You know you're a Geek when.......



  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I Just like to run over the hookers. lmao

    You see in ANY other thread, that would get you some serious attention!! haha!!!

    I let them do their business and then pay them, once they get out of the car I shoot them and take my money back, works every time!

    By the way, what is GTA?
  • dunadan
    dunadan Posts: 105 Member
    You started programming BASIC as a kid on a TRS80.
    Remember when Haynes Modems ruled.
    Remember the OSUNY days of the F80 and CDC that was ROACHED.
    Can identify with the green text on a black screen loaded from floppy that might start, "You're in a room. There is a small fire in the north corner. You hear talking...."
    That would be a *Hayes* modem. I owned 300, 1200, 2400, and 14400 baud versions myself. Apple IIe.

    "Put the fish in my ear"

  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    By the way, what is GTA?

    Grand Theft Auto

    I built a new computer just to play Skyrim. So I think I earned my geek card and then some!
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,820 Member
    When you have more comic books than most 12 year old boys. Does that count?

    Can you me you're collection.....?

    :wink: Of course you can see my collection. It's really impressive!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You have a long and heated argument with your BF about what constitutes an AI v.s what constitutes a robot.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    When you play so many FPS' that you think to yourself when you're walking around a corner IRL, "hmm maybe I should throw a nade around the corner before I walk into that room" then you realize it's real life and decide you should probably stop playing Counter Strike for at least a couple days.

    OMG counter strike!!

    I used to be ranked in like the top 100 players at that game!! I was the original "Boom[HS]"

    There's a video of me on Youtube somewhere still I think getting a headshot with a Deagle across the dust2 map. :D
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    By the way, what is GTA?

    Grand Theft Auto

    I built a new computer just to play Skyrim. So I think I earned my geek card and then some!

  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    By the way, what is GTA?

    Grand Theft Auto

    I built a new computer just to play Skyrim. So I think I earned my geek card and then some!

    I spent far too much money building a "Crysis Rig" when that was all the rage!

    I could play it on extreme though!! :smokin:
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    When you have more comic books than most 12 year old boys. Does that count?

    Can you me you're collection.....?

    :wink: Of course you can see my collection. It's really impressive!

    Wow, thats some collection!! Why are you locking the door behind us?
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,820 Member
    When you have more comic books than most 12 year old boys. Does that count?

    Can you me you're collection.....?

    :wink: Of course you can see my collection. It's really impressive!

    Wow, thats some collection!! Why are you locking the door behind us?

    Shhh...don't fight it!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    You have a long and heated argument with your BF about what constitutes an AI v.s what constitutes a robot.

    New thread, create it now!!
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    You understand this: 01100
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    You understand this: 01100

  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Bahaha! I used to kill the hookers after I paid them too, might as well get my cash back and then some lol. Loved Vice City, hated GTA4... played it for a day and now it sits there collecting dust.

    My obsession at the moment is trying to get 100% completion on ME2 & ME3, Borderlands 2 and The Last of Us.

    The Last of Us was incredible! I am on my 3rd playthrough, I want as many acheives as I can get haha.

    Love to see the Legend of Zelda love out there! Honestly one of the best series ever produced.

    What I am excited for is Diablo 3 on PS3 (yes I already pre-ordered it) and I also pre-ordered Final Fantasy X & X-2 for PS3 that comes out in December and I will probably pre-order the PS3 after my vacation in August... still on the fence about XOne... not sure if I can stay loyal to them after their reveal unless they release a must have game.

    ... I could talk about this stuff forever... any XBOX gamers out there that wanna game with me, feel free to hit me up!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    when you used to teach IT to professional coders.

    True story.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    So a geek is more technology and gamer based? and a Nerd is more books and philosophy? someone explain so I can yell at people to stop calling me a geek just because I get super stoked when I get to go to the bookstore.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    When your dogs are named "Fafnir" and "Fenrir" after FF characters. When you list your MTG cards in your will...
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    I am loving the last of us, great game and a nice spin on its genre!

    I switched to playstation a few years ago and never looked back, PS4 will be mine on day of release along with nearly every game it will be released with!! :devil:

    I did that with the original Metal Gear Solid, I must of completed that game 20+ times!!

    I wish I had the time to get on more but work and adult stuff keeps getting in the way!!

    You on PS3?
  • umieto
    umieto Posts: 46
    The last time I made a card for someone I was dating it said

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue
    you are eaten by a grue
  • GermanicKnight
    I have a tattoo of a Teutonic Knight on my leg from the game Age of Empires II. And I showed it to Bruce Shelley, the game's designer at a seminar. He loved it.
