

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Just bumping. My shopping friend cancelled at the last minute because her debit card went missing. I still have to run out to buy some new tracksuit bottoms. See you later! :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    morning ladies,
    and to you in in Canada~ Happy Canada Day!!!
    well I have finally dropped another lb.Im getting there
    It is moving down slowly,I am not getting to the gym as much as I like ,im trying to do what I can while my heel heals..
    Got an e-mail from my FIL's sister, she is outraged, called her brother and sister, and they will be going down to see him on Weds when he doesn't have adult day care, she will approach it the right way and if his hand is still bruised which Im sure it will be, Mary will get on the phone right there and call Elder Abuse..
    If I remember correctly she was arrested for the same thing with her deceased husbands mom.she was married in between Douglas.
    I dont really want to post goals but will try
    To get to the gym more often
    try and get 10,000 steps daily
    try and cut down on sugar
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    June goals:
    1) Walk for 60 minutes everyday:embarassed: , I walked everyday but fell short of the 60 minute goal on occasion.

    2) Try a new veggie from the Farmer`s Market:embarassed: , haven`t been to the Farmer`s Market yet:sad: .

    3) Slow down and take some time for myself:laugh: :sad: , didn`t happen.

    4) Find something to laugh about everyday:laugh: , accomplished this one!

    5) Remember to enjoy life....most days:ohwell: .

    I am embarrassed to say I have no goals for July just yet:embarassed: . I`m still struggling, trying to get the scale to go in a downward move, instead of creeping up:grumble: . I`m a bit discouraged and irritable about it:angry: . Have thought about just taking a complete break from logging food for a bit, maybe taking some of this stress off myself would help. I don`t know the answer...I`ve increased calories, decreased calories, increased exercise, decreased exercise, the pounds keep creeping up:sad: . I`m not giving up, but taking a break might help me get my head back to the right place.

    Sandy (Ohiomom):smile: I`ve been having coffee with a group of friends on Sunday morning for many years, they are all guys, so they call me the Queen, every once in awhile I actually do wear my tiara:laugh: , and they tell me I`m bossy:tongue: , and I like it:laugh: . The profile pic of my coffee mug was sent to me by a wonderful friend on this site, it was a peferct fit:laugh: . I take my mug to coffee, lest they forget who they are dealing with:bigsmile: :laugh:

    Jb:smile: So glad Mariah is at home and doing better:flowerforyou: !!! Keeping my fingers crossed for a wonderful outcome on Wed.!!!

    Amanda:smile: Wishing you the best of luck for a quick recovery from surgery:flowerforyou: !

    Welcome to everyone new, this is a great group of women! Jump in and chat away!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cloudy rainy:sad: NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Well, good morning!

    I am definitely behind. the "It's Friday!" grin doesn't have the same effect when you're seeing it for the first time on Monday morning. Just sayin'.

    Thanks for posting the link in the June thread. I'm taking down my sticky that I made with goals for June. I am 0 for 4 and slightly discouraged/mad at myself. When I logged in this morning, it said "DrKatiebug has logged in for 365 days in a row." Yes, this marks my 1 year anniversary of being faithful to at least logging in to the site. I am going to focus on the positive today instead of the negative.

    I am down 26 lbs since July 1, 2012. That is an average of 1/2 lb per week, which is a healthy weight loss. Yes, I wish it was 52, but it is what it is and I'm thankful I'm down that much instead of up. I am mostly in non-plus sizes and only 14 lbs away from being overweight instead of obese.

    I've walked 347 miles since Jan 1. That should count for some celebration in and of itself. A new pair of walking shoes is on its way from Zappos. Actually, it's 350 since I walked already this morning and the 347 was our end of June calculation.

    I'm going to take a break from goal-setting this month since it hasn't been working out for me. I'm just going to keep on keeping on doing the best I can for right now.

    Kay, in NE Georgia
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Happy 1st of July everyone,
    Thank You Barbie for starting us off again :happy: ..well it is July 1st and I hope it can give us more sun then June did..it was very stingy with it :grumble: so far it is foggy here and calling for rain again today...my body is starting to turn green with mold :sick: ...I hope it is sunny where ever you are living...
    I do not think I did well with Junes goals
    __ To get outside walking instead of exercising with tapes--Nope..didn't make that one work :blushing:
    ... To drink more water --- Yes I got that one :drinker:
    ... To lose at least 5 lbs---I lost 3 out of 5 :tongue:
    ... To dress better...nope still in sloppy clothes...I will never be Liz Taylor :sad:
    ... To try to eat less sweets --- I did better with this :huh:

    Now for July's goals; ...To try and lose 3 lbs again
    ... To stay away from Dairy Queen :sad: :sad:
    ... To post on my diary every day :embarassed:
    That will be all I try this month....gotta build my will power up.. :grumble: so I can do better this time :sad: :sad:
    Amanda....May God be with you during your surgery
    Geri.....I am not very good with posting either...I will try harder also
    Nan..Is the Daniel Fast a difficult one...I have never tried one
    To all the Ladies celebrating Canada Day..Have a happy one :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (toasting with water Dee)..and may everyone on here have a wonderful July the 1st...{{ if you have any sun to spare send me a little}} :sad:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Off to gym; just wanted to pop on to wish our neighbors a Happy Canada Day!!!...........BBL

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member

    :flowerforyou: I'm off to walk the dogs now so I they can have a long walk before I have to go to a meeting that starts at 7 AM.....I will wear my Canada t shirt and remember fondly my trips to Canada.

    Barbie from NW Washington where it is already an amazing 65 degrees at 4 AM

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Happy July, Canada day, all. DH wanted to ride bikes yesterday, so we went, I won a 21 speed trek bike a few years ago and I don't like it. I don't like hand breaks and don't feel I can control the steering with my hands so stretched out. So I didn't enjoy it. I'm going to look into a cruiser bike with coaster brakes and 1 speed ( as fast as you can peddle).
    Met 2 of my 4 June goals
    Lose 5 lbs
    Start strength training
    Walk every other day for 30 mins
    Limit carbs to 30 for meals and 15 for snacks

    Lost 5lbs and limited carbs

    The massage therapist I went to wants me to wait on the strength training until my arm is better, I have some bad muscles in my back and shoulder so I will wait on that and change my goals for July.

    July goals
    Lose 5 lbs
    Walk for 30 mins every day except Sunday
    Limit carbs to 30 for a meal and 15 for snacks
    Drink at least 10 8oz glasses of water a day
    Watch the sodium

    Tigress in GA
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Exercise DVD 3x week NO

    75 miles minimum (Move Your *kitten* Challenge) NO - 90+ weather last week killed me only did 59.5

    Daily exercise of some kind SORTA all but 3 days

    Strength training and Standing Abs every other day YES

    Logging every day YES

    At least 8 fruits/veggies daily SORTA all but 2 days

    No less than 8 glasses of water each day YES

    At least one meatless day per week SORTA 3 of 4 weeks

    Commit random acts of kindness YES

    Be agreeable PROBABLY NOT

    Daily positive affirmations SORTA

    Be kind to myself NO


    :smile: Brooke from Colorado:smile:

    “I am fluent in three languages: English, Sarcasm and Profanity.” :bigsmile:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Plateau has bedeviled me for the past month, hoping to nudge my metabolism in July. I'm only 1.5 pounds away from my "halfway point" so really want to see a different (lower) number on the !$#$%^ scale :bigsmile:

    Exercise DVD 3x week
    75 miles minimum (Move Your *kitten* Challenge)
    Daily exercise of some kind
    Strength training and Standing Abs every other day
    Logging every day
    At least 8 fruits/veggies daily
    No less than 8 glasses of water each day
    At least one meatless day per week
    Commit random acts of kindness
    Be agreeable
    Daily positive affirmations
    Be kind to myself

    Brooke from Colorado

    “If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.”
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Just lost my post.:sad:

    Ok, I accomplished all my goals for June, but the buying workout clothes ran over to this a.m. :laugh:
    I lost 2 lbs, which is one more than my goal.
    I bought the party shoes and wore them even though they killed me :laugh:
    I bought the trainers and wear them every day.

    For July
    I want to get into 'healthy' BMI. That could be just 1 more lb. Wow!
    Keep on with the gym and strength training. More push ups! :laugh:
    Buy some pants other than black or denim. Red anyone? :bigsmile:

    It's a shame my potential friend couldn't make it, but I hope we can reschedule.

    Today I'm going to make risotto printaniere. It just means with lots of spring veg. I have broad beans from the garden, asparagus and fresh peas from the supermarket and fresh chicken stock I made. Yum :heart:

    I planted a couple more geraniums yesterday in pots. The garden looks very lovely, though I pay the veg more attention than the flowers! :happy:

    Love to all. Happy July!

    Heather in warm Hampshire UK
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbie for the new thread. Happy Canada Day to all us Canadians!

    June started off with not being able to participate in the Goddess Run due to back problems. Bike riding was sporadic. I have been going to a chiropractor for 2 months now, and still not so sure if that is helping. for now I will keep going. The rest of June was not very active other than being very busy at work and at home.

    For July I intend to ride my bike to work more often, and also get back into walking if my back cooperates. I like bikeriding better than walking anyway, but walking provides so much more opportunity.

    I turned 62 yesterday and received a 10" Galaxy tablet. Woo hoo. Now it is a matter of getting used to it. But more importantly, all my kids were able to come over and it was wonderful to hang out together.

