

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    HI everyone. The news from Arizona broke my heart. As a trauma nurse, I feel very close to first responders of all kinds. I am on the state Critical Incident Stress Management team and so work with firefighters, police, dispatchers, corrections officers, hospital employees, etc regularly. So sad.

    Today here in Omaha a rescue squad picked up some lady off the street who had a seizure. She woke up in the squad and shot the paramedic attending her. He will be alright and possibly released from the hospital tomorrow.

    Got a lot done today. Went to water aerobics, worked on the test bank, fired our builder who has still not submitted a bid to repair the flood damage from 5/12 (the insurance company closed the file!), found a new contractor, walked a mile, worked in the garden for an hour and I need to up my dose of zoloft before I start drinking! It seems everyone and everything has annoyed me today. I hate feeling like this.

    Julie: I haven’t been to that part of CA in years. I bet it’s beautiful.

    Lucy: your day with your friend sounded like so much fun. I hope you found your earring.

    Mary: hi and welcome to the thread. Where in TX are you? I have relatives all over Texas.

    Barbie: thanks for the new thread. How on earth did we get four pages already?

    Michele: the crumble is in the fridge…thanks! I am so sorry about your Bryan and how you grieve for him. I hope things get resolved at the wedding.

    Jodios: sounds like you had a busy day and I must admit the scones sounded wonderful

    Texasgal: let us know how the doctor visit goes….crossing my fingers for good news

    Barb: long time no see! Welcome back!

    Pat: so glad for the rain that is coming your way. Incomprehensible is the right word about the firefighters. I can only pray they did not suffer.

    Nan: great goals

    Jo: good idea to stick to what works

    Geri: cute pic!

    Amanda: I hope you see this…good luck on the surgery and get well soon!

    DeeDee: so sorry you are frustrated right now. I don’t have an answer for you but am sending you good vibes to help you feel better and a virtual massage to get rid of the stress. Please don't leave us!

    Kay: wow good for you on your victories….the logging, the walking, and the weight loss! Pat yourself on the back for me!

    Katla: feel better soon!

    M: havent’ seen you in a while either! Welcome back!! Hooray for the colored pants!

    Yanniejannie: I’m overdue for a colonoscopy too. I am terrified of the meds…isn’t that stupid?

    Robin: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I am so glad for you! When do you start???

    Mollybe: so glad your daughter does not need surgery.

    Speaking of surgery, I know she hasn’t been here in a while, but remember Linda/Sunshine is having her second carpal tunnel release Wednesday.

    Happy Canada Day to all our fine neighbors up north!

    I think I’ll leave my July goals the same at least for now. Take care all, meg from warmer Omaha…home of the senior golf tournament!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Canada Day to our friends in Canada.
    Amanda – sending prayers for a successful surgery and recovery.
    DeeDee – I feel your frustration and we all have been where you are. Please don’t quit, just do the best you can everyday. Have you thought about the fact that you may be at your set point weight? Maybe your body likes it where you are.
    Kay in GA – I like the idea of just keeping on keeping on. Keep your eye on the prize and trudge forward. Thatta Girl!
    Brooke – You accomplished most of your goals. Good for you! What are standing abs?
    Renny – Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day.
    Pat – the loss of so many firefights is so tragic. I feel for the community and families.
    Katia – so sorry you are suffering from a sinus infection and hope you were able to get some antibiotics for it.
    Margaret – good goals for July.
    Helen – that is so exciting that you are going to England. We leave a week from Friday for Hawaii.
    TexasGal22 – hope your DH got some answers. Has he been out in the heat?
    Jb – you are so right, we learn something about this new lifestyle everyday. Love your saying, “we’re here to win at losing.” That’s going to me my new matra.
    Liz- we are getting a new Dairy Queen so I’ll be adding that to my goals soon. LOL.
    Critter Sue – You cracked me up when you said you’d rather be on the couch with your face in a cake. The image just made me laugh!
    Molly – prayers for your daughter and her medical team. Keep us posted.
    Sue in SD – glad to hear you’re progressing nicely since your surgery.
    Robin – doing a happy dance for you. Congratulations on getting the job.
    Welcome to Saph and Dodiemae. Come back often and chat with us.

