

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well there found it today I haven't been here in so very long that I just couldn't find it. Thank you girls for sending me messages. But summer is getting in my way. Time spent at cottage and away fishing and all sorts of good things. I'm home today to get a well needed shower. And to pack the trailer to go to a country music festival for five six days. Should be fun. And i'm enjoying summer big time.

    Am I losing weight no but enjoying life the way I am. Refuse to let my weight get in my way anymore. I'm the way I am. Accept or step away from me. The people who I love and want in my life have accepted this is me. But have I accepted it yet not fully. I want to lose weight. But I want to live also. So that's my life in a nut shell.

    See you all lighter.

    Robin great news. Hope your job is what your looking for.

    As for everyone else be yourselves live for today. Tomorrow will come. Yesterday is gone.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning Gorgeous Gals! :happy:

    Feeling very lazy this morning but got to get myself off this couch and get moving. :yawn: Have to do fun stuff like take the car for an oil change. Surprisingly though, I'm not as sore as I thought I would be after all my exercise yesterday. Yay! Still working on rest of July goals. I don't want to set unrealistic ones esp. with DH's vacation next week. His DD is visiting from AZ the first half of the week and we're going to MO to see my DS and DDIL the 2nd half of the week. Planning a big bbq Sunday (rain, rain, stay away!!) with a lot of family members that don't know that she will be in town. Since we will be dealing with so much family next week (our blended families are not always so blended) hoping to stay in a hotel one night in the middle to unwind by ourselves and also break up the trip on the way to my sons. Ok, as my DH would say, I have to put a step in in! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Hugs, :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in sunny for now IL :drinker:
  • Alicia7519
    Alicia7519 Posts: 160

    I am starting all over again. In the past few months, I hit rock bottom. Too many "I'll eat what I want because I exercised day." Also, I have been going through some personal stuff that stresses me out and I have no self control when it comes to food.

    Goals for July

    Drink water
    Log on everyday
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I’m getting ready to “hit the road” to visit my parents with my youngest son; creating those family memories…it’s always fun to visit Grandma and Grandpa, while my DH stays home on the farm to care for everything. I’m not sure if I will have internet access.

    Hope everyone has a good week and a safe 4th of July!! :flowerforyou:

    Terri (from soon to be100+ degrees in Oregon)
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies –

    Well we just cannot shake the rain here on the east coast. Yesterday and today were cloudy and gloomy. With all that we still kept the awful humidity!! I will say that for the most part, my garden is loving all of this rain. I should be able to get some yellow squash tonight, my first harvest from the garden. I did get sometime of caterpillar that ate all of the cauliflower leaves, so they are a loss.

    Also, the 19 firefighters are on my mind. It is so tragic that so many young lives are lost in doing good for our country.

    :smile: Mwheatcraft – good for you in branching out in color and the purchase of your bikini!!!
    :smile: Robin – congratulations on getting that job, how exciting.
    :smile: Molly – that is wonderful news about your daughter, miracles do happen.
    :smile: Dodiemae – congratulations for finding this group, I’ve only been with them for a month, but what a great supportive group they are. Every step counts, good luck in your journey.
    :smile: Heather – thanks so much for the recipe, sounds devine!!!
    Yanniejannie – lucky you on your tomatoes, I think I’m still a couple of weeks off before I get mine.
    :smile: JB – congrats on being down 1lb.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!
    Be well,
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    have a question...how do you add a picture to your post? thank you
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Welcome Newbies! You join this group by posting, so you’re in. It is fun when people sign using their location. We have members for several countries.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Sorry to hear your DH’s DD’s significant other has lung cancer. I hope it is operable or otherwise treatable. Sending prayers for healing and support your family’s way. :flowerforyou: Congrats on the skinny jeans. :bigsmile:

    M: Wow! I love that you had to throw out your old bikini because it is too big. I also applaud you for buying a new one. :bigsmile:

    JB: Enjoy your mom time. It looks like a beautiful day today and seems to be cooling into the golden zone-70s to mid 80s. Congrats on being down a pound.:flowerforyou:

    Lin: It is great to see you here! I’ve missed your wit and wisdom. Enjoy the country music festival and stop back in whenever you can.:bigsmile:

    Terri from Oregon: Be safe and enjoy your travels.:flowerforyou:

