Your house is on fire....



  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    we don't need no water let the...

    photo albums... but there's a lot..

    I knew a kid once who grabbed the script to the show we were doing..
  • 91lowharley
    91lowharley Posts: 22 Member
    SO true. A person does not have time to grab material items. All you can think of is saving your family and yourself. I also was in a house fire due to electrical on a Christmas morning. We didn't have time to grab anything. My husband broke a window, threw down a mattress, I threw down my sons (6 & 1 yr. old at the time) so he can catch them. I was pregnant with my daughter and I had to jump down and believe me it was the scariest time of my life. Since this, I take one day at a time and I am so blessed.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I think this thread should make people realize how important it is to be prepared. Have all of your important documents and emergency cash in the same place. Have electronic backups of all important documents and any pictures you don't want to lose. Oh, and a hide-a-key, so you can use your car in case you forgot your keys.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,202 Member
    My phone
    My phone charger
    My laptop

    Now if you had asked me the same question 30 years ago, I would have said...

    My purse
    My guitar
    My boombox.
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    phone, passport and laptop
  • My pants cause usually I am not wearing any.
    My keys
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Family photos
    Fire safe
    Family laptop (mainly for the financial records my wife keeps on it)

    So you bought a Fire Safe and if a fire ever occurs it's on your list of top 3 things to save from a fire.
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    my jewelry because they all have sentimental meaning.... most of them come from my great grand-mother.... my engagement ring, weeding band, family ring....

    other than that... ummm probably purse, cell phone and car key

    once my apt was burning and I only took my dog and cell phone... (at that time I didn't have any meaningful jewelry)
  • awall1984
    awall1984 Posts: 42
    Important documents, money stash and computer
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    A suitcase full of all of my stuff

    a piping hot apple pie

    and a lawn chair.
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    External hard drive
    The (almost) final printed copy of my unpublished novel
    Photos, especially wedding ones
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Why y'all grabbing keys for a house that's burning down?
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Laptop bag (contains laptop and important documents)
  • gypy
    gypy Posts: 83 Member
    Credit card
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    2 guitars that I've had for ages and my PC backup drive.

    And I've had to do this recently, not fire but flood, all good in the end but it sharpens the reflexes.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Photo album
    Favourite guitar
    Marshmallows on sticks....
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Nothing. You get more sympathy when you lose everything.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    Well including myself, husband and puppy I would grab:
    1. Cell phone
    2. Wedding album/scrapbooks I have made
    3. purse-has my wallet and check book in it :)
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    Lets see

    1. My pillow
    2. A box of cereal
    3. My stuffed octopus that I have had for 10 years

    LOL....a box of cereal? :laugh:
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Cell phone.
    Pongo. (stuffed animal)
  • wick09
    wick09 Posts: 22 Member
    The last quilt my Granny gave us before she passed, cell, and idk what else.
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    Let's see....

    1. Playstation 3

    2. 42" Tv

    3. Controller

    (don't judge me) :laugh:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Not sure how I'd do it, but:

    1. 230 year old dresser (I'd better die trying to get it out of the house cuz I couldn't show up in heaven telling the past 10 generations I let it burn! Yes, it's that important a piece in our family history.)

    2. Pictures of my parents, wedding, etc.

    3. Pets!
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    My house burned to the ground back in 2007 during the big ice storm in Oklahoma. Because the city was basically shut down and fires popped up everywhere it took the fire department 30 minutes to get to our house after the phone range a good 5 minutes solid.

    Now that I think about it - I wouldn't do it again. I got the kids out, the cats out some personal items. I was actually in the tub when my husband at the time came in and told me the house was on fire. I ran nude to grab clothes, at that time I could see smoke gathering in the ceiling. We moved quickly as possible, but the smoke kept growing and growing and we had to bend down to avoid the smoke. We inhaled a lot of smoke. We knew it was finally time to get out when we heard the ceiling rafters fall.

    I was sick for days my chest hurt.
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member

    lap top

    Wii or my kids will drive me crazy
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    My house burned on July 3, 2011. We got out, got the pets out and tried in vain to put it out and then called the fire department. It was caused my a cigarette but that set the outside of the house on fire and then got into the roof and took the whole thing down. I woke up about an hour after going to bed to check out what that funny smell was. turns out it was the vinyl siding in flames.

    Though I had time I was in too much shock standing there to even think about what to run back in and grab. I was just glad my son was in my arms. I just kept thinking, thank goodness we have insurance.

    In hindsight now I would have grabbed my grandmothers gramaphone that was left to me, my laptop and a few cassette tapes that had me and my dad singing when i was a little kid and my grandma teaching me to say stuff in Ukranian. Still makes me sad that Ill never hear her voice again :(

    Other than those few things and the loss of 2 cats the next few months from related issues, it was a blessing in disguise because we have a nice new house and all new stuff. What a way to de-clutter! ;) But seriously, Ive never felt so lost as to wake up in my parents place the next day (thank goodness for them and all our great friends and even total strangers who came to our rescue) with not even a toothbrush or a bra!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    But in all honesty, if my house were on fire the ONLY thing I would be thinking about is how to get my two sons out safely.

    This right here.

    Well I guess it's time for me to share my story...

    The house I lived in with my father burned down when I was 18. I had been 18 for a week, and was @ the UofArizona for an internship.

    He forgot I was not at home (had been gone for 3 days). Instead of trying to save himself that night, he was found by the bathroom, he was headed to my bedroom.

    I lost a lot of material possessions...clothes, graduation gown, diploma, mementos, letters, pictures....not that I cared. Hell, all I wanted was my dad.

    Kudos for my dad trying to get to the one thing that was important to him. Dad, you rock. RIP. \m/

    Awww.... Big hugs to you. Thats so sad :(
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member


  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Purse (Wallet, Keys and Makeup are in there, so SCORE!)

    Safe (Has SS cards, Birth Certs, checks, and photocopies of our credit cards and IDs, front and back, little's hospital ID bands, lock of hair from her first cut, newborn hat)

    Emergency Prep Bag (Has bottled water, change of clothes for everyone, protein bars and nuts. I check the expiration dates and swap clothes depending on season, every couple months. Paranoid? Or prepared? Haha)