Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Mark, I hear ya with the bday parties and other such things. Fortunately most of that stuff takes place on dayshift, so I don't find myself staring at cake too often. I did take cake decorating classes last year though, and believe me it can be hard to be around all the deliciousness! I've found that bringing my lunch every night is great, since it gives me no reason to head to the cafeteria where there are loads of things I shouldn't be eating.
    I had a binge day on Sat, and felt soooo upset with myself afterwards, for just doing it, not exercising, plus it being the TOM all in one.. :sad: I've had a box of Girl Scout Thin Mints, unopened in my freezer since I bought them, and I'm going to be giving them to my friend. Def the first time ever that I've actually wanted to give those things away!
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    I did carb cycling when I trained strong man pre competition, and had refeeds, where I got to eat anything and everything for 24 hours before a carb depletion for 6 days, and LOVED's good to get a little treat here and there, don't sweat it. The stress of worrying about what you just ate is probably worse for your health then a cheat meal every now and then.
  • I work 11pm-7am, and what I've been doing is start my day at midnight. I changed the titles of "breakfast, lunch dinner" to brackets of time. Midnight-8am, 8am-4pm, and 4pm-Midnight. I usually have some type of lunch/snack during work so I take that as the start. For me, it keeps things organized a little better.. Good luck!!

    That is a fabulous idea!!!! Never thought of doing it that way but it makes sense given that 3 squares doesn't exactly happen when you're working nights. I'll have to give it a try :)
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    can i just say that who ever left the box of candy bars to sale in dispatch (for their kid's fundraiser) is EVIL.

    i'm trying to resist. I don't need one.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    stay strong girl!! lol, the other day I was the bad one.. I made cupcakes for my friend's bday and had a few left over so I brought them to work so I wouldn't eat them haha! plus I just like to have people tell me I make good cupcakes :happy:
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    I gave in..sigh.

    Guess that's what happens when you are too busy to eat all day and forgot to bring dinner. :(
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I left my dinner here the other day, didn't get a chance to get on break due to blood bank chaos! Totally forgot it was in the fridge, so I didn't have to worry about bringing it tonight lol. Just ate actually.. chocolate cheerios and lime flavored yogurt.
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    I have some string cheese in the mini fridge in here...I'm hungry but I don't want to eat. I feel like I'm going to puke. I'm super nervous...I'm shooting a wedding this saturday (for my dispatch partner) I'm terrified.
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    Hi! Everyone- I am a police/Fire/EMD Dispatcher I work 1745 hrs to 0600 hrs..Every night I do 4 hours on Police Radio, dispatching officers to calls, 4 Hours on Teletype or Phone answering 911 and non emergency and 4 hours on Fire Dispatching to accidents and medical calls. I work 48 on and 48 off, but I pick up so much Overtime that I am always working. I love MFP. It's really nice to see all the other over night members..I have a really hard time logging foods and figuring out when to log if one day or the I do 5-6 meals and try to eat a little every few hoursd, but when you never know what your day is like...sometimes you it what you can , when you can.

    I'll be checking this thread often..
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey Chelsea,
    I normally start my meals at midnight...starting with lunch, breakfast when I get up, and dimmer before work. Im sooo tired of the night shift, but doesn't look like Im getting out of it anytime soon. I work for Verizon Fios btw....making sure the infomercials run at night :wink:
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Chelsea! I don't think I'd like doing all that swapping. I do everying you do, only I do it alone lol. I used to work at a different department with a second dispatcher but we did it all. :)
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I have been on nights almost 3 years..I am used to crazy. Everyone hates the switching around BUT If I had to do Police Radio for 12 hours I would kill myself after...LOL 911 can be hectic..but, I like it better.

    I just wish I would get myself together and figure out a time to go work out..I got a membership to GOLDS GYM 3 months ago..and I still have not gone!! I was looking for exrecises I can do while at my station ...sitting 12 hours sucks! and I feel like I have to crash out when I get off working out is not an option at 6am...I have to go home and get my 4 year old ready for school.

    I know excuses...but, I am so do I get the energy and motivation to do what I really need to do..EXERCISE...eating I am doing much better with..I have started walking during my break on the treadmill at work.
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I work 11pm-7am, and what I've been doing is start my day at midnight. I changed the titles of "breakfast, lunch dinner" to brackets of time. Midnight-8am, 8am-4pm, and 4pm-Midnight. I usually have some type of lunch/snack during work so I take that as the start. For me, it keeps things organized a little better.. Good luck!!

