Drunk snacking?



  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't usually eat the night of, I just wake up starving. Bacon is a must have as it always cures a hang over. Throw in some eggs and you are good to go.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I have no good advice...I'm notorious for a trip to Taco Bell or Jack in the Box after drinking!
  • suzbaru
    suzbaru Posts: 37 Member
    Almond or other unsalted nuts
    Banana & peanut butter
    Granola bar type item - I make my own, which is really easy to do!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Heck - I just switched from a double pork poutine to a fully loaded chicken burrito for my late night meal after a night out drinking... Should I being saying "Oops" right now, or just look forward to the vodka martinis and the following yumminess upcoming this Saturday night? LMAO

    Mmmmmmmmm- LOVE this place. :)
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I like a drink on Friday and Saturday as well - Make sure to drink the low-cal stuff to begin with - even wine can add up. My husband uses a no calorie margarita mix, 1/2 of an ounce of tequila, adds some olive juice and mix with ice in a shaker - add a few olives for a Mexican martini drink. If you drink 2 of those you have to count 1 ounce of tequila and however many olives you put in there - I love them so I put in a lot- like 6 little ones or 3 big ones. The olives are actually good for you!
    I want to snack too and have some of the prepackaged servings of hummus around with 6 pita chips per package - that will help with keep track of how much you snack since those are serving sizes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Anything you eat while you're drunk goes straight to storage. Your body cannot metabolize it while it's metabolizing the alcohol...your body has to metabolize the alcohol first because it cannot store calories from alcohol. Eating when you're drunk is where 90% of the damage comes from in RE to alcohol and dieting...but I preach to the choir...do it all the time, even though I know better.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    Me too!!!!! :drinker:
    Wondering if anyone here has any advice for something sane to eat when I come home after a night of drinking and all I want is a burrito and a piece of cake. This is my "trouble zone" and I need help trying to figure out something healthy and satisfying to eat when I'm drunk and craving salt, fat, and sugar.

    I need to be able to either make it beforehand and store it (and have it be appetizing when I get home), or be able to make it really easily when drunk.

    Does anyone have a similar issue? :blushing:
  • burnthewood
    I find that melba toast with a tablespoon or two of low-cal hummus does the trick. Crunchy, salty and oh-so-satisfying!
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    Pssssht to everyone staying to quit drinking.

    If you bang a few rails of blow at the end of the night right before you leave the club or the show or the party, you won't even be hungry and can go straight to bed when you get home.

    Problem solved!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    This thread is making me hungry.....and thirsty :wink: :drinker:

    What's poutine, by the way?
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I'll be real honest, when I drink I crave McDonalds Cheeseburgers, and I hate McDonalds. If I get to this point I have had too much, and in the last two months I have severely cut back on my alcohol. But, if I do go overboard I found that it's best to just feed the beast, have that cheeseburger and call it a night, if I don't, If I try to eat an apple and some nuts I'm just going to stay up and drink more, and eat more, in the end it'll be worse than if I had just said, hey, sober guy, lets hit the Mcdees. Your mileage may vary, but for me, I feed the beast, and then don't drink that heavy for a month or so.

  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    This thread is making me hungry.....and thirsty :wink: :drinker:

    What's poutine, by the way?

    Traditionally, it is a glorious glop of fries and cheese curds covered in gravy... And then there's Smoke's and their dang special toppings. :) Smoke's and Burrito Jax's are across the street from each other here in my town - quite a dilemma at a drunken 3 am...

  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    Just live, drink, eat and enjoy ... Really, just do it.

    We are put in this place for a minuscule time and we ain't meant to be obsessing over macros and ****e as we are making our way to sure death.

    That is absolute, no afterlife, total death by the way.

    You will die.

    Everyone you care about will die.

    So enjoy those snacks, whatever you choose. :)

    If you choose to worry about 'empty calories' and 'I just drink water, I don't need alcohol to have a good time' then that's up to you.

    Make sense? No? Good. :)

    ^I love you.

