Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Count me in !!! I just placed my order for TF and I can't wait!! I've had success w/ TJ before and lost lbs and inches last year. I felt like I was in the best shape I've been in since high school. I was motivated to watch what I ate and was working out 6 days/week 45-90 min/day. In March I finally got the courage up to give up the cigarettes i've smoked since I ws 15yrs old - i'm 47 now- and my motivation has seriously declined. My weight, however, has seriously gone up and I am very unhappy with the way I look. I am also disappointed that I worked so hard and my body doesn't reflect that anymore. So getting off of the pity pot effective immediately.
    Today I weighed 192 this morning and I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself.
    I still work out but not with the passion that I used to ~ in order for me to make the changes that I want I have to change my whole perspective and try something new. Hopefully this program is it and, with all of your help, I can join you all as we make changes together.
    I am going to poull out the TJ and get going on that until TF arrives!!

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you better and good luck to us all,

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Today has been a busy day! This morning I did Turbo Fire 55 EZ and now just got done with Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe & High & Tight and I can't even tell you how my butt and thighs are absolutely feeling it!!!!! And then....we have our local fit club tonight, in case that wasn't enough! lol So, I need to get to work and fuel my body; I haven't eaten nearly enough today!

    Sara: Great work girl! Sounds like you have a good schedule down! I'm so used to following these programs to a "T" but like you mentioned, I've been doing some fire workouts to burn more calories.

    Janet: Welcome to the thread! So glad to have you! And let me congratulate you on quitting smoking!!! That's huge in your health journey! That will help you big time when doing Turbo Fire! You will lovei it! Keep up wtih TJ and let us know when you start Turbo Fire! We'll keep you moving for sure!

    Hope everyone else is doing great and pushing that play button out there in Beachbody Land! Keep up the good work and keep your fitness moving forward!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    WOW!!!! What a workout today! I did my regularly scheduled Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 2 and then did BBL Sculpt and Abs 10 and my shoulders are on FIRE!!!! But, I'm loving the soreness! I know, I'm weird but it means that my body is changing!

    I've just refueled my body and already had my Shakeology; I'm good to go!

    Hope you're all having a good day and good workouts! Way to push that play button!

  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    I sooooo not wanted to push play and I did anyways! I feel better now. I hope this bug, whatever it is leaves my system soon! I helped it get out by sweatin' some!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi everybody.

    I finished CLX in august and now I am starting the Hybrid with Turbo Fire. I also mix in some Turbo Jam and Zumba. I also hit the treadmill for at least 2 hours Monday thru Friday. So I have definately been well over 1000 calories burned a day since Monday. Today I did Turbo Sculpt, Fire 30, Stretch 10 and Ab Burner along with my run/walking.

    I had taken about a month off from serious working out. It feels good to get back to it. I hope I can get great results by my daughters wedding in January.

    keep pushing play!
  • weaverns
    wow...just listening to you guys makes me want to run out and buy beachbody...had never heard of it but definitely plan to give it a try!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi everybody.

    I finished CLX in august and now I am starting the Hybrid with Turbo Fire. I also mix in some Turbo Jam and Zumba. I also hit the treadmill for at least 2 hours Monday thru Friday. So I have definately been well over 1000 calories burned a day since Monday. Today I did Turbo Sculpt, Fire 30, Stretch 10 and Ab Burner along with my run/walking.

    I had taken about a month off from serious working out. It feels good to get back to it. I hope I can get great results by my daughters wedding in January.

    keep pushing play!

    Hi and welcome! Always love to see others pushing play with Beachbody! How were your results with CE? I've done 2 rounds prior to this and absolutely love the program, it leaned me out like crazy! And how are you liking TF?!!! I can't get enough of it!

    Glad to hear you're back on the workout wagon and I'm sure you'll be in great shape by January! Keep up the good work!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    wow...just listening to you guys makes me want to run out and buy beachbody...had never heard of it but definitely plan to give it a try!

    You should check it out! Beachbody has done amazing things for me and I know for others as well! Feel free to post here some more;you're always welcome! :happy:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    Hi and welcome! Always love to see others pushing play with Beachbody! How were your results with CE? I've done 2 rounds prior to this and absolutely love the program, it leaned me out like crazy! And how are you liking TF?!!! I can't get enough of it!

    Glad to hear you're back on the workout wagon and I'm sure you'll be in great shape by January! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for the welcome.

    these were my results from CE

    lost 12.6 pounds (156.6 to 144)
    bust lost 1 inch (38 to 37)
    hips lost 1.5 inches(37 to 35.5)
    waist lost 2 inches (33.5 to 30.5)
    body fat based on Tanita scale down 6 % (32.9% to 26.9%)

    Now I put back on about 2 pounds since 8/15/10 so its time to burn it up!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Hi and welcome! Always love to see others pushing play with Beachbody! How were your results with CE? I've done 2 rounds prior to this and absolutely love the program, it leaned me out like crazy! And how are you liking TF?!!! I can't get enough of it!

    Glad to hear you're back on the workout wagon and I'm sure you'll be in great shape by January! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for the welcome.

    these were my results from CE

    lost 12.6 pounds (156.6 to 144)
    bust lost 1 inch (38 to 37)
    hips lost 1.5 inches(37 to 35.5)
    waist lost 2 inches (33.5 to 30.5)
    body fat based on Tanita scale down 6 % (32.9% to 26.9%)

    Now I put back on about 2 pounds since 8/15/10 so its time to burn it up!

