Is giving up diet soda really worth it?



  • MatthewMacG
    MatthewMacG Posts: 27 Member
    Everyone is different. If you think something might be bad for you like diet soda, give it up for 30 days. If you feel different then decide after 30 days if the difference in feeling if any is worth giving it up. Only you can decide, as your reaction might be different to others.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    Giving up soda in general is hard for me. I have tried and failed so many times. If I say I'll have a cheat day and have soda, I start to drink it all the time, if I say I will only have one a week, fail again. I just don't know how to kick the habit. I like water on most days but I also need something else, something with taste and flavor. lol. Good luck to you!
  • Portugueselove
    Portugueselove Posts: 255 Member
    I gave up all sodas, at first i gave up all regular sodas and switched to diet sodas then last year i gave up diet sodas. I don't have as much sweet cravings as i used to and no more muscle twitches and also noticed that my restless leg syndrome is not even there anymore. Never thought about that... hmm. Wonder if it has to do with it. But yeah if you can continue without soda do it, if you can't then one a day shouldn't hurt.
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    12-24 cans of coke a day since i was about 7 until last year when i only did so much and now none. best thing i have ever done for my health
    Hmmm. Like those people that drank 8 cans of redbull, die, and then blame everything on the redbull on how it's "so dangerous."
  • lblert
    lblert Posts: 55
    I've cut down from 3 cans of Coke Zero to just one, but not because I think diet soda is bad for my health. I cut back because I wasn't drinking enough water. It's much easier to get my water consumption up if I cut back on soda.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm actually giving up diet soda today but replacing caffeine by drinking tea. For my migraines I need some caffeine. I am also giving up soda for my migraines as the doctor says the chemicals will add to them and the acid is ruining my already bad teeth :(

    Otherwise I would never give diet soda up.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I just don't know how anyone can drink the stuff. I don't enjoy the taste of it at all.

    I do get my caffeine fix from coffee or tea though.
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I used to drink 2L of diet pepsi every day. Along with a couple energy drinks, and the occasional iced coffee.

    Then one day I went without it and the headaches were horrible. Nearly unbearable. I realized if something can make me feel that crappy just from not having it for one day it probably isn't good for me.

    I looked at the ingredients on my beloved diet pepsi. There's nothing real in there! It's not substance, and my body doesn't need it.

    I gave it up for good (along with all caffeine and fake drinks). Now it's just water, juice, or milk. Mostly water. The headaches were horrible for the first week. But now I feel better than ever. Once I got used to it I realized I really don't need the help to stay awake. Protein is a much better energy source than caffeine.
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    I didn't think it was worth it, but was drinking the equivalent of 5-6 cans of diet dr pepper per day up until about 2 weeks ago... I cut it to 1 can per day and drank double the remaining in water. Since I have a hard time drinking plain water, I add Crystal light packets to my water. This has become tolerable and I lost 2 pounds right away last week after a 3 month plateau. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow's scale says! Try to cut down instead of cold turkey.. I have tried that in the past and the headaches push me back to it. For me, one per day satisfies that desire for DDP...
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I have diet soda.. I need something to put my alcohol in..

    Be a man and drink it straight.

    Or be a woman and drink it straight. Good liquor requires nothing, not even ice.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I'll have one once, maybe twice, a week. Usually on Fridays when I'm nauseous from a medication I take weekly. I was drinking Diet Sprite, but it wasn't helping too well. I recently discovered Zevia ginger ale. Much better!! And zero calories as it's sweetened with Stevia.
  • Nicktheicequeen
    I drink diet coke once in a while.
    But it's mostly all water and coffee for me.
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    My husband is ADDICTED to Diet Pepsi. and he got me on the wagon. I have been soda free for about a week, but I still always have my morning coffee, so I'm doing fine. I do still want it, but I feel so much less bloated than before, and the first 2 days I swear I peed 20 times a day! I would just switch to tea or coffee, but not the Starbucks sugar filled coffee, just normal, brew at home/office coffee.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I have diet soda.. I need something to put my alcohol in..


    I thought about quitting diet pop but then remembered I needed it to mix my Bacardi in so figured what is the point of only quitting when it doesn't have alcohol. :drinker:
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    I grew up drinking regular soda. Everything under the sun from Mountain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, you name it. In HS i got migraines so intense my neurologist and parents made me give it up. In college I would mainly drink diet soda. I gave up soda completely about four years ago and now I don't understand how anyone can drink it. It tastes like pure poison going into my body.

    That is me though. It just depends on your goals and what you want for your body/health. I won't drink it because I try to limit artificial things going into my body. What's good for me isn't necessarily good for you. It was worth it for me though.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    For me, it was worth it. But I have not cut it completely out, I will have one every couple of weeks. I know you said that won't work for you, but it does for me. The reason I decided to cut way back was I had constant migraine headaches, and limiting my intake of artificial sweeteners really cut those back. I use stevia and real sugar (limited amounts) now.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I used to have about 5 cans a day for, oh, the past 15 years. Today is day 12 cold turkey. I am irritable, unfocused, and kind of a witch to be honest. No, I can't have like, one a week or whatever the same way someone could probably not have just "a little" crack cocaine. Could someone please tell me that they felt better after giving up soda? I know all of the articles that are like "diet soda is the devil and ruins your bones and gives you cancer etc." but I'm looking for someone who experienced readily identifiable benefits of giving up this diet carbonated nectar of the gods and not just "I abstractly reduced my chance of cancer and a heart attack"


    If you want to give it up then do it. Do you have reasons for wanting to give it up? It sounds like you gave it up for exactly the abstract reasons you dont want to hear. If you stick with it you will eventually start to feel better or just replace it with something else. You will probably join the countless others that will say they feel much better without it in their lives. Just as there are countless people saying they feel just fine having it many time per day. Until you find out for yourself it really doesnt matter what others feel about it.
  • booncey
    booncey Posts: 75 Member
    I drink coke zero maybe 1 or 2 a day and the rest of the day...water. I think I drink so much water that I flush out the bad stuff in the coke zero. I used to be a Mountain Dew Addict and I had to cut those out completely. I know I can't cut them out completely, so I justify a long-term solution for myself. Of course you have to figure out what you can maintain long term. Now, when I quit smoking 13 years ago...I knew I could never pick up 1 because I would fall off the wagon with it. Nobody knows you better than you...but if you are homicidal...put down the knife and pick up a diet coke!!! Good luck, it's hard to cut out things we love completely.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I quit cold turkey too.....4 years ago and have never regretted it. That is just poison into your body.