Friends trying to stay in the 1200-1500cal range



  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    I had weight loss surgery so stay between 1000-1200 calorie range. Most of my eating is protein. Feel free to add me. ~
  • windstar57
    windstar57 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! Would love the opportunity to share ideas and menus with all. I am on 1200 cals and honestly, I'm always hungry. I've just started this a week and have had a few good days. I'm not sure what an open dairy is. Can someone explain?
  • Add me! Trying to stay around 1200 and avoid bread,pasta etc
  • Barefoot115
    Barefoot115 Posts: 30 Member
    I try to stay around 1200-1300 a day. I love to cook and have done pretty good by cutting wheat out of my diet. I do have an occasional "splurge" day which isn't so much unhealthy foods, just more calories. Anyone feel free to add me! I could always use more motivational friends!
  • Barefoot115
    Barefoot115 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! Would love the opportunity to share ideas and menus with all. I am on 1200 cals and honestly, I'm always hungry. I've just started this a week and have had a few good days. I'm not sure what an open dairy is. Can someone explain?

    Go to settings and you can then go to Diary settings and open it up for everyone to see or just friends to see. It really helps me stay accountable if I know someone may be looking at what I am eating.
  • windstar57
    windstar57 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone! I changed my setting to open my diary to friends. I am logging in during the day as I go along so as not to forget what I ate (I do have short term memory when it comes to food). I am back on the exercise routine again. Reading the helpful tips keeps me going and gives me new ideas. I think because I eat a little it doesn't add up…now I know it does…even 100 calories a day is enough to sabotage my weight loss I have no excuse not to loose!
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    My goal is 1200 for the next week or so, because I ate over my TDEE a couple of days in the past week. Normally my intake is about 1400 calories max. I've been finding it so hard to keep at 1200 though! :( My energy levels are horrible so I have to eat at least 1400 to have a good day. I guess making sure I workout and burn at least 200 cals. a day is going to help me in this situation.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    HI I'm wheat free, dairy free and meat free- lol...I know you are wondering what I eat.
    Lots of Fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans and legumes..
    This translates into Thai and Indian curries, spicy soups and casseroles, meat free burgers etc etc.
    If anyone finds this interesting my diary is open to friends!
  • Help! New to this and not sure how to get most out of it and support......please
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, I generally try to eat at 1200-1300. Anyone feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends. I generally eat the same things for most meals but maybe someone can get some ideas. I also don't cook much. I am always on the go. And if I eat the right foods I am rarely hungry. Salads, carrots, apples, oatmeal...these things can really fill me up. I am also only 5 '1". I don't believe I need a whole lot of calories unless I burn a lot.
  • IknowIcandothis123
    IknowIcandothis123 Posts: 7 Member
    Just an fyi most fresh spices, dill, rosemary, etc are a zero cal way to add flavoring to any recipe. I am having a hard time reaching my goal calories. I eat a ton of salads, but if you really watch portion sizes, and stay away from pre-packaged foods, (which will not be hard if you love to cook like I do), and cut back on the processed foods (pasta, breads, etc) you should be fine. I don't know how to add you but if you want to add me that is fine, I have a tone of tasty low cal recipes I would love to share! For instance homemade spaghetti sauce that has roughly, 40 cals for 1/2 cup, vs the bottled type that is (depending on the brand) up to 100 calories for the same 1/2 cup.
  • br0hammer
    br0hammer Posts: 81 Member
    Feel free to ad me if you want.
  • 1BLamp
    1BLamp Posts: 2
    HI all, I'm Benita aka 1BLamp. I had joined this a year or two ago when I did hCG but I have gained back almost all my weight due to torn tissue in low back. I just started AdvoCare yesterday and am trying to stay in the 1200-1400 range, and working out 3 times a week (walk dogs for 1.5 miles and Jillian Michael's 90-Day Body Revolution). I have wonderful recipes from the hCG diet and learned several new foods that you can make with little fat or sugar. I also have Jillian Michael's recipe book that we occasionally use which is right around the 1200(+) calorie mark. I need the encouragement as well and I will be here to encourage you! Feel free to friend me! On to the journey!
  • queeniepcollins
    queeniepcollins Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm Queenie.
    I have been recovering from a kidney transplant and all the meds. Put on nearly 100 pounds in 5 years. I don't want to have lap band or other surgery so I am determined to do whatever it takes to lose this weight on my own. I'm doing 1200-1300 calories a day. Most of the time. I definitely need to work out whatever issues I have that make me binge on carbs. One day last week I ate nearly 2200 calories in one day!. Another key item for my weight loss is Exercise. Darn it! I just hate when the doctor is right: diet AND exercise. I started out with a personal trainer for strength training 3 days a week. I'm finally strong enough now to take an exercise class! I started mat pilates today and am loving it! So new exercise routine is one hour of pilates on Tues and Thurs, 30 minutes of strength training with 30 minutes cardio on Wednesday. Finish out the week with 1 hour ball/balance training on Fridays.

