Early Risers here??



  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I am still bringing it in the morning but am now responding to posts in the afternoon. This way I am not distracted at work. Hope that is ok with all of you.

    Magnolia_38-welcome to the thread. That is a great you have it all timed and scheduled. Nice job. What video workouts are you doing? I'm currently doing T25 but will be getting back to Bodybeast next week. Welcome aboard.

    Sixpacklady-thanks for stopping by the thread. This thread is perfect for you. You lacking motivation post here. Your avatar's are perfect for you. Finally a person that shares in the same quest as me which is to get that six pack.... Sorry to hear about your one year old. hopefully you can get back to it. What are you doing for workouts?

    baldielove13-Glad that you made it to the thread and that we are inspiring to you but you know what you too can do this an be an inspiration to others. Make the choice and Just do it. Or JUST BEAST as I like to say. What are you doing for a workout? If you need suggestions feel free to ask.

    JLHNU212-Great job. Welcome aboard.

    eargirl-Welcome aboard and yes this place is for you. Lightweight or not you are making a Choice and it is for the better. That is cool you are doing a mixture of stuff. Congrats. I did not know they make weight hula hoops. My kids love doing that ever since there grandma introduced it to them. Setup your alarm an knock out the workout. Welcome aboard.

    Maggie_Pie1-Cool deal you are training for a marathon. You gotta let us know how you are progressing.

    Insanity2bSan-Wow multiple workouts in one day. Great job. You are a junkie like me lol. I got to meet Chalene in Vegas this past week/end. She is awesome and full of energy. I'd say add T25 to your arsenal you cant go wrong. if you are short on time this workout will fill the void. Do you have a coach? Talk to them and see if it is a fit for you. I'm a guy (duh lol) so I am speaking from a guy perspective. Eitherway you cant go wrong.
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Maggie_Pie1-Cool deal you are training for a marathon. You gotta let us know how you are progressing

    Half! The longest run I've done is a 10K, so a half marathon is a challenge enough. After I do this one, we'll see how I feel about doing a full :)
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    thanks capinoy!

    I used to do lot of video workouts, now my only workout is carrying my 15# baby for strength training and chasing her for cardio :happy:

    I recently bought around 600# of weights, bench, barbell etc from CL. And I want to start doing StrongLifts along with some HIIT training for losing my last 10-15 lbs around my tummy. You guys have motivated me to start again. Maybe I should start trying the 5 AM workouts again:yawn:
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Today I did more cardio but with abs. Things are coming along great. Weight loss is progressing.

    Maggie-half, full it's all good way more than what i can handle. Keep it up.

    Sixpacklady-baby will keep ya busy, I know... =) 600# of weight? Wow. Like crossfit type of lifts?Great job..

    Keep it up people.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hey all. How is everyone doing? Well I have been somewhat quiet as to what I have been doing this past week. I have been up pushing play everyday and it has paid off. You all know that I was in Las Vegas the week before. And lets face it you cannot get out of there without eating. At least not for me since it has been over 10 years since I was there. Needless to say buffet was on my mind. Well when I got back on Monday I put myself through a "Shock" bootcamp. I did the new T-25 to the "T". I started at 180 and when all said and done I hit the scale at 175. Not bad huh. Well here is a video I put out to the people I coach as motivation to say anything is possible. I want to share it with all of you as well. Without you all posting daily I would not have the motivation to do this. Thank you all.

    T-25 part 1

    T-25 part 2
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Thanks to you capinoy and other folks in this thread, this is my 2nd day of 5 AM workouts!!
  • 165ordietrying
    165ordietrying Posts: 31 Member
    Was in the gym on the elliptical at 3:30 a.m. until 4:30 a.m. followed by upper body strength training :)
  • Pinkemi
    Pinkemi Posts: 937 Member
    Man I would SO love to be an early riser.. but I find it hard enough getting out of bed at 6:45!

    How on earth do you guys motivate yourself to get out of bed at 4:30??
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! Just figured I would chime in! I get up at 4:05 a.m. Monday through Friday to do P90X. I have a husband and an 18-month-old who are both sound asleep when I sneak into the basement to workout. On Saturday, I "sleep in" until 5:00 a.m. and then it's time to get up and do the Kenpo X workout. I take Sundays off from working out and that day is also my true sleep in day.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Sixpacklady-Great job getting up for a 2nd day. Kudos for coming back here and posting. Keep it up.

    165ordytryin-Nice. I admire people who get up earlier than I do to get there workout in. Awesome job.