    My July goals:
    Up my steps to 6,000 (5x a week)
    Strength training 2x a week (up to 5lbs now)
    Win at Losing (thanks jb)

    Sue in TX
    You have it in you to take it off!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    You guys talking about your beets makes me miss my Mom. She made the best pickled beets. When they lived in Kentucky and we lived in Indiana we would go to their house and one of the first things we would do was go to her cellar and get beets and pickles. It was a sad day after they moved here when we ate the last jar of beets. Mom has been gone since March of 2011. Her ad Dad canned beets, pickles, grape and strawberry jam, vegetable chow chow and tomato sauce. My girls loved to go tho their house here in town. Dad had the best garden and Dad would sit out on the back stoop with my girls and they would eat fresh carrots and tomatoes right straight out of the garden. Those were good times.

    Welcome to the new ones here.

    Joyce, indiana
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Here are my June goals / results:

    Weight Sessions: Goal - 10 per month Actual - 6

    Weight Lifted: Goal - 2,000,000 lbs for the year = 1,000,000 lbs YTD Actual – 163,660 lbs in June = 1,063,580 lbs YTD

    Cardio Sessions: Goal - 15 Actual - 12

    Cardio Minutes: Goal - 10 hours Actual – 13.75 hours

    Still on target and July will be more of the same, yet I will have to continue to fight to keep work from diverting me between now and mid-October.

    Dodiemae – welcome and good for you! Stop in when you can – great group.

    Beets – I roasted the ones from the farmers’ market last night and we had them tonight. Delicious!

    Robin- great news about the job.

    Need to get to bed and re-establish an earlier bedtime.

    BTW, I broke down and have gone to the dark side. Called the doctor's office today and said 'OK' to the cholesterol medicine. I'll give it a try. Did you know you're supposed to take it at night as your body produces more cholesterol at night? That is what the pharmacist told me. I never knew that.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, hang in there……I found that when I gave myself a vacation from logging my food I tended to eat more, eat things I wouldn’t normally eat, and do less exercise because it “didn’t count’……keep in mind that high nutrition eating and good exercise are about health and longevity, not just weight loss…study your food diary every day and look for empty calories that could be replaced by better nutrition.

    :heart: :bigsmile: Amanda, sending hugs over the ocean to you for your surgery and recovery.

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, your quotes are so good that I read them to my hubby……he said he will steal them and use them as his own.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I wear dark pants because I am messy and dirt doesn’t show up on darker clothes……I wear bright colored tops and tuck in my shirts with a belt…..no more baggy elastic waist pants for me.

    :flowerforyou: Karla, one of the highlights of my exercise program is early morning walks with my dogs.


    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members of our Vitamin F community,

    :flowerforyou: It wasn’t as warm today as yesterday but the dogs still didn’t want to stay out very long. I found a lot to do in the yard and am making progress on my goal of preparing the flower bed in the back yard.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Amanda- Hope surgery goes well and recovery is quick!

    DeeDee- I too have been struggling to get the scales to move in the right direction. I actually gained a few pounds well on vacation, but have a plan to fix that real quick!! I am adding weights to try to get the scale to cooperate. Good luck to you.

    Molly- Glad to hear the news about your DD. Hope everything works out well.

    Robin- I am so happy for you!! Hope the new job is a perfect fit for you!!

    Goals for July:
    Walk for 60 minutes every day
    Lift weights 3 times a week
    Log all food
    Be more positive

    Deb A in CNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    jodios - I wanna come to your house!!!!

    My July goal will be the same as March's which was the same as April's which was the same as May's which was the same as June's. Don't know if I'll do it as we'll be away part of July. But I'm hoping to get started. Once I get started, then I don't mind finishing. It's just getting started that's the problem.

    Jan - being without power is no fun at all, that's for sure. Does this happen regularly?

    texasgal - hope everything's OK with your dh

    Pat - that's so sad about the firefighters

    Amanda - praying for the doctors and nurses who will be operating on you that everything goes according to plan

    grandmalle - so glad that things are being taken care of for your FIL

    DeeDee - I don't think I can ever take a complete break from logging. For me, it would be just too easy to fall into my old habits

    Gail - perchance, did you happen to know that person who got all those IRS refunds?

    drkatiebug - awesome weight loss! you SHOULD be proud. And all that walking!

