Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Great job Pinky (thats my official nickname for you)!!! I hope to catch up soon! :D

    For the first time in months I have put weight on :(
    2lb in 5 days, I stopped smoking two days ago so I figure its not smoking related, so now I have smoked as well :(
    Not doing so good.
    sw 169


    Like I said, sometimes cold turkey is too hard. Maybe you cold add an extra "meal" on your track food tab and use it to keep track of how many cigarette's you have. Then we could root you on from here too!

    That is a pretty good idea I shall do. I smoked 8 today, well will be nine before bed. That is half the usual, gonna keep it under 10 for a week or so, then try knocking another off :)

    I have done day three of the thirty day shred today, crikey thats hard work. Also last night in my down moment I bought an eliptical :O so excited.

    Feel motivated all over again. We can defo do this ladies :D
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    That is a pretty good idea I shall do. I smoked 8 today, well will be nine before bed. That is half the usual, gonna keep it under 10 for a week or so, then try knocking another off :)

    I have done day three of the thirty day shred today, crikey thats hard work. Also last night in my down moment I bought an eliptical :O so excited.

    Feel motivated all over again. We can defo do this ladies :D

    You've cut back cigs, AND you bought an elliptical?! You're SO on the right track!!

    Do you ever watch "Glee"? I can see you on your elliptical with motivational poster in front of you about your goals, like Rachel Berry. You're gonna do this!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    That is a pretty good idea I shall do. I smoked 8 today, well will be nine before bed. That is half the usual, gonna keep it under 10 for a week or so, then try knocking another off :)

    I have done day three of the thirty day shred today, crikey thats hard work. Also last night in my down moment I bought an eliptical :O so excited.

    Feel motivated all over again. We can defo do this ladies :D

    That's awesome! I'm definitely here to support you lady! For a quick tip - don't smoke any cigarette's until after you've done your exercise for the day. I learned that smoking before elliptical made it much more difficult and smoking after gave my body a chance to recover for the next day.

    We got this!!!
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Weighed in today, only lost 0.3 lbs, but think doing this damn C25k I've gained some muscle, but I know I've lost some inched as I can fit in the next-size-down jeans I have!

    19.7lbs to go!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Weighed in today, only lost 0.3 lbs, but think doing this damn C25k I've gained some muscle, but I know I've lost some inched as I can fit in the next-size-down jeans I have!

    19.7lbs to go!!

    Amazing!! Good job and keep it up! :D
  • patr_carpenter
    patr_carpenter Posts: 2 Member
    well crap. i cant quit snacking on my coke and m&ms. not that i drink a coke but once or twice a week. same with the chocolate. and once i start i binge on those two things for several days and then i wont touch it again for like 10 days. anybody know an awesome chocolate snack that i could make at home to take with me that wont kill me in the calories department. and dont suggest i switch to diet b/c i'd rather just not drink a coke.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hows everyones week going? How you feeling about your weight this week? Confidence? Im not doing too bad. Ive been making sure I do some kind of exercise even though Ive been working. :) Its been not as stressful as it was before I left for vacatoin. Besides that I have another 9 days off in October!! yay! I cant wait! Got our Anniversary Pictures Scheduled today with my sisters help.. :) whoop whoop!! October 18th is my 2 year wedding anniversary. I wanna be down another size by then. Hopefully I can get something NICE to wear. Plan a nice dinner out somewhere maybe??
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    April, how cool is that?! My 2nd year wedding anniversary is October 18th!!!! Woot Woot! No clue what we are doing this year, last year we saw Phantom of the Opera at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in St Louis, AMAZING!!

    ANyway, so far this week as been ok, TOM still around and driving me crazy! I did walk 7.5 miles (total) yesterday and I could feel it this morning on my walk, yikes!! My exercise this week as been mostly walking and I hope to get in some pilates this evening, maybe some dancing this weekend. Hubby is gone this weekend for a bachlor party (camping/float trip) and I know the guys going, they'd never attempt to talk to a stripper let alone get one for this weekend so no worries there :) But what to do this weekend? I have it all to myself. I still have not gotten my pedicure for reaching 208lbs, maybe I'll do that. Food has been a struggle, mostly in sodium since TOM is here, so I've been downing my water like crazy to even it out, but the scale insists on staying up at 210 instead of 207ish, oh well, I know next week will be better. Enough rambling here, headed to eat some lunch then clean house for a bit and give the dog a bath.... later tators :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    well crap. i cant quit snacking on my coke and m&ms. not that i drink a coke but once or twice a week. same with the chocolate. and once i start i binge on those two things for several days and then i wont touch it again for like 10 days. anybody know an awesome chocolate snack that i could make at home to take with me that wont kill me in the calories department. and dont suggest i switch to diet b/c i'd rather just not drink a coke.

