

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Meg, we really have been having a LOT of rain and it is expected to continue on through the week, too. There are mushrooms growing out of the mulch in the backyard! I'm agree, too, on doing too much for kids. We told ours that when they finished HS they would need to work and go to school in some combination, join the military, or leave the household. Now, mind you, I am all over helping them when warranted -- like during our oldest DS's health issues and required recovery. Parenting is NOT easy, and often not fun.

    Going back to the office tomorrow and I have to say I didn't accomplish anything of import in my 5 days off. Now it feels a bit wasted, yet we didn't have a need to paint anything, plant anything or otherwise be productive. I did sleep in a good bit.

    DH fixed dinner tonight: grilled salmon, steamed green beans, roasted cauliflower and more of the stuffed eggplant. Delicious and there are calories left for some frozen yogurt.

    Nice to see some familiar names/folks who have been absent for a bit -- welcome back!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening Vit. F friends! It is steamy, hot and humid here! Hoping it cools down soon or I may just melt! This is NOT my favorite weather.

    Just got back from 4 wonderful days camping with my stepson, his wife, and two children. The camp grounds were beautiful, kayaking was great, and company was awesome!! They are doing such a nice job raising the kids. GD is going into 9th grade and is so poised and intelligent. She is sweet, great with her little brother, and also has a great sense of humor. GS is going into kindergarten and full of energy. He absolutely adores his pop pop (DH). He has tons of energy and a great sense of humor also.
    We enjoyed kayaking, a trip through Boldt Castle, and go-carting. I promised GD a castle on the water if I win the mega-millions lottery and totally amazed (okay- really amused) all with my go-cart driving. I was flying around the tract with the wind in whipping through my hair and bugs hitting my teeth. I got to the finish line to hear cheers of the crowd for my awesome driving skills. Okay- actually I think I could feel a little breeze ruffling up my hair and the cheers of the crowd were really peals of laughter from my family as I slowly putted my way around the track. The bugs WERE hitting my teeth though! I think I had a defective cart! The whole trip was very relaxing and rejuvenating.

    So much has gone on with this board during my two mini vacations that I just can't catch up so I apologize for not responding to all.

    Michele: Your pool pics are beautiful! You have certainly been working hard on it. Hope you get lots of time to enjoy it. It sounds like things may be improving with your son. I wish you all of the best at the wedding.

    Meg- I have had several sleepless nights in a row while we were camping. DH uses a CPap and we didn't have electricity. He had set up an inverter so he could run it off the battery of the camper, but the battery wouldn't hold a charge. Between being kept awake by his snoring and worrying that he may not be breathing when he wasn't snoring, I spent most of the nights reading and doing sudukos. Needless to say the camper is going in for some repairs before we take it out again. We bought it used at the end of the season and only used it once last year. This was our first time using it this summer. The heat and humidity make me very lethargic. We have lived in our house for 23 years and this is the first summer we have had any squirrels bother the bird feeders. We haven't figured out how to stop them from emptying them out.

    Lila- Good to see you post again. I have a golden retriever that thinks my sole purpose in life is to play with him. When I get on the floor to exercise, he "helps" He has also taught the cat to help. I end up laughing so hard that workouts are usually not terribly efficient.

    Barbie- Your fur babies' pictures are so adorable!! I hope to attain the same level approach as you follow in getting healthier. I have come a long way in the last two years, but still have more to learn and bad habits to conquer. You are very inspirational!

    Heather- You look fabulous in your skinny jeans!!