    Happy Canada Day!!!

    katla - I feel for ya. I hate when sinus infections get so bad that I have to go to the MD. Let us know what happens, OK? Just saw that you aren't getting any antibiotics. Bummer

    margaretturk - when are you going to Sweden? Is it for pleasure?

    altygirl - have a great trip

    Carolyn - LOL you buying a dog....LOL

    Kath - HI there!

    Critter Sue - One pound less!

    Molly - I'll be praying for your daughter. How wonderful that she doesn't need surgery

    Just got back from mahjongg. Only maj'd once. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a step DVD, then get my hair touched up before we go. Since I'm up that way, maybe I'll stop in and play mahjongg, the weather doesn't look all that great.

    Robin - doing the happy dance for you!

    Sandy - it always feels good to get rid of too big clothes

    Dodiemae - welcome, you've started well

    yanniejannie - we're letting the cats out in the rest of the house. I think they're used to me enough, now. We'll see how it goes. Shadow doesn't like other cats, but I know Lance likes to sit on the cattree.

    Meg - I'm really not holding out much hope for things to get any better between Bryan and myself at the wedding. It just makes me cry every time I think about it. I have a feeling he's only doing this (inviting us) because he "has" to. He did tell us that he thought we shouldn't attend but send him the money we would have spent going over there.

    Joyce - I'd never heard of chow chow until we moved to NC, can you believe that?

    Gail - I never knew that your body produced more cholesterol at night!

    Michele in NC
  • barneygirl
    barneygirl Posts: 36 Member
    New here, trying to build a little muscle so just started exercizing(sp) set small goals.
    lose 2 pounds this month and wk.out twice a week. I am afraid if I start to much w/the goals I will fail.
    All have a great evening!
  • barneygirl
    barneygirl Posts: 36 Member
    Sorry I forgot. Theresa, Sm mountain town in Colorado.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    My head is spinning with the realization that it’s the first of July and we’re already on page 4. I love this community. Thank you Barbie for kicking off another month and setting the excellent example of sharing goals.

    Today’s affirmation: “My written goals are helping me to achieve my life's purpose.”

    June Goals:
    80 oz of water per day - check, with exception of days when I have to fly. I get too bloated.:drinker: :drinker:

    3-5 servings of vegetables daily - check :love:

    Log every day, even on the road – Missed a few days. :tongue:

    Drop 2 pounds – Au contraire. I ended the month +2. Dang! :explode:

    Nourish my mind and my faith with daily positive affirmations - check :blushing:

    My July goals pick up where I left off in June, with some minor changes:

    Nourish my mind and faith with daily positive affirmations :smooched:

    80 oz of water per day, except on flight days (projecting only 5 plane days in July) :happy:

    Try a new vegetable recipe :laugh:

    Try a new exercise activity at the nearby community center :wink:

    Get a double digit number on my weight loss ticker :smile:

    Thanks for letting me share.

    Robin: Let me add my voice to the chorus of congratulations!!!

    DeeDee: Chin up! :flowerforyou: Hang in there and have faith that you are on the right track towards perfect health and fitness.

    To all others struggling with family and health issues, I'm lifting prayers for you. To everyone else, stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all!

    We are expecting a bit of rain here again today and it is so humid that you can feel the moisture on your skin. It’s a bit of a nuisance, especially since it’s supposed to rain on the 4th, but our weather is so much better than what others are experiencing that I can’t complain.

    Heather – so sorry to hear that your potential new friend couldn’t make it; hopefully you can reschedule soon!

    Renny – I hope your back problems are resolved soon and that you can get back to doing some of the things you’ve not been able to do. Happy belated birthday!!!

    Katla – ugh, the dreaded virus….. I hate hearing that from the doctor. I hope you feel better soon!

    Carolyn – “if research showed that licking a dog's behind would make you lose weight, I'd buy a pooch” - thanks for that visual!

    Molly – that is great news about your DD; prayers are answered!

    Grandmallie – praying for your FIL and hoping that his sibs can take action to ensure his safety.


