How does anyone actually commit to this?



  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    Honestly nobody can help you. If you don't want this bad enough yet all the encouragement and motivation in the world won't make you do it. Sorry you have to do this all by yourself and when you are truly ready the commitment and motivation will come.
    Good luck.

    Agree. I just decided what choice to I have? I'm either going to do it or I'm not and if not now, when?
  • The first time I lost 50 lbs, I did it because my entire household was doing it as well.

    I'm able to do it now (so far) because I know that it's my only choice at a happy life.

    I started with little self control exercises. Like for instance, I went 3 weeks without diet soda in the beginning of the year just to see if I could. And you know what? It was easy!!!
    Just tell yourself you have no choice. Make a video telling yourself to not skip your workout or overeat. Find what works for you!
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    When you're truly ready to change your lifestyle and your relationship with food and your body, the motivation will appear. It comes from the inside, not the outside. That said, you seem to be moving in the right direction. When I joined MFP, it became a game to me to get the maximum volume of food for the minimum number of calories that fit the eating plan. The site is a real help with that! I found all kinds of substitutions and workarounds, and was never HONGRY. I was able to eat several small meals and stay satisfied. You can probably do something like that too. In the meantime, I'd hang onto those smaller clothes -- you may be needing them sooner than you think! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Here's the thing. You're going to commit to something. If you delete your MFP account, stop worrying about what you eat, stop exercising, and throw away your skinny clothes that's committing. Committing to staying fat. We often delude ourselves and say that we didn't make a choice but choosing to do nothing (or to do the wrong thing) is a choice just like counting calories and running 20 miles a week is a choice.

    Make a conscience decision about what you want to commit to.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Here's the thing. You're going to commit to something. If you delete your MFP account, stop worrying about what you eat, stop exercising, and throw away your skinny clothes that's committing. Committing to staying fat. We often delude ourselves and say that we didn't make a choice but choosing to do nothing (or to do the wrong thing) is a choice just like counting calories and running 20 miles a week is a choice.

    Make a conscience decision about what you want to commit to.

    I'm going to go ahead and say that I don't think Dav is saying you need to run 20 miles a week to lose weight. So no one go all nuclear about that statement, please.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    sounds to me like you and the boyfriend need a checkup on supporting each other in each others' intentions. you're probably reacting to his sarcasm. Try ' Love and Respect' book or DVD and fix this relationship. he should be supporting you! for guys, joking and sarcasm is part of the male bonding ritual crap that we males are heir to but it's not appropriate for women. they don't 'get' it and shouldn't have to so bring him around to that (and yourself) and you'll be ok. this relationship is more important to you than perhaps you realize. Where's the ring?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    I keep things like this as my background image. I boot up my computer and see these pictures. When I don't want to get off mfp and sweat I minimize and look at ladies like this and ask myself "Is that really what I want?"

    The answer is always yes, so I always get my *kitten* up.

    Your mileage may vary.
  • schmern2
    schmern2 Posts: 5
    This happened to me a year ago and I have been solidly dedicated to my plan. It gets easier because the exercise gets easier (even as it gets more rigorous), The stomach shrinks. The cravings go away. As you start to have success, you start to crave the success and feel great and want to feel even better. Success breeds success so just go into this with blind faith and keep at, make healthy choices and know you will have a bad day here and there but eventually when you get into your groove I wish I would have known all these years that this happens. I don't know if this what people who are addicted to substances call "hitting bottom" but I guess I hit it and the pieces fell into place. I keep thinking how a gallon of milk is 8lbs. So when I go hiking or biking or just grocery shopping I am carrying those gallons in my person. No wonder I wasn't motivated to move. I have dropped 7 gallons of milk and still have 9 more to go but I already feel amazing every day. Thinking of how heavy that is motivates me to keep going. Here is to one more year!
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    You HAVE TO WANT this more than gaining it back. I talked myself into more dessert or a 2nd beer for years, "Yea! I AM a big guy. I lift heavy. I can have a 2nd steak." RIGHT.

    I want to loose 40 lbs before my 60th next January, so I finally made getting lean more important than free cake and ice cream at the office potluck.

    I want this last 15 lbs off more than gaining it all back.

    It's all up to you now.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    My boyfriend is amazing but he can be a butthead sometimes and told me last night we should just throw away the clothes I wore at my lowest weight because it's not like I'm going to fit into them again anyways.
    I've found that people betting against me is very motivating. I know people who've been waiting for me to gain weight back for months. I've been on maintenance well over a year now. They lose.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    Maybe don't do it for the clothes. Do it to live longer, do it to feel better in your skin, so it so you can go anywhere and do anything without getting too winded (that's my big thing, i don't want to be the fat chick waddling up to the climbing wall and having everyone stare, but i want to climb the freaking wall!)

