals but my friend who is a personal trainer says that is not enougth. I should stay at 1300 to 1500cals. What do you think? Also I do myfitnesspal for my calories and It allows me around 50 grams for protein a day. Is that right. When I do sparkpeople( another on line calorie counter) it allows me 60 to 120 grams of protein. Which on do youthink is right. We really like CE. It is alot of fun. Is it normal to gain a few pounds at first because of muscle.

    How old is your daughter? My daughter and I are doing Chalean also - she is 15 and doing great!! I have to agree with your trainer friend - I can not survive on only 1200 calories while working out because it's too little and I feel sluggish. I usually eat between 1300 - 1600 calories and it feels perfect. We are also clean eaters and I make sure we are eating enough protein to help our muscles repair from the weight lifting circuits. We usually do not do cardio on lifting days, but if you do, be sure to do the cardio after lifting - otherwise you will be too fatigued to lift at your max capacity.

    Glad to find another mother-daughter team doing ChaLean!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!! Well, today I did Fire 55 EZ and those "EZ" workouts are by no means easy!!!! Major calorie burners! I burned 627 calories and that wasn't even with the new to class option! Whew!!! Love it!

    Welcome to all the new girls! The more, the marrier, this is great! Can't wait to ready more posts!

    When I did my first round of CE, my step-daughter did it with me too; she was 16 at the time and kudos to her; she also woke up at 4:30am with me too!! It was great to have her do it with me and she was thrilled with her results! I love sharing fitness with my family.

    When I was mentioning doing the extra cardio, mmtiernan explained it exactly right. I would do my weights in the morning and then my cardio at night; I wouldn't do them back to back.

    I also agree with mmtiernan; I would up your calorie intake a little. I usually eat between 1400 and 1500 and it's just right. You'll find what works best for your body and how it reacts. Just like Tony Horton says, "just listen to your body."

    I am so happy to have so many of us sharing our experiences and to meet others who love these programs as much as I do! Keep up the good work and keep pushing play!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!! Happy Friday! Hope you're all having a great day so far! Today was Push Circuit 3 and Abs 10 for me and I swear, no matter how many times I've done that ab video, it's never any easier! lol And as much as I'm not a fan of the push circuits, I really felt it today! I love those bowler's lunges and the sumo squats for the inner thighs! Good stuff!

    I also got my Brazil Butt Lift yesterday! I'm starting a challenge on Monday with a few other girls, so I'll be including that into my routine! I can't wait to lift my tush! lol

    Make today a great day and keep pushing play! Bring it on girls! We can do this!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning girls! Just sipping on my yummy choc shakeology!!!! I did Fire 45 EZ today and although I didn't burn as many calories as I'd like, I might get in some HIIT later. I notice that I just don't have the gas towards the end of the workout if I'm doing it on any empty stomach and usually I don't like to have anything before I work out. But, I'm out of recovery drink and that helped a ton for my TF workouts! If I have a shakeology, I have to wait a good hour and a half before I push play, but it gives me the energy I need too!

    Hope you girls are out there pushing play! Keep at it and keep moving forward towards your goals!

    Have a great weekend and stay healthy!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Fire 55 EZ today. I am SO in love with the first finale!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Fire 55 EZ today. I am SO in love with the first finale!

    That is my absolute favorite finale too!!!! I love it, love it, love it! Every time I know it's coming up, I crank it up! lol

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Just finished Sculpt 30 followed by HIIT 25. The HIIT 25 workout is CRAZY! It shreds the abs just with all the squat and tuck jumps. I'm still sweating buckets 20 minutes later.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just finished Sculpt 30 followed by HIIT 25. The HIIT 25 workout is CRAZY! It shreds the abs just with all the squat and tuck jumps. I'm still sweating buckets 20 minutes later.

    Wow, I've gotta try that one! Love the crazy ones that get you sweating!!! Way to go girl!

    Today is my rest day and it's also Seahawk Sunday! Woo hoo!!!! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed!

    Make it a good day ladies and enjoy!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I've finally completed Week 4 of the hybrid, it actually took me 2 weeks to do it because of the 4 day trip to Phoenix over Labor Day weekend. I'm finally getting back into Chalean Extreme workouts with the Push phase circuits. It'll be nice to get back into lifting again. I just really hope it doesn't stall my weight loss. I finally just broke my plateau and I'd prefer not to be stuck in another one for the Push phase. I think now that I'll have Turbo Fire workouts on the non-strength days, that will help a lot. I'll probably swap out Burn It Off or something for Fire 30 or a HIIT workout when I'm in the mood for something extra that day.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies! Well, I started incorporating BBL today into my routine and holy cow!!!! It's no joke! Needless to say, plenty of calories gone! Thank you very much!

    Sara: Your profile pic looks great! I have been doing the same thing too on the days I don't have CE; I've been doing a Fire workout to burn off some extra calories because I know from experience that the push phase will make me gain muscle which ultimately gains on the scale. However, I am losing inches elsewhere and that's what counts!

    Keep up the good work everyone! I love hearing about your progress! Have a great day and keep pushing play!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I had Fire 45 and Abs 10 today. I really wasn't feeling very motivated today, so my pre-workout dog walk was REALLY short (sorry doggies). However, about 20 minutes into Fire 45 I finally found my mojo. Abs 10 is STILL brutal.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did my first Push 1 yesterday and I was surprised how different it was from the Burn workouts. It was easier to me, and I was using resistance bands for some of the exercises instead of the 8 lb weights. I guess I'm just used to combining upper and lower body, instead of focusing on one muscle group like Push does. I did HIIT 15 afterwards and doubled the calories that I burned.

    I think I'll stick to doing that, and I'll sorta follow the schedule for the hybrid. I've never been great at sticking to these schedules to the letter, so cutting out a week here and moving around workouts is something I do often. I like to do strength Mon, Wed, and Fri with a bit of cardio thrown in, and then do a really good long cardio session on Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun.

    And I agree, Abs 10 is a killer! So was the second half of Core 20. I know my abs are my weakest muscle group, since I've never been a big fan of ab work, but I've resolved myself to do the abs whenever it appears in my schedule so that I get it in. Otherwise I'm inclined to skip it... lol