    Great results! Good for you! Turbo Fire will definately burn it up!!!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Just finished Tone 30 and HIIT 25. I used to always do the cardio workout first and then the strength training, but I found that if I do HIIT first, I'm so sweaty that the resistance bands slip and slide all over my arms, making it tough to keep my form. Doing it in the reverse order prevents that problem, but after the gazillion lunges in Tone 30, my legs were a bit weary for all the squat leaps.

    That said, it was brought! Now I'm off to walk the dogs and clean my house because I've got 5 neighborhood girls coming over to do Fire 45 EZ tomorrow night.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Guys! I'm back from vacation and dove right into Turbo this morning with HIIT 15, Fire 30, and Stretch 10. Bodybugg shows I burned a little over 400 calories total (HRM said it was more like 900 calories but I log BB results). Taking my doggie out for a brisk walk tonight to burn the rest so I meet my 500 calorie target.

    Dreaded scale showed a 4 lb gain...:sad: ...but I guess that's what happens when you don't really exercise, drink too much beer at the Giants game, and start TOM. Must get it off ASAP so I can go back to making progress on my actual target weight.

    Ok I have to get back to work now. Talk to you guys tomorrow!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just finished Tone 30 and HIIT 25. I used to always do the cardio workout first and then the strength training, but I found that if I do HIIT first, I'm so sweaty that the resistance bands slip and slide all over my arms, making it tough to keep my form. Doing it in the reverse order prevents that problem, but after the gazillion lunges in Tone 30, my legs were a bit weary for all the squat leaps.

    That said, it was brought! Now I'm off to walk the dogs and clean my house because I've got 5 neighborhood girls coming over to do Fire 45 EZ tomorrow night.

    Way to go girl! And that's awesome that you've got some friends coming over to join in the excitement! Have they ever done TF?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Guys! I'm back from vacation and dove right into Turbo this morning with HIIT 15, Fire 30, and Stretch 10. Bodybugg shows I burned a little over 400 calories total (HRM said it was more like 900 calories but I log BB results). Taking my doggie out for a brisk walk tonight to burn the rest so I meet my 500 calorie target.

    Dreaded scale showed a 4 lb gain...:sad: ...but I guess that's what happens when you don't really exercise, drink too much beer at the Giants game, and start TOM. Must get it off ASAP so I can go back to making progress on my actual target weight.

    Ok I have to get back to work now. Talk to you guys tomorrow!


    Welcome back!!! :bigsmile: Way to get right back into it! Good for you! And don't dread the weight gain, it'll come right back off! Keep up the good work!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning! On tap today...55 EZ. Bodybugg says I burned 472 calories (HRM showed over 800). Scale showed a 1.2 lb loss since yesterday so maybe the 4 lb gain won't last too long. The extra walking with my dog seems to be my answer to making the scale move faster.

    Have a great day!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Fire-starters!
    I'm still recovering from Jet lag and getting back to work - today was the first day I haven't felt blah since back from Brazil. I have a bunch to do after work because headed to retreat this weekend and have to be ready for that. Will try to just do something - anything when I get home!! Getting started again is the hardest part for me after an interruption in a w/o schedule..... Enough whining!!
    FIRE will start for me on 9/22 according to the delivery date and I just can't wait - going to take before pix and everything!!! I hope the results will be visible after 60 days, i hope , i hope.!!

    Does anyone have any pix to share?

    Hope all have an amazing day!!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning ladies! Well, another scorcher today! I did Fire 30, HIIT 15 and BBL's High and Tight!!! My tush is on fire!!!! And....the best part, I was hesitant, but I got on the scale and lost 4lbs!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!! Apparently, I'm doing something right so I'm going to keep the caloric intake right where it's at!

    Sharon: congrats on your weight loss! Those 4lbs will be off in no time! And walking is such a great exercise to burn calories! Way to go!

    Janet: As long as you get something in, that's all that matters, even if it's just 20 min; it's better than nothing! Once you get started with Turbo Fire, there will be no stopping you! I can't wait until you get started! I have been noticing results like crazy! Haven't taken any pics with TF yet but you can go to my profile and see some of my before/after pics!

    Hope you all have a great day and thanks for sharing your day with me!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job Deb! Wow 4 lbs is an awesome accomplishment!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Congrats Deb! 4 pounds is all I've lost in the past month! But with only 2 weeks of doing Turbo Fire, I've lost over 2 lbs so I have high hopes for the Hybrid.

    Yesterday I did Push 2 and I burned 100 more calories than Push 1! I didn't even do a HIIT workout or anything after it, I was happy with my 200-something burn. I went to the gym today and had a great burn from running with a bit of walking thrown in, the stationary bike, and the elliptical. I'm hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow, I want to see the 150's soon and I'm 1.8 lbs away as of this morning!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Thanks for the congrats girls! I think we're all rockin it!!!

    Sara: 2lbs in 2 weeks is great! Remember, celebrate even the little accomplishments! You can do it girl!!!! Great job on the calorie burn as well! I can't wait for the lean phase, it's my favorite!!!

    Keep up the good work ladies!