    If you think of it as a diet, you'll likely fail. If you make livable changes to your lifestyle, there's nowhere but up to go!

    I do best if i think in terms of fitness. I pulled a bike trailer up a super nasty hill, there was a couple of bylaw bike cops at the top, and they had walked up! and they ride bikes all day!!! That is what I'm working for. Eat a little better every day, plan some splurges so you can keep your sanity, figure out why you are eating so badly in the first place (is it boredom, depression, habit, etc) and work on it!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Do you really WANT to lose weight and get healthier? If yes, then you'll commit. If you don't want to, then you won't. The choice is yours. Period.
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    That was a rude comment that he said to you. Joke or not... not cool. Please don't give up. Add me, look at my diary and others' diaries. Get advice, seek motivation. We are all here for you. That is what this group is for.

    But most of all, YOU need to do this on your own. It is all on you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's not that hard...unless you consider diet to be severe calorie restriction and completely abstaining from things you enjoy and have an unhealthy relationship and misunderstanding of dietary fat...then it's a ***** and pretty much impossible. But really, it's pretty damned easy when you...

    eat a lot of this..


    and a lot of this...


    and let's not forget this...


    and eat a lot less of this...


    while occasionally indulging in a little of this...


    all the while gettin' some of this...


    and this...


    and don't forget this...


    and never, ever, ever forget this...


    Good Livin' visualized....go get some!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Honestly nobody can help you. If you don't want this bad enough yet all the encouragement and motivation in the world won't make you do it. Sorry you have to do this all by yourself and when you are truly ready the commitment and motivation will come.
    Good luck.

    She is asking how to change her mindset. It can be done. We all have had those moments when we look in the mirror and say, "Hey, you! What the hell are you doing? Why do you keep doing this to yourself?"

    Then sometimes, all of the sudden, we have a burst of inner strength that seems to come out of nowhere and we accomplish what we would have previously thought impossible. The real question is: How to consistently tap that inner strength? Ultimately, it comes down to practice. You also must be willing to forgive yourself should that inner strength fail. Think of building that inner strength like building physical strength. At first you can only do so much. But after a while, you become stronger. So long as you keep working at building up that inner strength, you will get better.

    The human body is a marvel. Some people have trained themselves to hold their breath for 15 minutes or more. Some people have learned how to memorize a string of numbers 10,000 digits long (normal people, not just Rainman types). A man with no legs won a gold metal in the ParaOlympics (ok, then he murdered his girlfriend, but still...).
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Do or do not.... There is no try
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Throw away the clothes. It doesn't sound like you're ready. Anyways when you are you will be excited and feel like you deserve brand new clothes that are in style at the moment, and you'll be right you do! It's okay if you're still knocking things around in your head right now? Getting your ducks in a row. Use that time to research on this site all the methods people use and hone in on the best ones so when your motivation kicks in you can hit the ground running. Meantime with no skinny clothes to look at husband will have nothing to talk *kitten* about and your house will have room for all the things you'll need once you get started. Workout gear or wear or whatnot. The past is the past. The future is what you make it and you'll be ready when you're ready and when that time comes nobody or no comment will stop you. Nothing will.

    If I were trying to get my head on straight to start something I'd be on google looking at motivational gif's. Something might resonate with you and get you going. Also old pic's of yourself as thin, makes it beleivable. Also there's a site where you can put in all stats like height weight body shape and real people have posted their pic's. This is a great way to see yourself from the outside to get perspective on what you actually look like now. That "Oh man" moment might be the impetus for getting started. You can do it. Just get started. you-dont-have-to-see-whole-staircase.jpg
  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    Honestly nobody can help you. If you don't want this bad enough yet all the encouragement and motivation in the world won't make you do it. Sorry you have to do this all by yourself and when you are truly ready the commitment and motivation will come.
    Good luck.

    This! Also, if you form some sort of goals and a plan on how to reach those goals it will be more motivating to get out there every day.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    You can force yourself if and only if you get to a point where you have had enough with yourself. If you are content the way you are then thats that. My motivation is to simply look and feel better and to wear size 32 jeans and have abs :)
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    In the beginning you pretty much just have to want it badly enough to suck it up and do it. Over time it gets easier and your healthy body becomes its own reward.