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks Chelsea! glad this tidbid has been helping people! The lab is soooooo slow right now! We're watchin videos, singing badly, and I'm trying not to watch the minutes go by slowly til 7am. Can't wait to have the weekend off! In some ways I've def sick of nights, but I know it would not be this peaceful during the day, so I can live with it for a while longer.
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    mmm that BOB from whataburger was delish...i'm so going to pay for it later. :blushing:

    I'm hoping I have time to walk or something today after I get up....but I have to go help my friend make jello shots for saturday :drinker: lol
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Been a while since I posted in this thread that I started, Just wanted to say hi to everyone and all the new people. It is amazing how many nightshift people there are. You are sitting at work wondering if there is anyone else awake that you can talk to, and this is proof there is. Lots of 911 peeps here... I feel your pain. All of the 911 people are wondering why arent all these people sleeping.

    I like the radio best... keeps me busy and makes the time fly by faster, which is great for the 12hr shifts.

    I am craving a burger also. Too bad I cant have one. Well... I would have to fly to seattle to get the burger I want, so that isnt gonna happen. Jello shots would be awesome.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I was also wondering for all the people that work 12hr shifts.... Do you think that we should eat more calories than MFP reccomends? We are up and doing more things therefore burning more calories. I know my days usually run 18hours or more depending on all that I have to get done. Just a thought I had....

    side note: I have trouble eating the amount that mfp recommends anyway (I am just not hungry). I dont want to go into starvation mode that is my biggest fear right now. i know the past week my weight has just been bouncing around between a few pounds. I usually eat around 1600 MFP recommends 1870. Should I be concerned that I havent lost weight?
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Jello shots... delicious! and dangerous :drinker:
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I was also wondering for all the people that work 12hr shifts.... Do you think that we should eat more calories than MFP reccomends? We are up and doing more things therefore burning more calories. I know my days usually run 18hours or more depending on all that I have to get done. Just a thought I had....

    side note: I have trouble eating the amount that mfp recommends anyway (I am just not hungry). I dont want to go into starvation mode that is my biggest fear right now. i know the past week my weight has just been bouncing around between a few pounds. I usually eat around 1600 MFP recommends 1870. Should I be concerned that I havent lost weight?

    I think if you're staying active the entire time, than to make sure to eat more calories and just make sure you never feel hungry. However, I would also make sure that if your eating more calories, that you keep it clean food. You could eat 300 calories in useless carbs and crap or 300 calories on a piece of fruit, PB and whole wheat bread and that will keep you full longer and give you the energy you need instead of the crash.

    I think with you not losing weight, just give it time as long as you are eating as healthy as possible, again, with clean foods and getting some activity in. Patience is hard when you're doing everything right. I also like to keep track of my inches. Inches NEVER lie! the scale could be doing different stuff because of water, or different time of day, or maybe....etc.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I have been on nights almost 3 years..I am used to crazy. Everyone hates the switching around BUT If I had to do Police Radio for 12 hours I would kill myself after...LOL 911 can be hectic..but, I like it better.

    I just wish I would get myself together and figure out a time to go work out..I got a membership to GOLDS GYM 3 months ago..and I still have not gone!! I was looking for exrecises I can do while at my station ...sitting 12 hours sucks! and I feel like I have to crash out when I get off working out is not an option at 6am...I have to go home and get my 4 year old ready for school.

    I know excuses...but, I am so do I get the energy and motivation to do what I really need to do..EXERCISE...eating I am doing much better with..I have started walking during my break on the treadmill at work.

    I too have two kids to get ready for school when I get home (5 & 3 years). However, something I have started doing is I will drink some green tea at 0530 (an hour before I get off) and a protein shake for energy and I go running at 0700 because I don't have to actually wake the kids up till an hour later. Just think how great you feel after a good workout! And that is my motivation for after work to workout. In all reality, I can't go to bed till their off to school anyway! so I figure, no reason to sleep for an hour and a half right now, I'll get MY time in. We are also fortunate enough to live a quarter mile from the school, so we all walk to and from school because I want to teach them the importance of being healthy too.
    Also, as soon as I get up and go get the kiddios from school, I tell them that it's mommy time and to put on your tennis shoes and workout with me, or you can go out side and play with your friends while I lift or do Insanity, or whatever workout I choose. After that I bring them in and have our quality time. It's definitely difficult, but maybe just try and be a little selfish about it, just because it is important... hopefully this helps a little... :flowerforyou: