

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy July & Canada Day Ladies –

    I don’t know about you, but to me it is incredible how quickly time moves. Here we are the year is half over! This is a slow week at work as a lot of folks are out on vacation. Sort of screws up the week that 4th is on Thursday this year. I don’t have any vacation plans, but do plan to have my mom over on the 4th for some steamed crabs.

    Goals for July are pretty much the same as they were for June. Log all food, get 14,000 steps each day, limit alcohol to 2x per week, engage in aerobic activity 5-6x per week and (hopefully) lose another 6 lbs.

    :smile: Barbie – thanks so much about the info on the history of this group. I find everyone to be very supportive and friendly, unlike some of the message boards I have read. And thanks for starting the July thread.
    :smile: Heather – your Saturday dinner you mentioned makings sounds wonderful. Can you share the Bolongnese recipe?
    :smile: Grandmallie – elder abuse is such a tragedy. I hope you are successful in getting this resolved. I lost my dad to a nursing home where he was abused and it was terrible.
    :smile: Vicki – thank you for asking, we are taking a Caribbean cruise, which leaves out of Puerto Rico. Looking forward to it although it is still far off.
    :smile: Sandy – so glad your migraine has finally departed, hopefully it stays away for a good long time!
    :smile: Jodios – your dinner cooking class sounds amazing.

    For all you ladies in the southwest try to stay cool.
    Take care,
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy July 1st to all and Happy Canada Day!

    Kay, please just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Everyone's motivation is different and it's an ongoing struggle to find what works. I know just reading these posts helps me by seeing I am not alone - I've got company for this journey.

    Brooke “I am fluent in three languages: English, Sarcasm and Profanity.” I love this - great laugh first thing.

    Going to buy cross training shoes today. I haven't been wearing my shoe inserts because of the warm weather, flip flops instead, but between my weight and flat feet I am having knee and foot pain. I'm also recovering from tripping over some silly outside tile that just jumped up and tripped me. I was rushing with niece's bride robe for picture taking and landed hard on knee I'd just recently finished rehabbing. That's slowed me down a lot - grr.

    My July goals:
    get to the gym, once there I know I'll get something done
    watching what I eat and then logging it
    get my house organized

    Enjoy the day, everyone!

    janie in the blazing Pacific Northwest
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Heather, I refuse to buy anything in black anymore :smile::drinker:. Since getting into small sizes, I only celebrate with color. Pink pants? YES! WHITE PANTS????? YES! Patterned pants? Yes, those too. I did buy one black top, but it has a sheer panel on the front that's lined with flesh-toned fabric. No.more.black!!!
  • lulu4thewin
    Thank you, Barbie, for organizing this thread and keeping it going. :flowerforyou:

    Pat (phoo): Like many of you, I consider nice nails a treat. Mine have been used as tools a bit too often lately, so I have to work on that. I also really enjoy fragrance, so using essential oils, burning scented candles, and cooking with aromatic spices are nice no-cal indulgences for me.

    I liked reading about how the rain perfumed your room.

    On the hobby front, I am really enjoying crocheting right now, but I love paper crafts, too.

    As for affirmations, I feel those can be so personal. Only you know what it is that you really need to hear/believe. Nonetheless, how about some of these--for all of us:

    I am beautiful and strong, and I deserve a beautiful strong body.
    I cherish my body and enjoy taking care of it.
    I am valuable, and worth the effort.
    Moment by moment I am becoming more fit, lovely, and empowered.


    I also like you goal of eating more veg. Nutrient dense, low cal foods are our friends!! Sometimes a handful of cherry tomatoes can really hit the spot--and not make a dent in your diary. :)

    I also swear by whey shakes. I make mine with water for minimal calories. They really satisfy me and keep my appetite at bay for hours. Whey is anti-inflammatory (which I like--makes me feel good.), and research shows that you lose more by drinking them. Some studies suggest up to 4 a day. I often have two--and like to overflood mine with water.

    I know some people don't like these delightful whey & water cocktails--but be tough!! They do grow on you, and to be frank, if research showed that licking a dog's behind would make you lose weight, I'd buy a pooch. :tongue:

    I'll be back with my July goals--which will include doing a better job of touching base with each of you.

    Talk to you soon!
    Carolyn (lulu)
  • bartonk38
    bartonk38 Posts: 4 Member
    This is kath. :flowerforyou: I'm new to this but it looks interesting. I'll think about what goals I should set for July. And "I'll be back"
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Happy Canada Day to those who celebrate it!

    I didn’t set goals for June as I was not checking in here regularly during that first week of the month. I still managed to lose a couple of pounds and did get back on track during the second half of the month.

    I have two basic goals for June (which I stole from Katla, I believe): Log every bit and move more. My other goals are in support of those two but are: get started on Zumba as soon as my tapes arrive and do it at least 4 times a week, keep working on increasing my water intake, try a green smoothie and look for ways to lower my sodium intake.

    Good luck with your surgery, Amanda!

    Grandmallie – I am SO glad that your FIL’s siblings are jumping in to ward off the evil SIL. How in the world did she end up being involved in his care if she’s already been arrested for elder abuse? I know that these things can be complicated but that just doesn’t seem right.

    DeeDee – thanks for the explanation about your tiara! And I’m sorry that you are struggling with weight gain, despite trying different strategies. I don’t’ have any better ideas but just wanted to say “hang in there”.

    Kay – I would say that “the best you can do” is working out pretty well for you! Congratulations on a full year of logging, hundreds of miles walked and 26 fewer pounds to carry around!

    Liz – actually laughed out loud when I read this “stay away from Dairy Queen”! I love DQ and have to avoid it as well but it just struck me as funny to see it in your goals.

    Katla – I hope you feel better soon!

    Sandy from ON – I would say that you had a good June – 11 pounds lost is great in my book!

    Texasgal – I’ll continue to pray for your DH – hopefully, you will get answers today from the doctor.

    JB – I couldn’t agree more with your comments. I, too, find the learning aspect of MFP to be the most helpful. I learn by logging foods (and often checking out different ideas there before I decide what to eat) and I DEFINITELY learn from this group! For example, I added a couple of goals to my list after seeing something that sparked for me on someone else’s list.

    Better get back to work; was just checking in here to post my goals. Enjoy the afternoon, wherever you are!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thanks, as always, for the thread, Barbie! The animated figures are too cute!

    June goals:
    wear pedometer..........yes
    6,000 steps min...........yes...........most days
    get back to gym, tai chi, and yoga..........yes, yes, and yes
    fish 4xs /week............well, I counted and had fish 14 times for the month---pretty good, I can live with that!!!
    get to goal...........ummm,......... no, these last ones are super glued on, but I did have a lazy stretch in May that I think I'm paying for now........actually, May just was awful all the way round.........

    July goals:
    Can I just say all of the above?
    Continue kevrit's squat challenge
    Lift an elephant.........challenge at one of the gyms I go to; have already made a dent in that this am
    Stop talking over people in conversation

    Need to get these posted befor I lose them........BBL
    yanniejannie........mid-Atlantic, rain off and on
  • Sheakat
    Sheakat Posts: 29 Member
    June goals:
    Gym workout 3 times a week
    Don't be a slave to the scale
    Take time for ME
    I must say, I acheived these things...for the most part. I still put everyone before myself, but not as much. I feel a bit guilty for not monitoring my weight more.
    July goals:
    Continue to work out at least 3 times a week
    Spring clean my bedroom...I know it's summer!
    Be able to breathe in my jeans!
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Canada Day!

    Just a quick post because I have doggie & kitty clients awaiting my arrival!

    Jb-Glad to hear the great update on Mariah. Prayers that there will be even more good news soon...

    Brooke-I am also fluent in those same three languages!

    Feeling so sad for those nineteen brave firefighters who lost their lives in AZ. I am constantly amazed by the bravery of all of those who choose careers to protect us all. That really hit home here recently in Boston with the bombings. Fearless men and women...

    Thank you for all you do, Barbie! It was nice reading about the history of this lovely group!

    Weighed myself this morning and lost one pound. I'm greedy and was hoping for more-but I will take it!

    My goals are to watch portions, drink more water (even if I need a diaper), try to get exercise in everyday (even if I'd rather be on the couch with my face in a cake), and to try and be kinder to myself. That is probably the toughest one for me...

    Well, I hear kitties meowing & doggies barking! Better get a move on!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Critter Sue ♥
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    PS-Thinking of you, Amanda! Hoping you'll be back up on your feet again soon!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Bumping in to sava a spot...back from vacation....wish I could say I made good choices but alas most were way over the top:blushing: but today is Day #1 back to the real world.

    More Later

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I called the doctor's office. No antibiotics for me. :noway: This is viral and antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections. I'm not feeling like a good sport about this. :angry: :mad: :explode: Oh well.:ohwell:
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Well Hello Ladies :flowerforyou: :heart:
    I have been busy as a bee!
    I do read when I can all the fabulous and heart felt posts.Thank you :flowerforyou:

    Will be catching up now that things have slowed down here.
    update on my daughter;Caro surgeon today so am on pins and needles.
    The medication seems to be helping but not as they want.
    her choices-pacemaker or ventral repair.Both scary and even as I type this my heart is breaking.:cry:

    I will go going to stay with her while her husband is in MI school (military )
    Thanks for letting me just get it out there.:flowerforyou:

    Molly in stormy/sunny West Virginia
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Carolyn (lulu) – What a beautiful, powerful affirmation. Thanks so much for sharing it! :flowerforyou:

    Katla – Healing thoughts and prayers floating from Colorado to you!!!!! :happy:

    JB – Awesome news about Mariah. May she continue to progress and heal completely! :smile:

    DeeDee – I empathize with and share your struggle to “figure it out” to bust through a weight loss plateau. I will continue to experiment to see what works best for this old bod :grumble:

    Amanda – Hoping your surgery was a complete success and you’ll be feeling much better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Renny &
    Grandmallie – Belated happy birthdays!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Molly – Also sending healing prayers to your daughter and calming prayers to you :flowerforyou:

    CritterSue – I have this funny feeling there may be many of us here who are thus “tri-lingual” :wink:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The future is a promise, not a threat.”
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy July 1st and Happy Canada Day! I can not believe it is July 1, and we are already 3 pages into the board.... oh, we are chatty!