    Welcome to all the new posters! You've found a terrific group of women who will support you and cheer you on. Check in regularly and add your voice!

    I am down to one day in my countdown 'til my younger DD arrives! She stayed in Texas for the summer, taking summer classes and working on campus but was able to come home for a long weekend. She arrives tomorrow night at 11:30 PM - I'm surprising her by bringing her BFF from high school with me to the airport. They haven't seen each other since December so I'm sure there will be some screaming involved!

    Better get a move on and get the day started. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

    Sandy in drizzly, muggy central Ohio
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Molly:smile: Great news for your daughter and you too:flowerforyou: !!!

    Robin:smile: Yippee!!!! Congrats!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Katla:smile: Sure hope you start feeling better soon:flowerforyou: ! A very good friend of mine told me to brew a cup of chamomile tea and put two cloves in while it`s steeping, supposed to be good for sinus and allergy problems. When she first told me two cloves I thought she was talking about garlic cloves:blushing: :laugh: , glad I figured out it was the spice:laugh: .

    Sandy (Ohiomom):smile: What a nice surprise for your daughter!!!

    Welcome to everyone new! Please come in often an chat!!

    When I was talking about taking a break from logging, just meant that I wouldn`t log my food for a few days, just to give my brain a break. I have no intention of ever leaving this fabulous group, or giving up on my goal! I have a Dr. appt. on the 11th for a thyroid recheck, it was due last month:blushing: , I just didn`t have time to go in:frown: . I could very well need a little tweak in my dose. Thank you all for your support, it means so much to me:heart: !

    Have a glorious day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food! (yes, I will take my own advice:tongue: )

    DeeDee in cloudy, rainy NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele, sorry, I didn't understand about the IRS refunds....but I'll get in line for one and hold your place, too.

    Last Friday's sodium is finally starting to make its exit. It takes such a long time to get rid of it!

    We're supposed to have a stormy 4th in Atlanta, too. Plans are to go to a friend's home for cookout and fireworks, so I suspect it will be indoors. We'll play games or, since most are former members of the same choir, we might do some singing. We'll see!

    Welcome to all the new gals, encouragement to those of you struggling and prayers for all in need.

    Have a great day,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I'm bumping to find later.
  • DawnInVa
    DawnInVa Posts: 3
    Greetings from Richmond, Virginia! Just found this board, been on MFP for a while know, great to know there’s a place for us.

    Have a happy, safe 4th of July to those who are American and an all around great day to all other ladies!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Hi there Vit F friends!

    I was able to reschedule the shopping trip, so here's hoping!

    Kay - I've ordered some of your socks.

    Jodios - I've ordered some DEEP BLUE skinny jeans. It's quite a bright colour and I hope they fit! Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I didn't think our village was quite ready for red ones.

    Renny - I have a 10" Galaxy. I love it. When I first had it I got a headache trying to figure it out. My son helped a bit to get useful apps downloaded and on the front page.

    Katla - I just hate those sinuses. They seem to run in our family. My son had to repeat a university year because of them. Personally I think I would go back to the doctor if things don't improve quickly. Keep breathing the steam!!!

    Robin - great news on the job

    Molly - good news !:flowerforyou:

    Sandy - getting rid of big clothes feels soooooo good!:flowerforyou:

    Dodiemae - good job on the walking. Keep going!

    Suzy - the recipe I use for the ragu is a classic one from Elizabeth David. The special ingredient is chicken livers which gives it a rich taste. Also I do not use much tomato. The traditional one has none, but I like a little. I love bulk cooking!

    Heard yesterday that DH's DD's partner has lung cancer. We have never met him, but it is obviously a worry for DH as no one wants their child to have stress. Needless to say DH woke up early worrying this morning.:ohwell:

    Love to all
    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Started raining before I could get out and walk, so it's the mall or the treadmill today. My arm is felling a little better, but still not health. I have my next appt in 2 weeks.

    Amanda- stay safe and I will pray for a quick recovery.

    Robin- yippie new boss!

