diet soda dangers



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    How about:
    Artificial Sweeteners
    Contrary to popular belief, studies have found that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame can stimulate your appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings, and stimulate fat storage and weight gain. In one of the most recent of such studies8, saccharin and aspartame were found to cause greater weight gain than sugar.
    Aspartame is perhaps one of the most problematic. It is primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the majority of the sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol.
    You may have heard the claim that aspartame is harmless because methanol is also found in fruits and vegetables. However, in fruits and vegetables, the methanol is firmly bonded to pectin, allowing it to be safely passed through your digestive tract. Not so with the methanol created by aspartame; there it’s not bonded to anything that can help eliminate it from your body.
    Methanol acts as a Trojan horse; it's carried into susceptible tissues in your body, like your brain and bone marrow, where the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme converts it into formaldehyde, which wreaks havoc with sensitive proteins and DNA. All animals EXCEPT HUMANS have a protective mechanism that allows methanol to be broken down into harmless formic acid. This is why toxicology testing on animals is a flawed model. It doesn't fully apply to people.
    UNQUOTE ( )

    Mercola also believes that microwaves are very dangerous and other quackery and I would greatly discourage anyone from citing him or believing him as anything remotely reliable.

    Beat me to it. Mercola is good for the lulz though
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    More excerpts from Wikipedia:

    Mercola's website has called microwave ovens dangerous,

    Mercola has questioned whether HIV is the cause of AIDS. He has argued instead that the manifestations of AIDS (including opportunistic infections and death) may be the result of "psychological stress" brought on by the belief that HIV is harmful.

    Mercola opposes the use of most prescription drugs and immunizations

    Mercola has also claimed that the use of many commercial brands of sunscreen increases, not decreases, the likelihood of contracting skin cancer with high UV exposure. He advocates the use of "natural" sunscreens, some of which he markets on his website.
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    Correlation does not mean causation. Perhaps it isn't the diet pop that is causing all of these medical issues, but it is all of these medical issues which cause people to turn to diet pop. Someone who is overweight and already has all of these problems would be more likely to turn to diet pop in an effort to lose weight.
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    I'm sure that it's not great for you, but I drink a Diet Coke every day, and I'm happy, healthy, have none of those problems, and am in great shape...aerobics, weight training, and Zumba every week...AND I'm 72 years old!
  • sharan_v_garry
    sharan_v_garry Posts: 23 Member
    Diet soda have caffieine. People with asthma can benefit from some caffiene

  • FrankieTrailBlazer
    FrankieTrailBlazer Posts: 124 Member
    What about:

    QUOTE (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis)

    "When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at a higher level than when they drank only water before consuming glucose," Pepino explained. "Insulin levels also rose about 20 percent higher. So the artificial sweetener was related to an enhanced blood insulin and glucose response."

    UNQUOTE ( )
  • salt160
    salt160 Posts: 44
    HA Ha! seems as though you touched a soft spot with a lot of people.

    You are right. Soda is garbage. - diet or not.No nutritional value what so ever. Nothing but empty chemicals and crap.

    Having said that, I love root beer!
    But I drink it in very small amounts because it is pure empty sugar.

    Don't everyone get their panties in a bunch. Viva la diferance!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Darn it, I'm late to the popcorn party.

  • HappyAlex1
    HappyAlex1 Posts: 13
    Used to live on the stuff but feel better since I've given it up.
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    I found I cant breathe with it as I'm allergic to preservatives in diet and non diet sodas and many other things. Taste discussing when you don't have it for years. I guess just like a non smoker doesn't like the smell of cig smoke.

    Anyway some other info for you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I love it when I go to a thread with a known trigger subject and the first post says, "You are ignoring this user." I have excellent skills.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I love it when I go to a thread with a known trigger subject and the first post says, "You are ignoring this user." I have excellent skills.

  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Diet soda is absolutely toxic for your body. This is an incomplete list of the health issues associated with soda consumption:

    Heart disease
    Liver damage
    High Blood Pressure
    Various cancers

    *Sips freshly opened ice cold Diet Coke*.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What about:

    QUOTE (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis)

    "When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at a higher level than when they drank only water before consuming glucose," Pepino explained. "Insulin levels also rose about 20 percent higher. So the artificial sweetener was related to an enhanced blood insulin and glucose response."

    UNQUOTE ( )

    What you didn't mention is that the study participants were all extremely obese (BMI > 42).

    The result was that when these morbidly obese people drank sucralose before glucose, blood sugar rose a little higher than when they drank water and then glucose.

    Oh noes.
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
  • FrankieTrailBlazer
    FrankieTrailBlazer Posts: 124 Member
    What about:

    QUOTE (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis)

    "When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at a higher level than when they drank only water before consuming glucose," Pepino explained. "Insulin levels also rose about 20 percent higher. So the artificial sweetener was related to an enhanced blood insulin and glucose response."

    UNQUOTE ( )

    What you didn't mention is that the study participants were all extremely obese (BMI > 42).

    The result was that when these morbidly obese people drank sucralose before glucose, blood sugar rose a little higher than when they drank water and then glucose.

    Oh noes.

    LOL... that information wasnt purposefully excluded... the link was provided... this is just one study... and your oneliner answer seems to misinterpret the info...
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    another quality post by OP
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    sounds legit
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    sounds legit

    sipping on diet cream soda right now, slowly slipping away
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Actually diet soda is horrible for you. I didn't realize this was still a debatable thing. O.o I would be happy to give sources if they are requested. I am currently not on my home computer so will later. Although I hesitate because people tend to go lalala to things they don't want to hear. Also if it is laziness then I don't wish to support that either so.... It is better to do your own research and not just assume everything you hear on tv ads and read in magazines is true. Especially since those sources come from the companies trying to sell the stuff to you. I'll try and remember to get on later and link some good things along with some good books if I can find some.

    They used to say smoking wasn't bad also. Are people still denying that? Or is it ok since at least one person mentioned pretty much everything has cancer causing chemicals now? Sadly this is true but if you eat whole foods, especially responsibly organic local food (there are farmer's markets everywhere now) you can avoid most of this. Just because it is hidden in a lot doesn't mean I am gonna say screw it and start chugging things I know are horrible for me.

    yes please