    Hope everyone has a great evening. A strong storm has just started, so I had better get off the computer!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hello again, needed to jump on and update my food diary. Today's been a good one, I think embracing a small steps rather than big picture attitude has helped. :happy:

    Tomorrow morning I'll be interviewing for a teaching position, .5 reading & math interventionist. I hear that sometimes 2 elementary schools "share" an interventionist as a way to cut their budgets. It's a little crazy though, I've substitute taught in most of the schools in this district and no school uses the position the same way. Should be interesting, I hope. I've got the math covered, degree, etc. and I know their reading curriculum for every grade. Anyone who wants to cross fingers along with me, feel free :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marcie, your Charley Cooper is darling and spoiled in different ways from the way we spoil Brandy and Sasha. Dogs are the most satisfying children. You have some super challenges to your eating and trial and error will probably be your friend as you create a food plan. Fat is necessary for health so eating fat free is probably not a good choice and if you’re looking for ways to add calories and can’t have nuts, then oil is a good place to start. The amounts for protein and sugar on MFP are not the only choices. Do some reading and reset the amounts based on what you learn…….sugar from real fruit is good……sugar added to processed foods is not.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, what fun to have an extra dog for awhile

    :bigsmile: Renny, congratulations on your new granddaughter.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, when we were RVing and went to really hot places, sometimes we had to carry the dogs from the RV to the grassy area for dog walking because the pavement was too hot.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, glad you are feeling better…..sleep is a great healer.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, your DH gets many gold stars for that great meal he prepared….he is certainly a keeper.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, thank you for your kind words……everything I do today, I learned a little at a time and took baby steps to new behaviours. Your dog sounds wonderful and helpful.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, I wish you the best on your interview.

    :bigsmile: We had another beautiful day today. I slept later than usual, walked the dogs longer than usual while it was still cool, worked on my flower bed project, then after lunch we saw a play at the local theatre…very well done…..came home to more dog walking and finished doing the weekly laundry….then off to bed early.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington


    July Resolutions:
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *continue with the squat challenge
    * a plank a day
    *18,000 steps a day
    *don’t take things personally
    *don’t expect praise or recognition
    *keep doing the things that have been working
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Marcie - if the choice to me were fat free or low fat, I would go with low fat. Fat free to me means the item is not natural, it was made in a laboratory. Low fat isn't the greatest (to me) but it's better than fat free. Also, if a food is fat free, that usually means that it's higher in sugar or sodium. As for your sugar dilemma - MFP lumps all sugars together, added sugars AND natural sugars. That's probably why your sugar number is high. Most of your sugars should be natural sugars. MFP gives you a low protein amount so, of course, it'll appear that you're high. In reality, you're probably OK

    katla - my daughter took a break from college. She went to college right out of high school, I think because everyone else was doing it. Failed out and took a few years off. The she went back, it seemed that she was very willing to do the work, got good grades. Well, now the grades aren't so good. Does she want to get a degree? Unfortunately, at this age, it's very hard for them to see the future, that there really isn't much of a future with just a high school diploma. Vince went to college right out of high school, then dropped out for a year. When he went back he was more than ready to get his degree.

    Meg : regarding the grief counseling, I think I'm just going to wait to see how all this plays out at the wedding. Bryan actually sent me ANOTHER email saying that he's going to be at the house they're renting setting up, etc. on Thurs and maybe Greg (a friend of his from high school) and us can meet at the same time. In a way, I would sort-of like to meet with Dianna alone, but I understand that it's not really possible. Maybe now Bryan feels somewhat "relieved", I don't really know. I think Denise not getting a college education bothers Vince more than it does me. My feelinig is "she's making her bed, she'll have to lie in it". It seems that a few weeks ago she and Pete had an argument and he told her he was moving out. She was pretty upset. Evidentally, they're back together (she told Jessica that they "worked it out". To me, it's not a good sign when you have an argument and the person is going to leave).

    It's humid here, too. It's usually not humid around here, but today it is. The door from the house to the enclosed porch is sticking (the wood is swollen)

    Had Ken & Lynette over tonight. Lynette wanted to go in the pool, didn't get there. I made two chickens, the beer can chickens. I figure I'd give them some leftover chicken and I can freeze the rest. I made beets, wasn't sure how many would be eaten (not many) so I'll freeze the rest. Had baked potatoes, gave them 2 and I'll freeze one for us. Made coleslaw, saved enough for Vince for dinner tomorrow night and gave them the rest. Cut up cucumbers and gave them the leftovers. I have some for tomorrow. Had tomatoes, kept some for me for tomorrow and gave them the rest. Made a banana chocolate cake, that can be frozen but I still gave some to them. Also made a luau cake for Ken and gave the rest of it to them. Also made London Broil, gave the leftovers to them and froze the rest (thank goodness for that freezer!)