    Just so you all know, I am NOT a fan of letting viruses run their course. :noway: Last night was horrible. :grumble: DH has moved into another room and I kept him up anyway.:frown: I went out and bought Mucinex this morning and we will see if it helps. It was recommended by the advice nurse yesterday but I was stubborn about getting some. Sometimes stubbornness works in our favor, (persistence), but not this time.:noway:

    Good wishes to everyone.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Well, according to my scale, I am down 2.6 lbs this week. That is a very good thing. But, my cynical & twisted brain says, "ya, but it's only because you've been sick". Sometimes I wish I had an off-switch so that part of my brain would just shut the heck up! So, I am just going to ignore that part and enjoy the fact that I lost weight this week! :laugh: :love: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Jb- Happy Tuesday to you, too! One of the best things about my journey is this board! You, Ladies, are all so supportive, and I really do believe that is a major factor in my success to date. Thank You! :flowerforyou:

    Lin- I love your attitude! Have a great time at the music festival- Dance a dance for me, please. :laugh

    Robin-:flowerforyou: :drinker: Congratulations on the job! What will you be doing now and does this mean you will never have to see shewhomustnotbenamed?

    Kathy- Have a great trip! I think feeling lazy right now is your mind's way of trying to rest up for the vacation- it knows you are going to be one tired puppy! :laugh:

    It sounds like a ton of people are headed out for vacations- Have fun! Be Safe! Take pictures! (ooops, that's a scrapbooker talking) Enjoy!

    Where do you all get the cute graphics for your posts, and how to you post them to your entries?

    I still haven't gotten myself back into a pool this week, I seem to still need lots of sleep. I don't know if that is a left over from feeling nasty or if it is a side effect of the extreme heat. All I know is that there doesn't seem to be any motivation to move towards the pool.

    My VBFF and I are going to go up to Tucson on 4th of July to Old Pueblo Traders because they are having a huge sale. I have promised myself that I will go and try on smaller sized pants. Like many of you, I think, I hate clothes shopping because I get so depressed when I look at the choices for my size. But, I promised I will try on pants!

    For today: I am going to stay away from the salty food (my fingers are bloated this morning), and I am going to eat some of those nasty leafy greens!

    Have a great day!
    Pat (Phoo)
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies. I just have time for a quick post. I did get to read your posts so I'm caught up with that.

    Robin: HAPPY DANCE...CONGRATS ON THE NEW JOB!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    M - a Red Bikini whoo hoo...what a great NSV!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Dee Dee: glad you are sticking with us:smile:

    Heather: love the the blue skinny jeans. will you post a picture for us when you get them.:drinker:

    I got these instructions from Carol/Cookie awhile ago on how to post pictures:

    Hosting the Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you coped earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ IMG ] http://i48.tinypic.com/qqebzq.jpg [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] http://i48.tinypic.com/qqebzq.jpg [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!

    If anyone can tell me how to post a photo I've already got on my computer I would love those instructions as well. Thanks!

    Safe travels to all hitting the road for the holiday. Enjoy your family and friends and remember to log everything and drink your water.

    Have a great day, Jodios :smile: :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I like this happy good news Tuesday idea! For me, I went to the gym today and was able to do a full circuit on all the machines at the weight settings I was using last fall. I haven't been to the gym since September!! I made it through the entire circuit, and still did some free weights sets using 10 pound weights!

    Made my day!!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele :flowerforyou: your situation has been on my mind. When you talk about you and your husband and the rest of your family here in the states it seems like you have a good life. Could it be that Brian is not leading that good life and doesn't want you to see it. He asked for the money that you would have spent on your tickets to the wedding. Did he need the money because his life is in shambles?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Love the idea of good news Tuesday! I guess mine would be that after gaining a couple of pounds on vacation, I got right back to healthy eating, exercising, and logging as soon as I got back home. I am not beating myself up over the few slips I had with my eating while gone. Life happens and what I do for a few days will not keep me from my journey to a healthier life. This is NOT how I would have felt a year ago.

    Lin C- So good to hear from you again. I have missed your posts!

    Deb in CNY
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I've just joined myfitnesspal, read your posts and would love to become a part of this group. My background is I am 53, very happily married, work full time and volunteer with an animal rescue group. I have lost and gained weight all of my life and really need to lose the extra now and keep it off. I love to be active but the weight (and age) is starting to hold me back. I am trying to follow a low carb lifestyle as I feel when I eat that way I feel the best.

