So... Fruit will make me FAT?



  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I'll say it again....

    Nobody ever got fat by eating too many fruits and vegetables.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    I was told yesterday that eating fruit will make me fat.

    only if it's bananas.

    oh no, i had one with breakfast!!! :laugh:
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying here. Anything in excess will cause weight gain. I also wanna add that the fibers in fruit help your blood sugar even out and the fiber in fruit is what is good for you. That is why you should always eat your fruit and not drink it. I used to make smoothies of just fruit until I learned this now if I have a smoothie (which is a rare occasion) I have mostly veggies and add some fruits in for sweetness. Even a machine like a vitamix that doesn't remove the fiber but blends it up with the fruit compromises how the fiber is supposed to work because it pretty much pulverizes it.

    I am always over in my sugar too because of fruit and greek yogurt. Just maintain your calorie goal day to day and you should be fine.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes, It's the fruit. It has always been the fruit.
    Hiding in plain sight!

  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    You'd have to eat A LOT of yes it's possible, I suppose.

    I was told that a long time ago - "cut back on your fruit! It's full of sugar!" But really? Come on. Ten pieces of fruit is better than ten pieces of cake... :]
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    Prolonged caloric surpluses cause fat accumulation. Fruit, within a hypocaloric diet, does not.

    So if you're eating a caloric surplus and getting fatter, it's the diet in its entirety causing the fat gain rather than some evil singular food item. I would stop listening to your carbophobic friend.

    Listen to the man with the pretty abs. He knows what he's talking about.

    LOL! I know that's right
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I eat fruit everyday. People are afraid of sugar. Fruit is fine. Choose low glycemic over high glycemic but enjoy your fruit.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I created a "Fruit, Vegetables, and Nuts" food category to separate the stats from these items. I'm not going to sweat going over my sugar because I ate some fresh fruit! It would be nice if MFP had a category to designate if a food's sugar was natural or refined...
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Please ignore 90% of the dieting advice you get out in the "real world" so far within a month, I was told, not to eat more than 250 calories in a meal (including dinner!) not to eat fruit, not to drink milk (because milk is bad for you pssh) not to eat yogurt, no carbs, to eat only 800 calories per day, to do detoxes with fruit water (but wait fruit is bad!) LOL so yes, just ignore them please :) You can eat what ever you want as long as it fits into your calorie budget... especially fruit, even clean diets eat fruit :) Its healthy, and an essential part of the food pyramid :) Just make sure you log it just like everything else =)
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    The nutso sitting next to me at work is constantly on about fructose and glucose and "fat burning mode" and how one slice of canteloupe is going to give me diabetes and sugar is white poison and carbs give you "belly fat"

    Then he merrily mixes up a batch of miracle protein bro juice in a comically large shaker. Never mind the fillers and junk science that went into that garbage, it's definitely the apples that'll kill you.

    I usually give him a "cool story bro" sometimes it shuts him up. Sometimes he'll find an obscure study in a 2002 issue of Men's Health that backs him up.

    The difference is I don't need a half baked psuedoscientific article on a widely discredited study to know that he's a moron.
  • Yami97
    Yami97 Posts: 15
    Prolonged caloric surpluses cause fat accumulation. Fruit, within a hypocaloric diet, does not.

    So if you're eating a caloric surplus and getting fatter, it's the diet in its entirety causing the fat gain rather than some evil singular food item. I would stop listening to your carbophobic friend.

    Listen to the man with the pretty abs. He knows what he's talking about.
    Made me LOL!!! Thanks for the funny!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Eating almost anything too much could make you fat. This is a dumb concept.
  • SunshineGirl75P
    SunshineGirl75P Posts: 13 Member
    BUMP... Because there is some good info in the responses :happy: and I :heart: sarcasm! :laugh:
  • echeverria1973
    echeverria1973 Posts: 5 Member
    Absolutely not!
    The sugars in this program clumps processed sugars as well as natural sugar. Which contrary to some beliefs, they are not the same in my opinion. If that were so, vegetarians and vegans would have serious weight problems. Even the Us Dept of Health suggests that your biggest portions of what you eat should be fruits and veggies. I've been watching documentaries about food, doing research and getting educated on nutrituion, and they have made me rethink everything about food.
    So, keep eating those fruits and veggies, your doing fine.
  • sooz
    sooz Posts: 15 Member
    I'm struggling with this myself because I'm trying to eat mostly fruits and vegetables and if I have to eliminate fruit, then that seriously restricts my options. I read a book recently by Jorge Cruse, who talks a lot about sugar -- I'd explain his theory, but I don't fully understand it myself. He recommends limiting sugar to 25 grams per day (100 calories). This isn't very much and it would effectively eliminate almost all fruit. I think the key is whether you have issues with insulin - if you have belly fat, then assume that you do. Fruit has sugar (fructose), but it also has fiber, which slows down the absorption. If you eat it with protein & fat, it further slows down the rate of absorption and prevents your blood sugar from spiking -- which is the goal. If your blood sugar spikes, you secrete insulin, which makes you hungry and causes you to store fat. I have a smoothie in the morning with coconut milk (fat), protein powder and a cup of fruit. I used to do two cups. I also try to stick to berries. If you like apples, you might try having a small apple with a fat/protein source or only eating half the apple. I hope this helps. I don't adopt any of the theories as gospel -- everything works for somebody, but not everything works for everybody. (Don't discredit me because of the 0 pounds weight loss -- the original weight was several years ago and I just got back on this website -- I lost about 4 pounds last week.)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Absolutely not!
    The sugars in this program clumps processed sugars as well as natural sugar. Which contrary to some beliefs, they are not the same in my opinion. If that were so, vegetarians and vegans would have serious weight problems. Even the Us Dept of Health suggests that your biggest portions of what you eat should be fruits and veggies. I've been watching documentaries about food, doing research and getting educated on nutrituion, and they have made me rethink everything about food.
    So, keep eating those fruits and veggies, your doing fine.

    Cognitive dissonance
  • AJinBirmingham

    I was at my goal weight (128 lbs) on Weight Watchers - not recommended; it's like MFP, but not as good and it costs money - when they changed their programme to encourage members to eat more fruit . . . and, although I stayed on program, I ballooned up to 142 lbs!

    Fruit is good. Eat it. It also has calories. Remember that.
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    If you eat too much of anything it can affect weight gain.


    There's nuance and hormones and biochemistry to consider. But boil it all down, and the above is true.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I was at my goal weight (128 lbs) on Weight Watchers - not recommended; it's like MFP, but not as good and it costs money - when they changed their programme to encourage members to eat more fruit . . . and, although I stayed on program, I ballooned up to 142 lbs!

    Fruit is good. Eat it. It also has calories. Remember that.
    Fruit was the only thing you ate and you gained 14 pounds from it?

    Because that is the only way you could possibly blame fruit on its own for your weight gain.

    But, yes, it has calories and WW making it "free" was a stupid move.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    If it puts you over your TDEE, yes.