Survey - What's Your Weekly Exercise Routine?

Joscelle Posts: 93
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Just curious about frequency/types - here's mine - Cardio (elliptical, stair, DVD) 1 hour per day 6x week, strength training 30 minutes each 3x per week, mostly at the gym.


  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I do wii fit plus for about 55 minutes/day then I do push ups and crunches.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Mine is a little too much for most people (maybe even myself!), but I like it. It took me almost five months to work up to this level of exercise. When I started I couldnt jog more than a minute!

    Sunday: 2 - 3 mile jog
    Monday: Aquatics class (low impact)
    Tuesday: Aquatics class (high impact)
    Wednesday: 1 hour Step and Tone, 1 hour high impact aquatics class
    Thursday: High Impact group class (step or pool plyo)
    Friday: 1 hour group toning followed by 1 hour step
    Saturday: BREAK!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Ok I have to break mine down into days lol
    Monday- 30 min kettlebell in am , 20km bike/4km running training at night- appx 1 hour 15min
    Tues- 30 min kettlebell, 1 hour ice hockey ( i dont usually count since its fun!)
    Wed- 30 min kettlebell, 40 km bike ride appx 1 hour and half
    Thurs- 30 min swim am, beach volleyball at night
    Friday- 30 min kettlebell, 4km run or rollerblade
    Saturday- 30 min kettlebell and LOTS OF VODKA LOL
    Sunday- rest hangover lol
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I'm just starting to get back into a routine and still recovering from a running injury.

    This is my schedule so far:
    yoga - 45 min. twice a week at the gym
    weight training - 45 min. twice a week at the gym
    walking 5 km (run 1 minute intervals) - 3 times a week

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Tues/Thurs: Gym with 35 minutes jogging and walking on an incline on the treadmill, 12 minutes on exercise bike, 10-15 minutes on elliptical
    Everything else: Chalean Extreme workout DVDs. There's a schedule for the program but I haven't been following it exactly. Usually I do strength Wed, Fri and Sun, and cardio Mon and Sat. Depends on my schedule and if I want a higher calorie burn for some reason (usually socializing) and I'll do a cardio workout.

    I'll take a day off sometimes, usually on the weekend.
  • I take my daughter to an early morning church class and some of the other mums and I walk. We chat and it makes the time go by so much faster. I also do pilates and yoga stretches.

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  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Last few weeks I've upped my exercising from 4 days a week to pretty much 7 days a week.

    Mon - Sat > Strength & Cardio/Running for 1-2hrs
    Sun > Hiking with a 10lb back pack for 3-5hrs

    I know it's a bit too much perhaps, but workouts at the gym vary in intensity. I only upped it because I like food :laugh: so it allows me to eat my healthy snacks. ....*peanut butter* yum....:love:
  • Lola35
    Lola35 Posts: 1
    Because I work full-time and I am a graduate school I make exercising fun. I attend Hip-Hop aerobics on Monday, Spinning Wednesday, Zumba Friday and Yoga to relax on Saturday.
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    I have a goal of working out as intensely & as often as some of you who previously posted. However, I have a routine of doing yoga 2x a week for an hour & a half (it's 70 min of exercise. 10 warm up, 10 cool down), then Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays I walk 4-5 miles with various inclines. On the weekends I try to do fun activities that help me burn calories like hike, clean the house & go out dancing. I would like to incorporate rock climbing back into my life but after I tore my abdominal muscle I decided I need to lose some pounds & then build muscle. :)
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm doing a variety of Turbo Jam 5 days a week (usually about 45 minutes total each day).
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Monday - Strength train for about 1 hour, then cardio (couch to 5k)
    Tuesday - Hiking 2 miles in the morning, circuit boxing in the evening
    Wednesday - Strength train for 1 hour, then couch to 5k
    Thursday - Hiking 2 miles in the morning.
    Friday - Strength training for 1 hour, then couch to 5k
    Saturday - nothing, unless it recreational stuff with the family such as bike riding or hiking.
    Sunday - I take a latin dance class in the AM.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Since my daughter just went back to school and I have more quiet time here's my new schedule at an hour each:

    Monday- Tai Chi stretching series (takes a whole hour to do)
    Tuesday- Chi gong and Tai Chi form practice
    Wednesday- Teach Tai Chi in the morning, and go to a class in the evening
    Thursday- Chi gong and form again
    Friday- Fundamentals practice
    Saturday- Teach class again
    Sunday- take a break

    Also, walking my daughter two and from school on weekdays. At ten minutes one-way, two trips give me 40 minutes of walking.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    This is what I typically do, but sometimes I have to change things up for various reasons:

    Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday - Run/Bike (usually run a 5K or more and then bike for 9-12 miles)
    Monday, Wednesday & Friday - Weights (alternating upper and lower body plus some core/ab work)
    Saturday - Whatever I feel like...or nothing at all.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Monday, Wednesday Friday morning - Couch to 5K run
    Wednesday, Friday, Sunday night - Ab Ripper X, Pilates, starting the 200 Sit Up Challenge tonight, followed by 25 minutes jogging in place
    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday night - 5 minute skipping rope warm up, 20-25 minutes weight lifting, 25 minutes jogging in place

    I alternate rest days depending on social activities on the weekend and how I'm feeling, etc. It adds up to about 4 hours of cardio and 1 1/2 hours strength training each week.
  • That was encouraging to hear that you could not even jog a minute when you started. I am four weeks into this and sometimes I feel like I will never get past where I am today. A little at a time I guess.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    1 hour cardio (elliptical - can't run right now) 6 days a week with a little bit of strength training thrown in between.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Insanity - 6 days a week
    Month 1 about 45 mins long
    Month 2 about 55 mins long

    Every now and than I go for a 45 min walk - don't know hoe many miles but burn about 400 - 600 cals depending if I had srint ro jog to it on the way home.
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    Sun - Fri - P90 (not X yet) Sweat 1/2 and Sculpt 1/2 alternating days.
    Sat - Rest and BBQ/Smoker time!

    I'm trying to not be at home most nights. I.E. go out and go to Home Depot, Sam's, etc so I can get a good half hour or so of walking around. It's slower paced, but I'm not sitting in front of the TV shoveling in chips ;)
  • KelliP5
    KelliP5 Posts: 13 Member
    OK, wow. So intense with the working out. Not for me, I do Curves circuit training and then on the days I can't get there of course I ,at the very least, walk around my neighborhood for about 2mi. Other than that between a child, working full-time, and a spouse....that's just about all I can do. BUT, Curves works without stressing me out too much and you don't have to worry about bimbo barbie in front of you in her hot spandex, full make-up, and a boob job flapping in your face while she jogs on the treadmill in front of you.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Oh my. That is a complicated question! ;) It alternates alot!

    2 weighted/ 'extreme' abdominal workouts a week
    2-3 days of weights a week
    3 -4 days or Cardio or Interval Training a week (the interval training can include some weighted work as well)
    1 -2 days Yoga/ pilates per month

    All of these are from:
    ChaLean X
    Brazil But Lift
    Winsor Pilates
    Insanity (Use sparingly)
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