Getting teased for training

I thought it would give me motivation and support to "go public" with my upcoming 5k in September. I'm doing the couch to 5k running program and I'm on week 4. I'm starting to notice that I'm getting faster and have more endurance, so I'm getting excited for what my race time will be. There's a co-worker who consistently teases me for training for a 5k. I've told him time and time again that I haven't run regularly in over a year and don't want to hurt myself. He just scoffs and tells me he could run a 5k in under 30 minutes with no preparation. It's very discouraging. Have any of you been in a similar situation? If so, any pointers on what I can say/do in this situation? Any advice on what I can do to stay motivated despite the snarky comments from this negative nancy?


  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Who cares what they say. You are doing this for yourself.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Tell him to put up or shut up.....

    He's obviously a loser who can only feel better trying to put others down. Offer to pay the entry fee for him and watch him weasel his way out......
  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    my best friend ran cross country and track in high school and college. Ive always been overweight where he has lived in the gym and couldnt gain a 1lb of fat if he tried. He knows i cant run well at all but he actually will give me help and support. I actually use him for motivation as well but it is a def thorn in my side knowing how hard I have to work to do something he can do in his sleep. Stay on track and stay positive. I ran my first 5k this year (mud zombie run) which wasnt timed and it actually only took me about 40 minutes which i was extremely proud of.

    Stay positive, stay focused, and ignore any negativity. You are doing this for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Just smile sweetly and say "How nice for you. I'm not you." Then go on with your life. He's not worth worrying about.
  • ashleybohman
    ashleybohman Posts: 15 Member
    He can't be happy for you? What a jerk. Ignore him and just don't eventalk to him about your training. Good for you for trying to do something that's not easy.
  • SidsMom80
    SidsMom80 Posts: 97 Member
    Tell him to put up or shut up.....

    He's obviously a loser who can only feel better trying to put others down. Offer to pay the entry fee for him and watch him weasel his way out......

    Love this idea! I had a coworker who was a CONSTANT one upper, and put down others efforts. When iI finally "challenged" him he quickly made excuses and least around me.
  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    Tell him to "put up or shut up ". In other words if he's so sure he can do it, challenge him. In the meantime, you are doing this for yourself, not him! And you're doing it correctly. Keep in mind that this is for your benefit.
  • TheCrazyCatGirl
    If he is so sure he can do it, make him prove it. He's an idiot
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    Your fat "friends" do not want you thin

    Your drunk "friends" do not want you sober

    Your slow "friends" do not want you fast

    Cutting people down is way easier than bringing yourself up. This is what's going on, nothing more, nothing less. Two options:

    1. Use it for fuel

    2. Ignore and proceed
  • eroc71
    eroc71 Posts: 5 Member
    Bring him a sign up form for your race and tell him that you are targeting sub 30 and you were hoping he could be your pacer.

    I agree that this guy isn't worth your time but at some point enough is enough.
  • ntjelmeland
    ntjelmeland Posts: 24 Member
    Tell him to put up or shut up.....

    He's obviously a loser who can only feel better trying to put others down. Offer to pay the entry fee for him and watch him weasel his way out......

    I love the idea! He's definitely a one-upper. We'll see if he's got the kahones to actually follow through.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member

    I am intimately familiar with people who one up. I know someone who, if I tell her I ran five miles in 45 minutes they would tell me they did 10 in that amount of time. Or if I tell them my personal best with lifting they have one that's better. I can't win with them and in all honesty I have stopped trying.

    I agree with the person who said that you should tell them to put up or shut up. People like that only do it because they know it gets to you and it makes them feel better.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    1. He's obviously insecure about himself.
    2. He may be socially inept at encouraging other people.

    But either way, don't make this about him. Make it about you. (Remember, it's all about me, deal with it!) There's one in every crowd so don't empower him. I'm so proud of you for your hard work and effort. I'm not yet to the point where I can run but I'm walking 4-5 miles or biking 8.5 - 9.5 miles a day, everyday. Take pride in what you've accomplished and have lots of pictures taken for us at the 5K. I know I'd love to see you cross the finish line!!!!!
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Take a stopwatch to work tomorrow and tell him you'll time his 5K at lunch. Bullies don't react well to being called on their crap and you shouldn't take it. Part of being physically strong includes being mentally strong and not just when it comes to snacks IMHO.
  • JuliaLee67
    JuliaLee67 Posts: 149
    Offer to pay the entry fee for him and watch him weasel his way out......

    yes, THIS!
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Yep. I get it all the time. Misery loves company. They are envious of what you're doing because they want to do it as well.

    Keep smiling, shining, working hard, and staying positive. People WILL flock and join you eventually. If they don't, maybe it's time to take a step back from these negative people. I did and I couldn't be happier :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the fact that you are posting a thread about him means that he is already in your head, and has won ..

    I would challenge him and say OK ..this Saturday you and me are going to run a 5k and lets see who finishes with best time..

    either that or just ignore his lame *kitten*
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    The guy is a are doing this the RIGHT way.. training to avoid injury and maintain pace. Sure he probably could do it with out prep... but at what cost??.. hang in there... training the right way means keeps you save and allows you to progress...
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Your fat "friends" do not want you thin

    Your drunk "friends" do not want you sober

    Your slow "friends" do not want you fast

    Cutting people down is way easier than bringing yourself up. This is what's going on, nothing more, nothing less. Two options:

    1. Use it for fuel

    2. Ignore and proceed

  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Tell him to put up or shut up.....

    He's obviously a loser who can only feel better trying to put others down. Offer to pay the entry fee for him and watch him weasel his way out......