    OP, great advice on here. I like eggs for a drunk snack. They fill you up, give you the salt fix and don't have to be a diet wrecker. Cheers!

    Agreed! You only live once people. I go out drinking most Saturdays with my friends and it honestly has no negative effect on my weight loss. As for the eating goes, I plan ahead. I don't eat as much that day to save up some calories and I go to Zumba or something and burn a ton of calories. When I drink I usually make myself eat something before bed because then I don't feel sick in the morning. If you go for fast food just don't binge...get a kids meal. Or just get the burger without the fries. Plan ahead for it and exercise the next day and you will be fine. I personally don't see myself coming home at night and cooking or throwing together a snack...I know I would just go for speed and convenience. Just plan for it and have fun without feeling super guilty. :drinker:
  • kstar521
    kstar521 Posts: 7
    I understand!! This is my pitfall too. I just had to cut back on drinking. :frown: Whenever you're inebriated (SP?) it is 9999999 times easier to slip! I let myself have one night a week where I can drink what I want and eat what I want after. It seems to help keep me in check knowing I don't have to completely give up going out eating/drinking fun! :drinker:


    PS Bacardi Limon with water on ice is delicious and low on calories... sounds kinda gross but try it just once and you will see! :wink:
  • jennaplease
    jennaplease Posts: 7 Member
    Hey I'm in college and I have the same problem!

    First of all you can't always fight off the drunken munchies but a lot of the times you can, and that's what's going to get you to your goal. The way I get by my drinking and over eating problem is by keeping only healthy food in my house. When I come home from a night of partying I want food! Make a giant bowl or sugar free jello or sugar free pudding....if you are drunk and eat the whole thing then it wouldn't be as much calories as a giant burrito or fried chicken. Also, if I you have sweets or high calorie foods around you try to take a bite and pass it on. What I mean is give it to a friend, throw it away, do something that forbids you from eating the whole thing. Hope this helps!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I am living proof that you can drink and still lose weight.

    Now, that being said.. my drunk snack of choice used to be a sausage, pepper and onion sandwich right off the cart in front of the clubs on Lansdonwn street.

    Now, if I know the occasion to drink will be later in the day I get in a long run or a double workout so I can eat and drink without doing an serious damage to my efforts to maintain/lose.

    Then I eat what I like. Since I don't club anymore I generally don't have sausage peppers and onions, but someone could make a bundle setting up a cart outside of wherever I drink.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Anything you eat while you're drunk goes straight to storage. Your body cannot metabolize it while it's metabolizing the alcohol...your body has to metabolize the alcohol first because it cannot store calories from alcohol. Eating when you're drunk is where 90% of the damage comes from in RE to alcohol and dieting...but I preach to the choir...do it all the time, even though I know better.
    Exactly, I lost 4 inches on my waist in a month by not eating while drinking alcohol.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Anything you eat while you're drunk goes straight to storage. Your body cannot metabolize it while it's metabolizing the alcohol...your body has to metabolize the alcohol first because it cannot store calories from alcohol. Eating when you're drunk is where 90% of the damage comes from in RE to alcohol and dieting...but I preach to the choir...do it all the time, even though I know better.
    Exactly, I lost 4 inches on my waist in a month by not eating while drinking alcohol.

    Marry me!! (Oops, not sure hubby would approve:bigsmile: :drinker: )
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Oh man I don't know about healthy because back when I partied every weekend my favorite things to eat were either:

    1. Gas station nachos
    2. A hot dog from the stand on the corner
    3. Those chicken nuggets with cheese inside. Microwaved.

    And if I spent the majority of the night on the dance floor, all three. With a giant sprite from mcdonalds the next morning. Fountain sprite cures all alcohol induced ailments.
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    This is one of the reasons I don't drink very often, I live behind an indian restaurant and around the corner from a Fried Chicken take away and I just find it too difficult to resist. I've started making Chicken Tikka pieces before I go out and then have them in pitta with salad when I come home x