Calories at 1,000 to 1,200 for women...



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Is 1200-1000 right for some people? Sure! Hell, everyone could lose weight on 1000 calories a day! But most people don't need to be that low, they just think they do.

    I do absolutely agree with you there. I have no issue with telling someone who clearly doesn't need to eat that little that they can eat more. The only time I really take exception is when 1200 is automatically assumed to be too low for everyone, with all the generalizations that come with that (1200 will make you regain for sure while I'll be happy and maintaining, I'll have muscle and you'll be skinny fat, you'll plateau, hold onto fat, and even make fat out of 1200 calories!, etc.)
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I think that it makes the implication that a women is not exercising, therefore needs a lower calorie diet. It states that men, a woman over 165 lbs or that exercises regularly would have a higher calorie need.

    If I didn't exercise my TDEE-20% would be about 1300. It's just a generalization.

    Did you read the website?

    Yes, and your quote even states the above, and it states "in general" meaning it is a generalization and does not apply to all people because there are variables such as starting weight, gender, and exercise.
  • mel3491
    mel3491 Posts: 31
    yup: I'm sitting at 1200 calories per day. One of my motivators for working out is so I have a bit more per day.. It's a little depressing thinking this is what I will need to continue to be at to maintain once I've reached my goal..
  • meganryzewic
    I think if you are eating the right foods and filling up on fresh vegetables, whole grains and lean meats (mostly seafood) it's very hard to reach 1200 calories a day. I am eating all the time and am having trouble reaching my caloric goal. I normally make it up with a yummy piece of cheese, but I believe it's very possible to maintain your weight loss with eating the right, healthful foods and staying away from empty calories such as fast foods, alcohol and highly processed foods.
    One of the things I like about this site is that when you are logging your food entries it also shows your nutrient intake which to me, is one of the most important ways to make sure you aren't being malnourished no matter what your caloric intake is. Also, I have found that one of the best keys to my success is simply drinking water. It's very simple, but the more water you drink the better all of your internal organs function. I drink over a gallon of water a day. (I live in Florida and run and bike outside.) But as far as this debate goes, I think that it truly is a matter of the individual's needs. We are all different and have different goals, reasons for losing weight and of course our metabolisms are not all the same. My point is that to ridicule a person for doing what they (and hopefully their doctor) think is right for them only shows ignorance on that person's part.
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37

    1200 is a deprivation diet so I think they go hand in hand. Me saying it's 1200's fault IS me saying it's deprivation that causes the rebound. I agree with you.

    I agree that if people feel deprived on a 1200 calorie diet, they should up their calories and not attempt to stick to it, because they will rebound and yo yo diet. For those who don't feel deprived, however, there is no more reason that they will regain than on any other calorie goal. I actually struggle more to stick to my calorie goal when I try higher calorie plans because I don't need to be as careful and I can get more in. I do better having to be careful and making each food choice count. It makes me more mindful. I gave the 1600 a shot for a few months and did terribly on it. Not because of my physiology, not because it doesn't work, but because of the way my mind works.

    Anyone who struggles on 1200 should stop trying that plan, and I would say that for other plans too. You want to try paleo and hate it? Don't do it. You won't succeed anyway.

    Agree completely! I find I do better when I am being as careful as possible. I was on a 1200 calorie day diet and burning 400 calories or more on exercise! I was completely uneducated and went with what I assumed I needed to do(1200 calories a day +exercise). Little did I know I was depriving myself a ton of calories my body needed to survive. Now I know that I can eat more and exercise and still be fine.
  • nikiste
    nikiste Posts: 861 Member
    I'm glad someone brought up anemia, because I've been iron deficient since puberty and it's hard for me to keep up with the 1,200 cal. diet. I even lowered my goal "pounds per week" because it was definitely taking a toll on me (I get 1,400 now). Lose weight however it works for you, but be healthy while you do it.