Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..



  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'll give it a shot.

    CW: 152.6 (I think the .6 is going to be engraved on my tombstone, at this rate....)
    current GW: 135

    I think I can get there by Halloween..... I hope I can get there by Halloween?
  • Hello my name is Cassandra or Cass.... Im 27 .. Wife and mother of 2... I have a 4.5yr old and a 9 month old.... Trying to lose the weight from both pregnancies... I lack motivation or energy I should say..although ive been keeping up pretty well minus last week with my workouts.... My current weight is ...gulp...189 so I would love to be atleast 169 by halloween:) My fist goal was to be 160 by my anni dec 19th and to be 140 by my next bday July 30th
  • teatee
    teatee Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Terri and I am a mother and a teacher. My life is full speed ahead. I never have time for myself. I would love to be able to exercise everyday but cannot find the time.This is just what I need to get me motivated!!!! Seems like I have been trying to lose weight forever. I thought about surgery but I really do not want to go that route. My dad passed after he developed a blood clot after surgery so I just cannot go through that.
    My current weight is 305 ( the heaviest I have ever been) and would love to be 285 by Halloween.
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    Yeah, I'd love to lose 20 by halloween.. tha'd be great. Right now I have no confidence in my ability to loose anything right now... icky night... but I sure love the idea of 20 by Oct 31!

    I'm 165.2 (well, hopefully... things haven't gone great since I saw this num,ber on the scale and I haven't checked back) -ufta.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Sure! Count me in! :smile: My name's Shauna and I've got just over 20lbs left til I hit my "see if I'm happy here target" lol. This should give me the extra push I need to amp it up a knotch. Current weight 145.. woot! 125 HERE I COME!
  • Flotus87
    Flotus87 Posts: 11
    My name is Lauren and I just joined mfp today and would love to lose 20 by Halloween. Currently 273...I'm not in a good place right now, feel like i'll fail this time just like every other. I saw this group and figured it might be a great place to start out. I'm in for a very busy Fall already. I'm 23, married with a 17 month old. I substitute teach and will be taking classes 3 nights a week immediately following work this fall as well as a class during the day on the remaining 2. Trying to get through my program to begin teaching full time in January.

    I'm a stress eater, I know it and I'm hoping that mfp and recording my food choices can help me get through/over that issue. To top things off in the stress department, my in-laws have been living with me for the last 13 months and they love junk food so it seems to be ever present in my house.

    I really want to lose weight and keep it off for my son and I would love to get him a sibling, but I want to be at a healthier weight before taking that on so that we don't run into some of the same issues we had with his pregnancy. I'm hoping that setting goals that someone other than myself (whom I seem to have no trouble dissappointing) know about and through the support of others in similar situations I WILL MAKE IT THIS TIME!!!

    253 by 10-31
  • teatee
    teatee Posts: 5 Member
    Did not work for me, don't know what I did wrong:cry:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Look at all of the new members! This is awesome!

    teatee - I took a screen grab of the code as it looks in my signature editor. Just take a look at the below image and type that into your signature editor.

  • i would love to join this! everytime i put myself up to these challenges i seem to always fail, but this is perfect since halloween is definitely something i want to look rockin for :] not sure if i'll make it quite to 20 pounds loss (especially since i will be leaving for school so i will be in the lovely land of college food, lol), but even if i only make it to 5, 10, 15, or whatever, i will still be looking that much better and will be just as happy! but either way, i will set my goal for 20 and work my hardest to reach it!

    my biggest problem is i'm an emotional eater. and not just a regular emotional eater, but i'm pretty much a hardcore emotional binge eater. despite the fact that i've known this for a while, it constantly is what sets me back. i can keep consistent with my workouts and to a point, my healthy eating. but then that one night rolls around where i just eat EVERYTHING on impulse and then that turns into two, three, four days, making a vicious cycle. it seems i've tried so many different things to combat this but it just always returns, so ultimately i need to just really take the time to pause and think about what i'm doing. there could be a million tricks in the book but if my head isn't 100% in this, i will never succeed.

    SO. with that said, (sorry for the length!) along with my 20 pound goal, my other major goal is to really kick my emotional eating in the butt once and for all. support here is great, so i am confident that i can do this, and that we can ALL reach our goals :]

    starting weight: 171 lbs
    goal weight: 151 lbs

    had an eating extravaganza today though, so it'll take me a day or two to get back down to 171, minor setback but it just means i'll have to work a little harder. no big :]

  • I'm both a groupie and a needie person!?! :-) I need this group and I need to get weight off NOW. I would love to join all of you in this quest to lose 20 pounds by Halloween! My story is: I used to be a fitness "queen" who walked 4 miles a day in 28 minutes. Now I'm lucky to walk 1 mile in 28 minutes! I've had 16 surgeries in the past 20 years and my life as I used to know it is over...but I plan to reclaim it! :-) Just waiting impatiently for my kit to arrive as I just ordered it on Sunday. *sigh* As you can see though, I am psyching up and doing my homework to get prepared to lose weight!