    Deb - when are you joining NASCAR????

    Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then a Jari Love Slim & Lean DVD. We have an appointment at 9:30 which is why I'm not taking the extremepump class.

    janie - good luck on the interview

    barbie - your advice to Marcie is so wise,

    Yet ANOTHER rainy day.

    Michele in NC
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Bump, de bump,bumpity,bump!

    Hi lovely ladies!
    Both carpal tunel surgerys done now.Time for physical therapy and getting back to work, as soon as I can.

    Tuesday is court day to get the money they have not paid me since May 8th,13.Workmans comp is the worst system for the injured worker.

    Prayers for this tuesday afternoon. The judge is a female,so praying she will do what is right.

    I hope to be back to my motivational level after this financial stress is over.

    I will keep you posted!
    Be blessed,Linda S:wink::flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just another quickie

    :drinker: :drinker: Race for life completed in blazing sunshine yesterday, the two little ones did very well and the younger 2 year old walked further than the 4 year old :huh: :bigsmile: It was fun but so hot, we are not used to this heat, having been a poor summer up to now.

    :frown: Back to earth with a bang now, having to get ready for work so I need to get back into the routine. No more leisurely mornings for me on the computer etc at least I have something to look forward to, I'm going on another little holiday with mum and dad at the end of July. :glasses: :glasses: :drinker:

    Well time is getting on and even though I've got a bit of a groin strain, (too much body combat exercise trying to do "kicks" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ) I'm going to do a Rosemary Connoly DVD with weights this morning.

    :noway: You know that photograph that makes you think twice and really motivates you to lose weight. Well I saw a photo of myself from the Race yesterday - I knew I'd put on a bit of weight, but that photo made me look horrible. So now a new determined me is starting the week, so please send plenty of willpower to me.

    PS thanks to the few who said I should get checked out at the Doctors, I'll get myself an appointment to have my bloods checked to make sure my thyroid is working as it should. Should have thought of that myself :embarassed:

    Looks as if it will be a bit cooler today thank goodness

    Have a great day everyone :heart:

    Viv York UK :heart:
  • MaMa2Charley
    :flowerforyou: Thank you so much for the information and it really set my mind at ease.
    The doctor (ER) told me that meat has fiber threads that can wrap around the tip of the appendix and therefore cause a problem. I have asked my regular doc from time to time if I can have meat and she tells me I can have a pork chop once a year! I have not and will not take the chance again!

    This is an amazing group of ladies. How nice it is to have a place to call home.

    I was still under my calories so I had 2 small butterfingers (what was I really thinking! I could have found something better and next time I will) and it put me over on calories! Learning as I go.

    Dieting is not new to me nor is losing weight. I have kept 45 pounds off since 2011 but eating heathy and being aware what is in foods and on labels is new.

    I love to learn new things as it keeps my mind active and I store info like a chipmunk stores nuts!

    As I have more time I will comment on more things that you all write.

    Wishing all of you a happy and healthy day.

    Marcie in still HOT CO :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi ladies,

    NSV this morning. Half an inch off both waist and hips! That's great as the scales are slow these days.

    Also I have found since the weight has dropped I do not need to wear my lymphodema sleeve all the time. That is great in this hot weather. Meg - it was 84 here yesterday. Not hot by Colorado standards, but hot enough for us ! It also means a lot of watering the veg patch. However, I do try to think of it now as exercise and calories burned instead of just a chore. :laugh:

    Well done Viv on the race. It makes me think I should be signing up for something. I have always used my knee as an excuse, but I know I can 'jalk' 5k round the lanes so I should be able to do it for charity. No running though.

