Face problems since exercise/weight loss.



  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Do you work out at a gym - lots of nasty buggies in sweat andon the handles of machines and weights. Whatever you do don't Google that you'll never go to a gym again. One study found fecal matter on everything. Also gym towels are washed and dried with very heavy chemicals to combat the first problem... Let's not even get into pool chemicals and all the cleaning chemicals on everything else in a gym
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I would try washing your face in the morning, after work and before you go to bed, and then of course, after a workout. I use Level 2000 soap -- the old-school grandpa bar of soap. It has really helped keep my skin clear. I started using Ponds Dry Skin Cream after each face-washing and it has prevented any dryness and doesn't feel oily at all. It's not necessarily a diet thing that's affecting it. With exercise and weight loss, your hormones will most likely be all over the place. You just have to play around with it until it catches up to the fact that you are making changes and you will be sticking to it. Good luck!
    I strongly suggest NOT USING LEVER 2000!!! Or any bar of soap on your face. This will make the dryness and peeling worse!!Use something gentle and basic to cleanse 2x a day, not 3 as it will dry your face out too much (unless you worked out, then you should do a wash).
    Use a nice oil free moisturizer with SPF, and try really hard not to pick. When you have breakouts use a Benzoyle peroxide cream such as clean and clear, or Proactiv's step 3 lotion. This should help.
    Don't tan, it will wreak havoc on your skin over time.
    Drink lots of water and avoid oily makeups.
    Hope this helps! BTW I'm a certified makeup artist and know a lot about skin care and related products, so if you have any more questions, feel free to ask me! :)
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    I looked at your food diary for the last few days & it is TOTALLY lacking in any fruits or vegetables. If those few days are indicative of how you normally eat your body is screaming for real food and vitamins -- especially fruits, vegetables, fiber, etc. You cannot eat healthily without eating vegetables -- and not just french fries, the tomato sauce on pizza. Strive for 5 servings of vegetables daily and you skin is likely to look much better.

    This^ Cut out the fast food - full of oil/grease. Try eating clean for a week and I'm sure your face will clear up, you'll probably have a good weight loss too! good luck :)
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Go to your Dermatologist. I highly doubt it has anything to do with your exercise program. Your 20 yrs. old, and hormones change several times in a lifetime. At 20 years old there is a big shift. You may have adult on set acne. I did, and it was terrible. Like you my face was clear as a bell until I hit 23, and then all sorts of blemishes appeared. I fought until I was 33 with the help of my Dermatologist, and now I am clear again with no scarring b/c I saw the doctor. Also if you smoke or are around smoke it will severally aggravate your skin. By the way according to my derma-doc... You are not suppose to over wash your face. He recommended washing my face at night with a mild face soap called Cetaphil, and use the Cream (not the lotion) Cetaphil moisturizer. Then no need to wash your face in the morning with more than a warm wet wash cloth. Too much washing drys your skin and makes the oil gland over react and produce more oil to compensate for drying it out. However, you moisturize in the morning after wiping with a warm wash cloth. Fish Oil supplement is a good idea too. Washing makeup brushes with your face wash should be done weekly. Natural hair brushes hold bacteria easier. Use tachyon makeup brushes (one of the only time I say synthetic is better) they are more resistant and less porous.
    QUBYRU Posts: 13 Member

    I thought this was an interesting explanation of the whys -- I am over fifty and "experiencing " this phenomenon. This article reassured me that this is temporary. :smile:
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Sounds like hormone changes.

    Have you tried eliminating some common foods that many people have sensitivities to-i.e. wheat or dairy?
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    This is really the first time I have exercised this much and lost this much weight, but since I have my face is going through some god awful changes. In December, when I started I immediately began to break out bad, like never before, not even in teen years, in an area I had never broken out before either. This has lasted up until now, and now the pimples have stopped and now my face is going through an extremely dry phase. Peeling ect.. Which I have never ever had a problem with either.... My diet hasn't changed much, eating less than what I was before, obviously because I lost weight. ^_^ I haven't had any new face products or anything of the sort. Usually I can find the source of my facial problems but this time I cannot. Any one have any suggestions? The pimples were also those big red ones under the skin, and alot of them too. The head would never come out and then they would turn scabby without me picking at them. Any help is appreciated ^_^

    Make sure you are using a face wash and moisturizer that is formulated for your type of skin (dry, combo / oily, etc). Do not use soap! It is not made for washing your face and will dry you out. I'm a Mary Kay fan myself but there are a lot of brands / products to choose from. I would also suggest seeing a dermatologist if this continues.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    I used to think that it's what I did to my skin that made it good or bad, and to some extent I think that is still true. But I think that what you put into your body has more of an effect on your skin than what you put on it.

    I eat a ton of fruits and veggies and I eat very little dairy. Since I stopped using soap or face wash on a regular basis my skin has improved dramatically! And I used to have bad, deep acne. I might wear make up 8 times a year; you don't need to when you have naturally glowing skin.

    Instead of using face wash or soap once or twice a day I now use coconut oil to cleanse my skin. A few times a week I do use a very gentle face wash (Avalon's Lavender Luminosity) followed by coconut oil or jojoba oil and I have glowing skin! I have found that I don't have to wash my face directly after exercise or being outside like I used to. Even though I do try to get in the shower ASAP after workouts, but if I wait a few hours it's no big deal. Now, around my TOM I may get one or two small pimples that go away in a few days. Even after camping in dusty conditions, riding my bike two days in a row, and wearing sun screen all during my TOM and only wiping my face once with coconut oil I think I had one pimple.

    Ditch the toxic beauty products and complicated cleaning, moisturizing, and makeup routines and clean up your diet. Your skin, body, and wallet will thank you!!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    when i switched to organic dairy i stopped getting the cystic acne, which is what it sounds like you have.

    the hormones and antibiotics in the dairy made my skin flare up.

    also make sure to wash your pillow cases frequently, at least once a week.

    I live in Canada so our milk is hormone free but even then, I developed an intolerance to dairy 2 years ago now and my skin is much more clear when I stay away from it, I always just thought it affected your digestive system but then learnt that it can affect many different aspects.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    I looked at your food diary for the last few days & it is TOTALLY lacking in any fruits or vegetables. If those few days are indicative of how you normally eat your body is screaming for real food and vitamins -- especially fruits, vegetables, fiber, etc. You cannot eat healthily without eating vegetables -- and not just french fries, the tomato sauce on pizza. Strive for 5 servings of vegetables daily and you skin is likely to look much better.

    This^ Cut out the fast food - full of oil/grease. Try eating clean for a week and I'm sure your face will clear up, you'll probably have a good weight loss too! good luck :)

    I would be one massive zit if I ate what the OP ate.

    http://www.vitacost.com/at-last-naturals-born-again-msm-herbal-moisturizing-soap - I swear by this soap. I had cystic acne along my chin/jaw and this has helped tremendously. It's also naturally moisturizing and my skin feels so smooth afterwards. $4/bar is worth it. I also have rosacea and it's gentle enough that it doesn't flare my rosacea.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I had very dry skin, and I live at high altitude in a very dry climate... but I started taking fish oil supplements and eating at least three avocados a week... my skin glows now (I also eat a lot of protein and "healthy" fats)

    ^^ yes these things are really good for your skin. I don't know what you're eating but maybe you are lacking in something so I would incorporate more healthy fats into your diet such as olive/rapeseed oils, nuts, avacados, oily fish like mackerel and salmon and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration
    Lastly make sure you are getting vitamin c every day.... pineapples, oranges, strawberries are good examples

    If it persists then maybe see your doctor as it may be hormonal and not dietary