    There are low calorie splenda options as far as chocolate. They're not perfect but they're far better than just normal M&M's. Also you could try 80% Cocoa chocolates. Lower calories and you get more bang for your buck anyway. As far as the soda if you only drink it once or twice a week don't worry too much... you could switch to something like crystal light or coke zero.

    Careful of your words too, you say "can't" but what you actually mean is closer to "won't" or "don't want to". Everything we do is a matter of choice and willpower. It's okay if you don't want to give up everything because the key to being truly healthy physically and mentally is managing with moderation. You can start by only eating half the amount of M&M's you usually do and cutting back from there.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Hows everyones week going? How you feeling about your weight this week? Confidence? Im not doing too bad. Ive been making sure I do some kind of exercise even though Ive been working. :) Its been not as stressful as it was before I left for vacatoin. Besides that I have another 9 days off in October!! yay! I cant wait! Got our Anniversary Pictures Scheduled today with my sisters help.. :) whoop whoop!! October 18th is my 2 year wedding anniversary. I wanna be down another size by then. Hopefully I can get something NICE to wear. Plan a nice dinner out somewhere maybe??

    My week has been insane. School started up again and the long hours of going to the gym, working full time and then doing a full load of college classes is definitely something I'm going to have to adjust to - food wise especially. On the bright side I'm drinking TONS of water and still getting in plenty of exercise.

    I'm both anxious and hopeful about my weight. I can see differences in my face and fingers but I don't know if that's just me psyching myself out. I don't know where the anxiety is coming from but if I haven't lost weight I know it's going to really get me down and then I don't know what I'll do. Every since I joined this site I was gaining weight all up until a week ago (which is why my meter shows 0... cause they're nice enough not to display negatives). I'm so freaked I've already started planning how much extra time at the gym I'm going to spend and researching different workouts.

    I know so much technical stuff about weight loss and I'm busting my *kitten* to do this right. My mom and sister are genetically lucky enough that they can simply not eat and lose weight, but my dad and I... we have to work out a LOT on top of watching calories to make it work and that's been true my whole life.

    I'm just rambling at this point. I'll keep my fingers crossed and do my measurements and weight tomorrow. @_@
  • well crap. i cant quit snacking on my coke and m&ms. not that i drink a coke but once or twice a week. same with the chocolate. and once i start i binge on those two things for several days and then i wont touch it again for like 10 days. anybody know an awesome chocolate snack that i could make at home to take with me that wont kill me in the calories department. and dont suggest i switch to diet b/c i'd rather just not drink a coke.

    I would say try eating a protein bar like a cliff bar or power bar with LOTS of water! Also eating slow gives your stomach time to process food and signal your brain that you've had enough. Also if you must have m&m's try eating the ones with nuts in them so you still get something good out of it. I find that if I need something chocolatey I have the following options..

    skinny cow ice creams (usually under 100 calories and very yummy!)
    jello pudding (low in calories and no sugar)
    cliff bar or power bar that have chocolate in them (very filling especially if you drink with water)

    Also, if you stay well within your calorie range and exercise to add more consumable calories you can still snack on a small bag of M&M's. That's what I love about MFP calorie counting system.. I find that I can still eat what I want within reason. It's up to me if I'm going to go that extra mile to exercise so I can have a desert snack or go ahead and have some pasta.
  • tina_c
    tina_c Posts: 6
    Hi, my name is Tina. I would love to do this challenge with all of you. My starting weight is 235, by Halloween, I would love being 215. Please feel free to add me as your friend. I love having support. Good luck everyone! :o)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    How cool that we've got wedding twinsies! October weddings - must have been a gorgeous fall day!
    Hows everyones week going? How you feeling about your weight this week? Confidence? ...

    Doing pretty good, pretty good. I haven't stepped back on the scale since yesterday morning, so that's good for me. But I still have that shadow of doubt creeping into my head. "What if my scale isn't right? What if I'm not actually making progress? GAH!" Inner voice must shush sometimes.

