(Women) Insanity Results



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    OK quick question regarding the Insanity!! Did you follow Shaun's meal plan or did you just eat better etc on your own??
    Whom are you asking? Lol

    I'm just eating healty.. i don't even have the meal plan.. Someone emailed me the calendar so I can do the workouts in the recommended order.

    I find that I am hungier now.. I've been eating almost 2,000 calories a day since starting this workout.

    Also upped my protein and try to max it out.. I did that LBM calculation and it says I need to be eating aroubd 150g of protein. Not quite there.. but I get close now.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I just started Insanity today, and loved the workout! You can go to YouTube and find lots of "before" and "after" results. There is no doubt in my mind that this program will get you in shape, if you do it regularly.
  • I just started my second round of Insanity yesterday to shed the extra pounds I gained while pregnant and I can't wait to start seeing results! This is my favourite workout, by far!
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Check out my profile. My current pic is my insanity results :) Amazing program!!
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    Great work ladies!
  • Kabuhtu
    Kabuhtu Posts: 85 Member
    I had to stop doing insanity about a week and 3 days in because I hurt my ankle. However, since I stopped I am eating like before I started(w/ caloric deficit) but losing more. Someone told me its because even with a week I now have more muscle which helps burn more fat. I also am able to chase my daughter around without getting tired, have more energy, etc. Its SUPER hard but worth it. I am starting again hopefully in a few days because my ankle is feeling MUCH better. :)
  • Kabuhtu
    Kabuhtu Posts: 85 Member
    This thread keep me motivated!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Here is my 1 month (plus recovery week) results... Sorry for the bad picture quality & the butt shot! ;) Still have a long way to go, but I have already came so far! I love Insanity & highly recommend giving it a try. I should also add that my before picture was taken a week before I actually started Insanity. I lost 2 lbs that week from diet alone.




    DEFINITALLY inspirational considering your before is where i am at now (This morning weighed in at 149.6 too) and my body shape is like yours.. and my goal right now is 135..of course i have stretch marks from my pregnancy and saggier skin but other than that were bout the same.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    i got mine from China through ebay and it only costed me $45!!! I did it for 3 days but turns out I have exercise induced asthma... sooo... not being able to breath and passing out pretty much wrapped it up for me. I love seeing people's result thought it amazing!!! Maybe I can try again soon. I have my asthma under control now and I have been exercising alot more lately so maybe I can tolerate it soon =)

    Do you have a rescue inhaler? I have asthma... excercise induced, allergy induced and all the time asthma. I use my rescue inhaler BEFORE I work out...2 puffs.. let it sit in a few minutes.. and I'm good to go. (On high pollen days, or bronchitis days, i use my Nebulizer Machine. I am hoping to begin Insanity in October. But currently doing really well on Weider XFactor ST, which is a HIIT series. I actually haven't had any bad episodes, and feel like it has HELPED my cardivascular/asthma. I also have incompetent veins causing my blood pressure to go crazy sometimes and I feel it helps that, in turn helping my vascular/asthma as well.

    If i were you, since you DO have it under control now, I would try it again, and see the difference.
  • tali00
    tali00 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on day 10 and love love love the program. I jump out of bed at 5:00 to do it :) This thread is motivating me even more. My plan is to weigh and measure when I do the fit test next week. hoping for some results.
  • nuvs
    nuvs Posts: 14 Member
    on day 3 month 2 of Insanity. I have not seen the change in my body like some of the pictures on here but i have noticed the strength. I lost 7 pounds the first month so shooting for another 7 this month. Started at 203 at 196 right now. Still to shy to post my picture hopefully i will get their.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    thanks for sharing, everyonne looks amazing .very inspirational
  • mintybluetotoro
    mintybluetotoro Posts: 2 Member
  • Effimera
    Effimera Posts: 4
    i'm doing 3rd week and i gained 800 gr :( i read somewhere it's normal and i'm trying to drink more water during the day. Anyway i lost 1 cm on my waiste and i see my hips and my arms more ripped. I don't follow the meal plan because all that american food here doesnt exist (i live in South italy) but i eat 1300 cal of clean food. i'm pretty hungry during the day, i don't know if i have to up my cal to 1500 at least. I Will post my progress results at the end oh month. (Sorry for my bad english)
  • prinxs
    prinxs Posts: 1
    I start mine on Monday! I will also be starting the Shakeology and their post work out recovery drink. Did a 4 day fast this week to detox and get rid of toxins..lost 7 pounds in 4 days! Then I started my next day with clean eating...the detox helped get rid of my sweet tooth and other bad cravings. Wish me luck!!!
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Bumping to post my results when I finish. Starting in two weeks waiting for my dvds to come in the mail.
  • Moh18
    Moh18 Posts: 1
    is it true you get better results with month 2? i just finished month 1, saw results but nothing extremely noticeable. I've heard month 2 is where people get the bulk of their results.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Bump, I want to start this program after I finish 30 day shred. Great results ladys!!
  • Denisse210
    Denisse210 Posts: 292 Member
    need to read this after work :)
  • yoster28
    yoster28 Posts: 49 Member
    I am so excited to start this insanity program. The results look awesome from all of the post that I have been seeing on this site. I am currently doing a week of SANITY CHECK (beginners dvd) prior to doing the actual Insanity 60 day challenge. I took my measurements yesterday as well as pictures the day prior and I will be starting my fit test Aug 2. I know that this program is going to kick my butt because just doing the 26 min SANITY CHECK I am out of breath, sweating, and stopped a few seconds within each move. I will be keeping up with this post as well to get and receive encouragement! Good luck Ladies.

    Side Note- I received Sanity Check with my Insanity program yesterday. It suggests completing a total week of Sanity alone prior to the challenge to learn the basic INSANITY moves, and build a foundation and of form and control so you can maximize your results.
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