    I belong to a gym at work though I seldom go. Always some excuse to stop me. I take a couple of yoga classes during the week which I enjoy.

    I look forward to talking with you all and taking this journey to a healthier lifestyle in your company.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,939 Member
    Howdy Ladies! Sorry I can't get on here more often (sorry for myself that is...) but I will post whenever I can. I can't believe we are only in day 2 of July and on page 5 already!! Well for my June Goals I met about 90% of what I set out to do. After looking at what I had for June, my July goals are:

    burn 200 cals a DAY
    25 jumping jacks a DAY
    try for 7,000 steps average a day (didn't quite make it in June but did up my average)
    continue the squat challenge and start it over (third time! Having fun with it!)
    Arm strength training 3 times a week
    Continue up the Hacker Diet Ladder (on rung 7 right now)
    Lose 4 pounds.

    How does that sound?

    Have a great evening gals!
    Rita from Tennessee.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I’ve been thinking about my June goals and want to add a few for July. I have a huge problem with sodium as I’ve stated here before.:embarassed: I do drink a lot of water which has me in the bathroom a lot flushing out the impurities in my system, but that number still remains high more often than not. I know the answer is to cut out processed foods, but I’ve even run into some ridiculously high sodium counts with home cooked foods. For example, DH made panko parmesan coated chicken thighs last night and when I entered it in the database, only one entry came up that matched what we had, and the sodium count was almost more than I am supposed to have for the entire day! I’m not sure how accurate it was, but I will say that my rings were a bit tight this morning, and the scale was up a little, so I’m guessing it was not far off.:ohwell:

    I spend a lot of time worrying about what I’m eating and thinking about food. :devil: I am trying to work on it, but plan to make it a goal for July.:smile:

    As far as exercise, I am happy to have added running outside to my TM and circuit routines, and I found that by changing things up, I am actually excited to get up and get going.:happy:

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each (Done)
    Consistent logging (90%)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (85%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy – NOT YET!

    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!:heart:

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I didn't post goals Yesterday but here are my goals for July!

    1) Make it to the gym at least 3 times a week.
    2) Get up and move around,even walking around the house to be moving!
    3) Post every day somewhere on the boards!

    I think it's doable!! LOL :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from the Y. It was very difficult to even start out my usual routine which is starting out on the bike. I usually do 2 miles without stop and then do either 1/2 or 1 mile encrements, whichever I can do on that day. Well today I wasn't even getting to the first mile without stopping. My arms were very weak also. I thought about just stopping and going home. But then I thought about weigh in day tomorrow. And I thought about The Biggest Loser and 'last chance workout'. That's what kept me going until I got my 6 miles in. Alsl I have a goal of doing the 6 miles in less than 40 minutes. By the time I was finished it was 40.45 minutes!!!!! Yeah!!!! I did my strength training and was able to finish everything I do every day. I was so proud of myself. I don't know if I can phsych myself out like that everytime I am struggling or not. I also looked on the internet and found a Silver Sneakers location where my daughter lives. i hope I will have the will power to go on Friday and Saturday.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues.Can`t beleive on pg 5 already on the 2nd of july.Love reading all the posts.
    Just got done with mamaogram and groc shopping.Making hubby some healthy muffins for work.
    Enjoy your day.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I know many of us wonder why we need to drink so much water. Just saw this on Women's Health and thought I'd share if anyone is interested:

    Adequate water intake is essential for all your body’s functions, and the more you drink, the better your chances of staying thin. In one University of Utah study, dieting participants who were instructed to drink two cups of water before each meal lost 30 percent more weight than their thirsty peers. And you can magnify the effect by adding ice. German researchers found that six cups of cold water a day could prompt a metabolic boost that incinerates 50 daily calories. That’s enough to shed five pounds a year!

    so drink your water!!! Jodios
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: Pat (Phoo), I get my cute graphics from glitter graphics

    you can search using key words and find all sort of cute stuff....
    once you find the one you want to post, click on it.
    the graphic will show up bigger with some codes below it
    click on the BB code and copy and paste it on your post.
    when you post your reply the graphic will show

    :heart: :bigsmile: Jodios, thank you for posting directions about pictures.....I know how to do it, but not how to explain it;
