Why aren't you sweating?



  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    How much a person sweats isn't really indicative of how hard they are working out. I do sweat a lot when I exercise but sometimes it's really hot in the gym and that makes me sweat even more.

    There ARE people out there who just don't sweat.

    Yep, that's my husband. His face NEVER sweats but his lower back does.

    Me, I sweat as soon as I step outside. And it's all on my face and nose. I hate it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I sweat like crazy too! I recently invested in a sweat head band to keep it out of my eyes doing cardio. At least you know you're doing it right,

    I think I might have to do this. I hate it when I get sweat in my eyes but I don't want to look like an '80's throw back LOL.

    I could never figure out what wrist sweat bands were for. I was out for a run on a warm day in a tank top and wanted to wipe my face with a sleeve like I do when it's colder out and it hit me. I find them helpful.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I sweat a LOT!! I look like I stepped out of the shower. It's rolling down my eyebrows, down my back. I have a pond around my place in class :blushing: During yesterdays kickboxing class...my whole body was glistening. We were doing presses laying on a cage bag, when i stood up, sweat ran out of my ear. My arms and legs were wet. :laugh:
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    I was once told by one of the instructors at the gym that people who don't sweat much during a vigorous workout are generally dehydrated! Not sure I really buy into that though, as I don't sweat much and will generally drink 2 - 3 litres of water during the day.

    Yeah, I'm not buying that either. I am one that doesn't sweat much and I drink more than a gallon of water a day most days. I'm definitely not dehydrated.

    I am another glistener. lol I get red and damp but never pour sweat.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    I never sweat. I GLISTEN! :wink:

  • LanBan101
    LanBan101 Posts: 4
    People have different thermoregulation systems. Some people are more sensitive in the rise of body temperature than others. Sweat is actually a great way to cool the body as the heat is released in the sweat as it evaporates off your skin. I wouldn't worry about it too much, other than it being annoying. I sweat like crazy when my heart rate hovers around 80% max, unfortunately that's the zone I love to work out in so I just pack extra towels and never wear my gym stuff more than once without washing.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Eh...I sweat.My shirt and hair will be wet. Also, my face gets super red. Not my best look.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    Yup. I sweat a lot, mostly from my face. I look like I had a shower after an intense workout. I've come to embrace it (and now wear contact lenses to the gym because I was tired of my glasses fogging up lol). I do a warmup on the elliptical before I go see my traienr (10-25 mins, depending on the day) and I am already soaked when we start. It's all good.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I don't sweat, I sparkle doll :)
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    When I am on the elliptical, two puddles form on the floor beneath me. I sweat through my shirt, shorts and even socks. I have even weighed myself and lost 5 lbs in water weight. 20 years of wrestling (sucking weight in sauna suits) I think is the culprit.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member

    It also gets frustrating to have to buy new workout clothes as often as I do.

    Why are you buying new clothes so often? If it's an odor issue just wash your workout clothes with a cup of apple cider vinegar. If they are extra smelly you can soak them in the water and vinegar for a little while first. It works wonders, I'm a sweater too :)
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I tend to sweat as soon as I stop. I can go an hour on the treadmill at a steady pace and not sweat then I stop and boom drenched. If I am rotating my pace, say walking then running then walking and so on I will sweat while I work out. When I played soccer I could go the whole half not sweating then we would stop for half time and I would sweat like crazy... It is the strangest thing but I have always been that way, shrugs
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I don't really sweat. I did a 3+ hour run on Sunday so yes I definitely worked my butt off. By the end of it my face was completely dry (but very red).
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    It took me time to get over it.

    As for workout clothes - I always go with solid black bottoms. I don't mind the sweat marks on top but don't like the wet pants look (sucks because I love the fun colored lulu lemon bottoms). I always hang my clothes to dry if I can't wash them right away. I used to throw them in the laundry wet but then they get a smell you can't get rid of.
    I also add 1/4 cup of vinegar to the wash with laundry detergent. It's supposed to help.

    I will need to try this. That is one of my problems. My clothes are so gross after a while that washing doesn't help. I'll have to try the vinegar trick. Thanks!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    It also gets frustrating to have to buy new workout clothes as often as I do.

    Why are you buying new clothes so often? If it's an odor issue just wash your workout clothes with a cup of apple cider vinegar. If they are extra smelly you can soak them in the water and vinegar for a little while first. It works wonders, I'm a sweater too :)

    (your dog looks just like our baby, Booker!)

    I will have to try the vinegar trick. I wash my clothes but after a while it just doesn't help.
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    I sweat like mad. even lifting. if you are working hard you sweat. simple.

    if you arent sweating you arent working hard enough.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I sweat on my brow and a little on my chest, but I've seen some of the women at my gym sweat on their legs and then I look to mine and they're dry as a bone. And I know I'm working out as hard, if not harder than some of them, but I just can't seem to get my sweat on from my limbs. Is it weird that I WANT to? XD
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    After my first ever 5k last week:
    (no, it's not water)


    I have a horrible feeling the girl on the next treadmill along got a few drops flying her way. Sorry!
  • How much a person sweats isn't really indicative of how hard they are working out. I do sweat a lot when I exercise but sometimes it's really hot in the gym and that makes me sweat even more.

    There ARE people out there who just don't sweat.

    ^^This - I don't sweat - i turn extremely red, and rarely will break a sweat, even when I did crossfit and it was 100 degrees outside... still not sweating. But you can bet I busted my @ss.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    That's not sweat; it's liquid awesome.

    I am drenched after a good workout and I run outside so the whole world sees my red face and sweat soaked hair and shirt. I'm proud of it. :)