40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Can I join in the fun? I just turned the big 4-0 in June!

    I was on a total fitness/health kick a couple of years ago and got my weight down to a nice level. I keep starting up again and slipping off the bangwagon. Now that I am 40 I want to get into even better shape. Things I like to do like figure skating are just so much easier with less weight on my body to lug around.

    Today I decided I will start getting back on track for real. I did an exercise video, have tracked all my food, including the bit of frozen yogurt I had of my son's cone at Ikea when he had enough. I also want to get my husband into better health and shape.

    Can't wait to get to "know" everyone.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Finally got back to the gym after a busy two weeks and had a kick-butt work out.
    (think burpees with push-ups and what felt like a bajillion squats and lunges, YOW! :noway: )
    Thrilled that I didn't gain weight after eating in surplus while camping last week.
  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Beeps2011 - LOL on the measurements comment. I can wait another week to get measured and I'll post my results, good or bad.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Alison - it likely is easier when a couple decides to "get healthy" together....on the other hand, it's pretty much a TALL order just to get one's self on a good diet/fitness plan! One day at a time!!

    Mustang - that work-out DOES sound "kick-*kitten*" - YAY!

    rdewald - like I said, you have patience I don't have, lol.

    Today, I lift! With glasses on! Only one more lifting session (with glasses on) after today and then I can get my contacts back. Whew!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Cool Kids,

    Got my lifting in yesterday. I was going to failure on some of my lifts, and was hoping I would "feel" it today, but don't. Maybe just a little. I often guage that as my measuring stick on how hard I worked.

    Woke up with terrible allergies this morning. Ugh! I have been sneezing and sniffling all morning and it's draining! :grumble:

    Had the family over for dinner on Saturday, which of course means my granddaughter. :laugh: She just cracks me up. She tells me she needs a bandaid for an imaginary bobo "because it heals the body". And when she's thirsty tells me she needs to "hydrate". :laugh: She's two! :tongue:
    She tumbled out of the little muskoka chair and was out of sorts for the remainder fo the evening. Although it did not seem she hurt herself, it turns out, her wrist was swollen the next morning. She is happily walking around with a little tensor and a bright red sling telling everyone about her "bobo in there, but that's okay, it will get better". :love:

    Chelle - had to smile when you spoke of hauling gyproc and OSB. I worked at an OSB mill for 13 years in every department from the ground and up. I know ALL about OSB and how heavy a board can be. That haul was a major workout! :drinker:
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Hope your car issues get straightened out. In April an ininsured guy ran a red light and my wife & I hit him at 50mph. That's been fun. Then we replaced that TSX wagon (family car) with a 2014 Grand Cherokee in Mid April and it has now been in the shop four times (shut off WHILE DRIVING once, brought back, fixed, shut off again while driving, brought back, fixed, transmission issue, brought back, fixed, transmission issue again -- three weeks at dealer this last go-around). Under 1000 miles, 300 or so put on by the dealer testing the car. We have had it maybe ten days since April and I'm about to make my third payment on it if you can believe it.

    Car issues suck. They really drain ya. Hope it all works out.

    run - do not walk - to a lawyer and find out what he lemon laws are in your state. Do not wait, and if eligible, do not let the dealer sway you.

    AGREE with this and other posts! I used to work with dealers and they will string you along forever...they get paid by the warranty company every time you come in, so no skin off their backs. YOU, however, have a statute of limitations on your lemon law (which WILL apply to this vehicle...those are serious "safety" issues, not a broken cup holder).

    I got a whole new "collectible" (1996 Mystic Cobra) car out of a dealership who took MY brand new (also collectible) cobra in for some minor paint issues from the factory, and proceeded to cover the ENTIRE car in overspray. It was uncorrectable without repainting the entire car from frame up, and since it was a very limited edition car, THEY got to eat it....and I got an even rarer car.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Had a great lifting day! Maybe I'll walk tonight, too - the weather is N-I-C-E.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Wow on those car issues. I think you need to talk to someone about that, seems a lot ridiculous.

    "Here comes the sun"...yesterday we had this torrential rain that basically shut down the city. I wanted to go to the rink but it lost power and closed and hubby took ages driving home from work, and we had a bit of water in the basement so no skating for me. Hoping to maybe head out tonight.

    I have been doing a Jillian Michaels kickboxing DVD the last two days. My 5 year old son also decided to give me some exercises. He was all serious leading me in flinging the weights around. Basically every exercise is clicking the weights together. I had 3 pounders so it wasn't too difficult a workout! :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids! I made it out for a walk on Monday evening, but didn't get to the gym yesterday morning. I did some much needed cleaning instead. My daughter and I took Jake to the zoo yesterday and walked, walked, walked!! He loved it! We had to be careful though as it was quite warm out there. It's raining and oppressively humid here today so no outdoor stuff. I won't have time for the gym today as it is my long day, but will be spending some extra time there tomorrow.

    Have a great day!
  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Went out on a 20.5 mile bike ride out by the lake last night in the 98° heat in Kansas City. Whew. Talk about a workout! Felt great and it paid dividends again this morning at the weigh in. I must admit its great to see numbers I can't ever recall seeing. I must of skipped through the 150-160 lb weight range and right to the 180-210 lb range as I was growing up. LOL!