    Kitsune - full time work and school at the same time is really challenging. That's awesome that you're doing! Don't psych yourself out over your upcoming weigh/measure. Whatever the scale and tape measure says, that's it. Just take the number and move along with it. Keep moving forward.
  • Hi! I'm Chandra! I have been using MFP for a month now and so far have lost 15 pounds! I would love to be another 20 pounds lighter by halloween!! I'm going to take this challenge with you guys and with my mom and sister who also replied to this post!! :o) I know that this will be great motivation for me! Thanks!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    April, how cool is that?! My 2nd year wedding anniversary is October 18th!!!! Woot Woot! No clue what we are doing this year, last year we saw Phantom of the Opera at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in St Louis, AMAZING!!

    ANyway, so far this week as been ok, TOM still around and driving me crazy! I did walk 7.5 miles (total) yesterday and I could feel it this morning on my walk, yikes!! My exercise this week as been mostly walking and I hope to get in some pilates this evening, maybe some dancing this weekend. Hubby is gone this weekend for a bachlor party (camping/float trip) and I know the guys going, they'd never attempt to talk to a stripper let alone get one for this weekend so no worries there :) But what to do this weekend? I have it all to myself. I still have not gotten my pedicure for reaching 208lbs, maybe I'll do that. Food has been a struggle, mostly in sodium since TOM is here, so I've been downing my water like crazy to even it out, but the scale insists on staying up at 210 instead of 207ish, oh well, I know next week will be better. Enough rambling here, headed to eat some lunch then clean house for a bit and give the dog a bath.... later tators :)

    haha Thats great!! Thats funny that our wedding anniversary is the same day, for the same amount of years.. haha!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hows everyones week going? How you feeling about your weight this week? Confidence? Im not doing too bad. Ive been making sure I do some kind of exercise even though Ive been working. :) Its been not as stressful as it was before I left for vacatoin. Besides that I have another 9 days off in October!! yay! I cant wait! Got our Anniversary Pictures Scheduled today with my sisters help.. :) whoop whoop!! October 18th is my 2 year wedding anniversary. I wanna be down another size by then. Hopefully I can get something NICE to wear. Plan a nice dinner out somewhere maybe??

    My week has been insane. School started up again and the long hours of going to the gym, working full time and then doing a full load of college classes is definitely something I'm going to have to adjust to - food wise especially. On the bright side I'm drinking TONS of water and still getting in plenty of exercise.

    I'm both anxious and hopeful about my weight. I can see differences in my face and fingers but I don't know if that's just me psyching myself out. I don't know where the anxiety is coming from but if I haven't lost weight I know it's going to really get me down and then I don't know what I'll do. Every since I joined this site I was gaining weight all up until a week ago (which is why my meter shows 0... cause they're nice enough not to display negatives). I'm so freaked I've already started planning how much extra time at the gym I'm going to spend and researching different workouts.

    I know so much technical stuff about weight loss and I'm busting my *kitten* to do this right. My mom and sister are genetically lucky enough that they can simply not eat and lose weight, but my dad and I... we have to work out a LOT on top of watching calories to make it work and that's been true my whole life.

    I'm just rambling at this point. I'll keep my fingers crossed and do my measurements and weight tomorrow. @_@

    Good luck on the weight loss this week.. :) I have faith in you.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    How cool that we've got wedding twinsies! October weddings - must have been a gorgeous fall day!
    Hows everyones week going? How you feeling about your weight this week? Confidence? ...

    Doing pretty good, pretty good. I haven't stepped back on the scale since yesterday morning, so that's good for me. But I still have that shadow of doubt creeping into my head. "What if my scale isn't right? What if I'm not actually making progress? GAH!" Inner voice must shush sometimes.

    Kitsune - full time work and school at the same time is really challenging. That's awesome that you're doing! Don't psych yourself out over your upcoming weigh/measure. Whatever the scale and tape measure says, that's it. Just take the number and move along with it. Keep moving forward.

    Yes my wedding was a GREAT Fall day.. I even had an outdoor wedding.. :) I loved that day.. The last Warm day in 2008.. haha!

    Hopefully your weight loss is a success.. Dont worry too much.. Dont want the stress of worrying to make you fluctuate.. :(
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I had an outdoor wedding, too! But it was in Las Vegas in August. :laugh: My guests were a little unhappy with the heat, but I told them they had no right to complain since they weren't the one wearing a floor-length chiffon gown.

    I'm think I'm going to take a note from Bobby McFerrin and make "Don't Worry, Be Happy" my new mantra.
  • I would like to join, too. I am at 151.8 today and would like to be at 131.8 by Halloween. That would be awesome. I hope to keep it off too. Thanks for the great idea.
  • FitRosie
    FitRosie Posts: 13
    Can I still join?

    My name is Rosie and my starting weight is 260lbs. My goal weight for Halloween would be 240lbs.
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