Is your house Haunted?



  • A big bump in the night!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    There is a spirit in the house i live in now haunting my daughters rooms.

    When I first moved into this house I loved it, it was the perfect home for us it has three bedrooms four baths. It was so cheap for how big it is and i just thought wow god is blessing us. Until I moved in and I realized why it had sat vacant for so long, the first week I put my daughter to sleep in her room.

    She was given this cute little motion sensored cow toy if you waved your hand infront of it it would moo and sing a song. I went downstairs and sat on the couch ready to watch a movie when i started hearing this soft strange lullaby music. I thought, thats strange I dont remember turning on her noise maker but i must have and forgot so i continued to sit and listen. Then I heard these loud steps coming down the stairs, i watched the stairs intently thinking I would see someone but they stopped just out of my sight at this point i decided to go check on my daughter as i walking up the stairs I could hear her motion sensored cow mooing.

    I thought wow ok shes awake and it was her i heard, when i walked into her room not only was she asleep but the motion sensored cow was all the way on the otherside of the room facing me. I brushed it off and decided to go to bed, well fast forward somewhere around 2am in the morning i heard crying coming from her monitor, then i felt a hand on my shoulder my brother had stayed the night with me because it had been my first night alone in a new neighborhood in a new house.

    He very plainly said, "do you hear that?" I said very angrly "YES! Go get her and bring her to me," he then replied "Ash, shes right here.." I turned around and realized my daughter was sleeping next to me i had gotten her before i fell asleep. We both looked at eachother like WTF.

    The scariest sound i have ever heard, was this babys cry on my monitor. An unearthly distorted painful cry.

    That **** creepy.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    When I was a child my mother was in the hospital for an extended illness. We went to temporarily live with a family friend. She owned an old Georgia mansion with many outbuildings. My brother and I - we were playing in one of the outbuildings which wasn't empty but didn't have alot of things in it. I remember feeling as if someone was there with us. The temperature would get cold suddenly and the hairs on my arms would stand straight up. My brother felt it too. It scared us but we didn't feel like we were in danger. We came back every day to play and every day it happened - for almost a month. My religion has told me that spirits do not exist on this world but my Indian and Irish heritage prompt me to think otherwise!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Nope. I've never encountered anything which I would consider to be supernatural.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Sleep paralysis.

    Waking Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. More formally, it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness). It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea; however, it can also occur in isolation.[1][2] When linked to another disorder, sleep paralysis commonly occurs in association with the neuromuscular disorder narcolepsy.[2]


    -The Nightmare, by Henry Fuseli (1781) is thought to be one of the classic depictions of sleep paralysis perceived as a demonic visitation.
  • My house is not because I've properly protected it. I've been on numerous hunts and had some incredible experiences. There is more to this world and our existence than we see with our eyes. In nature, energy doesn't disappear, it can only change forms. We are all part of the natural world and we are at our core, energy.
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    I grew up in a haunted house. I moved there when I was 7 and moved out at 17. I was the first in my family to figure it out. I remember the long drawn out arguments with my parents when almost immediately I insisted on sleeping with my door closed at night because of the people walking around in the hallway. "Its just headlight shadows from the cars driving past." My mom told me, but I knew what people looked like. Then we all started hearing the cabinets in the kitchen slamming at night. And the water faucet in the kitchen turning on and off. Never anything too serious and they never really bothered us. When my friends would spend the night we would sleep downstairs in the living room and with the kitchen light on you could see reflections in the tv of people walking up and down the stairs. My mom finally believed me after the cleaning lady quit because she had been working alone in the house and something happened. She never would tell us what but she ran out in the middle of the job and refused to ever come back even to get compensation because the house was haunted. My parents ended up losing the house a few years ago in the foreclosure crisis and it still sits empty... I always wonder what it would be like to spend a night there now :) too creepy to even try lol.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    All of you shut up!

    *fingers in ears*

    Lalala, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...kittehs, puppehs, rainbows, lalala...
  • raydolph
    raydolph Posts: 43
    When I was 12 my parents divorced and my mother moved with me to a house across town. Being a single mother, money was very tight and she was very limited in what she could choose. She rented a two story 3 bedroom home for a very reasonable price, and we found out shortly after why it was so reasonable.

