The 30 Worst Foods in America



  • sarajeanelles
    sarajeanelles Posts: 55 Member
    OMG, that kids meal with the dinosaur shaped nuggets, what the heck!!! Who would feed that to their children??? That was gross.

    I have. And they've also had the mac & cheese at Uno's which I think is even higher in calories as I remember. It's a treat. We eat 90% of our meals at home, always with vegetables. But I guess "feeding that to my children" makes my a shtty parent in your book.

    Take it as you would like. The point of the article was to point out how ****ty the foods are in the1st place, if it's 10% of their diet it's obviously not a big deal, but for lots of people those 'beige meals' are a frequent occurrence for their kids. I would not eat that as a 'treat' myself, much less for my daughter, but that's just me.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    It's only the 30 worst if you don't like it or gain weight from it. Having it once ain't gonna kill ya.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yep. I'm thinking that Cinnabon Regular Caramel Pecanbun looks mighty good.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I just read the article and now feel sick. None of the choices look appealing to me.

    OMG, most of them are appealing. Sad thing is I have had a lot of those before. In fact, one of the worst offenders is the Chili's Jalapeno Bacon Cheeseburger. I seen that and my mouth started watering, that is till I seen the calories. I will NEVER have one of those again unless I make it at home myself.
  • JRChadwick
    JRChadwick Posts: 52
    I always keep my burgers simple and without cheese. Burgers with extra toppings often have double the calories.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member

    I believe that they were saying that beef jerky was one of the better snack options at a gas's where you find the snack not whether it's savory or sweet

    Yeah, I saw that, but I think there are more comparable low-calorie substitutions in convenience stores. I was just agreeing that the substitutions are strange. They are either not comparable in type or the substitution sizes are obvious (as someone else mentioned, substituting half of another pizza for a whole pizza, who couldn't figure that one out?)
  • JRChadwick
    JRChadwick Posts: 52
    It wasn't just a half of a pizza compared to a whole one, it was a thin crust pizza which saves you from a lot of extra carbohydrates and empty calories.

    You should never have pizza as the entirety of your meal. It's just too rich. Add a couple of slices with a smartly made salad.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    1,750 calories... ಠ_ಠ How is that even possible...

    I dont care what anyone says.... hating on coldstone is sacrilege

    ^ This. And not a big fan of Men's Health anyway.
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    "26. Worst Gas Station Treat
    Hostess Chocolate Pudding Pie"

    "Eat This Instead!
    Tillamook Country Smoker Teriyaki Beef Jerky"

    Yeah. Excellent substitute, you know....FOR A CHOCOLATY TREAT.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Interesting article. I haven't had any of those foods, ever (but have probably had similar stuff that comes in a close second to some of them).

    I personally think the intro is overkill, though. Implying that making a "single mistake" by eating one of the items on the list will ruin a weight-loss plan just isn't the case. Regularly eating these items without working them into your calorie and macro goals definitely can, but if I were to eat, say, a Quiznos Tuna Melt once it's not going to suddenly add lbs. or stop me from losing weight.

    I havent eaten any of these either and I completely agree!!! I believe its okay to eat stuff like this occasionally but in moderation and as long as your not eating them all the time....just because you are trying to lose weight or eat "healthier" does not mean that you have to give up can have the things you want but in moderation...and if you do eat those things go workout or something to burn at least some of those calories you just ate....the only way its gunna ruin your progress is if your always eating this stuff!
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    This made me giggle.

    From the article:

    "Researchers have found that men are turned on by the smell of cinnamon rolls, and further studies have shown that men are more likely to spend money when they’re thinking about sex."

    Who knew? Girl's gotta ask...true? false?

    lol....guess I'll take my husband by the Cinnabon store at the mall the next time I want some new clothes. :wink:

    bahahahaha hilarious yet clever!! lol
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    It wasn't just a half of a pizza compared to a whole one, it was a thin crust pizza which saves you from a lot of extra carbohydrates and empty calories.

    You should never have pizza as the entirety of your meal. It's just too rich. Add a couple of slices with a smartly made salad.

    #27. Substitute one half of a Cheese and Tomato Five-Grain Crust Pizza instead of a whole Uno's Chicago Grill Deep Dish Individual Pizza.
  • JRChadwick
    JRChadwick Posts: 52
    It wasn't just a half of a pizza compared to a whole one, it was a thin crust pizza which saves you from a lot of extra carbohydrates and empty calories.

    You should never have pizza as the entirety of your meal. It's just too rich. Add a couple of slices with a smartly made salad.

    #27. Substitute one half of a Cheese and Tomato Five-Grain Crust Pizza instead of a whole Uno's Chicago Grill Deep Dish Individual Pizza.
    Exactly my point; substitute the deep dish for a thinner, healthier crust.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    OMG, that kids meal with the dinosaur shaped nuggets, what the heck!!! Who would feed that to their children???

    My kiddo eats dinno nuggets quite a bit...there's really nothing wrong with them...they're actually pretty good and whole pieces of actual chicken unlike some processed nuggets that are glued together scraps...


    He loves them and usually enjoys them with a side of peas and/or grapes and some of my homemade fries...
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    This made me giggle.

    From the article:

    "Researchers have found that men are turned on by the smell of cinnamon rolls, and further studies have shown that men are more likely to spend money when they’re thinking about sex."

    Who knew? Girl's gotta ask...true? false?

    lol....guess I'll take my husband by the Cinnabon store at the mall the next time I want some new clothes. :wink:

    Hahahaha!!! You'll have to let all of us ladies know if it works or not :laugh: :laugh:
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    The rest of it doesn't even look like dishes truly intended for one person, but there's an Arby's along my Sunday bike ride and I probably shouldn't have found out about those sausage gravy biscuits...
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think the one my jaw dropped to the floor on what the alcoholic drink from Red Lobster... 700 CALORIES? What?! Lol So glad I've never eaten 99% of this stuff! I have had the oriental wrap at Applebee's! I think that was it! Lol
    Ugh scary
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    This made me giggle.

    From the article:

    "Researchers have found that men are turned on by the smell of cinnamon rolls, and further studies have shown that men are more likely to spend money when they’re thinking about sex."

    Who knew? Girl's gotta ask...true? false?
    1. Become stripper
    2. Buy cinnamon roll scented perfume
    3. ????
    4. Profit!

    In this case the ???? could be left out and it would still make sense.
  • JRChadwick
    JRChadwick Posts: 52
    I've never had any of those. I have up fast food entirely ten years ago and I stopped eating frozen dinners due to the sodium content. That pot pie looks so watery and unappealing.
  • topazora
    topazora Posts: 82 Member
    1,750 calories... ಠ_ಠ How is that even possible...

    1,750 of delicious, refreshing calories :d
  • JRChadwick
    JRChadwick Posts: 52
    Make your own smoothies. Get a 900W blender and add some frozen fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables that can easily be blended (leafy greens, berries, grapes, etc,) maybe add some soy/almund milk if you are into that, splurge on a juicer if you want more variety of fresh juice and blend it all together. Avoid ice cream and sherberts, but add some ground flax seed, wheat germ, and protien powder.