    I am having a second go at meeting my new potential friend this morning. I have some hot weather pjs I want to purchase and maybe some navy eye shadow!:blushing: Today I realised (TMI) that I was actually sitting up in bed eating breakfast with no clothes on. No way would I have done that a year ago. Had to cover up the fat.:ohwell: I guess that's another NSV!

    See you later folks,

    Heather in HOT Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    well I gained 2 1/2 lbs eating all that junk yesterday.. I was so close tot the 40lb mark... oh well. lesson learned:grumble: we were out in the hot sun yesterday afternoon,I went into the pool for a little bit,the water temp was 90:noway: and then proceeded to chow down..
    I made the mistake.. I own it and now time to keep on truckin.. the heat and sun sorta did me in yesterday,and I did go to the gym earlier yestrday.. just feeling whipped out ,so will lay low today and go to work, and start up tomorrow a.m.
    sounds like everyone enjoyed there weekend:bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Forgot to post yesterday:blushing: . Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!

    Lila:smile: Nice to see your post! I laughed about the 3 dogs on top:laugh: , everytime I get on the floor Noel jumps on top of me, I`m grateful she`s only 13 pounds:tongue: !

    Michele:smile: Sounds like good news from Bryan:flowerforyou: !!! We had almost 5 inches of rain last night:noway: , they say rain the rest of the week too:sad: !

    Viv:smile: Congrats on the race:flowerforyou: !!! Sending you willpower!!! You can do it!!! Get the appt. to get your thyroid checked!! I`m having mine checked on Thrusday:bigsmile: !

    Marcie:smile: Wow, sounds like a challenge for eating, what does your diet usually consist of? Lots of veggies, do you eat tofu, beans, cheese and eggs for your protein? Can you have your appendix taken out, would that "cure" the eating dilemma? Sorry for all the questions:blushing: , of course you don`t have to answer any of it if you don`t want to! I`m just curious.

    Heather:smile: Eating breakfast in bed naked:blushing: :laugh: , love it, I say do all the things you would have never done before and enjoy every second of it! Congrats on the inches lost! Hope your shopping trip is fun and productive!!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Don`t go near a scale after a pig out:noway: :noway: ! You more than likely are just retaining water, one day of going over is not going to make you 2 pounds up. Drink lots of water today:drinker: and get back on your plan. Sometimes it takes a few days to get rid of all the sodium:sad: !

    Linda:smile: Good to see you posting again! Prayers and hugs for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Time for me to get off my behind and get this day going, the long weekend is over:sad: , it`s back to reality now:ohwell: !
    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee floating away in rainy, stormy NC (17 days of rain:sad: )
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning neighbors and New Neighbors :happy:
    I dropped in for a quick visit as I have a miserable cough and cold I caught while staying with my DH in the hospital..:sick: ....he went in around 5am Wednesday morn....dr saw him around 5:30am...after blood tests and other tests they finally figured out Friday morning that when they took his gallbladder out in February...they didn't get them all..:noway: ..1 was stuck in a duct to his liver..he was pretty yellow...they went in with a scope and scooped not 1 but 2 out of his duct...no wonder his pain level was so high...and he was awake for the whole procedure...the meds they gave him did not knock him out...the nurse in there with him asked after he came out how high the pain level ...fr 1 to 10...during the scope and he told them 9...anyhow he got out Saturday morning
    He also spent his birthday in there....and I got a gift while in there...this %$^& cold & cough
    I really hope you are all doing well..losing some LBS..and drinking lots of water..I am still working on both :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: Take care All!!!!

    Liz fr (hot hot) Halifax NS
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning friends. I'm feeling a little better and have an appointment at the physical therapy place today. They operate a health club along with their physical therapy and DH and I are joining. He's saving some of his PT benefits for fall because he is anticipating the lower light levels aggravating his MS symptoms. He'll be able to practice all his skills with the equipment he's accustomed to. I'm jazzed about that. I need a meeting with the physical therapist before I can join, and that is what I'll be doing today. He'll be designing a workout for me, and I"m looking forward to learning something new.