    The first night at the house I remember sleeping and having night terrors, not nightmares, but night terrors in which I would wake up and run down the stairs and out the door and wake up sitting on the porch in complete terror and crying. My mother heard the ruckus and ran down the stairs to find the door wide open and me sitting there. I ran to her and she asked me why I was running a bath upstairs and why I was outside. I explained my night terror and explained I had run no bath. We went back upstairs to find the upstairs bathroom floor soaked in water and the tub over flowing.

    Almost every night after that, for 6 months, I would have some sort of night terror or nightmare, and they were bad enough that my mother took me to child psychologists to find out what was wrong. There were no more instances of mystery water in the upstairs bathroom until about 6 months after we moved there. My mother had a new job where she worked nights, and being 12 I was old enough to take care of myself (heat up dinner, get ready for bed, etc.) One night while my mother was at work I had another night terror and ran down the stairs to find myself sitting on the front stoop at 2am crying in complete terror. When I woke up I ran into the house and called my moms work and told her I had another really bad night terror. She explained that everything was ok and she would be home in a couple of hours. I went back upstairs to hear water running from the upstairs bathroom. The light was on, and again the floor was covered in water and the bath tub was over flowing.

    When this had happened a second time my mother just chalked it up to me doing it in my sleep while having a night terror. There was some extensive water damage because of the age of the house and my mother was looking to hire a repair person to fix the bathroom floors and the damage done to the walls from the water. She asked a neighbor if he could recommend anyone and he asked what had happened. She explained in limited detail about the bathroom problem, and he proceeded to explain to her that about 35 years ago there was a woman whose husband had left her for another woman. She was a single mother with a daughter and the husband had moved out of the house. The woman had been so distraught about the break up, and being able to afford the home and take care of the child that she prepared a bath, gotten in the tub with the water running, and slit her wrists and killed herself. That night the daughter woke up to use the bathroom and found her mother dead. She was so terrified she ran downstairs, out the door and to a neighbors house. She banged on the doors and screamed for help. When the neighbor came downstairs and opened the door the little girl wasnt there, but the neighbor saw her on the front porch at her house and walked over to her. She was just sitting on the front porch crying, the way I had two times when I had the night terrors.

    Needless to say, my mom and i got the hell out of dodge and moved into an apartment. No problems since, and now I know why that house was so reasonably priced lol
  • Sleep paralysis is very common among people who think they are seeing ghost or something supernatural when sleeping or half awake. I have experienced it alot of times and it has been when I'm under alot of pressure, like studying for exams and stuff like that. But ofcourse it can't explain things that happen when people are awake.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I lived in a "old town" part of Orange County once. In an old apartment. Once when washing dishes there, a glass slipped out of my hands and flew sideways and hit the wall with enough force to shatter and seem pretty strange. I explained it away as maybe I squeezed too hard and the dishsoap facilitated the slip/stick straight trajectory.

    One day I finally got the courage to complain about the cigarette smoke coming from the apartment under mine since I knew it was against the rules and would get someone in trouble. I was informed no one lived there.

