You know you're a Geek when.......



  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Also ladies, hate to burst your bubble but....


    If I could +1 this I would +1 this so hard.

    I would too! I can definitely relate to the picture on the right, bahahaha... I cannot count the amount of times I had to walk away from a game or I'd throw the controller through the tv screen because I had to redo a stupid effing battle or forgot to save all my progress for the last hour or two... I was notorious for doing that during skyrim and final fantasy... ME1 was another one that was a huge p*ss off, you had to manually save after most area's because it didn't autosave for you until ME2. I hated having to redo entire planets... and being a completionist you can imagine how I felt every... single... d*mn time.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I took a week off when Skyrim came out and logged 199 hours of game play that week. Probably one of the reasons I am fat. Haha.
    wait, my brain just exploded... you logged 118% of a week playing Skyrim.... I wanna know how your week works to get an extra 31 hours?!?!?!? :noway:
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    You invest in serious Moolah to upgrade your desktop computer for the release of Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn.

    You're also buying the $80 special edition for PS3...

    ...You already have a full Linkshell/Clan in the making from the members of your family getting the game with you. Complete with forum-style website for everyone to communicate with.

  • ChuckNourish
    Also ladies, hate to burst your bubble but....


    Oh nooooooo! I'm in ur entertainment systems, wearing nail polish! I might menstruate on your controller! I'm wearing pretty clothes and listening to Lady Gaga and talking about makeup and feelings! Look out, I'll use my perfume beam and giggle through the headset at you!

    We're here, mother*#$er, and we don't give even a quarter of a s&%* what you think of us. Now are you going to QQ or pewpew?

    Lady Gaga?? That's horrible.

    [Insert cringe face here]
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    The owner of one of the comic book stores in the city emailed me to find out where I was.
    my comic book shop moved and didn't let me know where, then called a month later to check on me because I hadn't picked up my comics....

    SOMEBODY LOVES ME... wait, whut?
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    ... you're watching Archer and a character trying to defeat a metal door says, "Damn, this door must be made of some alloy of mithril and adamantium" ...and you're the only one in the room who bursts out laughing. And then you have to explain BOTH references to your teenage sons, intensely disappointed that they didn't understand at least one of them.
  • Chrisplayer136
    Chrisplayer136 Posts: 196 Member
    3 days???? I took a week's vacation
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member

    Also...every other sentence out of my mouth is a movie quote.

    OMG! I Totally get slapped everytime I do this! and love it!
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Options cracked and bought a PS3 mostly so you could get the special collected Blu-Ray edition of your favorite film series in its collectible box. (It was Marvel's Phase 1. No regrets. Also, why did I wait so long to spring for a PS3?!)
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    You voluntarily chose to defrag your hard drive, on a Friday night, when you were 19 and all your friends were out partying.

    You named your first born after the captain of the Starship Enterprise (TNG). :heart: him soo much.

    Conversations about data mining and normalization make you smile. :flowerforyou:
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    when you can name three Klingons off the top of your head who were not returning main characters in any of the Star Trek Franchise. i.e. Warf, Alexander, and Kahn do not count as they returned time after time

    Feklar - Klingon Devil
    Kaliss - high and exhaulted Klingon Warrior
    Gowron - Took over Klingon High Council
    Um, Gowron was in several eps of ST:TNG and ST:DS9... probably in more eps than Alexander. And Kahless (note the proper spelling) was in couple of eps as well (albeit a clone or flashback/re-enactment).
    Bonus: Worf is the ST character who's appeared in the most eps in the ST Universe. (7 season of TNG & 4 seasons of DS9, plus 3 movies).
    Kahn? Did you mean, Kurn, Worf's brother?

    <drops phaser-shaped mic... walks away>
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    The only way you have ever managed to lose weight in your life is by using technology

    A fitbit to work out how active you are
    A garmin to track your runs and your heart rate
    Withings scales to synch with:
    fitbit dashboard
    You run with two gps devices - just to be sure! (phone)
    You're running a 10km on the weekend with a garmin on one arm and a pebble watch displaying runkeeper on your phone (for music and addition gps tracking) on the other arm.
  • ralphambrose
    I remember writing out my BASIC code longhand, then keying it into the TRS80, making my own text-based games. I remember the Hayes modems, but I've still got a US Robotics in my garage... and a cellular flip-phone about the size and weight of a soda can. Wish I still had a TRS80.
  • CeeCeeMee
    CeeCeeMee Posts: 356 Member
    Gee, don't know for sure where I fall into the Geek vs gamer vs nerd argument.

    Love playing text-based games (Zork FTW) but don't have XBox, PS, or WII
    Grew up watching Star Trek (TOS) with my father
    Seen every Star Wars movie (even episode 1-3 which I hated)
    Seen every Star Trek franchise shows and movies
    Took time off from work when each HP book came out
    Already have my badge and tickets for 15 events at GenCon this year (my 24th consecutive GenCon)
    Still have weekend get-aways with husband and friends for D&D mega-games
    Was addicted to Sims, then SimCity, then Sims 2, and now hate to admit the addiction to Sims 3 (but have all the expansions)

    Lastly, although he was a sexist pig, still love Robert Heinlein books and re-read them annually
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member

    i spent three weeks having my brain stirred by Myst. bought the trillogy hoping for insight. it just messed w/ my head more.

    I know how you feel, a friend and I were reminiscing about the original Alone in the Dark games for PC so I went and bought them on GoG; only $3 for the first three. The first game I finished in two hours all from memory. The second game just reminded me of how BRUTALLY HARD games were back in the day. And for this series it was due to horrible quality control, the hitboxes and aiming are almost impossible.

    And then there is Baldur's Gate; the idea of an AD&D game was exciting back then. But running into level 10 gnolls right after you and Imoen leave the first town, can they even hit that THACO?!?!
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Bump to reply later.
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    you got pencils in a shirt pocket , behind ear etc
    or in your you're never without one when you need one and have no pockets but long hair.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    - When you have more computers in the house than you have rooms, and all of them functional.
    - When you have spent more on comics, manga, and anime than you did on your first car (and you bought that new!)
    - When your man cave's center of attention is your signed and framed #1 issues of your favorite comics, surrounded by all the kung fu weaponry you used to train with, and enough Godzilla toys to stage your own stop-motion movie.

    And to add a little to it: You know you're in a geek family when:

    - You and your wife consider matching cosplay to an anime convention.
    - Your toddler likes to pretend to be Vincent or Cloud from FF7
    - Your wife crochets from scratch a Chocobo and Totoro for baby toys.
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    you make reference to shows that it seems hardly anyone else you work with has seen, have to explain who Captain America is, and other superheroes as once again your colleagues don't share your love.

    I once had a debate with a 3yr old child about numerous superheroes and their strengths in comparison to each other.

    choosing to complete assignments way ahead of deadline so you get extra time to perfect it if it comes back.

    taking courses in your spare time,just because you get bored and love to learn.:heart:
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    And no... you are not a true gamer if you sit on your *kitten* and pew pew to C.O.D. 24/7.


    In fact:


    Translating post since image is too big: "None of you should even talk to me unless you can bench press 250+ and were 2.2k in arna. WoW died cause you f^cking casuals want everything for free, left wing mmo design rapes mmos just like it's raping the world".

    Someone didn't get their sugar puffs this morning......