    Katla, still coughing but not green stuff, in NW Oregon
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning ladies. I love reading everyone's posts and seeing such support for one another. I belong to a WW board and have grown very fond of those ladies. Most of us are 50+ but a few aren't. I have to tell you it's frustrating when you have to work so hard to lose a few pounds and a 30 year old drops so much weight so quickly. But I'm not bitter! :wink:

    Heather - Both of those low cal options are great. Another variety with cauli is to roast it first, then mash it up/puree it, and stir in a little pesto. I miss the "feel" of mashed potatoes and this is a great alternative.

    Michele - so sorry again for the challenges with your children. I don't know the background to your son's situation but I can tell it's making you very sad.

    A week from today I will be flying home to England. The weather there looks wonderful .... right up until the day after I get there, then it's rain where my parents live.:cry: (I love these little smiley faces).

    That's all for now. Still learning who's who and still enjoying the support and humour.

    Helen in humid, cloudy Needham, MA
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Made it through the weekend and didn't do any damage on my weight even though I did go over on Sunday. Weekends are the hardest for me because it is less structured than the work days and it seems every event or outing is centered around food. During the week, I pack my breakfast, snack and lunch so I have better control.

    Weather is so hot here in Maryland so I haven't done much outside. Was hoping to get some kayaking in and take the dogs for walks in the park. Maybe by the end of the week things will cool down some.

    I have a question, I've been reading the posts and try as I might I can't seem to figure out what NSV stands for. Sounds like it's something good but can someone help? New S... Victory? Am I even close? :smile:

    Tina in MD
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tina.............NSV= non-scale victory.........like clothes that fit better,etc.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tina.............NSV= non-scale victory.........like clothes that fit better,etc.

    Sorry about the double post----computer is possessed this am..........
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.was planning on swimming today as the weatherman said slight change of rain,he should see all the rain.
    Looks like indoor activities.
    Enjoy your day!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies. I have another one of those run, run, run days. I'm way behind on all your posts. Just wanted to let you all know I'm thinking about you.

    Last night was "cooking school" for my DD and her best friend. We had Cooking Light Flounder with panko herb crust, roasted cherry tomatos and Fresh Rainer Cherry Galette. So yummy. They want to learn to cook French food next. That will be a challenge to keep light. :laugh: :wink: :noway:

    Everyone have a great day, Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    An update - my outing with my friend went well. I bought some very sassy chintz pyjama shorts with a pink frill :noway: and some navy eye shadow that I spilt all over my face ! My friend bought a night dress and a shirt. So all good. We have confirmed we would like to do it again in our cathedral city and have a fish lunch.
    Supper tonight was tuna steak cooked a la Gordon Ramsay. Do you know him ? A TV chef. You turn the steak over in soy sauce, spread wasabi over both sides and press sesame seeds over both sides. Then flash fry, keeping the centre raw. Yum.:laugh: Had it with the last of the English asparagus. Delish or what?

    Linda - good luck with healing on your op. Hope you get your compensation. Must be a lot of stress.

    We have just heard that my DH's ex DMIL died today. She was taken in to hospital after a fall and died suddenly. Her son was a bit distraught when he rang so we don't know all the details. She was in her 80s, but living alone and healthy. She came down for a three day visit last autumn and had a great time with us. DH feels it because she was a rock to him when his partner died of breast cancer and he had a breakdown. She moved in with him and looked after him although she was the bereaved mother. A real rock, brought up in an orphanage. At least she didn't suffer. It sounds a bit hard hearted, but I would prefer it to the lingering that so many of your parents are going through. I certainly hope I will be blessed with a quick exit.

    Brighter news. Some of you have evinced an interest in my face exercises. I have done them every day since March and I think they have had an effect. I notice it most on the nose to mouth lines. Definitely flattened and lifted. So worth doing and I will carry on. I was very sceptical, but am a convert !

    Love to all and stay safe. Such terrible news from Canada. In the midst of life . . . .

    Heather in Hampshire UK