    Finally, one day a friend/neighbor suddenly darted away from my doorway during a conversation and I figured maybe she heard her phone ringing and ran off. Next time I talked to her she had big eyes and kept staring at me fearfully before confessing she had run off after seeing a plume of smoke appear in my living room between my doorway where she'd stood chatting to me while I washed dishes in the kitchen beyond the living room. She said it had appeared so suddenly and so dense as to make me not visible and then dissipated as quickly as well leaving the smell of cigarettes behind. She would only talk to me in the hallway or her place after that. The end.
  • raydolph
    raydolph Posts: 43
    I have another story that is a much better memory than the previous one I told. When I was 8 years old I remember waking up on a Saturday and my grandpa being in the living room watching tv. It wasn't unusual for my grandpa to be over at the house on weekends visiting me or my parents. He asked if I wanted to watch cartoons and of course being an 8 yr old I said yes. So we were watching cartoons and laughing and joking like we always had and the phone rang. I got up to answer it and it was my aunt asking if my mom was home. I ran upstairs to tell her the phone was for her, came back down and my grandpa wasnt there. A few minutes later my mom came downstairs in tears and told me my grandpa had died that morning of his bone cancer. I told her that wasnt true cause grandpa was here and we were just watching cartoons. Very weird, but I had such a close relationship with my grandpa that I know it was him saying his goodbyes by doing something we loved doing together one last time.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I've always felt that my grandfather haunts my house. He died when I was about 10 months old, so I never knew him, but my grandmother really focused on me after he passed and I spent a lot of time in the house growing up and later purchased it. Growing up, I would cut the grass and when I was in the back, I always felt like someone was watching me. We put an addition on and one day when I came home, the contractor asked me "Is your house haunted?" I said Yes, why? He was upstairs working in the room at the end of the hall, in full view of the hall. Our beagle was napping at the top of the steps. He heard footsteps coming up the steps and watched the beagle stand up, look down the steps and tentatively wag her tail, then she ran into the room and hid behind him, shaking the whole time (she was cute, she didn't have to be brave). Another time, I put about $6 in ones on the kitchen counter, folded in half. A couple minutes later, my wife walked in and said "Why did you fold your money like this?" I said I always fold my money in half. She brought it in and it was folded in half, but for each bill, one corner was folded down diagonally to meet the opposite side. They weren't all folded as one, but each one had been folded on it's own. A couple weeks later, my wife was home alone and all of a sudden, both dogs and both cats congregated in one corner and sat staring at the same spot. After about 2 minutes my wife said out loud "If you are friendly, you are welcome to stay but you have to stop freaking out the animals. If you aren't friendly, you have to leave, this is our house." We haven't had any occurrences since.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    One other thing, not related to the house. About a year after my mother died, she yelled at me and told me to make up with my sister. She and I were mad at each other about something stupid and hadn't talked for about 2 weeks. I was in my bedroom getting dressed and I heard my mother, as if she were standing right next to me, say "Richard! Go talk to your sister!" So I did.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Sleep paralysis.

    Waking Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. More formally, it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness). It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea; however, it can also occur in isolation.[1][2] When linked to another disorder, sleep paralysis commonly occurs in association with the neuromuscular disorder narcolepsy.[2]


    -The Nightmare, by Henry Fuseli (1781) is thought to be one of the classic depictions of sleep paralysis perceived as a demonic visitation.

    This happens to me...A LOT. When I was younger I always thought that it was a result of spirits. Now I know there is a scientific reason behind it so it doesn't scare me in that way, but it's still a freaky and terrifying feeling being paralyzed!!!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    No, don't think so.

    I do know that after my best friend died for about 2 yrs on & off I would occasionally get wafts of perfume around me. It was weird but comforting at the same time.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Bump to share my story later and read more of yours.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    My aunt had cancer and died in our house, right in front of us. She never stayed to haunt. . I guess her business was done. I was young at the time and my mom took me upstairs so we wouldn't see her being taken by the paramedics. But my sister stayed and watched. Right after her body left, she saw an apparition of my aunt by the rocking chair.

    Sometimes they're ghosts, sometimes they're Angels, sometimes they're demons. It's a strange world.
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    When i was younger.

    On my 5th birthday i lived with my mother in a small white house at the end of my grandmas street. This house was haunted to the core, i wasnt ever afraid of the strange noises, or strange movements out of the corner of my eye until I had an up close experience on the night of my birthday.

    I was still young enough for naps, so my mother had layed me down and got me super excited to go to sleep. I had the wirst nightmare imaginable for a small child i dreamt that i was being chased by a massive cobra. I woke up completely started and felt like i had fell onto my bed like i had been levitating. When i looked over at my door there was a woman standing there, her eyes were black holes in her head her dress was long and disappeared where her feet should have been. She had long blondish white hair, she looked at me the entire time she walked through my bedroom and into my closet.

    I pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep, when i woke up i checked the closet but she wasnt there. Later that night i was playing with this new barbie set i had gotten. I was sitting next to a corner in my room with a small mouse hole next to it. As i was playing i heard my name it said "Ashley....ashley do you want to play?" I just stared at the wall, then i shook my head no and it said "ashley LETS PLAY!" At that point i ran out of my bedroom hysterical i wouldn sleep in my room for a month.