    Michele- sounds like Bryan is just trying to hurt you. I'm sorry, but I would not have gone and would have send $1., with a card, wishing them a happy life. Our youngest Charles, basically told his father he was stupid and didn't know what he was talking about. He took all his friends advice. It killed us, but we let him hit bottom, and I do mean bottom. He is now in the Marines and is eating crow, wishing he didn't say all those hurtful things. He finally realized he was wrong, and we didn't say I told you so. He is working to earn back our trust after all the lying he did. Hopefully Bryan will wise up, I'm praying for you. Kids are one of the hardest things we do in life, for some reason they don't understand that they can take or leave our advice, that its just that advice not an order, we only want the best for them..

    Welcome to all the newbies! Congrats to all the losers(weight that is):laugh: Boo hoo, to all the gainers:sad: (but it will be leaving with a little work). We can do this together!!!!:drinker:

    Tigress in GA
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, ladies!!

    Joyce and Michele...........my mom canned fruits, tomatoes, jelly, and what she called "end of the garden relish". My Aunt Mill canned almost the same thing and called it chow chow; this was in Pa. Couldn't ever find my mom's recipe but I got my aunt's from my cousin, cut it WAY, WAY down, and now make what I would call a marinated, or pickled, veg. salad whenever I want.

    Made it to 6am stretch class today!!!!.........supposed to go to a movie later, but that looks doubtful, then tai chi and yoga at 6pm. Best get busy with the stuff around the house.........

    Oh, got my first 2 ripe tomatoes yesterday!!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone – just got back from a walk – the rain managed to hold off, but whoo is it muggy! I had to take my car in to get the oil changed and ask them to look at the sun roof – the car only has 22k miles on it (3yo) and the sun roof started leaking – we discovered in the middle of a torrential downpour in NYC :grumble:. He said they can only blow out the drains, but I’m hoping that’s all it is – I mean, it sits in my garage most of the time and hardly gets used even when I am driving! Anyway, I’ve been lonely, and DH really wants me to high-tail it south, so I think I’m going to go ahead and take off tonight to NC instead of waiting til tomorrow afternoon. I can work from there if I still have stuff to do (which I kind of do, but I don’t feel any pressure since everyone else is out on PTO too). I didn’t sleep too well as I rarely do when I know I’m going to be traveling the next day. Am I being too stream-of-consciousness for you all today? :laugh:

    My NSV for the month: I bought a bikini yesterday. One I can even wear! It’s cute, red with a little ruffle around the waist and top (hides any extra tummy) and NO SKIRT! OK, I have a wrap to wear over it, but for just lying on the beach or playing in the water, it’s just a plain old bikini. I haven’t worn one since college. My other NSV: I had to throw out my last bikini (yes, I save clothes from high school/college) because it’s TOO BIG!!! Now we just need the rain to move on out so I can actually get some use out of it lol.

    Katla, hope you’re feeling better soon. Viruses are frustrating.

    Molly, sending good thoughts that your daughter gets positive news today. Sometimes weighing the options is the hard part – once the decision is made and a path forward is seen it becomes easier.

    Brooke, how are you?

    Pat, the fires are fearsome this year. My heart is breaking for the firefighters who were lost. My DD’s FIL is out at the fire camp in CO/NM right now – documenting the stories. Stay cool in the pool!

    CityJane, yay for bright colors! :drinker::flowerforyou: I have to say, I love my pinkish/coral skinny jeans I bought this spring – I wear them tucked in low green slouch boots with a top in a water-color floral print of greens and pinks – my new fav. My black section of the closet is shrinking along with my waist.

    Altygirl – when I lived in London I loved to go into Marks and Spencer. I loved a department store that had fancy foods AND nice clothes – truly one-stop shopping, and a few steps above Walmart :laugh:.

    Kathy, that’s an impressive workout! Did you do your entire week at once? :laugh:

    PeachState – I hadn’t heard that about sore muscles, but that would explain a lot for me this week as I just started back to regular weight/strength training in addition to the cardio. Interesting.

    Karla, isn’t menopause fun? The worst part is the exercising will help with the symptoms, but the symptoms make it hard to be motivated. Vicious cycle, that.