    I did figure out that the make up of my calories is actually more important than hitting the low calorie mark. I am insulin resistant so I have to also control carbs and sugars within my calorie limit. This is a huge challenge for me since I love fruit and it's summer time and everything is so fresh.

    I log several times a day. If I can't log right away, I leave the dirty dishes on the kitchen counter to remind me of what I ate and did not log.

    I will add all of you for encouragement - as soon as I figure out how to add/request friends! In the meanwhile, please add me! Thanks in advance for the encouragement!
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi you can add me! I try to stay around 1200-1300 a day, and I log every day :)
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    LOL - great job!
    My diary is open to all, I'm in the same boat, combining the insanity workout as well. I'm so jazzed right now, just lost my first week of pounds (3). I asked the pharmacist if their scale was right, he said yes. I can't believe it... IT'S WORKING!!!!
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    It means your security settings are such that others can see your food diary. That way we can give constructive advice based on what you are actually eating / logging. Good luck!
    Hi! Would love the opportunity to share ideas and menus with all. I am on 1200 cals and honestly, I'm always hungry. I've just started this a week and have had a few good days. I'm not sure what an open dairy is. Can someone explain?
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Queenie, I too have found that having carbs left over is better for me than worrying about going over my calories by 100-200. Good luck!
    Hi. I'm Queenie.
    I have been recovering from a kidney transplant and all the meds. Put on nearly 100 pounds in 5 years. I don't want to have lap band or other surgery so I am determined to do whatever it takes to lose this weight on my own. I'm doing 1200-1300 calories a day. Most of the time. I definitely need to work out whatever issues I have that make me binge on carbs. One day last week I ate nearly 2200 calories in one day!. Another key item for my weight loss is Exercise. Darn it! I just hate when the doctor is right: diet AND exercise. I started out with a personal trainer for strength training 3 days a week. I'm finally strong enough now to take an exercise class! I started mat pilates today and am loving it! So new exercise routine is one hour of pilates on Tues and Thurs, 30 minutes of strength training with 30 minutes cardio on Wednesday. Finish out the week with 1 hour ball/balance training on Fridays.

    I did figure out that the make up of my calories is actually more important than hitting the low calorie mark. I am insulin resistant so I have to also control carbs and sugars within my calorie limit. This is a huge challenge for me since I love fruit and it's summer time and everything is so fresh.

    I log several times a day. If I can't log right away, I leave the dirty dishes on the kitchen counter to remind me of what I ate and did not log.

    I will add all of you for encouragement - as soon as I figure out how to add/request friends! In the meanwhile, please add me! Thanks in advance for the encouragement!
  • norcaligirl72
    norcaligirl72 Posts: 34 Member
    I find I am more accountable if I weigh and measure my food. I don't do any grains, except rice, nor dairy. You can really be full on 1200 if you eat lots of veggies and some fruit. I ALWAYS have a huge salad with dinner, carefully measuring my olive oil. I am talking like six cups of green leaf lettuce which is about 32 calories. My treat is the frozen organic blueberries from Costco. If I really want a treat I take a small banana, the blueberries and almond milk in the little mixer...141 calories. Grains have tons of carbs and calories and honestly make me more hungry. I have struggled my whole life and I feel more satisfied eating a giant salad with sliced cucumber, maybe some shredded carrots and some canned beans than eating a cup of rice and it's a lot less calories. I had to change my mentality and not think I was missing something because I couldn't eat bread and sugar anymore but I was expanding myself into better health and a more fit body.

    And the last thing... You gotta exercise in some way. Our bodies are meant to be moving. That doesn't mean you gotta do an hour at the gym. Even walking for 15-20 minutes makes a difference.
  • I usually stay between 1200-1300 with one 45 min+ workout . I just started on Around Saturday and I'm 165 lbs... My goal is to lose 30 lbs