    Pink3mi-You can do it you just HAVE to try it. I found it hard at first but once I started I have not looked back. I may fall everynow and then where I would over sleep and have to make up the workout in the afternoon but I always push through. Sometimes I getup late and do half the workout and come back in the afternoon and finish the workout. Better to get something in than nothing.

    Jordan1221-Alright a P90Xer. Congrats. How do you like it and what phase are you in? Agreed Sunday's are your well deserved sleep. Are you supplementing your meal plans with Shakeology?

    Alright peeps. Today was Bulk legs and man I really taxed my legs. They litterally feel like jello right now. I feel like my legs might give out if I go down some stairs. I guess I will wait until later today to walk the stairs. Other than that how is everyone doing?
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I usually am up by 5am every morning. 30-45 minutes of power ashtanga yoga followed by some pilates (I love hundreds), squats, planks (trying to get to a 5 minute), crunches, and weights. I end each morning with a 5 minute average deep meditation. I also am active at night - biking, dancing (barre/zumba), running, swimming, and gym equipment (more for winter)!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I've reached the point where I look forward to my morning work-outs. 5:30 am doesn't feel stupidly early anymore, it's just normal. I've swapped HIIT for C25k (yeah I know, HIIT has all these benefits, but I've learned that I just prefer distance running), and I've switched my runs from afternoon to morning, but only need to get up at 6 am for that.
  • AutumnRed84
    AutumnRed84 Posts: 26 Member
    I am now on my FIFTH week of 5am exercise sessions. By the end of week three it was much easier. Still have some days where I struggle, but overall I am adjusting well and enjoying getting my workout done!! Some days I have even been able to get in another workout in the evening!!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Alarm is off at4:40 amd in the gym by 5:15 for an hour of cardio and the strength training. I would love to run more outside but... for safety right now its the gym we hae had a shooting in really nice neighborhood and have woods around us and I don't have a partner to run with right now and I do have a tendency to zone out to easily and forget surroundings just listening to my feet on the ground and my heartbeat. I love early morning to get me started and then usually have a protein shake afterwords before work. It gets me motivated
  • wwhite72082
    wwhite72082 Posts: 36 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:30am every morning. On the days where I need to be in the office, I don't have time to work out (need to be at my desk at 6am). My current routine is to work out right after work (3:30pm). On the days when I work from home, I try to hit the trail by 5:30am for a run.

    I've been a morning person for most of my adult life. I used to try and get a workout in before work but waking up at 3:00am to hit the gym had me going to bed around 8pm. While I could get out of bed and be motivated, I didn't think the tradeoff was worth it (left me with very limited family time).
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Whats going on people? Everyone get there AM workout in? Hopefully you all got it done. I had BodyBeast Bulk legs today and am glad that it is the last one of the routine. This is the last week for me than i take a break and start my next Challenge of doing FOCUS T25. If any of you wanna join me for 50 days message me and lets do this together.. For now Sound off people...
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Everyone... I have an announcement........

    I AM DONE!!!!!!! I AM DONE!!!!!
    Bodybeast was conqured yesterday. I weighed myself and weighed in 175. So my bodyfat I did not get a measurement but oh well. Dont know if I told you all here but now it's time for me to move on and I plan on moving to T25 for now. Am nervous about losing mass but we will see. If any of you want to try it or want more information on T25 message me. Would love to have some members all starting and stopping together. I am still going to post here daily once I start. No way am I going to quit on you all. Hope all is well with you peeps. See you in the morning.
  • eargirl
    eargirl Posts: 15
    Hi all! I'm back from my summer vacation only yesterday and I set my alarm for 6:15 this morning and I was up at at it! Did my usual hula hooping and added in a small circuit routine that I could handle (only basic like tricep dips, a reverse fly, superman pose, etc and left out the lunges...not ready for that yet...lol). I'm so pleased that I didn't procrastinate and put it off another day or two. I totally felt those 15 earlier minutes, but happy that I got a good huff, puff and sweat in before work!

    capinoy - there are a tonne of different weighted hula hoops out there - ranging from 1 lb to 10 lbs, I've read that with the centrifical force of the moving hoop it multiplies the weight by 7, so you can really feel it. My current hoop is 4lbs. I went that direction to help strengthen my core and it's low (no) impact!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Alarm goes off at 4:45 AM for me. Normally I pull my gym stuff together the night before, but I had class last night and didn't do it. This morning I woke up to realize that all my gym stuff was still in the washer! I just came to work 90 minutes early instead of going back to sleep. I didn't want to mess up my rhythm.
  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    i wake up at 5 am every weekday to go to the gym thats how i got my weight down by just getting up and going!