    The sun is out, it is really warm, but they are saying that we might have another monsoon microstorm later this afternoon. That means I had better get my phone calls finish for the church prayer list and get my butt to the pool! Unfortunetly, the storm last night started an additional two fires, so we are still way too dry. Bring on the Rain!

    It is always interesting to read all of the goals for the month. Some of them seem so minor and some seem so unreachable, but they all have such a sense of purpose behind them. Even the minor ones have a meaning and a need for the person who posted it, and it reminds me that this disease does indeed take over our whole life and have negative consequences in areas we don't even think about consciously.

    Amanda- Will be sending healing prayers your way. Hope your surgery day is "easy peasy"...:smile:

    Grandmallie- It sounds like your FIL's situation is going to be settled. Good for you and for him! :happy:

    Kay- Congratulations! One year, that is awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Carolyn- You are just wonderful! I love your enthusiasm, your sense of joy, and your advice! Thank you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ok- time to get off the computer! Take care, be well, and have fun today, my friends!

    Pat (phoo)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Mwheatcraft - just had to jump back in this evening! I have lived in black trousers (pants) for ever and ever. Not only that, they were baggy ones with an elastic waist. It was a huge stretch for me to get into jeans. Now they are too big! :laugh: When one day I asked my DSIL what I should wear for a special occasion she looked me in the eye and said, "Why don't you wear a pair of black trousers and a bright top." Yes, they have been my uniform for years and years. (See my profile photo! )
    So - one of my goals for July is to buy some BRIGHT trousers. Amazing! :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker:
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    CityjaneLondon - I have some white linen pants from good old M&S that I love in the summer. They've been too tight for a couple of years but they feel good now :) It seems that ex-pats like myself love M&S much more than people who live there. My mum complains there's nothing she likes, but it's the first stop on my list when I get home to England.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Someone mentioned socks that help prevent blisters but I can't find the post. Can anyone help with that?
    Helen in still damp, still humid Needham, MA

    Helen, that might have been me. I got socks called the Wrightsock that really helped with my blisters. I bought mine from Amazon. They are quite pricey, but I love them. I bought the low ones last summer. When cold weather came, I put on a pair of my old socks to keep my ankles warm when I walked and got a blister the first time. I immediately got back on Amazon and ordered me some crew ones as well.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hey ladies just a quick pop in to say:

    Happy Canada Day:flowerforyou:

    Amanda - good luck with your surgery - sending you a virtual hug for a successful procedure and speedy recovery:heart:

    Katia - feel better soon.:sick:

    Molly - praying for your daughter

    Dee Dee - hang in there...you will break this plateau. Do not give up. For me it took upping my calories, adding more water and kicking up the exercise. I know getting more sleep is also key, but these stupid hot flashes make getting a good night's sleep impossible for me. You will find your formula to bust through this and get the scale moving down again.:smile:

    Brooke - as always love the quotes:laugh:

    Heather - one of my major milestone rewards was a pair of red skinny jeans...I love them!:love:

    Have a great day.

    Jodios :smile: :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Canada Day! And Happy July 1st! Where oh where has the first half of this year gone! :noway: Started this month with a bang! Finally after just talking about it all week, I got to the gym. Did Zumba Gold, water walking and Water Zumba! Hallelujah! :happy: Will evaluate June's goals soon but one goal for July that I need to make is to get back to logging my food intake every day! Skipped this past week, always started strong but got lost along the way. We certainly have a great group of women here! Love the goal setting and accountability! And as always, love the encouragement and support that we share with each other! :heart:

    Barbie-Thanks for getting us started once again with the new month! :flowerforyou:

    Kay-Congrats on your one year anniversary of faithful logging!

    Amanda-Best of luck and a speedy recovery!

    Brooke-I'm proficient in the same languages, as mentioned in your quote! :laugh:

    Renny-Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a good one!

    Katla-Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Carolyn- I so agree with about the cherry tomatoes! I keep them on my counter and when I think I'm starving, I eat about 5 and then sometimes cravings are gone!

    Molly-Keeping your daughter in my prayers!

    Be back soon, to share my review of June and more goals for July

    Kathy in pleasant IL