    It is hot here in the west, but I understand that the US is the same and much worse! So will try to stay cool and hydrated.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodios: I love that you’re teaching the kids to cook healthy meals. I think it is a wonderful thing to do.:flowerforyou:

    Texas gal: I hope your husband’s doctor visit turns out well.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: My heart goes out to the families of the lost firefighters. What a tragedy. I hope the rain helps to squash the fire.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Prayers and good wishes for you and your medical team with this surgery. I hope it goes well and solves the problem.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I hope you won’t be taking a break from this group. :noway: I have had good success by simply following the MFP guidelines. This journey has had lots of plateaus, but I guess that is the way it goes. Patience has never been one of my best features, but I am stubborn.:tongue:

    Kay: Happy anniversary! Congratulations on 365 days in a row.:flowerforyou:

    I feel awful. :sick: I have a nasty sinus infection that is not responding to any of my home health treatments so it is time to call the doctor and ask for antibiotics. I’ve been plagued with these infections throughout my teaching career, but this is the first since I retired. DGD had a runny nose, so I now have a sinus infection. Because of it I missed two social events I really wanted to attend, breakfast with a group of dear friends, and a sailing club dinner/cruise planning evening. :grumble: I’m just waiting for the doctor’s office to open to make my call. I hope I don’t actually have to go in and be seen, because that will spread this around, but I’ll do whatever I have to do.:tongue:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I forgot! Happy CANADA DAY!:bigsmile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Margaret from Minnesota. Goals for July:
    Continue to try and drink more water. Now that is finally hot I might be better motivated. LOL
    Still working on going to bed and getting up at the same time.
    Will write a page a day.
    Will contact my choir director if he does not contact me by the end of the week to do more singing.
    Continue to save towards a trip to Sweden.
    Continue to garden and take time to enjoy it everyday
    Walk at least a mile a day.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Pinch punch first of the month! Happy Canada Day and thanks Barbie for the new thread. Two weeks from today I'll be getting ready to leave for England :)

    Someone mentioned socks that help prevent blisters but I can't find the post. Can anyone help with that?

    I'm watching a very exciting match from Wimbledon .... my favourite fortnight of the year.

    Helen in still damp, still humid Needham, MA
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians :heart:

    Thanks Barbie for starting the July thread :flowerforyou:

    jb - great news about Mariah, praying that she continues to heal and that the spinal tap shows nothing more

    Amanda - good luck with the surgery and that healing is quick and as painless as possible

    Looking back at June I think I did ok. I lost 11.6 lbs and was able to increase my water intake for every work day. Weekends tend to be harder to drink all my water...hmmm. I'm not sure how to fix that.

    July goals:
    Do some cardio every day
    continue to drink at least 8 glass of water each day
    Add more weights

    Today will be cleaning up and laundry. Enjoy your day :flowerforyou:

    Sandy from warm & sunny ON
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Happy Canada Day to all the ladies from that great country!

    It is exciting to see all the goals popping in for July. I am with @drkatiebug on this one. It seems like when I set a goal life happens then discouragement sets in. I too seem to do better tackling it one day at a time.

    This is a short stop as I am getting ready to take hubby to the specialist. I sure hope we have more answers today. It has been a long week since his dizzy spell. God bless you all and those that met their June goals - Congratulations! and much success in July.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, happy Canada Day! :flowerforyou:

    Love seeing everyone's goals for the month. Keep plugging away! :bigsmile: I've been thinking about reaching a 70 lb loss and how good it would feel, and I know exactly what it's going to take to get there....eat less, move more. Those are my goals. I know without a doubt that my magic calorie number is 1350, but it's all too easy to hop right up to 1600. :huh: Haven't touched the scale in a week, I should probably weigh tomorrow morning! I usually weigh every day, but every once in awhile I put the scale away and pretend I'm doing ok without it. :tongue: Truth is, I need it, just like I need my daily walnuts. :wink:

    Occasionally I take a day off from logging foods, and at times I've wanted to stop completely. :ohwell: But I force myself to continue, always learning something about what foods I need to watch out for. If I start the day with bread, then I want bread all day long. :angry: If I start with yogurt, fruit and nuts, I do much, much better. :happy:

    We're here to learn, so let's keep paying close attention! We're here to win at losing, so let's never, ever give up! :drinker:

    :smile: jb in super sunny Portland
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and welcome to July – whew, the year’s already half-way done. Time just flies on this side of 50, doesn’t it?

    DSD and I went to see a movie yesterday afternoon (The Heat, hi-larious in a low-humor sort of way, lots of bad language though) and then did manicures when we got home. The boys left for NC for the week – I’ll go join them on Wednesday. So far I’m doing very well in getting back into the exercise routine – exercised six times this past week for at least an hour a day plus doing other work around the house/yard. I haven’t been out walking because the &(&*&%^%%$% rain is stuck on “pour.” We did actually have a semi-nice, humid day on Saturday but by the time I got done with errands and getting my hair done it was dark again. I can’t say my eating has been the best, but I’m hanging right around where my calories need to be, slightly under for maintenance, so that’s OK.

    My goal for June was basically to maintain – try to keep working out without overdoing the stress from everything else going on. I can say I did pretty good but my weight crept up a couple of pounds by the end of the month. The scale has already turned around though, and I’m using water to flush, flush, flush everything out. I also get a break from having to cook while it’s just me here for the next few days, so I expect to be back to the low end of my maintenance by the end of this week.

    For July:

    ~~workout regularly, six days a week
    ~~include weight training in my workouts
    ~~start walking again – get up from the desk and move around every hour
    ~~keep on top of the weeds in the yard
    ~~prune the bushes that are threatening to overtake my house
    ~~help DH get motivated to finish the bocce ball court
    ~~plant something else in the empty spots in my garden

    Cheers, chicas!