    Joyce, I wrote out a response to your comment on being sore, then remembered about the MS. Take care of yourself. You’re doing great. If someone is just resting on the equipment, don’t be afraid to ask them to move. They’re the ones who should be ashamed. I love your garden/canning memories.

    Sue in SD – I personally think magnesium is a wonder-vitamin, more so than D.

    Lorrain, realistic goals are good. However, thinking about HOW you’re going to lose them is a good thing: what your calorie count will look like, what kinds of exercise you’ll be doing, etc. Every little bit counts, including those 10lbs you’ve already lost! You’re doing great.

    Grandmallie, the situation with your FIL sounds really sad. I hope someone is able to help him.

    Robin – CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know it was time when you are referring to your manager in words that can’t/shouldn’t be spoken :laugh::drinker:.

    Dodiemae, welcome. Weight is crazy on your joints. After you’ve lost some, get a bag with that amount of weight: a 50lb bag of flour or a 60lb bag of animal food and try carrying it around. Good for both of you in turning this around.

    Yanniejannie, the elephant lift sounds exciting! Good luck.

    Meg, oh, your post. It made my heart stop. I’m so glad the paramedic will be OK. Actually, you don’t sound annoyed so much as taking charge. That’s a good thing. Wasn’t your builder a friend though? I hope your new builder is good. We’re going to have to hire one – I haven’t told DH but the wall in our basement under the new outdoor stairs is starting to move again (a crack appeared from the stamping of the dirt and then pushed some of the blocks out about a ¼ inch), probably from all of the rain. I don’t know if it’s an insurance issue or not, but I don’t think we’re going to get away with not repairing it. Ugh. I think that’s going to be our big vacation for the next year :frown:.

    Gail, good job on your goals! You’re doing great. I’ve been having a tough time with sodium too – I wonder if I up it subconsciously during the summer when I sweat more? Your plans for the 4th sound fun even if it does rain (which I hope it doesn’t as I’m making my first foray into your fair state tonight).

    Michele, your talking about Bryan makes me want to cry. He sounds so incredibly self-centered and, forgive me for saying, a jerk. I still say if you’re going to go, go with the intent of having a vacation and don’t make the wedding the focus of your trip. I think you’ll be happier that way.

    Theresa, my mom and son are in small(ish) mountain towns in CO too. I loved (hah – meant to say lived but like it better that way) in CO for 15+ years before relocating to the east coast. Now I’m in soggy PA as a result of my sister luring me here with bait of a single neighbor (I married him). Her name: Theresa.

    Sandy, you’re a better person than I am. I’ve been through every kind of weather imaginable and I still complain bitterly about the rain here. :laugh::grumble: Enjoy your time with your DD.

    DeeDee, hopefully the doctor will have some news that will help you get your thyroid in check. We would miss you more than your regular coffee group – stay with us!

    Heather, your new jeans sound fab! It’s a perfect transition color too. I’m sorry to hear about your SD’s partner. Lung cancer is rough.

    OK, off to get work done since I’m calling it a week early this week. I can’t wait to hit the road, but I’m really hoping the rain decides not to join me. I hate driving in the rain – and around here lately it’s been more than a sprinkle.


  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tuesday good news day!

    It doesn't matter what the good news is, just as long as we recognize something, anything, that we can call "good" about our journey here. It's important to remind ourselves of the changes we've made! Maybe you're new and have lost your first few pounds. Maybe you've cut down on sugar or you've learned to eat less pasta. Maybe you're fitting into smaller sizes and not covering yourselves up in black clothes anymore. (That was me, too, always in black, but no more!) Maybe you're able to walk 60 minutes instead of 45. All of these things are fantastic! Let's congratulate ourselves and put smiles on our faces! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I did weigh this morning and was pleased to see I was down a pound since a week ago. I'm smiling big. :bigsmile: Still up a couple from my lowest, but I'll get there. I might not have time for logging this week with Mom coming, but I'll try. And I might not have time to write much unless I get up at the crackadoodle and Mom's able to sleep in. Doubtful. :tongue:

    Anyway, chins up, march forward, move those buns! Just knowing we're all doing this together is very empowering! :flowerforyou: If I hear anything about Mariah I'll let you know.

    Great day to all.

    :smile: jb in wonderful summery Portland