Do people give you weird looks in public?



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm a pretty ordinary person but I have just found out later in life I'd love more not so "normal" people in my life. They make life interesting.
  • AlteredSkates
    AlteredSkates Posts: 123 Member
    Yep! I have blue hair and 1 side of my head is shaved. So fair enough...
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Yep! I have blue hair and 1 side of my head is shaved. So fair enough...

    ^^ And that's totally hot.

    As for me, from high school to my early twenties I had multicolored hair (fire engine red, purple, green, Pink), over 19 piercings (3 on my face alone), and I wore huge 50 inch bottom JNCO jeans with band tanks/shirts and ball chokers. I was pretty much stared at and/or made fun a lot of the time, and it got to a point that it just no longer fazed me. Some people stare at me even now, I'm pretty sure it's because of my weight but IDGAF.

    Oh and I've prob been guilty of staring a time or two especially when I come across someone (male or female) heavily tattooed with unique style..only because I think it's hot.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Living in Asia, being a foot taller than most people and easily twice as heavy, yes I do. Doesn't stop the little old ladies from pushing onto the subway!

    Let me guess, little old ladies pushing, South Korea?
  • estherlion
    estherlion Posts: 86 Member
    So true! Some people want a reaction regarding their appearance. I get annoyed by the attention seekers then blaming society because of their weirdness. I don't really give a rats *kitten* how many tattoos, piercings, hair coloring, etc you have. Each to their own.
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    When my afro is out and when I am the only cocoa puff in the bowl if kix...
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Why yes they do as a matter of fact but this is how I see it in my head...


  • I_Will_Be_The_Swan
    I get stared at. Ever since I was four years old, creepy perverts and weird little boys alike have been coming onto me. In public. Against my will. It's disgusting, and I would happily have it stop, because:
    a) I'm a lesbian. I'm not interested in them. I'm not a fan of their penises, or of penises in general.
    b) It's been going on for over a decade, and for all that time, I've been underage.
    c) I cannot control the size of my breasts. It doesn't mean that I deserve lecherous creepers and scumbags hooting and catcalling and ogling me. It doesn't mean I'm asking for it. It means I have been cursed with 34DDs since the eighth grade.
    d) I don't f*cking like it.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    @I_will_be_the_swan- That sucks, I am sorry to hear that (f*cking creeps)
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206

    But I'm always fresh out of fvcks to give.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    When my afro is out and when I am the only cocoa puff in the bowl if kix...


    I have never heard that terminology before. That was awesome. Seriously though, how is that something to stare at? *eyeroll* It's the 21st century, people...we all come in different shades!
  • Beautyandthebeef
    I get looks all the time. Especially people staring at my boobs. It's more disturbing when it's other women!
  • npeery
    npeery Posts: 29 Member
    I get looks and comments after people start to get to know the real me. I guess I look normal (whatever the hell that means) on the outside but I am far from being on the same wavelength as most of the people I encounter.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    Eh, it's a weird frigging world: people stare, and people ignore, and people type frantically on their little handheld mindwank devices while doing either or both. *shrug* It's just what happens--
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Usually people give me weird looks in public because I do and say some strange things. I've come to accept that most people will look and there will be the occasional person who has the balls to say "Omg, you're a freak!"
  • logicofsound
    I used to, back when I wore more interesting things. Alas, they weren't work appropriate.

    Now, I do the staring... but usually because I think someone's outfit is awesome...
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Well yes but not because I have tats wish I did or piercings at least the looks would make sense, I'm 4ft 10in and apparently that makes me odd , I have two daughters ages 16 months in a few days and turning 3 in Aug , in fact one day a woman flat out not only stared at me but had the nerve to ask if they were mine? seriously ?

    I swear people need to let go of the stereotype that petite people are young,

    I swear if I were a different person Id give some of those people a piece of my mind,

    Im 29 and its a constant battle to prove that I'm not a teenager or a 21 yrs old ,

    its getting old , ill be 30 in Feb so there has to come a point when I look my age.

    I do no act like a teenager nor do I dress like one so why do people think Im so young ?

    My oldest looks like me and my youngest does not but they are my children .

    Im sure lots of other petite women have this issue, oh well what can I do but be myself and let them think as they want .
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I actively avoid looking at people in public. I prefer to stay in my own little world. I do talk to people when I am out and about, but usually they speak first, I'm not going to be rude and ignore them. I notice stares more when I am with other people especially my family, my daughters are very attractive, their dad and I not so much. I can almost feel the question is how did those two have kids that look like that?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Yup. Weird looks and when my fiance and I go into a store, we're sometimes followed by security. Meanwhile, while security is focused on my fiance and I, there's usually people shoplifting, stupid kids running around or riding bikes/skateboards, or some mother mistreating her child.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I swear people need to let go of the stereotype that petite people are young,

    I swear if I were a different person Id give some of those people a piece of my mind,

    Im 29 and its a constant battle to prove that I'm not a teenager or a 21 yrs old ,

    its getting old , ill be 30 in Feb so there has to come a point when I look my age.

    I do no act like a teenager nor do I dress like one so why do people think Im so young ?

    My oldest looks like me and my youngest does not but they are my children .

    Im sure lots of other petite women have this issue, oh well what can I do but be myself and let them think as they want .
    I was stereotyped by older people when I was young. Now that I'm older, I'm stereotyped by younger people. It doesn't get any better with age. If anything, it gets worse.