OK guys... what's the best greek yogurt?



  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    Chobani banana. Dannon Oikos is decent but it's just as many calories as the chobani but you get less yogurt because they "leave room for toppings."
  • wildcatnyc
    wildcatnyc Posts: 2,410 Member


    My favorite...the blueberry and cherry flavors are great!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I like Fage 2% and I add about a tsp of sugar to 4-6 oz. and some frozen blueberries.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Fage! I have to buy it when I travel to take with me because not every store sells it and the plain is great in potaoes or on tacos like you would use sour cream.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I also prefer Dannon light and fit greek out of all the ones that I have tried. I love the toasted coconut vanilla and the strawberry!
  • shayleac
    shayleac Posts: 76 Member
  • BikerChickAlice
    BikerChickAlice Posts: 36 Member
    Fage full fat, drizzle of honey and a few berries is amazing! Unfortunately my tummy doesn't agree! :-(
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member


    My favorite...the blueberry and cherry flavors are great!

    OP was looking for Greek without artficial sweetners ...... surcalose = Splenda
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    We only buy Fage. Tried a few others.

    Some "store brands" of Greek had sugar and whey powder in them to raise the protein content(NOT).
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    HOMEMADE! Once you try it it's amazing how grainy and strange store bought yogurts feel. You need one package of plain yogurt as a starter, but other than that you just need milk. I use 1% or 2%. Heat the milk (about 8 cups per 1/2 cup of starter) up to 185 degrees F, let it simmer at 185 for 20-30 minutes, put the pot in an ice bath to cool it down to 110 degrees F, then whisk in the store bought yogurt. Pour into Mason jars and let it sit on the counter for 8-24 hours (the longer it sits, the less lactose will be in it). Then you can either strain it by lining a colander with cheesecloth, add the yogurt and let it strain into a bowl in the fridge (the extra liquid is full of protein and flavor so it's great for cooking rice, pasta, or adding to bread mixes) or eat as is. I freeze about 1/2 cup in a mini jar to use as a starter for my next batch. All in all it takes about 1/2 an hour to make and a day to rest. I make a huge batch about every 2 weeks. And all it costs is some milk. I like it because it reduces waste, I know exactly what's in it, and the benefits are stronger in homemade.

    Thank you for posting this! I tried once, but the directions I had called for keeping it in the oven with the light on, but I don't have a light in my oven and it didn't come out very well. I've been wanting to try again and once I buy a decent thermometer, I'll give this a try!
  • gosioux08
    gosioux08 Posts: 28 Member
    My votes are for Fage 0% Honey and anything made by Noosa. Someone at the grocery store saw me looking at all the greek yogurt flavors and strongly recommended the Noosa brand to me by saying that it tasted just like cheesecake. Sold!! My favorites are (again) the honey and strawberry rhubarb flavors and they really do taste quite a bit like cheesecake. To the earlier poster who said that Noosa is high in calories, I would have to respectfully disagree. One serving of Noosa honey is 140 calories while one serving of the Fage honey is 170.
  • Strangegirlz
    Strangegirlz Posts: 92 Member
    FAGE. I blitz it up with frozen fruits, add a little honey, some pumpkin seeds. Delicious
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    fage...not even a contest
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    Oikos vanilla is my go to for breakfast. I add some all-bran (fiber) and dried cranberries (only fruit I'll eat). I just recently bought Fage 0% plain for a sour cream subsitute and its made a pretty tasty ranch dressing (5-6oz fage, 1/2 c light mayo, 1/2 c skim milk, 1 pack Uncle Dans OG southern. Mix, chill, etc. Abt 60 cals per 2oz).

    I couldn't do the plain mixed with honey or sweetener, just too weird tasting to me. I tried a few different brands and they were either chalky or too tart/sour, so Oikos it is.
  • CuteMonkeyGal
    CuteMonkeyGal Posts: 138 Member
    I like Fage 0%. I buy it plain and use it in place of sour cream or mayo in some more savory recipes. For sweet meals or breakfast, I like it with granola (Bare Naked Vanilla Almond) or with some cut up fresh fruit or maybe a lil honey. YUMMY!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I would say plain greek is more 'tangy,' not sour.

    My all time favorite so far is Greek Gods - Touch of Honey greek yogurt. IT'S SO GOOD.

    If you're adventurous, try the Chobani Flips. They're delicious little sides of plain yogurt with mix-ins like toasted coconut chocolate or key like pie. ^_^
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    Fage is DELISH... I don't mind Chobani much either though.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Presidents choice honey 0% fat. Creamy, smooth just a little sweet , great price and the only ingredients are skim milk, honey and culture.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Another Fage plain 0% or 2% fan here--I add my own fruit or jam if I want it sweet so I just buy plain. I can get Chobani cheaper usually but there's something a little odd about the taste/texture for me. I recently bought Greek Gods as it was the cheapest that week and realized after getting it home that it was "Greek style" with all sorts of thickeners in it--I ended up not even finishing the container.
  • mamagez
    mamagez Posts: 4
    Chobani FF with a tablespoon of Barely Naked granola!! Yummy