    For those of you who like additional info, my surgeries have involved hysterectomy, kidney cancer and removal of a kidney, kidney stones in the remaining 1 kidney (darn it), thyroid and parathyroid cycts / removal, and so SO many others. All of these things have done a number on my physical system and my energy level is shot. :-( That's not ME though, so I find it very very frustrating to deal with and accept. May I hoo? lol
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Ryan and I am from Niagara Falls, Canada. Figured this group has too much estrogen. I thrive on competition its what motivates me to lose weight. I will be the first of the H20 to lose it all and I want to lose the most. I hope you guys are ready for some friendly competition.

    My struggle is, I love food. More specifically I love sugar. I can eat more calories in a day than most ladies should have in a week.
    My motivator that got me on this site, rugby is also one of my struggles. Rugby is a social drinkers sport. At the beginning of the season I was really out of shape and was hurting my team. 2 of the last 3 games I recieved Man of the Match for my team(Down 39lbs since beginning of the season).

    SW: 291
    GW: Higher and faster loss than everyone else :)
  • I'll bite.

    Starting Weight: 292
    GW: 272

    If I make it, it will also be the 'lightest' I've been since 2002.

    My struggles are keeping myself motivated, avoiding the alcohol and not falling into bad habits. That weekend takeaway is just too damn tempting, so I've got to shut that down.

    I think I can do this though. I really do I've never been more positive to do this right than I am now.

    Plus I have to keep up with Last Fighter :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Id like to welcome all the new members.. This is AWESOME.. IT was a GREAT idea.. :) Keep in mind towards the end well have to figure out what our next Challenge is. Possibly vote for it close to Halloween.. :) IF you wanna follow along feel free to.. I like the thought of it just for the support. :) Its been amazing.. :)
  • My name is Susan and I want to join this group.

    Current Weight 237.2
    Halloween Weight 227.2

    Struggles- I know this is the case for everyone but weight comes off very slowly for me. I have to be 100% on my game to even lose 1lb per week. This has been my biggest struggle in the past. I would join groups (WW or Biggest Loser Groups) and get frustrated b/c everyone else was losing so much faster. This time is different. No more comparing to anyone else and I am just doing what I have to do to get the job done. The end result is the goal not how fast I get there.

    I am working out 3x per day for about 30 minutes per time. I am hoping this will help give the weightloss a little kick. I have two obstacles with that- I work full time and I am a mom to a very busy little 10 month old. I have found ways to sneak in workouts so I don't lose time with my baby girl. I feel like this is a huge win just in itself. The next couple of months are going to be really hard. My husband is a high school football coach so I don't have his help during this time. Right now, Ava (my baby) and I workout together in the evening. She hangs out in her exercauser while I do the elliptical. We both enjoy watching the Wiggles and singing along :wink: If you don't have "Hot Potato" on your should really check it out.

    Another struggle for me is staying on track on the weekend. At first, I had kind of told myself the weekends were kind of a break for me. I thought thismight help feel less deprived and not so isolated. However, that has to stop. I am hoping this challenge will help keep me motivated.

    Ok- I want to be like the cool do I get that cute pumpkin on my posts? I am still really new to this site so I don't understand how everything works.
  • I am in....I lost 20 pounds doing a challenge at work but am now a little stuck and would love something to motivate me again. My starting weight is 230 so I hope to be at 210. Let's do it :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Oh wow! Look at all the newbies! Welcome one and all to the H20 challenge! Feel free to add me if you'd like the extra support!!

    For the pumpkin in the sig, this is how I did mine [img ][ /img] Take away the spaces at the end of [ img] and at the beginning of [ /img][/img]
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    Trying the pumpkin H20.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Count me in!
    My name is Meredith, right now my start weight is 262.3, with end weight at Halloween around 240, a number I haven't seen in at least a couple of years. I was around 180 in high school, but after breaking up with a boyfriend and being on/off meds for depression and other issues, it shot up and I just didn't care anymore.

    It's really hard for my to get, and stay motivated with my depression and other issues, mostly as I'm not of meds (though I know I severely need them!) and it gets tough being alone, though I live in a house full of people.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    YAY new members! And we've got a couple guys in here too now. This is great.

    For those of you having problems with the pumpkin icon, use the picture I posted yesterday as your guide. Like, save the picture, go to your signature editor, and then type in there what you see in the picture. :)
  • cmcgrae - I LOVE your name! :P

    Love your name also!! :happy:

    Christine xx
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