    Regardless, everyone keep up your spirits, in addition to working out and watch those lbs and inches melt away.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    BodyStep and BodyPump kicked my butt this morning.
    I think I was still fatigued from Monday.
    Felt like such a wimp... :embarassed:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Hi cool kids!

    Just stopping by to say "hi" - I'm swamped at work, today, and have only time for a drive-by!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Afternoon cool kids,

    Had a super fun workout yesterday!
    Did a nice 4 mile run with a couple of those miles at a pace I had not seen in a while, so was pleased about that...and it was hot and muggy to boot.

    changed and headed straight to the beach to do my swim. Not the best swim, but it felt great to be in the water.
    After my swim. a friend happened by the beach and we got chatting. While chatting another friend pulled up in her kayak and offered me to take it for a paddle - so out I went to check it out. Did a nice little paddle along the lake shore. All this while there were stand up paddle boarders (?) on the lake doing an exercise class on the board. How cool is that?! So, I signed up for class tomorrow night. Can't wait. Stand Up paddle boards are new to our area in the last couple of years, so our local kayak tour company is offering free lessons. It was 8 p.m. by the time I was heading home, but had lots of fun. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    sdereski - paddle-board exercise classes!!??!!?!? That sound SO COOL!! omg how JEALOUS am I right now?!?!?!

    Then again, we're off to Hawaii in a month....maybe they'll have something like that there!

  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member
    Morning Cool Kids,

    It has been a busy, busy week, my boss is on vacation so it is me, myself, and I at the office this week.

    sdereski - would love to hear about your paddle-board class. I tried paddle boarding for the first time last weekend...didn't go as well as I hoped although I did manage to get on the board and stay on it for a bit, paddling not so much :) I do have a very close friend who practices yoga on the board, that practice is quite popular where I live since we're coastal folk.

    Made it to the gym at 5:30 am and managed to drag my teenage daughter with me. She already started conditioning for the upcoming volleyball season and needs the xtra strength in my opinion, she does not agree with me though. She did pretty good, it was a heavy lifting WOD so she modified to KB.

    Today is tire dragg sprints, yay!! Haven't done those since march or april so can't wait to see how much my endurance and completion time have improved. Have to say, after my Whole30 challenge that is one of the things I have noticed a tremendous difference in, endurance and strenght.

    On a random note, any of you have ever heard or seen the tv show Catfish? It's crazy, and I'm totally fascinated by people's ability and willingness to put their ENTIRE lives out there for all to see, blows my mind!

    Anywho, have a great day kids!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Wow the stand up paddle board exercise classe m use be a toughie.

    Haven't seen Catfish. Gotta love reality how's, I was on one about 5 or 6 years ago....I can say they aren't as real as you may think. ;)

    I made it to the rink on Tuesday evening. I found I struggled a bit because I hadn't eaten enough to sustain me thought that much exertion. Still managed to get done what I had hoped to get done while running out of ice surface.

    I have done 3 days straight of my kickboxing video...yay me. I will do the ab section today if I get a chance. We are heading downtown for lunch with some old work friends and then I have skating this evening so I don't want or kill myself.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Made it to the gym to lift again last night! :happy:

    It's a gorgeous day out there - hope it lasts unitl this evening for the class. Will fill you all in.

    Beeps - Hawaii!? Now, who is jealous? I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Hawaii, and one of these days I will get there.

    newbeginning - tire dragg sprints? Now that sounds hard core - fun though too, in a weird sort of way.
    Have never seen Catfish. What is about? Catching catfish? :laugh:

    I purchased the Brazilian butt lift workout DVDs but have yet to try them. I tend to do that - buy workout videos and then not do them for about a year. :ohwell: Just have to be in the mood to workout at home.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    newbeg1nning - I have heard of the show 'catfish', but only because another online chat forum has a thread where the posters are talking about how they CANNOT turn this show "off". I, myself, have never seen it! I can't believe you got your TEENAGE daughter to a 5:30 am work-out....WOO HOOOOO!!

    Alisontheice - sounds like you are getting all your work-outs in - good for you!

    sdereski - I'm not a "workout from home" kinda person....maybe when my kids leave home I will be, but not now.

    Today, I lift!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All! Made it to the gym this morning and got in cardio- (Beeps & Newbeg- can't get away from it. I just love it!!) Also did some lifting. I read a post recently that made a lot of sense to me that said to really focus on controlled movement on the muscle group that you are working on. The trainer that I have been working with monthly talked a bit about the control, but not in so much detail. I did very slow and controlled lifts today and man I am feeling it already. Great work out though! I love this site and being able to glean so much information!!

    Have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Kelly - slow-and-controlled is AWESOME! Good for you.

    I'm off the cardio-train. Not sure I want to get back on....but, I"ll have a 5-week forced break from lifting (between holiday-break and surgery-break), so guess I'll have to go back to cardio.


    Meantime, I had a great lifting session, feeling totally IN CONTROL on the calorie front. And, I'm excited to step on the scale these days!